



A Canary's Tweets

(Bolded are tweets that weren't already included in the fic)

Spoilers for the fic. Obviously.


OliverQueenOfficial: Why does that one Gotham villain go by Canary? Black Canary already exists.

TheBetterCanary: if youre gonna vague tweet maybe dont put my name in it

TheBetterCanary: but anyways someone else named me that and it stuck before i could think of something to change it to

ScareCrane:… @/RiddleMeThis she’s dissing you


TheBetterCanary: @/ScareCrane why would you do that you knew he was going to do this

ScareCrane: Joker just broke out so Arkham is boring… needed to entertain myself somehow

TheBetterCanary: fuck you im not visiting this weekend

OliverQueenOfficial: Wow do I regret asking. I didn’t need all this family drama in my comments.


TheBetterCanary: @/Yummmmmm enemies to lovers 180k with me

Yummmmmm: I hate you

TheBetterCanary: and so it begins


TheBetterCanary: gonna lace a cross with kryptonite i think that would be so funny

TheBetterCanary: the christians would so cancel superman if he had to shy away from a cross

Yummmmmm: Isn’t he already canceled because he’s Jewish

Supes: Please stop reminding them.


TheBetterCanary: @/Yummmmmm stop hacking into my twitter to unblock nightwing he keeps liking my tweets hating on him *liked by Daylightwing*

TheBetterCanary: you guys think youre so funny *liked by Daylightwing*


Gothamlite: Red Robin and Nightwing really said I will hack Canary’s twitter but not to figure out her location, no we must mildly inconvenience her by unblocking Nightwing.

TheBetterCanary: to be fair the unblocking nightwing thing is far more annoying to me *Liked by Daylightwing*

TheBetterCanary: motherfucker


TheBetterCanary: where are you guys @/ScareCrane @/RiddleMeThis

ScareCrane: Arkham…

TheBetterCanary: leave i want to talk to you

RiddleMeThis: We can’t just leave.

TheBetterCanary: yeah you can all you gotta do is get out

RiddleMeThis: It’s not that easy for us.

TheBetterCanary: oh right

TheBetterCanary: want me to help you guys out

ScareCrane: Yes please


ArkhamStaffHateClub: and, in today’s news, the day canary is spotted walking into arkham is the same day there was a breakout

TheBetterCanary: i have no clue why they even let me in anymore

Gothamlite: @/GCPDNews @/Batman7 @/Oracle @/Yummmmmm

TheBetterCanary: hey youre nineteen right

Gothamlite: Yes?

TheBetterCanary: fair game


TheBetterCanary: tim drake 🤝 red robin throwing coffee cups in random trash cans so their families don't know how much they’re drinking

Yummmmmm: Snitch


ScareCrane: Well, if nothing else, giving Canary therapy has been interesting…

SpoilerAlert: did you learn anything

ScareCrane: I confirmed that she’s a pathological liar…


TheBetterCanary: @/BrucieWayne give me a hundred million dollars and ill stop doing crime

BrucieWayne: Done.

TheBetterCanary: i take it back five hundred million

BrucieWayne: Sure.

TheBetterCanary: a billion

BrucieWayne: Alright.

TheBetterCanary: what the fuck


NightwingsAss9384: does anyone know why nightwing and canary hate each other?

ScareCrane: She stabbed Batman once on accident and somehow got away with blaming it on him

Daylightwing: She refuses to let B adopt her.

RiddleMeThis: They think it’s funny when their stans fight.

SignalOfficial: They said ‘I’m the only flippy bitch allowed in New Jersey’ and have been fighting ever since

Yummmmmm: He has to or else Robin will get jealous because he’s the only stabby sibling allowed

Oracle: They’re fighting over who gets to change their name to ‘The Dodo’ first.

DeadHood: Nightwing is jealous that Canary was the first one of us to think to have a full-on bird mask.

TheBetterCanary: every time i go into the batfam tag to try and avoid them all i see is his fancams

SpoilerAlert: they’re both convinced that they’re the hottest bachelor/bachelorette in gotham

NightwingsAss9384: im beginning to think no ones going to tell me.

BlackBat: :)


RiddleMeThis: I can’t believe Spoiler likes me more than my own daughter.

SpoilerAlert: i just think you’re better than cluemaster was, i don’t like you

ScareCrane: To be fair he didnt say you had to like him… just that you liked him more than Canary

ScareCrane: Anyways, what did you do @/TheBetterCanary

TheBetterCanary: hes just being dramatic because i solved one of his riddles too quickly



TheBetterCanary: beat the shit out of a joker stan today so i think my life is going pretty good

SpoilerAlert: 👨🦯👨🦯

Daylightwing: As You Should.

Oracle: Oh dear, seems like I’ve gone blind now, too.

Batman7: As long as no one died...

DeadHood: Not as good as beating the shit out of the real thing, but still pretty good.

BlackBat: :D

TheOneTrueRobin: Good for her.


TheBetterCanary: we all know that there is a tier list of rogue stans

TheBetterCanary: like poison ivy and mr freeze stans are all just leftists that want a healthy world and for people to not die because theyre poor

TheBetterCanary: harley quinn stans want her to achieve personal growth and thats respectable i guess

TheBetterCanary: then theres my stans and thats just because half of them arent even aware im a villain they just think im some influencer thats very committed to a bit and the other half are just horny which is fair i guess

TheBetterCanary: then theres every other stan right

TheBetterCanary: and of course at the bottom are joker stans because theyre nazis

Joker: WHAT

TheBetterCanary: did you not know


TheBetterCanary: wait no dm me where you are i want to punch a couple of them too


BlackGatePrison: We have made this account to kindly ask Canary to stop helping Yakuza members break out of prison.

TheBetterCanary: no their restaurants make good food


TheBetterCanary: in case you were wondering rogues do in fact reuse a lot of their speeches

TheBetterCanary: especially @/RiddleMeThis he reuses the same like five riddles over and over again

RiddleMeThis: Why would you expose your own father like this?

TheBetterCanary: im sick of those riddles get new ones you unoriginal fuck


TheBetterCanary: you just lost the game

RiddleMeThis: FUCK YOU.


Supes: Why are Rogues… like that?

TheBetterCanary: mental illness

Supes: I see.


GotHam: Does anyone know Canary’s tragic backstory?

TheBetterCanary: i met a parisian once

DeadHood: Know what? I think she should be allowed to commit crimes. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.

TheBetterCanary: thanks for offering support during these trying times


TheBetterCanary: friendly reminder that i can and have benched batman so fucking with me is a bad idea

RiddleMeThis: Bullshit.

TheBetterCanary: meet me at the park ill prove it

TheBetterCanary: @/Batman7 get the stick out of your ass and get over here itll be fun

GothamGazette: Canary can, in fact, bench Batman. See the attached article for how they discovered this fact and how their respective friends and family reacted.


TheBetterCanary: calling him the riddler implies that there are other riddlers that are less important therefore it is stupid and i refuse to say the the part aloud

RiddleMeThis: Someone got onto you about your grammar again, didn’t they?

TheBetterCanary: you dont get to be condescending until you win against the bats even once


RedRobinsCape: red robin gives off so much Bi Wife Energy it’s insane

Yummmmmm: What do you mean bi wife energy, Red Robin IS bi

TheOneTrueRobin: This is not your private account.

Yummmmmm: Fuck


GothamTimes: We are pleased to announce that Robin has officially come out as bisexual!

Yummmmmm: Hate to tell you this @/GothamTimes but you forgot part of my name

TheOneTrueRobin: No. I stole the bisexuality from you when you became Red Robin.

TheBetterCanary: hold up guys maybe they just think that all of the robins are bi

DeadHood: Being bi is actually a little-known prerequisite for being Robin.

SpoilerAlert: roBIn

Daylightwing: @/TheBetterCanary Youre bi right?

TheBetterCanary: all these years avoiding being adopted by batman and its my sexuality that screwed me over


TheBetterCanary: why go to a professional doctor who spent years getting their degree when you can get fixed up by a guy named brett in his mothers garage


Yummmmmm: @/TheBetterCanary If you could do one crime without consequences what would you do

TheBetterCanary: i do that anyways

TheBetterCanary: but also id beat up the guy who came up with trickle down economics

Yummmmmm: Ronald Reagan is already dead

TheBetterCanary: i could be digging up corpses to beat them up in my spare time you dont know me


GothamGazette: And, for the fourth year in a row, Canary has been nominated as the city’s favorite Rogue! See the attached article for the other rankings.

TheBetterCanary: further proof that im the hottest rogue in gotham

DeadHood: Bullshit.

Catwomnyan: Not at all.

PoisonIvy: No❤️

RiddleMeThis: I never should have helped her. I used to win every year and this is the thanks I get.

Penguin: Don’t feel bad, I’m pretty sure she rigs it

TheBetterCanary: please if i rigged it id set it up so i would win by exactly one point

ScareCrane: Someone’s just mad that they got last place

Penguin: I got placed lower than Joker, of course I’m mad

TheBetterCanary: its because youre boring hope that helps


TheBetterCanary: just saw catwoman make out with batman to get out of jail so here is my formal application to be red robins fuck buddy

Yummmmmm: Why me

TheBetterCanary: all the other bats around my age are way out of my league so youre my last resort

SpoilerAlert: ouch™ sucks to suck red

BlackBat: XD

SignalOfficial: I mean… she’s not wrong

Yummmmmm: You’re all dead to me


TheBetterCanary: one day robin will get a cat and name it batcat and it will completely ruin the batfamily ship and pet tags

TheOneTrueRobin: @/Batman7 Father…


TheBetterCanary: everyone thinks i know things because im smart but a lot of the time people just accidentally tell me things

TheBetterCanary: the reason i found out about the league was that one of their members saw i was asian and just assumed i was one of them and no one realized i was just some random person until like three weeks in

BernieDowd: the league?

TheBetterCanary: dont worry about it

TheBetterCanary: wait youre that conspiracy theorist actually do worry about it i would love to know what you think im talking about


SpoilerAlert: canary totally has a knife kink

TheBetterCanary: what the fuck

SpoilerAlert: why else would you use knives almost exclusively

TheBetterCanary: because theyre quiet

TheBetterCanary: and stabby

SpoilerAlert: you’re so right i’m so sorry


GothamGazette: Riddler and Canary’s vendetta against escape rooms! See the attached photo and article!

TheBetterCanary: @/ScareCrane look mom were on tv

ScareCrane: Very proud of you sweetie

MetropolisIsOverrated: Did I just watch canary and riddler use a police car like it was a fucking CAB??

RiddleMeThis: You missed the perfect opportunity for an 'ACAB' joke.

SignalOfficial: Damn it… can’t believe you’re out of custody already

TheBetterCanary: bold of you to assume we were ever in custody


TimDrakeWayne: Sometimes I wonder whether I’ve seen Canary at cosplay shops before and just not recognized her

TheBetterCanary: it isnt cosplay its acting

TimDrakeWayne: And where do you get your costumes

TheBetterCanary: alright everyone socialist uprising time its time to eat the rich especially this guy

TimDrakeWayne: Please don’t, I probably don’t taste good


TheBetterCanary: watching a furry get beat up like damn but its kinda his fault for going out in a fursuit

TheBetterCanary: i cant believe this is what im getting cancelled over and not the millions of times i helped out villains

TheBetterCanary: oh so now everyone cares about the villain thing wow i see how it is

TheBetterCanary: im a gothamite this is literally a joke about all the fursuits that the vigilantes and rogues have i dont care about actual furries damn

TheBetterCanary: twitter unverified me over this im going to commit a murder


TheBetterCanary: going to start calling villains i dont like by the wrong name to annoy them

TheBetterCanary: called penguin a cuckoo and he really acted like i was stigmatizing mental illness like bitch i am mental illness

TheBetterCanary: okay apparently blockbuster really misses disco he just burst into tears in front of me what do i do

TheBetterCanary: called joker jack and he freaked and tried to shoot me

TheBetterCanary: i have given up calling them the wrong names


TheBetterCanary: hey @/RiddleMeThis and @/ScareCrane marry each other and claim me as a dependant

ScareCrane: I mean… sure but why

TheBetterCanary: tax benefits

RiddleMeThis: You’re so right. Meet me in an hour.

