
lizard adventures

@orphieus-ffxiv / orphieus-ffxiv.tumblr.com

Eskavar Servis - Balmung - if you see me in game, feel free to say hi! My main blog is anuspancake! I mostly just reblog. But I do art, too! Anything NSFW will be tagged. Feel free to check out my About Me for info on my characters and my Art Tag in the drop down menu!

Reblog this.

If you do not care what gender your roleplay partner identify themselves as.

Be they male, female, trans, or whatever else is out there.

If you are a friend, you are a friend. If we ship our muses together, we ship the heck out of our muses. I don’t care if you are a female playing male, a male playing female or whatever is inbetween.

You are precious no matter what you are. And I love you.

Anonymous asked:

Only the WoL can travel to the First and back. Lorebreaking like that is why no one want's to RP with people like you.

See, usually I’d snortgiggle to myself, delete this and go on my merry way, but recently, a friend of mine was so harassed by people nitpicking how he played his character that he felt his only recourse was to delete the character. 



Fuck you. ^^

Look, I get it on some level, okay? I really do. RP is a collaborative writing effort and it’s really hard to write collaboratively if everyone’s playing off of a varying lore set. It can be remarkably difficult to RP with someone who wants to play their character as being a voidsent, an Ascian, a sin-eater or even from another world. 

(Spoiler alert: My Annalei d’Latu is a direct transplant from GW2′s Tyria. And yes, I have that as her backstory! And yes, it’s lorebreaking! And yes, I don’t care!)

You know what you do about people that frustrate you with their refusal to adhere to the Lore™ you personally feel is unbreakable?

You don’t talk to them.

Don’t RP with them. Don’t talk to them. Don’t nitpick their fun. 

Trust me when I say I could find a thousand ways to nitpick your character creation, backstory, writing style and RP choices. I could tear it into shreds and call you a hack writer, a miserable excuse for an RPer, boring, etc. etc. 

Guess what I do? I just don’t.

If I don’t like the way someone RPs or the way someone writes, if I don’t like their writing choices or their character, I keep my mouth shut. Why? Because it’s not hurting MY fun any to let THEM have THEIRS. Literally no one is making you look at my blog, at Summer’s story or at ANYONE’S fun playtime stuff that doesn’t mesh with how YOU interpret the FFXIV lore and world. 

Quite honestly, all you’re doing is being insufferable. And I promise you that insufferable is a lot more damning in the long run than choosing to bend lore and have a little fun that isn’t hurting anyone.


Imagine being so miserable that you go in people’s ask boxes telling them to stop having fun.

If you want green card from the director and producer so bad, anon, here it is Source: [[ Link ]] Interviewer: This is a question on behalf of the game’s roleplaying community. Many players, who do not act as if they are the Warrior of Light, but rather pretend to be everyday adventurers, were excited to create stories that take place on the First but saw that the game’s narrative didn’t really allow travel for “normal” individuals to end up there. If players want to pretend their “normal” characters can travel to and play on the First, is that okay? (I promise this is a question that many of them eagerly await an answer to.) Yoshida: Hrm… Personally, I see video games as something that gives you the freedom to play however you like. So, if you, the player, believe that you can travel to the First, then so be it, right? We have yet to reveal everything about who the Warrior of Light is, and whether they are the only ones who are special. Furthermore, the definition of a “normal individual” seems a bit vague here, as well. I think the power to believe and the desire to persevere are the biggest elements that drive progress in an individual, and so if you believe that you as a character can go to the First, then wouldn’t that be enough? A life dictated by someone else is no fun anyhow, is it?

I dunno how to tell the original anon that you don’t get the right to try and stop people having fun just because you personally don’t like that brand of fun yourself.

Do you also go to people and children in the street who are playing, idfk, football or another sport you don’t like yourself as an example, and tell them that their fun is wrong, anon?

Anyway, while I try to stick to lore to some degree I have the hugest amount of respect for those who are lore breaking or extremely lore bending when RPing cos of the amount of shit they get in the FFXIV community.

So long as they’re not being a dick or a bigot, let people have fun, dude. It’s really not that hard to unfollow people or ignore their posts.


regarding first shard rp;

The original post is a bit lengthy, but if you’re unsatisfied with how someone RPs or headcanons, the easiest way to spare yourself a lot of stress is just to stop following them. Block them if you need to. But telling them in an anon ask that no one will RP with them is not going to stop them, and telling them they shouldn’t simply isn’t true.

