
I’m a thief–and stealing is what I do. Not so much for the prize or the possession or even the profit…but for the art of doing it…because I can…and because I’m good.

reasons to not kiss him: 1. you weren’t raised to love tender. 2. when he’s around all you do is tremble. when he’s around you want to get on your knees. look how much power he has over you. it’s dangerous. 3. he’s too good at forgiving and you’re too good at violence. 4. you know what they say about monsters. you know what happens to the boys who love them. are you going to do that to him? 5. your hands don’t know how to be gentle. think about the last beautiful thing that shattered in your palms. the fresh rosebuds crumbling between your fingers like a bruise. you wolf-boy, you war machine. you wouldn’t know how to hold something magic and not destroy it. 6. if you hurt him it might kill you 7. if you hurt him you might kill yourself. 8. you are very bad at rehabilitation. this is one addiction you’d fail to give up. he’s going to ruin you for all other kisses and all other boys and you’ll spend the rest of your life trying to forget his name. 9. you still aren’t sure he isn’t a dream. 10. if you kiss him, you might wake up. reasons to kiss him: 1. because he’s beautiful. 2. because he asked.  3. because he preceded please with, i’m not afraid of you.

yes & no // natalie wee (via wondersmithinc)

Anonymous asked:


Send me ❤ on anon and I’ll compliment someone at random!

I definitely need to talk about this asshole amazing person @rotvibranium

Ahhh Tibby, my second follower on this blog and I’m STILL interacting with them many MANY months later holy shit. Tibby is easily one of the most talented people I’ve ever written with, and their HYDRA Steve is so good that I’m always blown away whenever I read something they’ve written. They’ve put so much thought into this character and he’s so fleshed out that sometimes I’m like “Oh, wait, this Steve is NOT canon.” I love talking to them OOC, too, because the they’re helping me create a HYDRA version of Barry so that I can actually write Barry as an evil character (I’ve been planning this for months and am FINALLY getting somewhere with it). Seriously, though, Tibby is one of the greatest people on here and if you’re not following them you’re missing out big time. 

      “ DON’T BE COY, Captain.  It doesn’t suit you.   The homework had been completed prior to their meeting.  It wasn’t something she had done lightly,  the intrigue about America’s golden boy had been too much that she had to dig a little deeper.  With the Religion of Crime behind her,  Alice found many resources readily available to her.  Alabaster fingers fold together,  her smile growing wider as she stared him down. 
     “ There’s no white rabbit here,  you aren’t late for an important date.  Sit.  Stay awhile.  We’ll have some tea.

     'what do you think would suit me better then?' 

folding himself into a chair, he smiled holding her gaze as he settled. if she thought staring him down was going to make him skittish she was wrong, his mind flicking through options before settling on perfect posture that would make his mother proud with his hands resting on his lap. might as well play the gentleman until he knew what it was she wanted. 

     'i know it's probably rude to ask, but what kind of tea are you serving.'

If he hasn’t RETALIATED yet, she DOUBTS he will now that he’s SPRAWLED across the bed. Her hand TWITCHES, almost reaching out to SLAP the one that’s currently POKING at all her god damn hard work. She REFRAINS–if he wants to make it WORSE or get an INFECTION, that’s all on HIM
Still, she’s INDEBTED to him to a certain extent, knowing that it was HER fault that he ended up getting SHOT to begin with. WIth a NOD of her head, she’s turning on the heel of her foot and leaving the bedroom, going into the kitchen to grab a couple bottles of water—-a bottle of alcohol is SWIPED just in case.There’s stop at the bathroom—which looks like a fucking CRIME SCENE with how much blood is on the floor—to grab the aspirin before she returns.
          “Need anything else?”
Setting at the edge of the bed, all the items are set on the nightstand. As much RELIEF would come with him DYING on her, she CARES too fucking much to let that happen. She WIPES at his forehead in a surprisingly SOOTHING manner before speaking again.
            “Ya look fuckin’ terrible—well, more so than usual.”

he needed to be able to get rip roaring drunk, no wait that would be a bad idea, it would just dehydrate him and make this worse, reaching for a bottle of water to half rip off the top and realized his mistake too late as water ran down his jaw when he tried to pour it into his mouth and his hand shook. great. and to think he’d been wanting booze a second ago, his stomach twisting sharply at the idea of waking to the smell of stale liquor. his eyes fell shut feeling her fingers brush against his forehead and hated himself for the pleased hum that escaped him at how cool they felt in comparison to his own skin as his body started rushing to heal the wound. a hole in his side would take what? a day to close, and then another two to disappear entirely? maybe sooner if he kept himself fed and hydrated and fed. 



mentally a part of him was staring in disbelief and mild reproach, but he really didn’t want to be on his own, for god only knew what reason. it wasn’t the first time he’d been shot, wouldn’t be the last, finding it unbelievably hard to open his eyes, knowing that his body was demanding rest and like an idiot he was trying to ignore that. hand moving to grip the waist band of her shorts, he yanked, annoyed when it was more of an insistent tug that wouldn’t have moved a pillow. 

     'just to keep an eye on me in case i get all feverish or something. …please?’

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