Yummmmmm: I hate to be a buzzkill but, if you’re going to commit marriage fraud, maybe don’t announce it on a public platform

TheBetterCanary: maybe dont be a snitch and mind your own business damn

Yummmmmm: Your job is literally being a snitch and not minding your own business

TheBetterCanary: yeah but when i do it its in the cool sexy way


TheBetterCanary: props to the guy that tried to pull an updog on me the other day he definitely had some guts

TheOneTrueRobin: What is “updog”?

TheBetterCanary: oh honey i am so sorry

SpoilerAlert: nothing whats up with you

Daylightwing: Nothing wbu?

Oracle: Are we going to pretend that Canary didn’t definitely harvest organs from that guy?

SignalOfficial: Nothing much whats up with you


TheBetterCanary: @/TheOneTrueRobin hey i need help with a math problem can you come here

TheOneTrueRobin: I suppose so.

TheOneTrueRobin: She was setting up a sniper gun.

TheBetterCanary: to be fair theres angles involved

Batman7: @/TheOneTrueRobin You didn’t help her, correct?

Batman7: @/TheOneTrueRobin?

GothamGazette: Joker gets shot in the hand! 

Batman7: Well, at least she didn’t kill anyone, I guess.


TheBetterCanary: i was aiming for your middle finger if that makes you feel any better



SignalOfficial: Holy shit @/TheBetterCanary do you seriously have a Nokia

TheBetterCanary: fuck off im tired of my phones breaking while i fight

TheBetterCanary: or better yet donate to a gofundme to get me a better phone


TheBetterCanary: the quickest way to my heart is through someone elses

Batman7: Please stop encouraging people to commit murder.

TheBetterCanary: no


Yummmmmm: @/TheBetterCanary Stop pulling the racism card at every minor inconvenience challenge

TheBetterCanary: is this sexism that i am experiencing

TheBetterCanary: do i sense a bit of homophobia here

TheBetterCanary: look at this ableist bitch

SignalOfficial: Honestly @/Yummmmmm you played yourself here

SpoilerAlert: gee bill how come your mom lets you have four minorities

TheBetterCanary: ive got a punchcard and if i collect five minorities i get one get out of jail free card

Oracle: @/TheBetterCanary Wait. Ableism?

TheBetterCanary: what about me screams mentally stable to you


TheBetterCanary: penguin feels homophobic but you didnt hear it from me

RiddleMeThis: He isn’t. Trust me.

TheBetterCanary: hey what does this mean

TheBetterCanary: ed

TheBetterCanary: ed pick up the fucking phone


TheBetterCanary: this is now a riddler hate account

RiddleMeThis: I was 30! And mentally ill!

TheBetterCanary: as if you arent mentally ill now

TheBetterCanary: anyways @/ScareCrane congrats on winning youve got adoption rights

ScareCrane: As happy as I am… what happened

RiddleMeThis: She found out I dated Penguin fifteen years ago.

TheBetterCanary: im never forgiving you for this

TheBetterCanary: @/RiddleMeThis did you just throw a burlap sack full of money at my window

RiddleMeThis: Depends. Is it working?

TheBetterCanary: ooooo nonsequential serial numbers my favorite

TheBetterCanary: yeah youre back in the game

ScareCrane: DAMN IT


TheBetterCanary: ugh why is riddler so annoying

Gothamlite: Right?

TheBetterCanary: the fuck did you just say ill kill you


TheBetterCanary: reading self insert fanfiction about yourself is self care actually

TheBetterCanary: im thirsting over black bat on my first page glad to see they nailed my characterization

TheBetterCanary: how did they manage to find the one trauma i dont actually have like dude you were standing five feet in front of the target and you shot straight up what

TheBetterCanary: kissed a mirror to simulate kissing myself and let me say im not as good a kisser as i was in the fic

TheBetterCanary: if im screwing me is it masturbation or clone fucking

TheBetterCanary: theyre moving in together after three months its always great to see good lesbian representation

TheBetterCanary: im taking myself on a shopping spree and honestly good for me

TheBetterCanary: haha wait a minute why are there death flags

TheBetterCanary: i missed major character death in the tags hlep

Yummmmmm: Rip


SpoilerAlert: happy two year anniversary to the time canary and red robin dressed up as each other for halloween and almost ruined each other’s reputation in opposite ways

TheBetterCanary: im still offended you guys think that im secretly a good person

Yummmmmm: At least they don’t think you’d turn evil at the drop of a hat

DeadHood: To be fair, out of every Rogue and Vigilante, you two are the most likely to switch sides.

TheBetterCanary: fucks that supposed to mean

Yummmmmm: Go back to angsting over Percy Jackson not being as good as it used to be or something fuck you

TheBetterCanary: harry potter and the audacity of this bitch

Yummmmmm: As if you aren’t so in the middle that most people don’t know which side you’re on half the time

TheBetterCanary: you literally died and came back dont you talk about switching sides


SpoilerAlert: @/TheBetterCanary how did you get verified

TheBetterCanary: threats

SpoilerAlert: oh cool thanks for the tip


Batman7: @/TheBetterCanary Did any of my children visit your home last night for medical assistance?

TheBetterCanary: transfer me five thousand and ill tell you

Batman7: Done.

TheBetterCanary: nice

TheBetterCanary: anyways the answer is no they did not


TheBetterCanary: ew nightwing is in town for thanksgiving *liked by Daylightwing*

TheBetterCanary: @/RiddleMeThis do you still have that red wig or no

RiddleMeThis: You are not convincing me to try and seduce Nightwing.

GothamGazette: Nightwing spotted getting decked by what was obviously Riddler in a red wig! See the attached article for pictures!

Daylightwing: I mean. It wasn’t THAT obvious.


Yummmmmm: Gotta love when all of your POC friends gang up on you try and get you to say the word

Daylightwing: What word? I don’t know any words.

TheBetterCanary: cmon red answer the question we wont tell anyone

TheOneTrueRobin: We know you want to say it.

SignalOfficial: It’s fun I’ll even say it first if it makes you feel better

Yummmmmm: @/BlackBat Help

BlackBat: @/Daylightwing @/TheBetterCanary @/TheOneTrueRobin @/SignalOfficial

TheBetterCanary: scatter


TheBetterCanary: sometimes i remember that theres probably a huge database where the bats keep track of and analyze every tweet we rogues make and it makes me smile

TheBetterCanary: anyways

TheBetterCanary: contrary to popular opinion there is a difference between being a slut and having a lot of sex

TheBetterCanary: nightwing is a slut that is relatively monogamous *liked by Daylightwing*

TheBetterCanary: batman has ungodly amounts of sex in the worst places imaginable but no one would ever call him a slut

TheBetterCanary: thank you for coming to my ted talk


TheBetterCanary: we rogues and bats need a token straight so the straights dont get mad so who is gonna take the fall for us

Yummmmmm: They can have Joker, we don’t want him

TheBetterCanary: nah i dont want to know who he would fixate on if he liked women so someone else

RiddleMeThis: The straights can have Penguin.

TheBetterCanary: no i dont want him to have straight privilege

SignalOfficial: I’ll take one for the team

TheBetterCanary: this is why youre the best


RiddleMeThis: Has anyone ever wondered why @/ScareCrane hasn’t used a truth serum to figure out Batman’s identity yet? Because there’s a reason.

ScareCrane: I don’t deserve this…

RiddleMeThis: @/TheBetterCanary Do you want to do the honors of telling the public or should I?

TheBetterCanary: hahahaha oh right i remember that let me

TheBetterCanary: while it compels people to tell the truth it doesnt force them to tell them the answer

TheBetterCanary: so batman just ranted about his most recent hyperfixation for five hours until red robin showed up to help

SpoilerAlert: what was he hyperfixated on at the time lmao

ScareCrane: Sprinklers…

Yummmmmm: They were practically begging me to take them to Arkham by the end

Batman7: You three didn’t like the conversation we had?

BlackBat: @/RiddleMeThis @/ScareCrane @/TheBetterCanary

RiddleMeThis: It was very enlightening.

ScareCrane: It was actually very enjoyable

TheBetterCanary: ive always wanted to know about sprinklers

BlackBat: :)


MarryMeCanary: So since Canary knows a lot about shipping… do you guys think she has a tumblr?

TheBetterCanary: everyone should be glad i dont the only thing keeping me from going absolutely feral is the fact that i dont want to get banned on twitter


TheBetterCanary: every year i say this is the last year that im going to help my fellow rogues file their taxes for extra cash and every year im a liar please pay me money

User44555511552: Are we going to talk about how Rogues are literal SERIAL KILLERS but they still file taxes??? Because that shit is weird???

TheBetterCanary: there are two things that rogues fear

TheBetterCanary: the irs and the goon union

TheBetterCanary: yes i know they should have called it the goonion its not my fault they cant name things damn stop spamming me

User44555511552: But WHY are you scared of the IRS???

Yummmmmm: Because they can’t get off with insanity pleas so, hypothetically, they might actually have to face some kind of punishment for their crimes


TheBetterCanary: i should have called the cps on @/Batman7 when i had the chance


Yummmmmm: @/TheBetterCanary What did you do to piss of Ra’s

TheBetterCanary: who

TheBetterCanary: oh wait youre talking about old man number two

Yummmmmm: Nevermind I think I figured it out

TheOneTrueRobin: Old man number two?

TheBetterCanary: he and one other guy are both way over three hundred which makes them old men and i met him second therefore hes number two

TheBetterCanary: tell him that if he wants to be old man number one then he can always kill the guy

TheOneTrueRobin: I highly doubt that it is the numbering that has irritated him.

TheOneTrueRobin: I stand corrected. He wishes for a name.

TheBetterCanary: check your dms it should be between the video of the dog wearing booties for the first time and the picture of the pig in a teapot

TheOneTrueRobin: I have located it. That is a very generic name, and likely an alias, but thank you.


BernieDowd: @/TheBetterCanary what do you think about people that think that the Waynes are the bats?

TheBetterCanary: honestly every argument is super flimsy

BernieDowd: what about the bruises on the Wayne men?

TheBetterCanary: have you seen the kinds of women that theyre into

TheBetterCanary: if they arent into some shit id release my actual name to the public

TheBetterCanary: lmao the wayne legal team is trying to sue me for slander

TheBetterCanary: its not slander if its true babes


TheBetterCanary: @/DeadHood always gets credit for being the most committed to the bit because he wears a second mask under his helmet but @/Janus manages to find every set of twins in gotham for every job without fail so really i think hes the most devoted rogue


RiddleMeThis: I’m starting to believe that the only reason @/TheBetterCanary is still alive is that she has so much sheer audacity that no one knows how to react.

ScareCrane: She looked Batman dead in the eye during a lecture and said “And what’re you going to do if I do it again? Kill me? Didn’t think so”... so, yeah, that’s probably it

Yummmmmm: The first time I tried to fight her she asked if I had taken pole dancing lessons in preparation for using my bo

Catwomnyan: She helped me rob a store at gunpoint and then revealed to me that the gun she was using was just a prop because she had forgotten the real one at home

DeadHood: I stopped genuinely trying to catch her when I watched her give a guy sunglasses, say “You’re going to need this!”, and then light his house on fire. I asked what he did to deserve it. Apparently, he “booped her nose”.

PoisonIvy: She chugged an entire glass of poisoned wine and then asked penguin how he managed to get his hands on it because it tasted really good ❤️

Janus: She got called into court for a civil suit. I offered to be her lawyer. She refused because she had apparently been in Mock Trial in high school. She said she had failed the course, and hardly remembered anything, but was prepared to wing it. She managed to win the case.

Batman7: She once provided me with an itemized list as to why she should be allowed to commit murder. Items 1-57 and 59-101 were all “I’m hot”. Item 58 was simply “Joker”.