I have a Source character on the First, and she’ll be going back eventually! If I have followers that aren’t comfortable with that, this is your opportunity to adjust your dashboard as needed. I’m not here for follower numbers, I’m here for like-minded RP connections, writing, and posting my screenshots, so—in the gentlest way possible—you’ll be doing us both a favor.

Also hey, if anyone is looking for First Shard RP connections, hmu.

This roleplayer supports First shard RP and even engages in it, whether it be a first shard native or a source character who traveled there somehow. Piece of shit anons can find the door and leave, we don’t want that kind of negativity. 


Cannot overstate how damaging tr*nsmed ideology has been to the trans community literally cannot overstate it.

Nothing is more terrifying or dysphoria inducing than the thought of other trans people arbitrarily deciding i am “not trans enough” and a “trender”. You know how many times it’s happened to my fucking face irl? I’ve helped some of them discover they WERE trans. I was the first person some of them came out to and 6 months later they decided i was a “trender” because I Destroyed my body binding and cant do it anymore. Fuck transm*ds fuck tr*scum and fuck “trender” ideology. Its fucking deplorable and disgusting behavior.

Since this is getting a lot of notes i feel i should speak up before some tr*nsmed does:

  • At the time most of this was happening i had been out for 4-5 years. I have now been out for 7 years.
  • I wore a binder for 5 years and it destroyed my body. I am not exaggerating. I cant sleep on my stomach because my sternum clicks in and out. I have a dent in my ribcage because of it. When i wore my binder for the last time it got to the point that i could not sit or stand fully upright, even when not wearing it, and i wheezed while walking up stairs. I’m a dancer. I’m an athlete. It literally destroyed my breath capacity and it took months for me to get back to normal. I had to drop out of dance because i couldnt get through a combination. I cannot wear my binder now, years later, for more than 5-7 minutes without shooting pains down my spine and in my lungs and feeling like i am suffocating. My dysphoria has not gone away: i simply physically cannot bind
  • I have been directly hatecrimed multiple times, but by far the most damage to my psyche and perception of myself has been caused by other trans people. The actions that have made me the most dysphoric have all been done by other trans people. Specifically: tr*nsmeds.
  • Tr*nsmed ideology is not petty internet drama: it effects real life people. Tr*nsmed ideology is transphobic and racist and all around evil, full stop.
  • You will not be able to bully me, full stop. Not into changing how i dress, not back into the closet, not off of the internet, not at all, not ever.

These ideologies are also super ableist and classist. Not everyone can handle going through a major surgery. Not everyone can handle taking hormones. And that shit costs money.


Not all of us WANT to change our bodies. And that's okay, too.

I was in recovery from a serious eating disorder years before I realized I'm trans. I worked SO HARD to be comfortable and okay in this body, to love this body, to be at home in this body.

Me and my body are finally at peace after years of struggle and sickness.

I don't want to change my body, because I fought for it already. It is the place where I live.

Beyond that, transm*dicalism is based on bio-essentialist ideas about what gender is and looks like. That kind if thinking holds humanity back in a big way.

Some men have breasts.

Some women have facial hair.

We can say these things without specifying whether we're talking about trans or cis people. These are just human realities, because of genetic differences, race, hormonal stuff.... just.... everyone's body is different and that's good and healthy and okay.

Gender and its expression is so complicated and varied. There are as many ways to do gender as there are people in the world.



On the occasion of their twenty-fifth anniversary, Chai-Nuzz gifted his wife her mammet likeness, which he made using Talos construction techniques. It was subsequently presented to the departing Warrior of Darkness as a memento─ with one small addition.

sometimes you can’t 100% match to your favorite twins but you can get close enough

For anyone wondering about what I’m wearing

For Alphinaud: the top is Serge Gambison of Casting (there is one of healing and i believe of aiming as well), i honestly just went with my moogle pants from the coffer o kupos and dyed it white but i believe most pants dyed white will do, and Ishgardian Boots from the Gold Saucer prize attendant

For Alisaie: the top is Chivalric Doublet of Casting (i know there’s one of healing as well), i’m wearing shorts for the pants, and the shoes are from the Angelic set in the Mog station

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