
With Love, Eternity


21 - they/them A writer and composer for Eternity Studios. An elven shadow sorcerer every other Sunday. Secretly a set of sparkly math rocks that glow in the dark, as a treat. A being of the universe that enjoys camaraderie. Enjoy the spectacle, and buckle the fuckle up.

my only complaint is that the paws appear when you boop someone and not when someone boops you. I want to be scrolling and minding my own business and suddenly get whapped by a cat paw


[Image ID: Tweet from Alex Peter (@/ LolOverruled) reading: It's annoying that we recognize that children need things like a summer break and several vacations a year but we think it makes sense to have adults work for 60 years with maybe 2-3 weeks off a year if you're lucky /End ID]

don't forget that they'd work the children just as hard if we hadn't fought to make it illegal for them to do so


harsh truth: Boomers just showed up

as in showed up to a place

asked hey you hiring and if they were then

they just trained you

for the job

just like that


an old roommate told me a story about how in the early 90s her mom showed up to this place to interview for a secretary job

guy from an office across the hall pops his head out and asks if she's here for them, a computer position

she says no nope nu uh I know nothing about computers and he goes WE'LL TRAIN YOU PLEASE WE NEED PEOPLE and yanks her off her feet and through the door

today she's a highly sought after computer technician making bank

the point is that once the economy was so amazing that you could get fired from most jobs and have a new one the following week or even the next day


Spotify wrapped is normally released on a November 30 or December 1 but this year it was released on November 29, the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People- a day which it was asked for people to increase their social media posts about Palestine to help call for a permanent ceasefire. Instead it is now being overshadowed by people posting about Spotify wrapped…

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