Penguin: Canary says she’s not a bitch but if someone paid her ten dollars I bet she would bark like a dog

TheBetterCanary: when have i ever said im not a bitch


TheBetterCanary: i want money so im now taking sponsors

Yummmmmm: That’s not going to work, no one wants to sponsor a rogue

TheBetterCanary: youre right

TheBetterCanary: im now taking antisponsors where i promote your competitors so they look bad

Daylightwing: Preeeeeetty sure thats illegal

TheBetterCanary: i will ponder the legality and morality of what i am doing over a refreshing can of doctor pepper


TheBetterCanary: nightwing is the type of guy to make pancakes with the scrambled egg method and then cry when it doesnt work

Daylightwing: Get out of my safehouse


TheBetterCanary: hey @/ScareCrane can i vent to you

ScareCrane: Of course

ScareCrane: The motherfucker came out of the vents

TheBetterCanary: i literally warned you


TheOneTrueRobin: @/TheBetterCanary and @/SignalOfficial, please refrain from calling my mother a “MILF” from now on.

SignalOfficial: We only speak the truth

TheBetterCanary: tell her to stop being a milf if youre so concerned about it


TheOneTrueRobin: Canary is a lot less threatening when she dramatically whips out a contract, only to give herself a papercut and then cry for five whole minutes.

TheBetterCanary: fuck you youre paying extra


TheBetterCanary: i know im the number one nightwing hater and all *Liked by Daylightwing*

TheBetterCanary: but i can respect someone who regularly butchers the english language

Daylightwing: It is very dumb.

TheBetterCanary: the fact that it exists is a hate crime against me personally

SpoilerAlert: not what a hate crime is

TheBetterCanary: oh yeah white girl tell me all about hate crimes id love to hear your take

SpoilerAlert: on second thought you’re good

TheBetterCanary: thats what i fucking thought


SignalOfficial: @/TheBetterCanary What is this shit are you fucking serious oh my god

TheBetterCanary: youre going to have to be more specific than that but im going to go off on a limb here and say probably not

SignalOfficial: Why is there a bird in Scarecrow’s cell

TheBetterCanary: oh that

SignalOfficial: Don’t “oh that” me what the fuck is this

TheBetterCanary: do i really have to spell it out for you

TheBetterCanary: thats not just any type of bird its a crane and it turns out the local zookeepers have a pretty dark sense of humor

SignalOfficial: Fuck

TheOneTrueRobin: @/Batman7 Father…

Batman7: No.

TheOneTrueRobin: Where is your Christmas spirit?

Batman7: You are Muslim. I am Jewish.

TheBetterCanary: aw @/TheOneTrueRobin if you join my side ill let you keep the bird

TheOneTrueRobin: I will consider the offer and get back to you within five to six business days.

Batman7: @/TheOneTrueRobin Fine. You can keep Jonathan the Crane, but he is not allowed in the cave.

TheOneTrueRobin: @/Batman7 I agree to your terms. @/TheBetterCanary I regret to inform you that I must decline your offer.

TheBetterCanary: @/TheOneTrueRobin happy holidays kid dont say i never do anything for you

Batman7: Damn it.


TheBetterCanary: best idea for a prank is to give your enemies a completely normal shirt for christmas and watch them suffer as they try to figure out what you did to it

Penguin: Maybe don’t post your plans on a public platform

TheBetterCanary: that shirt looks great on you

TheBetterCanary: part two of the prank is to say that its fine in front of them so they put it on to spite you and then get chicken pox


TheBetterCanary: sometimes i forget how starved shippers are for content and then i see someone shipping me with robin because i didnt kill him when i could have and im like oh yeah right


GothamGazette: DNA found on a headless body in Park Row confuses scientists!

SpoilerAlert: no head *breaks skateboard*

Batman7: Someone is dead.

TheBetterCanary: it was a skateboard breaking of mourning


France24: Hawkmoth was just found dead in his cell!

TheRealLadybug: @/ChatonNoir told you ed would follow through you owe me a dollar

ChatonNoir: Wild

ChatonNoir: Wait when did he kill him we just saw him yesterday

TheRealLadybug: how about we chalk it up to the power of love hahaha


TheRealLadybug: nah it turns out that hell has really good wifi


TheBetterCanary: @/Penguin youre not a girlboss youre a boyemployee

SignalOfficial: @/Staff I am begging you guys to just ban her already


Batman: okay my fellow gothamites were going to have a purge kind of situation in a couple of days to see if it actually reduces crime throughout the rest of the year feel free to commit crimes none of us bats will arrest you i promise

Batman7: Canary. Please stop. I said I was sorry.

Batman: shut up youre probably balding

Yummmmmm: What did he do

Batman: got me banned so now i have to use this account

Yummmmmm: I’ll unban you

Batman: okay but im not taking back the tweets


TheBetterCanary: i hate trying on new clothes the stuff i like never fits

TheBetterCanary: im too short to be a slut

BlackBat: :(

User223584125153: Fatherless behavior

TheBetterCanary: yknow i was gonna give a proper response but then i realized i dont have to

TheBetterCanary: @/Scarecrane @/RiddleMeThis get his ass

Daylightwing: @/Batman7

TheBetterCanary: i resent that but also @/Batman7 beat him uppppp


TheBetterCanary: nightwing fightwing for whats rightwing *Liked by Daylightwing*

Daylightwing: Feel the need to clarify that just because I Liked this doesn’t mean I liked it.

TheBetterCanary: go crywing


TheBetterCanary: i live in constant shame that nothing i ever say will ever be as funny as two face when he called bruce wayne a dumb slut on live tv


TheBetterCanary: it looks like some dumbass has decided to kidnap alfred pennyworth so its time to take bets

RiddleMeThis: Oh! $50 says Pennyworth kills them!

TheBetterCanary: cheap and lame but fine

Yummmmmm: Seven hundred says we’ll get there in time

TheBetterCanary: lmao alright

Catwomnyan: Exactly 180 on Bruce Wayne finally snapping and going on a rampage.

TheBetterCanary: nice nice id pay to see that

Penguin: The Wayne luck is going to kick in and he’s going to get out without even trying

TheBetterCanary: fuck you you arent allowed to play

TheBetterCanary: wait how much are you betting

Penguin: 1k

TheBetterCanary: welcome to the game

DeadHood: 15 cents says I’ll get to them first and put a bullet in their head.

TheBetterCanary: and i thought ed was cheap but whatever good luck with that

TheBetterCanary: huh

TheBetterCanary: it seems that there was a secret other option where the dumbass apparently follows me and decided to let alfred go

ScareCrane: So… who wins then

TheBetterCanary: me pay up bitches


TheBetterCanary: if one more person asks what my body count is i swear they will be added to the number


TheBetterCanary: im bored im gonna start gaslighting people about things they already know now

TheBetterCanary: like what are people gonna do if i say im chinese after all these years i can just pull the racism card if they disagree this plan is foolproof

Daylightwing: But you ARE chinese.

TheBetterCanary: of course i am we all know this


Supes: I don’t see why Batman has such a hard time defeating the Rogues. Most of them don’t even have powers.

TheBetterCanary: yes we do

Supes: You do? What are they?

TheBetterCanary: being annoying

RiddleMeThis: Being annoying.

ScareCrane: Being annoying

Janus: Being annoying.


PoisonIvy: Being annoying 💖

Batman7: @/PoisonIvy You literally have powers.

Catwomnyan: Being annoying.


TheBetterCanary: people ask me how im so relaxed around rogues and vigilantes all the time and i just gotta say

TheBetterCanary: first of all bold of you to assume im ever relaxed

TheBetterCanary: second of all all these bitches are like one dropped ice cream away from a mental breakdown i aint scared of them

SpoilerAlert: true 😔

ScareCrane: True…

Yummmmmm: True

Penguin: Hate to agree with Canary, but true

Penguin: What the fuck

Penguin: @/TheBetterCanary did you really just attack me outside an ice cream shop to try and make me drop my ice cream cone

TheBetterCanary: wasnt me but i wish it was that sounds hilarious

Penguin: Bullshit, I saw your face

TheBetterCanary: i dont know what to tell you man maybe youve been thinking about me too much and hallucinated me or something

TheBetterCanary: i already said in the discord server that im stuck inside for the foreseeable future you dumb bitch

DeadHood: Wait a minute… the server is still active? I thought you guys said that you were deleting it because it was compromised…

PoisonIvy: 😬


JuliusDay: there’s a discord server? why am i not on it?

TheBetterCanary: its to make sure we dont get caught up in each others attacks no one is scared of you

JuliusDay: i’d still like to know when your attacks will be…

TheBetterCanary: lol

FiendlyFyre: Why am I not on it?

TheBetterCanary: you were dead until like a week ago let me add you back

MadAsAHatter: And me

TheBetterCanary: no

TheBetterCanary: and for the record @/Tweedlesdeeanddum you arent getting in either no one likes you wonderland bitches

Tweedlesdeeanddum: we didn’t even do anything

TheBetterCanary: fuck you


TheBetterCanary: i fell for the mark oh my god im a cliche fuck

SignalOfficial: TALON????

TheBetterCanary: yeah the bird mask really does something for me

TheBetterCanary: dumbass


TheBetterCanary: my legal team has asked me yet again to tell you guys that nothing i say here is serious and should not be used in a court of law

Yummmmmm: You have a legal team

TheBetterCanary: not really but sometimes ill tweet something incriminating and two face will break into one of my safehouses and yell at the camera

RiddleMeThis: I see we have competition @/Scarecrane.

ScareCrane: … I see… a temporary truce, then

Janus: Please. I don’t want her.

RiddleMeThis: Why not? She’s awesome.

ScareCrane: You’d be lucky to have the right to adopt her

Janus: Somehow I think I’ve made this worse for myself.

Janus: @/TheBetterCanary Help me.

TheBetterCanary: no this is peak entertainment


Yummmmmm: Canary is sick, I will ask her to impart some wisdom upon us

TheBetterCanary: nif e

DeadHood: She has spoken.


Yummmmmm: Sickness update – Canary is currently very loudly complaining about how red hair isn’t really red so I think she’ll live


TheBetterCanary: thought red robin was decent until he told me he thought nightwing and oracle are the best nightwing ship

Yummmmmm: They’re a classic

TheBetterCanary: so was slavery bitch nightwing is way cuter with starfire

Daylightwing: Do I get a say in this?

TheBetterCanary: no fuck off

Yummmmmm: Yeah this ain’t about you

Daylightwing: It literally is?


TheBetterCanary: batman and bruce wayne should date so they can combine their hoards of kids

BernieDowd: bold of you to assume that bruce isn’t already batman’s sugar daddy.

TheBetterCanary: youre so right i am so sorry


TheBetterCanary: that super relatable moment when you have to dismantle a system that has benefited you for years

BlackBat: :(

TheBetterCanary: at least i get to put calendar man to shame on one of his favorite days

BlackBat: :D

Batman7: What are you planning to do and how?

TheBetterCanary: like id tell you youd just stop me

SpoilerAlert: ten bucks says she’s gonna do a murder

SignalOfficial: Man, I just finished my shift, too


TheBetterCanary: Hey guys Im not actually Canary but shes letting me borrow her account to make a fun little announcement anonymously

TheBetterCanary: Ive compiled a list of every Court member in Gotham that @/TheBetterCanary @/107kidsncounting and I knew about along with all of the proof we could gather over a month long period

TheBetterCanary: Here you go shorturl.at/hMW27 enjoy the hitlist everyone

107kidsncounting: im going to kill you i didnt spend hours finding proof for you fuckers just to get fucking rickrolled in fucking 2022

TheBetterCanary: Okay okay sorry mom lmao here’s the actual link shorturl.at/BKOR1


Gothamlite: This feels like a trap. Why would Canary hurt the Court when she benefits from corrupt systems?

TheBetterCanary: well you see the thing is i enjoy this thing called being alive


TheOneTrueRobin: @/TheBetterCanary, @/RiddleMeThis, @/ScareCrane, and their other evil friend are all laughing maniacally. They will not stop. It has been ten minutes.

107kidsncounting: try hitting one of them

TheOneTrueRobin: They’re laughing harder now.

107kidsncounting: yea lol

TheOneTrueRobin: I should have read the username.

