
@dreamydrarry / dreamydrarry.tumblr.com

Sam | 28 | Slytherin
"But Malfoy's eyes were shining malevolently, and they were fixed on Harry."

i hope the drarry communnity is still alive and strong bc i just got a brand new laptop for the first time in YEARS and i'm itching to revisit for funsies



cheating a little on today’s inktober, because i love two things: 1. gifs. 2. drarry brooding intimately over a shared cigarette, as @tackytigerfic can attest to. (thank you again for letting me gush. i couldn’t get the idea out of my head✨) 

hello 👋 i’m lynn. thank you for all the new follows lately, and for liking my art! 


I just did that for laughs?? :v It ended up bad husuhsuhshu sorry

It isn’t good and all that but I thought it would be cool to post here on Tumblr 

Ron is the voice of the reason here :V

Anonymous asked:

Hello, I used to follow/chat with you on here a few years ago. At one point I wiped and deleted my tumblr because of mental health stuff, but I made a new one under a new url just to follow my favourite people and keep supporting them silently. I’ve been toying with the idea of being active on here again lately, I made a post but I don’t even have any followers so I don’t think anyone will see it. I feel quite silly. I wanted to ask: how are you? And how’s tumblr lately/what’s changed? Do you happen to have any advice for how to (re)connect with people?

aww hi!! sorry i’m seeing this so late.

i’d love to find out who you are and what blog you had when we chatted! i feel like i remember the old urls like faces haha but this message made me excited and nostalgic for the old hp/drarry days! 🥹💞

i’m pretty good! life got super busy and i’ve moved like 2 or 3 times since the active drarry squad days, plus having jobs and all that gets in the way of fun free time, but i still love and miss everyone here!

i really miss the community, making edits, writing and reading fanfics, and just having so much free time and fun with everyone on here who shared my interests 🥰 i miss the drarry discord chat too haha

i would love to come on here daily and wanted to make a comeback to do so, but with my job and stuff idk how everyone else finds the time 😅 i’m gonna try my best though.

i’m not sure if i have advice for reconnecting with people, but what i did was jump on, make a hello post, and post a few things for people to see and possibly share so people would see i was “back” if that makes sense. (i’m guessing that’s maybe how you found me for example haha)

i’d say that if you have a new account that friends don’t recognize you as, maybe make a post about what your old url was before the change or add it to your bio and old friends might me more likely to recognize you and pop in to say hey!

i’m sorry if this isn’t helpful! dm me if you see this 💞

that goes for anyone btw! 🥰

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