


i feel like the boeing whistleblower case should radicalize more people. a major airline company is producing planes with less and less regard for safety and it's starting to get noticeable. man takes them to court, which would reduce profit at the cost of public safety. he fucking dies the night that boeings legal team asks him to stay an extra day. if nothing happens about this, i hope it gets through to people that america would literally kill you for a few extra cents


love wins actually

This works as an answer to the metaphorical problem because the key is for the hedgehogs and prcupines to be a bit flexible about how they position themselves and keep thier spines pointed in such a fashion to minimize poking, just like how in human relationships you have to be a bit flexible and concious of your position relative to others, and to manage your sharp bits to minimize the harm you do to others.


adhd is so embarrassing ur basically like “I have to have fun right the fuck now or I’m throwing myself off the roof” 90% of the time and you also have very little control over this

This was the single most important thing for me to start understanding re: my undiagnosed ADHD, and it's the thing no one tells you except other ADHD sufferers. My brain's reward system is so broken that boredom rapidly becomes indistinguishable from a depressive episode. There's no healthy, normal ability to experience something as simply being a little dull--as soon as my brain isn't getting regular hits of stimulation, I start clawing at the walls. This is what makes working in a structured environment and initiating tasks so difficult for me, not malice or other character flaws.


What makes it worse is that, if you're like me, when you were growing up, the only way your authority figures knew how to perceive this was "they're just goofing off," and therefore, would deprive you of anything remotely stimulating until you'd done your work, thinking that -- if it worked like it would with an NT kid, you'd do your work faster so you could get back to having fun.

Instead, they just pulled the plug on any tiny bit of power you had running to your necessary brainwaves and put you into longterm shutdown mode.

But then....you grew up...with only that method for coping ingrained into you. So no matter how much you may know logically, now, that you have to have the "fun/interesting/challenging" cord plugged in for your brain to have any juice at all, you feel guilty for having to plug that in FIRST instead of as a reward for doing Adulting. So you just sit there, unplugged, not getting anything done.

Or maybe that's just me.


even the most supportive and well meaning people in my life struggle to understand how painful lack of stimulation is, how immobilizing executive dysfunction is, and how i cannot feel satisfaction the way they do. the number of times i’ve been told “won’t it feel so nice to accomplish it and have it off your plate?” and having to explain that i don’t feel relief or pride when i finish a task, just exhaustion, and that’s part of why it’s so hard to even start it


I don't know what to do anymore. I mean i never have but at least i could fake it. I dont know who i am or what i want or how to deal with all the things wrong with me. Im depressed anxious disociative and now i also have to worry about my physical health. How am i supposed to find a job that doesnt make me want to kill myself, pays enough to live, and wont cause permanent damage to my body. My partner is obssessed with me due to abandonment trauma and if i ever leave her shell, kill herself, but i feel almost nothing when i talk to her anymore. I have no friends. That is not an exageration, i have not seen my small group of friends in 3 years and anytime i try to talk to them i am ignored. The world is falling apart how am i supposed to even careabput any of the above things when children arebeing murder, my rights are being removed, the earth is slowing dying, corporations are posioning the country- oh and by the way aliens are probably real and probably hanging out in their ship near jupiter, no big deal. Im always tired. Im always hungry. I never want to do anything i enjoy anymore. Im daydreaming again but even that cant hold my attention long enough to be satisfying. In 16 days i leave to visit my partner on the other side of the country for a week and neet her entire family. Im 21! Im not ready for this shit! Jesus god how am i 21. I never even got to finish high school properly because of covid, i dont know what im supposed to be doing. I dont think id be able to even if i did. I am never going to be a functioning adult im always going to need help im always going to be dependant on others. My ex boyfriend tried to break into my house, he slashed one of my tires. I thought we were fine- what did i do that made him angry enough to out of the blue wreck shop 6 months after the fact? What else have i been missing? Every day feels the same and i cant fucking beleive it has been 3 godamn years. I dont. I dont know what to do.


yeah man that group of queer people really are evil fakers stealing ur resources. for real this time yeah. no it's not dumb meaningless exclusionist discourse that you're traumatizing a group of fellow queer people with this time, it's a good thing this time. keep sending those people death threats and talking about how they're not oppressed enough you're really doing so much good for the queer community

this post is about bisexuals & nonbinary people & asexuals & aromantics & demisexuals & people in queerplatonic relationships & people in polyamorous relationships & queers & neopronoun users & genderfluid people & he/him lesbians & bi lesbians & gnc people & trans men & people who dont use labels & literally everyone else who has been targeted by this weird ass obsession with who the “real” queers are. why does this keep happening. don’t 14 year olds these days have pinterest boards to curate why are we still doing this shit


When I was a child, many of my sensory issues were used as the butt of jokes by my family. I had many phobias due to these issues, but they were laughed off as they were seen as "extreme" or over the top.

Examples would be I was terrified of pinecones as young as 3 because I thought they were visually disturbing and dangerous. So, at the age of 4/5, we were in a park and I handed my mum my jacket so I could use the public loo. She proceeded to fill the pockets, sleeves and hood with pinecones.

I had a meltdown in the middle of a forest. I screamed and collapsed and i was told I was overreacting.

Now, this isn't good behaviour for an adult for any child.

But when you're an undiagnosed autistic, you begin to learn that your sensory pain doesn't matter. It's too much, and needs to be ignored.

Holding the door closed whilst the toilet flushed, another sensory pain was one done to me "for laughs". I was told it wasn't that big of a deal and I needed to grow up.