107kidsncounting: probably lmao tell the kids i say hi

TheOneTrueRobin: Fine.

TheOneTrueRobin: They told me to tell you “👍”.


TheBetterCanary: hey idiot where are you

TheBetterCanary: I got stabbed lol

TheBetterCanary: oh lol

ScareCrane: This is not a lol matter you two

TheBetterCanary: Lol

TheBetterCanary: lol

TheBetterCanary: also i knew you were still using my account get off you bitch


TheBetterCanary: nothing is more painful when you send your friend a meme and they tell you theyve already seen it

DeadHood: You kicked me in the dick less than five hours ago.

TheBetterCanary: it’s what it’s

Daylightwing: The one time you use proper grammar and its for THIS.

SignalOfficial: You are a menace to society


DeadHood: Sometimes I think about grabbing Canary by the ankles and flipping her upside down to see how many knives fall out of her clothes.

TheBetterCanary: you could just ask

DeadHood: Would you lie?

TheBetterCanary: i mean sure but youd get further away from the knives you want to know about so badly quicker if youre not actively touching me when i get them out


TheBetterCanary: out of gotham for the first time in ages and i hate it it feels weird where is the crime

SpoilerAlert: be the change you want to see in the world

TheBetterCanary: youre so right bestie

TheBetterCanary: alright who snitched to superman

Supes: I thought you were kidding about the cross thing.


TheBetterCanary: i sent a lois lane x superman fic to clark kent as an april fools joke and he was super sweet about it and said i had talent as a writer so mr kent if you see this im sorry


TheBetterCanary: in this thread i will give absolute proof that the bats and the waynes are the same

TheBetterCanary: bruce and batman both have an ungodly amount of kids like bruce even managed to find another kid despite all of the orphanages getting bombed this year thats some devotion

TheBetterCanary: richard and nightwing are both traitors that moved to bludhaven enough said

*Liked by Daylightwing*

TheBetterCanary: barbara gordon is oracle because they both scare me

TheBetterCanary: i will not joke about the death of jason todd his passing was a tragedy that still affects gotham to this day

TheBetterCanary: tason jodd however is totally red hood i mean who else could be that dorito shaped

TheBetterCanary: cassandra and black bat could both beat my ass and i would thank them

TheBetterCanary: timothy and red robin both have a sickly victorian boy vibe to them

TheBetterCanary: stephanie and spoiler both appreciate riddler and i can appreciate that

TheBetterCanary: duke and signal are both the token and the best of all of their families

TheBetterCanary: damian and robin both have way too many fucking pets like they could work together and form a zoo and i dont think anything would even be missing

TheBetterCanary: honorary mention to the butts match of course


TheBetterCanary: fuck i forgot that it was eds turn to cook

TheBetterCanary: @/ScareCrane please bring some mcdonalds home please

RiddleMeThis: When I found you, you regularly went dumpster diving for food.

TheBetterCanary: doesnt mean i dont have standards


RiddleMeThis: @/ScareCrane Remember when @/TheBetterCanary heard someone yell about how “she has a strap!” and complained about how they shouldn’t “have that stuff out in public”, only to turn around and realize it was a gun?

TheBetterCanary: im still not sorry for implying your food is worse than literal trash


Canaryfanclub: please i just want her to date me

TheBetterCanary: sorry i dont know if my boyfriend would like that

Canaryfanclub: YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND??????

TheBetterCanary: unfortunately his swagless charm has captivated me


TheBetterCanary: fuck the stupid fucking bats infected me with their even stupider fucking morals oh my god

DeadHood: Weak. I’ve been resisting for years. It took you, what, a couple of months around them to fall for their morals?

TheBetterCanary: im going to blow up your base

DeadHood: In Minecraft or in real life?

DeadHood: Fuck. It was Minecraft.

DeadHood: I spent hours making that mansion!

TheBetterCanary: trust me i know


TheBetterCanary: @/BrucieWayne i have your kids

BrucieWayne: What do you want for them?

TheBetterCanary: donate half a billion to arkham reforms

BrucieWayne: Oh no. I have no choice but to meet her demands.


TheBetterCanary: vigilantes dont want you to know this but muscles actually dont constantly look like that unless youre constantly flexing and they definitely dont show through layers of kevlar

TheBetterCanary: which means that they choose to have abs on their costumes

TheBetterCanary: i can hear the fangirls crying from here


TheBetterCanary: lol

Yummmmmm: Oh god what did you do

TheBetterCanary: dont worry about it

Batman7: Where is Joker?

TheBetterCanary: he tripped and fell into a pocket dimension and i cant get him out but dont worry i got him one of those gerbil water feeders and some chips so hell live

Batman7: That doesn’t sound like an accident.

TheBetterCanary: never said it was one



Idea for you class salt after the class is out of school and in the real world.

Marinette's phone gets broken so badly she needs a new number. She only tells a few her new number no one from her old class has it.

Some of her old class goes to bakery to ask why she hasn't called them back when they called her. They get told her phone got broken and all that.

The class member goes okay tell her to call me when it gets fixed or replaced it is important.

Only her parents forget and when said class member comes back later is told that but is also told Marinette has a new phone now. But not a new number.

Classmate rushes out to call her so she can fix their problems like always only it goes to voicemail as the person whom has her old number is like I don't know this person calling me. It goes on and on till it gets bad and the person with the new number goes to the police with worry over the threats they are getting.

Should I be worried for myself or the person they are trying to reach

It comes to a head when alya talks max into hacking the location of the phone and they go to have a talk with Marinette only it's not her


Thank you so much for the request! It's my first one so I went a bit overboard and wrote a lot! So sorry it took me so long to get to this! I'm taking organic chemistry over the winter so that has been kicking my ass. The first draft was deleted, so hopefully, this is a better version! Thank you for your patience with me!

TW: swearing, minor threats of violence


"Well shit," Marinette's day was already bad, but this was just throwing salt into the wound. She had started her day with her phone blowing up with requests from her (former) classmates and friends. Ever since she returned from College they had gotten right back to their usual B.S. "Mari I need a new dress for a meeting with Prince Ali," "Marinette! I told my team you'd design some sick jackets for us and you'd have them done by our next swim meet!" "Girl! I need three new outfits! Adrien and Lila are taking me with them to a fashion show and this is my chance to interview some top designers! Oh sorry, you're not invited." She was up to her neck in demands and requests, to the point she was seriously considering closing her commissions, not like her former friends paid her anyways. THEN Hawkmoth decided that she hadn't suffered enough, she had to deal with Volpina, Frozer, AND Prime Queen and it was not even lunchtime. Volpina was easy enough to take down, why Lila was akumatized is anyone's guess. Frozer was a bit trickier, and since Chat had no plans of showing up she had to bring in Ryuko and Viperion. The trio ended up fighting Prime Queen, who was convinced that LadyNoir would still happen and the Cat Hero's absence was due to a lover's quarrel. Marinette was finally able to return to the alleyway she had transformed in... only to find her shattered phone. It must've fallen out of her suit's pocket (she had redesigned her costume since returning to Paris, she wanted a more mature, fashionable look) when she was rushing to get to the battle.

"Great! Just Perfect! This is just what I need now!" She sighed picking up the shattered phone. There was no way this was salvageable, the impact of hitting the ground had practically broken the thing in half. Tikki knew her chosen was stressed, between being Ladybug, being the Guardian of the Miraculous, building a blossoming fashion empire from scratch, and having to deal with her former friends' constant demands it was only a matter of time before she lost Marinette to Hawkmoth's akumatization. The goddess recognized that this was just the opportunity she needed to help her chosen, and she would start by helping Marinette cut off the people hurting her most. "Marinette! I have an idea! Why don't you get two phones? One can be your work phone, and the other can be your personal one. That way you won't have to worry about your work stuff getting lost in your personal stuff. You can get new numbers for both too!" Marinette looked at the Kwamii with some confusion, "Why would I need to change my number?" Tikki sighed, "Marinette, they haven't been very good friends to you, they haven't even been your friends for a while now. Think about it, your former classmates don't talk to you unless they want something, they expect you to use your connections to benefit them but won't return the favor, and they promise you and your time to other people without your consent.  That isn't right babybug, friends don't treat friends like that. They don't even pay you for your time, effort, and the cost of materials!" Marinette knew that Tikki was right, but she was still hesitant, "But..." "Would Kagami text you expecting you to make her something and refuse to pay? Would Luka text you telling you that he promised another musician you'd make their wardrobe by their next concert? Would Kagami and Luka use your work to get ahead, and then refuse to extend the favor? No, they wouldn't! Those are healthy friends babybug, you can give them your new number, I know they'll understand!" Marinette thought about it for a moment and decided that Tikki was right. With a renewed conviction she made her way to the nearest tech store to begin to take control of her life again.

Adrien was frustrated, he had been texting and calling Marinette all afternoon but she wasn't answering! That wasn't like his princess, so something had to be going on, but there wasn't an Akuma on the news, Ladybug, Viperion, and Ryuko defeated the three earlier today. He did feel a little guilty that he didn't go to help, but he was busy! He had modeling shoots all morning and then joined Lila and Alya for lunch discussing their upcoming trip. The topic eventually turned to the Wayne Gala that was approaching as well, with both models confirming they had been invited. Well, Lila had only been invited because she was an official Gabriel representative, but she didn't need to know that. The brunette was currently making a big show of bringing Alya as her plus one, which brings Adrien back to his current predicament. When he arrived home, his father told him that he had to invite Marinette Dupain-cheng as his plus one no matter what. Both Agrestes had been shocked when she had rejected Gabriel's offer to join his company, but her answer had been reassuring, "I greatly appreciate your offer but cannot accept it in good conscious. Adrien has been my friend for years and I would hate to potentially harm his, the company's, and my reputation by accepting. I am worried it could be misconstrued as me gaining the position, not by my own talent, skill, or merit but because I had a connection to someone with considerable sway." His father didn't seem to pick up that the last bit was about Lila, but seemed content. In fact, Gabriel had complimented Marinette's business savvy and remarked how good it would be if she followed in his footsteps by building a fashion house from scratch. He had mused that it would be even better to have the two great fashion houses merging together instead of just taking Marinette in as a designer. Now that Miracle Design Clothing (MDC) has risen to compete with the likes of Gabriel and Style Queen, his father had decided now was the time to begin winning Marinette over.

Adrien would never admit it to his father, but he had his own motivations for being so on board with the plan to invite Marinette to the Wayne Gala. They were now in their mid-20s, and everyone in Paris wanted to know everything about the Agreste Heir's love life. Lila had hinted multiple times that Adrien was dating her, so much so that the media was beginning to spin her narrative. However, Adrien wasn't entirely out of the running yet. He knew that the Wayne Galas were always a media frenzy so if he, a fashion empire heir, showed up to the Gala with Marinette, a rising star in the fashion world, on his arm the media would quickly assume they were dating. It was a brilliant plan, Marinette was charming, beautiful, intelligent, and incredibly talented. His father held her in high regard, and he knew that if Gabriel approved of him dating anyone, it would be Marinette. Besides Adrien had a trick up his sleeve, he knew Marinette was in love with him, or at least that was what Alya had told him. She told him about Marinette's crush right before the ravenette left for college, hoping to embarrass her former best friend. Their old class still believed what Lila had said about Marinette being a bully. In their get-togethers they would often mock the designer's success, reassuring Lila that the only reason they talked to her was to get stuff from Marinette. While it upset him a little to know Marinette was being taken advantage of, a larger part of him felt like she deserved it since she didn't listen to his advice about Lila. Oh well, it was her own fault. Adrien was brought out of his thoughts by Alya's shriek.

"OH MY GOSH! The Waynes just announced the Designer they got their Gala outfits from, and it's Marinette!" Adrien choked down a laugh at the sour expression Lila wore, as Alya continued to read, "The article says that Marinette and Timothy Drake Wayne met while they were in college, and he thought her designs were so incredible that he referred her to Bruce Wayne himself! She's considered a family friend and received their order along with an invitation to the Gala! Why didn't she tell me any of this??" 'Maybe because you only talk to her when you want something' Adrien thought as their former classmates began to text. Alya was trying to call Marinette, most likely to scream at her for not letting Alya in on such a big story, but she couldn't get through. "Ugh! Marinette is ignoring me! Who does that stupid bitch think she is?" Lila's eyes sparkled as she saw a chance to jump in and control the narrative, "I know right? You'd think she'd be more grateful after I introduced her to Timmy- oh I've said too much," She batted her eyelashes and made a show of covering her mouth. "YOU introduced Marinette to the Waynes? Girl you've gotta give me the details!" "Well, Marinette was going to college in Milan, and I happened to be there for a modeling shoot," That part was actually true, Adrien was sick and couldn't make that shoot, "We happened to bump into each other at a cafè, and Marinette apologized to me for how awful she was to me in our youth. She told me that the only reason she did what she did was that she was jealous and felt threatened by me, you were right Alya." That was how Lila worked, she mixed a little bit of the truth with what someone wanted to hear, which caused the lies she told to pass by noticed. "Anyways we had lunch and caught up, she was showing me some of her amazing designs," as much as it pained Lila to admit it, Marinette was truly talented. In fact one thing she regretted was not working harder to deceive Marinette back when they were still in school, if she had known Marinette would be so successful she would've fought like hell to take the spot of Marinette's Best Friend away from Alya. She would've been MDC's top model, instead of having a stagnating career as just another practically nameless model for Gabriel. "I remembered my dear friend Timmy, we met when my mother was stationed in Gotham, he had told me that the Wayne family needed suits and dresses for their upcoming Gala and that Gabriel was too busy." Another partial truth, Lila didn't know any Wayne, but she knew Gabriel was too busy being Hawkmoth to make their outfits. "I gave him Marinette's number as an olive branch because I had thought she changed, but I guess she was lying. Oh and Alya? Adrien? Please don't mention my friendship with the Waynes, I don't want people thinking they can get to them through me." Lila smirked as both Adrien and Alya promised her they wouldn't say anything.

When Marinette told them she was cutting off her former friends for good, Tom and Sabine were over the moon. They knew about the Lila situation and all its complexities after the faux fox tried to infiltrate the bakery and convince them their daughter had stolen her necklace. They almost fell for it, until Tom remembered that Marinette had been helping him in the bakery during the time Lila said their daughter took the necklace. He had sternly told Lila that there was no way Marinette could have done it, and even offered to show her security footage that proved Marinette was not the thief. Instead, the brunette stormed out of the bakery, and Tom and Sabine knew they had to talk to their daughter. After a bit of gentle prodding, Marinette broke down and told them everything. She told them about Lila, her classmates, and Adrien, and she told them about everything they were putting her through. They were horrified, and that feeling was solidified after Lila got Marinette expelled. After their daughter's name was cleared, that useless principal was trying to dodge removing it from her record, until Sabine threatened to contact the school board about how their daughter was expelled without an investigation. They did everything they could, but it seemed Lila had everyone else in her pocket, and it seemed to stay that way once Marinette returned from college. She had swung by the bakery and explained that her phone had been shattered while she avoided the akumas, and she was taking this opportunity to change her number and cut those leeches off. Sabine and Tom promised that they would say nothing because it was only a matter of time before her former friends wound up at the bakery because of the radio silence from Marinette.

The chiming of the doorbell confirmed their fears. In stormed Marinette's old class, with her former friend Alya leading the pack. They could see Lila hiding in the back, and decided it would be better to say nothing. "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng! We have a problem and thought you could help us. We've been trying to get in contact with Marinette all day, but we can't reach her and we wanted to make sure she was okay." Sabine smiled as she tried to hold in her rage. They weren't here because they were concerned, those brats wanted something. It would appear that Alya and co didn't know that Marinette's parents knew Lila was lying or what they did, so Tom decided to answer in a way Lila couldn't twist. "Oh, she came by earlier today and let us know that her phone was broken. She dropped it during one of the Akuma attacks, and it was pretty smashed up. She told us to let you know if you came by since she would be off the grid until it was fixed. It might be a while though, it was almost as bad as the time it got caught in the bread mixer!" His answer seemed to calm the group down, typical clumsy Marinette strikes again. "Ok, well can you please let her know to reach out to us once her phone's fixed?" The two nodded and promised they would, and watched as the group of adults left. Sabine turned to the freezer, "They're gone! You can come out now!" The two chuckled as their daughter slowly poked her head out of the walk-in freezer, ready to dash back in at a moment's notice. Yeah, they're glad Marinette was finally cutting those people off and the bright glow in their girl's eyes confirmed it.

The Gala was in a few weeks, and Marinette was STILL radio silent. Adrien was pacing back and forth in his room, trying to figure out what to do. Her social media was most likely controlled by an assistant like his was so he couldn't message her there, he couldn't get into her studio without an invitation or employee badge, and he realized he had no idea where she lived so he couldn't even pay her a visit or send a letter! "I don't know what to do! No one has heard from Marinette and her parents promised they'd talk to her about it!" "Maybe she finally got tired of your bullshit and decided to cut you and the rest of those users off," Plagg snapped from somewhere in his room. After The Paint Incident, Plagg's attitude towards him seemed to change. He snapped at Adrien more, called Adrien out on his behavior, and started giving Adrien harsh (and desperately needed) advice. Other than that, Plagg was getting on his case about slacking off on his duties as Chat Noir, claiming that his behavior was a disgrace to the legacy of the Cat Miraculous. Adrien was getting fed up with him, hadn't the stupid cat heard the saying 'if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all?' "Marinette wouldn't do that! We're her friends!" "Some friends. And some friend YOU are. You knew Lila was lying and let her wreck Marinette's school life, get her expelled, and continue to lie to everyone. You told Marinette to shut up and take it, news flash kid, the high road does not mean stay quite and let people hurt you! YOU currently know that YOUR friends only care about what they can get from her and that Lila is planning to pull some bullshit at the Gala, but all you're concerned about is making sure karma doesn't bite you in the ass!" Plagg roared. It was hard to argue with the little god without sounding like a hypocrite, but Adrien was going to try. "Well... When Marinette agrees to go to the Gala with me I can fix everything! She likes me, so we can get together, and I can get Lila to apologize! Once everyone knows they're on good terms things will go back to how they should be!" Plagg was paying more attention to the cheese he was juggling, but he did glance back at Adrien, "One, IF she decides to go with you. Two, she may not even feel that way it's been years. Three, How are you going to get a narcissist to admit to wrongdoing? Four, How does Lila apologizing change how your ex-class treat Mari when that's how they treated her before Lila showed up?" Adrien chose to ignore Plagg and tried calling Marinette again.

Alya was STRESSED. The Gala was coming up and she needed a new dress that would wow everyone and make her stand out from other reporters. She had already secured her Press Pass, and because she was Lila's plus one she could actually get into the Gala. The only other reporters with that privilege were Clark Kent and Lois Lane, close friends of the Wayne Family. Lila offered to get her a Gabriel Original but she turned it down, both girls shared a sentiment that Gabriel's designs had really been declining. "I think it was the loss of his wife. She was his greatest inspiration, and especially with Hawkmoth on the loose, I can understand not wanting to leave your house. Maybe he's just out of touch," Lila had told her, and Alya agreed. What she needed was a Marinette Original, something to show she was in with both designers. She was thinking of something fox-inspired, to pay homage to her time as Rena Rouge. She'd talked to the other girls about why Marinette had never told her she would be designing for the Waynes, and they reassured her, "Well, maybe she thought you wouldn't be interested or were too busy?" Rose offered. "You didn't really report on fashion until Adrien and Lila took you to that fashion show. Maybe she thought you wouldn't be interested." Juleka suggested. "Als, you're overthinking it! Mari didn't tell you because she couldn't! A family like the Waynes has wicked good lawyers, they probably made her sign an NDA." Alix concluded. They were probably right, Marinette would have told her if she could have, and Alya needed that dress. So there she was at Tom and Sabine's bakery again, asking about Marinette. "Oh, she just called this morning! The damage was too severe, so she had to get a new phone." Sabine told the young reporter, who thanked her lucky stars. As she left the bakery, she sent a text 'Mari's back!'

Adrien nearly dropped his phone when he got the text from Alya, before excusing himself to run upstairs and call Marinette. The phone rang, and rang, and rang, before the call was answered, "Hello? Who is this?" A woman's voice answered, but certainly was not Marinette. Adrien was floored, he was sure he dialed the correct number. "Um hi. I'm looking for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I'm a friend of hers and was calling to speak to her." "Oh really? Well if you're her friend maybe you can explain to me why the second I had this number activated my phone was bombarded with calls and texts demanding things from dresses, to invitations to some Gala, and all kinds of other demands." Wait, had Marinette changed her number? No, she wouldn't have. "Listen, lady, I don't know if you find this funny but I KNOW Marinette wouldn't change her number. If you're her assistant you better give the phone to Marinette NOW or I'll see to it personally that you're fired!" Marinette should really have taken care to not hire such incompetent people. It was unfitting of an eventually-to-be Agreste. "I don't know who you think you are but I will make one thing clear: I DO NOT KNOW A MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG!" The line went dead. Adrien pressed the redial button, and felt his stomach drop as the call didn't go through, he had been blocked. From the way the group chat was blowing up, he could guess the others were getting the same response. Lila was going on and on about how Marinette was abandoning them in their time of need, and adding fuel to the fire. Adrien decided he was going to do damage control. He had thought a bit about what Plagg had said and realized that he needed to show Marinette that he was still on her side, besides it would be tougher to get everyone to make up if they were mad at her for something her crappy assistant did. He sent the chat a message, 'Guys relax. The woman on the phone wasn't Marinette but has her number, so she's probably a new assistant! Miracle Design Clothing has really exploded since the Waynes announced she made their outfits for the Gala so Marinette probably hired some help and the lady didn't know who we were. We can try again later.'

Lea Dubois was having the roughest week in all of her fourty-three years. She had gotten a new phone, since she her old one was stolen, and decided to get a new number with it. Not even a couple of minutes after activating her phone it began blowing up with calls and demands for a Marinette Dupain-Cheng. After a particularly snobby boy threatened to get her fired from a job she didn't even have, Lea decided to do some snooping and figure out who this Marinette Dupain-Cheng was. Googling the girl's name directed her to a Miracle Design Clothing website, and after scrolling through she found a tab labeled, "Founder." Clicking on it, she saw a picture of a smiling young woman with shiny black (almost blue) hair and sapphires for her eyes. She was a truly gorgeous woman, and from what Lea read very talented. That explained the demand for clothing. She decided to check social media next, and quickly found articles about how the rising star had been personally invited to the Wayne Charity Gala! That explained all the calls from people claiming to be Marinette's friends and demanding to be taken to the Gala, to that one girl who demanded an interview and a dress for the Gala. Lea went through the messages that quickly went from demanding to insulting and toxic, and thought to herself, 'I see why that girl changed her number, I hope she knows these people aren't her friends.' She decided to look up the people who had called her, and see what she could find out about them. A girl named Alix and a boy named Kim were both athletes, although both played for the minor leagues of their respective sports, but it did explain the requests for jersey designs. A boy named Ivan and two girls named Juleka and Rose had been calling about outfits for their next concert, apparently they were in a band called Kitty Section. Lea vaguely remembered that it was a popular group, before their lead guitarist was kicked out and went solo. Two girls named Sabrina and Mylene had asked her to create costumes for a production in the Théâtre du Châtelet, a boy named Max called asking for a suit for his new tech reveal, and another boy named Nino asked her to design a couple of album covers!