So, is it any wonder that late diagnosed (and probably many early diagnosed) autistics ignore their own needs? We don't want to be too much. We don't want to rock the boat and endure being told that we're overreacting and to just shut up.

Some autistic people learn that this is how basic human interaction works. When something bothers someone, it's funny to do it just to provoke a reaction and laugh about it. So they do it to other people as an attempt at interacting with them.

But they missed the most important part of the rule. Only neurotypical people who are doing this to an autistic person can play the Kidding Card. Autistic people can't. Autistic people are held fully accountable when they make someone uncomfortable.

They end up constantly in trouble, disliked by everyone, and often even risk being physically attacked.

But they have no idea what they did wrong, because they were taught that it's how normal human interaction works, and because people who supposedly love them did it like it was nothing.


Fat androgyny is so cool. fat people are told and shown time and time again that they're only considered attractive when their perform binary gender- even within body positive spaces- but like. Have you seen fat butches? fat feminine men? fat trans and nonbinary people who fuck around with their presentation? fat gnc folk in skirts and binders and makeup and mascara moustaches and cool shoes and body hair and weird haircuts and nailpolish? fucking divine. iconic. magical.

I will never not reblog this when it comes up in my dash.


The butch lesbian/trans man "funky printed button down" stereotype is true but you must understand that the men's section of so many clothing stores is a bleak and miserable place. Clothing manufacturers are simply convinced that no one who wears men's clothes wants anything besides the most boring outfits possible. Often stripes are the most exciting it gets. If you want to wear clothing designed for men but happen to like "color" and "joy" in your life then often the funky printed button down or the hawaiian shirt are simply your only options, especially off the clearance rack.

Also if the above is you, I highly recommend @morningwitchy and @carmico 🙏🩵🩵

not to be a Brand and plug myself here but since i was tagged: i, nonbinary, make funky button downs in fun patterns that many have described as gender affirming/euphoric :^) they come in unisex sizing xs-4XL, 100% cotton, with button on the hips for extra room! also, i have tees/pants/jackets to match.

i wanna add @mayakern is doing button ups now and has preorders going on! and @irrel has some fun dnd themed button ups!


aww thank you! glad to be in good company, i adore all the artists tagged :’)

i’ve only just started my first foray into button up territory, but i have preorders open until march 31st! sizes XS-6X, polyester spandex blend, with extra hidden closures in the bust region to prevent gaping


To me, a huge part of aro culture is having unique personal labels for each of my friends. Sure, I’ll refer to them as a “friend” if talking about them to a stranger, but that’s not their primary label in my head. They’re my editor, my artist, my rival, my wise elder, my writing partner, my teddy bear, my gamer buddy, my theatre daughter, my plucky shonen voice child, my surrogate younger sibling, my older brother who moved off to college and now every once and a while we catch up and reminisce.

My friends all fill a unique role in my ecosystem and very rarely do their roles overlap. One couldn’t replace another.




Always reblog peent.

*before clicking play*: IS THIS WHAT i THINK IT IS???



omg!! omg


Forever reblog.


Heaven let your eent shine down.


“if you can’t brush your teeth that’s fine uwu one step at a time” posts are supportive and that’s great but I’m about to have a 4.4k$ dental bill because I wasn’t taking care of my teeth when I was super depressed so uhh brush your fuckin teeth

the reason I bring up those posts is because every time I saw one I felt less and less bad about not brushing them and when my teeth actually started causing problems it made my MH worse because I was having horrible anxiety about my teeth getting worse and now I’m facing procedures that will probably be pretty painful and will definitely be expensive so I kinda got some beef with the anti-recovery culture on this site

switch up the language a little.

didn’t brush your teeth this morning? forgive your past self and do it now!

woke up at 3am and realize you didn’t brush your teeth before bed? 11pm you was tired, forgive yourself, and just do it now!

“it’s okay” DOES lose helpfulness when you forget that it’s supposed to mean “don’t beat yourself up about mistakes, and don’t let it keep you from doing something different.”

present you and future you don’t have to suffer just bc past you slipped. past you was going through it. give them a break. but, please, don’t let that stop you from doing something different. 11pm wants 3am you to feel better, even if they couldn’t make it happen.


no offence but I dont give two shits how big a carbon footprint inhalers and other medical equipment have when theyre keeping someone alive. like sorry you shouldnt feel guilty over the medical device that allows you to breathe when shell can guzzle oil directly into a birds mouth and nothing happens


but genuinely, for real, plastic isn't cheap, it isn't worthless, and it isn't trash. plastic is incredibly fucking valuable and costly from both a material and an environmental standpoint -- and it is really, really good for specifically medical applications. the amount of improvement in medicine that has been brought about by the presence of single use, sterilized plastic items is fucking insane. it keeps people safe. if we were doing things right, medicine and sanitary applications would be the only thing we used plastic for because it's really fucking good at it and it saves lives.

medical use of plastic is not the problem. it's artificially shoving plastic into thousands upon thousands of non-essential products that could be made with something else or done away with altogether! we are wasting plastic. it is a shameful waste to use sacred, ripped-from-the-earth-at-a-terrible-cost plastic that could have made someone's life safer for amazon packaging. treating it as worthless or a guilty useless trash is not helpful: you should feel outraged that someone decided to waste this precious material that was bought with the blood of the earth. plastic is really, really valuable. we should start treating it that way.

Eco-ableism is alive & well... unlike us, the people who need these things to STAY ALIVE. 💙🥄

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