A few other people called, but they seemed to be genuine friends. One standout was a boy named Nathaniel who had called twice, once to congratulate Marinette on her work with the Waynes and invite her to an event for his comic. The second time was to apologize to Lea when he found out Marinette had changed her number. He had also apologized for the harassment his (and apparently Marinette's) former friends had been throwing at her. He explained that when they were younger, Marinette didn't know how to stand up for herself, and was pressured by her teacher to constantly put her needs on the back burner to help her classmates. Nathaniel told her it had gotten better when Marinette left for college, but now that she was back in Paris, things had gone back to the way they were. Instead of their teacher, the role of pressuring her had fallen to three people, Lila Rossi, Alya Césaire, and Adrien Agreste. That last name caught her attention, could that have been the bratty boy who threatened to fire her? "Sweetie I hate to do this to you, but if you have time could you meet me in person? We have a lot to discuss, and I'm beginning to worry for Marinette." Nathaniel had agreed and had said he was bringing a couple of Marinette's friends, her real friends. "They've been harassing us too, maybe we can look into getting a restraining order or something." And that was how she ended up in a cafe sitting at a table with some of the most impressive people she'd ever met. There were Nathaniel Kurtzberg and Marc Anciel, the power couple of comics. She hadn't read comics since she was a little girl, but her nephews talked nonstop about the Ladybug comic the two had started in collège. Olympian fencer Kagami Tsurugi, and hit rock artist Luka Couffaine. There was academy award winner Zoé Lee and fortune 500 company founder Chloé Bourgeois.

The group exchanged pleasantries and got right to business, "So we heard from Nathaniel that you got Marinette's old number and that your phone has been blowing up with all the shit she used to get," Luka said. Lea nodded, "Yes. They refused to believe that she'd changed her number and one man even threatened to get me fired! I don't know what job he thinks I have that he can influence, but I digress. " "Ugh. That sounds like Adrien alright. I swear it was like a switch flipped in his head during Collége, he's acting like I used to," Chloé had come to terms with the kind of person she was, and had taken the steps to apologize and change for the better. A part of that was she swore never to touch a Miraculous again, she had become aware enough to realize that when given that much power she would be tempted to fall back into her old ways. "It's telling that their first reaction to being cut off is to harass an innocent person instead of reflecting on their actions and what lead them to that point," Kagami said, "I think we owe you an explanation since you have unfortunately been dragged into this." Lea nodded, that sounded good. "They weren't always this bad, well they weren't always this blatant about it. For a long time, Marinette was happy and popular, hell even when I bullied her she didn't seem bothered. Then Lila Rossi transferred. That girl is the type to convince people that two plus two equals five, you know what I mean," Lea nodded, her ex had been like that. "Well anyways, Marinette saw through her bullshit and called her out for it, so Lila declared war. Before anyone could process what happened, Lila had convinced the class that Marinette was the Devil's spawn. She even managed to get Marinette falsely expelled, and while that was reversed, it was the moment Marinette realized she couldn't rely on her classmates. Alya was an up-and-coming journalist and her best friend, but if she couldn't bring herself to fact-check this girl's stories..." Chloé paused to take a sip of her drink, and Lea thought of something, "Maybe Alya did fact-check and knew Lila was lying. I did some research before I came here, and I know that Alya ran the Ladyblog. I also know that her videos featuring Lila are her most viewed videos, but when I looked at the comments I noticed that a ton had been deleted. Maybe she knew but saw how much attention her blog was getting, and chose to ignore Lila's lies, or maybe she believes them, I don't know." The group continued to chat about their situation and were snapped out of it when the door to the cafe was flung open.

Alya was gonna kill Marinette when she found her. How dare she hire someone and not tell them who she was?! How dare she do that to her friends?! Doesn't she realize they need her? It didn't take much to convince the others, specifically Max, to ping the location off of Marinette's number and track it down. If she was going to be bitchy and ignore their calls and messages and hire some dumb assistant to annoy them, they were gonna make her pay! They had tracked her location to a cafe in the fashion district and were waiting for the last of the group to arrive. "I don't understand why she's being so petty," Lila whimpered, fighting back tears, "You all have been nothing but kind to her even when she's been such a nasty person!" "I don't understand it either," Sabrina said, "It's like a switch flipped in collège or something." Well whatever it was, they weren't gonna let her get out of this! Once Kitty Section had arrived, the group stormed into the cafe ready to give Marinette a piece of their minds! To their surprise, Marinette wasn't there. Their old friends turned enemies were there and sitting with them was a middle-aged woman, was she the one who had been answering from Marinette's number. "Where's Marinette?" Alya demanded. Chloé and Kagami lept to their feet. "She isn't here, and unless someone is dying you are not getting in contact with her!" Chloé was a lot less polite about it, "Wow, I'm surprised none of you got the memo. You've been cut off!" The older woman turned to face them, and Adrien snapped at her, "You! Are you Marinette's assistant or something? Get her here now!" Oh, that was it, Lea walked right up to him, ready for war. "I will do no such thing because I am not her assistant! I did not even know who Marinette was until you people began blowing up my phone with demands! I have never met more selfish people! And you," she pointed at Lila, "I've heard all about you and what you've done to that poor girl!" Lila began to sob, wailing about how she didn't do anything, and that she had been trying to mend bridges with Marinette by introducing her to the Waynes.

"Woah, Woah, hold on! You did NOT introduce her to the Wayne Family," Luka stood up and walked over, Lea noticed how Kitty Section seemed to shrink under his gaze. "Marinette met the Waynes at a fashion show in Gotham that Jagged Stone took us to. She met Selina and the two hit it off like a house on fire," Luka pulled out his phone and showed off pictures of a much younger Marinette with a woman who could have passed for her mother. "Notice the date? She was in high school when she met them. Here she is at Selina and Bruce's wedding. Know why she's there? She designed Selina's dress." The dress was a stunning white with elegant black lace. The top resembled the head of a cat, and if you looked close enough you could see little cats and bats hidden within the lace. "Marinette's been the Wayne Family's go-to designer for YEARS. Hell, the Waynes were at her graduation party, and the opening of Miracle Design Clothes Studio, and have been to every major life event she's had since she met them." Luka showed them More photos of Marinette and the Wayne family. "I don't know how you could introduce her to people she's known for years," Luka said, "Not to mention Stephanie tells me they're desperate to either adopt her into the family or have her marry into it," Marc added. All eyes were on Lila now, she had told them all that she'd introduced Marinette to Timothy Drake Wayne and that was how Marinette got the job, but with all this evidence it was clear her lie was dead in the water. Lea turned back to the group, watching as the realization crossed their faces that Lila had lied, and had most likely lied about various other things. Turning back to the people she had met she said, "It was very nice meeting you all. Please pass on my concerns to Marinette, and let her know if she ever needs friendly advice, she knows what number to call,"

The Wayne Gala was very... Awkward for Adrien. After their failed attempt to confront Marinette, Lila got exposed, and in the excitement, it came out that he knew about what she had been doing. Simply put he was excommunicated from the group. They figured that if they cut him, Lila, and Alya (who had doubled down on Marinette being the problem until it came out she knew Lila lied and had said nothing to protect her views) out that they could apologize to Marinette and she'd take them back. Their pleas on social media brought attention to the situation, and Marinette's friends and parents were more than happy to tell the world what happened to their favorite designer. When he, Lila, and Alya walked into the Wayne Gala, they turned heads but not for the reasons any of them had hoped for. People were polite to their faces and when speaking to them, but Adrien could hear them whispering behind his back. He needed to talk to Marinette, if he could smooth things over with her then maybe, just maybe this could be salvaged. However, the Wayne Family seemed to personally take offense to his plan, because whenever he saw Marinette (and she stood out in an absolutely jaw-dropping sparkling red mermaid cut dress) she was whisked away before he could say anything. First, it was Selina, who lead her over to some of his father's former clients and proudly told them the story of how she met the young designer. Then it was Bruce Wayne himself who came to introduce her to the Kents, who much to Alya's dismay didn't even glance her way. Finally, it was the Wayne Kids who were determined to dance with Marinette all night, Adrien swears Jason was smirking at him. Eventually, she broke off from the main party with Tim and the two were chatting on the balcony. This was as close of a chance as he would get.

Marinette was having an amazing night! She met so many amazing people and made so many new contacts! She even set up an interview with Lois Lane! She could feel Alya fuming on the other side of the room, and tried her best not to think about it. She knew Adrien, Lila, and Alya were at the Gala, and she knew what had happened a few weeks before. While she was happy Lila was finally exposed, she had moved on. She got to dance with each of the Wayne siblings, but her favorite dance had to be with Tim. When Selina had introduced her to him, their reaction to each other was to freak out. Tim was over the moon to meet the designer he'd followed for years, and Marinette was ecstatic to meet the young Wayne CEO (whom she may have had a bit of a crush on). The two had exchanged numbers and talked constantly, building up a close friendship. As time went on her crush on him grew as well, but she was too nervous to risk their friendship and say anything. Eventually, when she thought her feet were going to fall off, Tim led her over to the balcony. There they talked quietly about anything and everything when a cough interrupted them. There was Adrien, with a charming smile, but Marinette had learned not to be fooled. "Hello, Adrien. Enjoying the Gala?" Marinette asked, she knew he was up to something, and from the way Tim looked at him, he could sense it too. Marinette decided to take control of the conversation, "I heard what happened. With Lea Dubois and the phone number and everything. To put it lightly that certainly wasn't your best moment." "Well, I... I never thought you would change your number, so it kinda threw me for a loop. Anyways, I wanted to apologize for the part I played in all of this. I really dropped the ball and it lead to you getting hurt I never intended for that to happen," "Yet you continued to let Marinette's former friends use her for free things?" Tim butted in, holding up his phone and showing various text messages between Adrien and his friends. Adrien's face darkened, "How the hell did you get those?!" Tim just threw his head back and laughed. "I'm a tech prodigy. Finding texts is a piece of cake. I started looking after Nathaniel told me about what happened in the cafe. I also found the texts between you and your father, and no I won't let you use my girlfriend as a publicity stunt. We were gonna announce our relationship tonight-" Adrien turned around and stomped off before Tim could finish his sentence. Marinette sighed, he really hadn't changed. Turning back to Tim she asked, "Since when are we in a relationship?" The raven-haired boy blushed a little, "Well Unofficially since your graduation party, but neither of us knew it at the time. Officially now... If you want. If not that's cool and we can just pretend this never happened. Damn Adrien! I had a plan for this but he had to show up and ruin it!" Marinette chuckled and brought Tim's hand up to her cheek, smiling up at him fondly, "Officially now is fine with me."


Fantasy/Twin AU

Sorry for being late and not posting for a bit. Was a bit burnt out and had writer block. I will go back to write the other days soon though. Also, sorry, I suck at writing wing aus, this is my first time doing it.

Anonymous asked:

Part 4 of timinette siblings with Kon and Bart coming over and bonding?

Maybe they were on an off-world mission of something and they video-called him

A second Anonymous person asked: If you make a part 4 (you do not have to) for the sibling Tim and Marinette, I think its time we see some protective big brother Tim moments don't you think? Stepping in when he spots a guy crowding his sister to suing Lila and Alya when he discovers the bullying, and the blog. Helping Mama Sabine bring evidence to the school board over the mistreatment of Mari, maybe his reaction to hearing Damien calling Mari a 'harlot' or 'tramp' (Tim totally goes to Luka for 'how to be best big bro' advice)

So I’ve decided to put them together. Enjoy!

Siblings Don’t Stand Back and Watch, They Always Get Involved

Anonymous asked:

If maybe a part 3 for the Sibling Marinette and Tim idea it could be Tim meeting/bonding with Mari's team. Tim, Chloe and Adrian bond over neglectful parents (Tim offers to end their parents business wise, they just need to ask), spars with Kagami since he can go all out, raves about the dark beauty of Gotham with Juleka (he shows her his photos of the city), and stressed/non-verbal days are spent with Luka and his music. Marinette is ridiculously happy/proud how her team and Tim gets along!

Friends Don't Move On, They Stay Together

When the team first came into contact with Tim, they were all suspicious. They had a goal to protect their sweet amazing leader who was slowly falling away due to Lila and her lackeys. It was suspicious that some random man with similar attributes and characteristics just came out of nowhere and claimed to be her twin brother. They all knew Marinette was still a bit too trusting, even after all of the crap she went through, and for all they knew he could be a spy for Lila. But as they got to know Tim more and more personally through Marinette, they realized that their assumptions were completely wrong. It was funny really, they should have seen it from their first meeting.

Anonymous asked:

Would it be okay if we get a part 2 for "Siblings don't shake hands" (also as I ask this its about to hit 500 notes so congrats on that!) Maybe snippets of Tom and Sabine meeting Tim, maybe getting hints of how family starved he is when he looks like a kid at Christmas whenever Sabine coo's over him while cupping his face gently and he leans into it or when Tom calls him son and promises to teach him how to make family recipes and makes time to hang out with him when he visits while Mari smiles.

Family Doesn’t Run Away, Family Cuddles

Anonymous asked:

Twin!Sibling Tim and Marinette where Tim is digging into his parents old files one day and discovers he had a younger twin sibling that was given up cause she wasn't planned. Tim does what Tim does best starts tracking down where she was sent/adopted to and finds out she's in Paris. Marinette has always known she was adopted and doesn't even bat an eye when he shows up. Basically they bond over coffee/riddles/problem solving, and discover each other hero identities.

Siblings don’t shake hands, siblings gotta hug!

sorry this took so long!


It has happened.

I have purchased Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus

Will provide updates


I’m going to start it pretty soon. I’m for some reason locked out of my student account and email and IT was no help as usual, so what is there to do except read a parody romance novel written specifically to spite J.K. Rowling?

Chuck Tingle has more or less become a meme because of his bizarre titles and covers and because of the Hugo fiasco, but I’ve heard relatively little about what it’s like to actually read his work and I frankly have no idea what to expect or if I should go into this with expectations at all

This book is...surprisingly easy to take seriously as a book. I don’t know what I’m trying to say. But it’s like. A Book and not just an extended joke. Like on some level it’s not particularly terribly written nor does the plot like, completely exist in service to the...whatever humor is derived from the self-aware absurdity of the premise


I love that he’s not even described as a humanoid dinosaur. He’s just sexy goth tattooed Severus snape and he’s also a parasaurolophus and we are left to just figure it out

I have to talk about what is going on with the worldbuilding. Like this is a parody. Of Harry Potter. But there’s an entirely different magic system and....everything???

In summary

  • there doesn’t appear to be a statute of secrecy type thing magic is just fully integrated with the modern world and modern technology
  • Harriet is a wizard, but that means that she creates spells by typing them out in long manuscripts, which on one level is a nod to the book publishing industry but on another level is kind of interesting in of itself
  • there’s a??? spellcasting industry??
  • there are different types of magic users other than wizards, and they appear to be based on the d&d classes
  • or at least, bards exist and they are distinct from wizard
  • the dinosaur is a bard
  • Bigfeet exist and they are integrated with modern society
  • there are sentient motorcycles and no one finds this in any way unusual

...Warlocks in this world get their powers from a pact with Chuck Tingle

The fourth wall break is killing me.

The sexy dinosaur is also trans

As much as I love skillfully crafted satire that takes deft jabs at the flaws of the thing it’s lampooning, there’s also something charming about how every character in this book has a name blatantly and hilariously derived from a Harry Potter character regardless of how most of their roles in the story barely resemble anything like characters in Harry Potter.

...You know, I’m not even sure Chuck Tingle has read Harry Potter.

I’m back to reading. Does chocolate milk have intoxicating effects on sentient motorcycles??

...sentences I never thought I’d write

um im lowkey getting feels from this like there are some genuinely emotionally resonant bits in here what the fuck

chuck tingle’s magic system is unironically better than jk Rowling’s I’m sorry

I’m so sorry to sample the sex scene but. “sexualis secondus” just killed me. I have been pronounced dead by this book. im obliterated this is indescribable


I literally have no idea how to describe what I’m experiencing right now. Like this is a somewhat poorly edited parody adult dinosaur romance novel but. It’s genuinely?? Creative?? In a lot of ways???? And there’s a lot of heart to it, a lot of genuine powerful messages about identity and about art and creativity and the fourth-wall-breaking device is...I can’t explain it because that would spoil it but it’s actually pulled off so well?????

This is not like, a humorous joke story this guy did for Being a Little Shit and Spite reasons, it’s like actually in its themes and message a genuine “fuck you” to j.k. Rowling’s transphobia even though it’s this absolutely wild janky batshit story and I have never experienced anything like this in my LIFE

I did not expect my adhd little heart to be touched by understanding of my fears about creativity and writing and its place in my life. Not like this. What the fuck. What the fuck.


Chuck Tingle is a gift to this world and when the time comes for him to call on his army I will be there with bells on.

It's always fun to see someone discover Chuck Tingle.

New theory time, Chuck Tingle write My Immortal...

Masks and Music

(Part 2)

I CANNOT believe how popular the previous chapter was! I actually couldn't stop smiling for the life of me. Thank you all for waiting and now without further ado, the next chapter! *Insert jazz hands*
  • Now this band isn't a normal band.
  • You as reader already know this.
  • This band has MDC, Jagged Stone, his agent, a child assassin in it AND are saving Paris from evil butterflies at the same time.
  • So guess what crazy bat and bird family became obsessed with them and their music.
  • Guess what crazy bat and bird family started a race and bets on who would get their autograph first.
  • Guess what crazy bat and bird family flew all the way to Paris to win the race only to find out that evil butterflies exist and feed off of negative emotions while they, as tramatized gothamites, probably have a lot of trouble controlling.
  • ......
  • You may be asking (probably not but I'm gonna go on anyways) how they found out about it in the first place.
  • Well someone may have been getting overly worried and paranoid about how their baby brother was doing in another continent-
  • *cough cough* Dick *cough cough*
  • And was scrolling through the Parisian news when he came across the thing that changed Damian's life.
  • Not that he knew about that yet but.. umm.. you know what let's just continue.
  • At first he was just sorta confused until he started to listen to one of the songs that seemed to be really popular there.
  • He was BLOWN AWAY.
  • The costumes, the singing, the music, the dancing, the EVERYTHING was amazing!
  • His favorite part about this while thing was probably the names to the songs though.
  • Some of his favorites are:
  • Is That Thomas The Tank Engine As A Transformer Or Am I Hallucinating Again?
  • How Many Brain Cells Am I Gonna Lose Today?
  • Fruit Loops Are Better Than Cheerios And You Can't Change My Mind.
  • Why Burn A Witch When You Could Make S'mOrEs?
  • You Don't Know Whether We Have Eyebrows Or Not Because of our Masks haha.
  • That One Time I Somehow Drowned Like Forty-Seven Fishes.
  • Having A Midlife Crisis At Fifteen Because You Never Really Know When The Mid-Point Of Your Life Is.
  • Dick did a little more digging and found out that the band was referred to as the Miracle team.
  • He spent the next few hours just listening to their songs and watching videos.
  • 'Wow the CGI is really good! If it weren't for the fact that they where using yoyos to fight and that people were being *possessed* by butterflies of all things I might have believed this was real!' He though to himself as he watched through a couple more clips he found of them singing while fighting akumas.
  • A few minutes later there was a knocking at the door.
  • 'Oh! I wonder who that could be?'
  • Of course! The real question is who could be knocking on your door in the middle of the night despite you living in a family of sleep deprived detectives that dress up in brightly colored costumes named after animals and fight bad guys in the most crime ridden city in the world even though you could probably do something else with your lives.
  • Not why is this band that is stationed in the city I just sent my little brother to wearing animal themed outfits complete with masks that hide their identities which totally isn't sketchy at all fighting superpowered villains using yoyos and spinning tops in multiple of their music videos and are called the Miracle TEAM instead of BAND because there couldn't be some sort of superhero team just out there that we didn't know about.
  • We truly have our priorities straight don't we?
  • Anyways, he opens the door to reveal a semi-awake Tim with a coffee mug in hand.
  • Although, when doesn't he have caffeine on hand?
  • "Oh hey Timmy! Shouldn't you be sleeping? I though Alfred sent you to bed hours ago?"
  • Tim just took a long sip from his mug before answering.
  • "Ok, first of all just because I went to bed doesn't mean that I actually slept. Secondly if I WAS sleeping I would have probably woken up from the sound of that music you were playing. It's so loud to the point where Superman probably heard it from wherever he is right now. And thirdly, I'm hear to ask who the artist is. It's vaguely familiar but I can't quite pin point it. It sorta reminds me of Jagged Stone's music but it's so different at the same time."
  • "Oh! The music is by this Paris stationed band called the 'Miracle Team'. Now that you say it, it really does slightly resemble Jagged's music. Their songs are super catchy as well! Here, listen to this."
  • Dick played a couple more songs for Tim to listen to and showed him some of videos.
  • Tim was about to comment when a voice from behind him startled the two.
  • "What are you nerds looking at?"
  • They turned behind them to see the second Robin leaning against the door frame.
  • "Dammit Jay, you can't just spook us like that." Tim complained.
  • Yeah, tell one of the ninja children to stop sneaking up on people.
  • It's not like you were all literally trained by Batman to be silent when walking towards someone or anything.
  • Hey, maybe if you add in a 'please' he'll give you a lollipop.
  • Jason just raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his hip.
  • "Pshh. As if. If I was actually trying to scare you I would've swapped all your coffee with apple juice and Goldie's sugary cereal with the old people kind with the oats and all that. The real question is what's got you so distracted to the point where you can't hear someone walking up behind you?"
  • Tim moved to the side and pointed to the computer screen.
  • They played the video and watched as the group dubbed as the 'Miracle Team' started fighting Mr. Pigeon while singing.
  • Mid way through the fight a blue feather flew into the scene and landed onto a bag of birdseed which turned into a giant pigeon that started pooping on people.
  • Those stuck in the smelly substance were trapped and turned into pigeons that joined the others in the angry bird army that Mr. Pigeon was commanding.
  • When the video ended Jason turned to his brothers and deadpanned.
  • "What kind of drugs was the animator on and where can I get some. I don't know what the hell I just watched and l sure as fuck don't want to learn. The singing was cool though. Would probably watch again just for the music."
  • As the three started looking through more of the information, news, and videos about this band more family members started popping up and joining them.
  • And somehow this escalated to the point where everyone was packing their bags and loading onto their private jet on the way to Paris.
  • Alfred stayed back in Gotham to take care of the manor while the Sirens took over watching Gotham.
  • Everyone wanted to do different things when they landed.
  • Cass and Steph wanted to go and visit landmarks, giftshops, and other touristy things,
  • Barbara and Bruce wanted to go to their hotel and settle down for a bit before hacking stuff and trying to get info on everything and anything,
  • And Jason and Tim wanted to go hunt down the miracle team and win the 'who can get an autograph first's race.
  • In the end Dick managed to convince them all to visit Damian first before they all disperse to do whatever they were planning to do.
  • When they got to the youngest Robin's home in Paris they broke in, (The door was locked and what else were they gonna do, wait for him? HAH! As if.) Placed their things down on the floor and realized that he wasn't home.
  • They snooped around for a bit and started to become more and more confused the more they searched.
  • When did Damian drink coffee and why was it so STRONG? (Tim tried a bit of it and was now looking more energized than he has been all week.)
  • Why is there sewing supplies scattered around the place?
  • Why is the place NOT scarily clean and organized?
  • When did he get into Jagged's music?
  • Why does this place actually feel homey and lived in?
  • Omg is that a plushie?
  • Why is there a giant crocodile themed dog bed?
  • Ok, that last one made a bit more sense but still.
  • "Hey, I think this is Demon Spawn's room!" Yelled Jason as he tried to unlock a door.
  • But jokes on him, Marinette helped him protect his room using mAgIc so good luck trying to break into there!
  • Before Jason could try to straight up break the door down Dick suggested they try to search for Damian.
  • "Well, he isn't home so why not look for him and suprise him? This will be a good way to get us used to the streets, plus we'll get to ask questions about, well, pretty much everything about this place."
  • In the end Barbara, Cass, and Bruce decided to go their hotel and unpack while the others hunt down Damian.
  • After on hour or so of searching they decided to just use the tracker that Bruce imbedded into him to find his location.
  • Don't give me that look!
  • It's Batman!
  • He can put trackers on whoever he wants!
  • They follow the directions and find themselves infront of an arcade.
  • "Ummm, Dick are you sure that B's tracker is working because there's no way the brat would go here." Asked Tim as he looked around at the games.
  • The acrobat was about to answer him when a teen and her friend bumped into him.
  • She started to apologize when her friend cut her off.
  • "Cece come on! The Chaos Kids are playing!"
  • The girl quickly rushed over to her buddy was a crowd started to form around what seems to be a dancing game.
  • As the batfam went over to investigate they saw four teens split into two teams staring eachother down with a large group of people surrounding them.
  • "You may be good but today's the day you finally get beat." Said a boy wearing red as his teammate, a girl wearing yellow, nodded along to his statement while glaring at the the team.
  • On the other side of the dance floor stood two people wearing stylish black outfits with matching jackets, black caps, and masks that covered the lower half of their faces.
  • The back of their jackets said 'Chaos Kids' in silver embroidery.
  • The girl 'Chaos Kid' snorted and rolled her eyes as the boy 'Chaos Kid' quipped back.
  • "That's what's you've been saying for the last month. Don't make promises that you can't keep but if you're so desperate to have your butt kicked then be our guest."
  • For some reason his voice was vaguely familiar but they couldn't quite place it.
  • The other team's faces flushed red and twisted with anger.
  • "Oh you're so getting it now!"
  • Now girl CK started speaking in a sing-songy tone.
  • "Hmm. We'll believe it when we see it."
  • With that the two teams turned to the large screen of the game as it started randomizing through possible songs.
  • Steph tapped on the shoulder of a guy that had his phone out ready to record.
  • "Umm. Excuse me but what's happening?"
  • Pshh, family of the world's greatest detective my butt.
  • He looked over and explained.
  • "Oh! New here are we? Well this is °Flash Move°. It's a game where two teams have to dance against eachother to a randomly chosen song while making up moves on the spot. The game also randomly flashes bright lights to try to disorient the players into tripping or messing up."
  • Or blind. WhO kNoWs?
  • The stranger continued "These two teams are called the 'Chaos Kids' and 'Suspense'. 'Suspense' used to have the high score until one day the 'Chaos Kids' just waltzed right in and beat them first try. They keep trying to claim the title back but the CK's just can't be beat. Their dance moves are so good. No one knows how they're so synchronized despite having to make up moves on the spot. Oh! It's starting!"
  • When they turned around the screen of the game said "Chosen song is When You're Bitching With A Friend At 2am But Then It Starts Sounding Poetic".
  • Another song to add to the 'truly inspiring song name' list.
  • Dick whispered to Tim. "Wait, isn't that the Miracle Team's newest song?"
  • "I think so." He replied
  • Then the lights started dimming and the crowd started counting down.
  • "THREE!"
  • "TWO!"
  • "ONE!"
  • "DANCE!"
  • Suddenly the four teens started moving.
  • It was clear that the two teams were great dancers but there was one glaring fact that explained why the 'Chaos Kids' usually won.
  • While 'Suspense' was great at dancing and making up moves on the spot, it looked like the two were dancing two different routines.
  • The CK's on the other hand were synchronized danced scarily well to the music.
  • Almost as if they already listened to the song over a thousand times and could read eachother's mind.
  • But that's impossible!
  • Mind links ARE a thing but the song was JUST aired!
  • Like, literally 2 hours ago aired.
  • But watching the two 'Chaos Kids' dance almost made them doubt.
  • Their limbs were sharp and hit every beat perfectly and there bodies twisted in ways that matched with the emotion from the song.
  • The most amazing thing about the two had to be their costumes though.
  • At first their outfits seemed as normal as they could be but under the flashing lights of the game they started GLOWING!
  • It was like a blacklight affect where when you put something under a certain type of light writing or something else like that would be revealed.
  • Hundreds of neon colorful music notes suddenly appeared on their clothing and the once silver embroidered "Chaos Kids" on the back of their jackets turned gold.
  • As Jason was watching the teams compete, wonder where the heck he can get a cool jacket like that, he overhears the two girls from earlier talking.
  • "Wow, their outfits keep getting cooler and cooler! I wonder where they get them from?"
  • "Oh, you didn't know? She designs them herself! I wonder if she does commissions?"
  • 'Dang, she looks about 15 and she made those jackets herself? That's talent.' Jason thought as he turns his head back towards the dancers.
  • As the competition progressed you could see that team 'Suspense' was starting to get sweaty and tired while the CK's weren't even breathing too hard.
  • As the music ended the 'Chaos Kids' did a dramatic finishing move.
  • It was a spin and dip that sorta gave off tango vibes but instead of the boy dipping the girl, it was the other way around.
  • For a moment everything was quiet.
  • Everyone turned to the game screen and saw the point bars climb higher and higher.
  • When they finally stopped and the game proclaimed the CK's as the winners the crowd erupted in clears and applause.
  • The batfam was also cheering and clapping but stopped when the winners took off their masks.
  • The blue eyed girl had pale freckles splashed across her face and a blinding smile that could put the sun out of business while the boy had a jade green eyes filled with pride and mischief and wore a very familiar smug smirk on his face.
  • "Wait. DAMIAN!?!"
  • The ex-assassin whipped his head at the sound of his name and froze in his spot went he saw who said it.
  • "Shit."
  • Marinette turned to face her friend when she heard him curse.
  • "Dove what is it? Are you okay? You're looking a little tense there."
  • He forced himself to stop staring at his family and grimaced.
  • "Yeah I'm fine but it seems that there are a couple familiar faces in this crowd."
  • He pointed to the stunned group.
  • "And I don't think that they were really expecting all this."
  • "Oh! Well why don't we go over to your family and expla- wait. Do you hear that?"
  • Damian stopped and focused and sure enough, the sound of a certain icecream man singing was heard.
  • He and Marinette made eye contact and simultaneously said "Icecream."
  • At this point the batfam snapped out of their shock and was making there way towards the two dancers.
  • They were about to say something when they were cut off by their youngest brother.
  • "Sorry guys really would like to chat but we've got an icecream man to catch."
  • "W-wha, iCeCrEaM?!?" Said Jason in disbelief
  • Marinette popped into their conversation
  • "Yep! A code 37 and André moves fast so we gotta go!"
  • In less than a second the two were suddenly sprinting out the door and away from the other Waynes.
  • "Quick! AFTER THEM!" Yelled Steph.
  • They ran out the door and followed the two gremlin children down the street.
  • As they were running Dick turned to Tim.
  • "What the heck is even happening?!?" He asked panicked and confused
  • "I don't know and I sure as fuck would like an answe- is tHAT A GO CART MADE OUT OF LEGOS?!?"
  • Sure enough the two teens were sitting it what looked like the go cart from Wreck-It Ralph but made out of Legos with Marinette at the wheel driving as if she was trying to run away from Lila herself.
  • They tried to follow them but then the two runaways started talking to eachother for a bit before Damian pulled out a bucket, turned and started throwing burnt pancakes at them??
  • Just. What??
  • The group of vigilants stopped after a while to wipe all food off of them and take a breath.
  • Steph started screaming at the sky. "WhAt ThE fUdGe Is GoInG oN????"
  • Tim starting screaming as well.
  • A man was walking by when they saw the group breaking down and walked up to them.
  • "Ah. First day in Paris? I see that you've already witnessed the seemingly constantly on crack trolls known as the 'Chaos Kids'. Don't worry, you'll get used to them. Though I would suggest that you get your emotions under raps unless you want to be the next akuma."
  • Dick looked up from where he was sitting in a feeble position on the floor rocking back and forth.
  • "Wait, akuma? I've heard the term when watching those CGI videos of the Miracle Team fighting and singing but what are they?"
  • The stranger looked at him like he was crazy.
  • "You came to Paris without knowing what akumas are?! They're magical butterflies created by Hawkmoth and sent out to posses people that are feeling negative emotions. He turns them into super powers villains that attack Paris and the Miracle Team in hopes of getting their Miraculouses."
  • Now it was Jason who looked up at the man from where he was rolling around on the street.
  • "Wait, the fighting in the music videos were legit?! You must be fucking around, there's no way those were real."
  • The man deadpanned.
  • "I am not lying. Those attacks ARE legit and very real. Sometimes all too real. I should know, I was the Mime and ended up destroying the Eiffel tower under Hawkmoth's influence."
  • He looked at his watch.
  • "I have to go pick up my daughter now but if you want to research and get more info I would suggest looking up the Bug!Out blog. It has regular updates and an akuma alarm that will warn you if an attack is happening. Good day, and remember to keep those negative emotions at bay!"
  • The stranger yelled the last bit to them as he walked away, leaving the group frozen there on the street.
  • After a few moments Steph spoke up.
  • "Welp, this goes much deeper than we initially thought. Dibs on not telling Bruce that there's a super terrorist on the lose that uses evil butterflies the posses people! Oh, I also call not telling Bruce that we lost Damian!"
  • In the end they made Dick tell the rest of the fam what was happening with the purple butterflies and where they found Damian and his friend.
  • They didn't believe the group about the Damian situation but they did go and look into the akuma problem and how they could help.
  • They decided that they should probably meet up with the Miracle Team first before putting anything into action incase there is something more to this whole situation.
  • When the batfam and the Miracle team met up for the first time it was during patrol in the middle of the night.
  • Damian knew that his family was in the city but he didn't know why and what their reason was for them all to be in uniform.
  • When the team made their way over to the Bats and Birds, some of them practically lit up like kids in a candy store.
  • At first they were sort of suspicious but what happened next made Night Prowler burst in laughter.
  • While the half the batfam was asking about how they could help the other half was practically praising the ground they were walking on.
  • Does anyone have a camera?
  • He needs to document this momentous occasion.
  • Ladybug pulled her partner to the side and tried to figure out why he was laughing so hard.
  • Damian just couldn't believe it.
  • 'My family, the famous Bat-Clan, is not only asking ME, their youngest member, for an autograph which they will most likely frame somewhere, but they are also practically treating us like gods.'
  • "Please tell me this isn't a dream. I don't want to wake up."
  • Night Prowler said to his best friend (and maybe crush hmmm).
  • "Umm this isn't a dream? Are you okay?" Asked said best friend in concern.
  • "Remember how I told you that I was a vigilant when you first gave me the ring?"
  • "Yes? Why does this have to do wi-"
  • "I'm Robin."
  • "....."
  • "....."
  • "As in Gotham's Robin? One of Batman's sidekicks?"
  • "We prefer to go by partners but ya."
  • "......."
  • "......."
  • "Wait if you're Robin does that make the rest of your family that we saw one earlier today the rest of the Bat-Clan?"
  • "Yep."
  • "......"
  • "....."
  • "Wanna see how long we can troll them for until they find out our identities?"
  • "Oh heCK YEAH!"
  • After giving the bats and birds their superhero autographs the two teams came to an agreement and decided to add a little competition to it while they're at it.
  • They decided that whichever member of the Batfam discovers Hawkmoth's identity first would get the pleasure of knowing who they really are before they reveal themselves to the others.
  • This would prevent them from trying to hunt down their real names.
  • Oh, and the winner also gets to have MDC's and Jagged's civilian autographs as well as a MDC original.
  • The stakes are high, VERY HIGH.
  • And this is craziness waiting to happen.
So after weeks of waiting here is the second part of the story! Sorry it took so long, I'm not exactly the fastest writing but reading all of your comments really made my day! There is still more to this story that will be in the works so you don't have to worry about all the chaotic goodness ending just yet!

TAGLIST (I actually can't believe it omg):

Masks and Music

(Part 1)

I didn't think that my last post would've gotten ANY notes at all, so imagine my surprise when I find out that people actually liked it. After that suprise I thought why not and make another one so here we go! This is a Miraculous/Batfam crossover.
  • Imagine that Damian gets sent to Paris because the fam doesn't want him to become an emotionally constipated sad boi like Bruce and think that a change in scenery would help.
  • They don't know about the whole Hawkmoth situation because SOMEONE from the justice league decided that the while thing was a prank DESPITE that it was an ENTIRE CITY calling instead of a single person.
  • Like, aren't you guys supposed to be the world's greatest heros or something?
  • Who hired you?
  • Damian being the grumpy lil kid that he is holds a grudge and decides to not accept any calls or video chats from his family or tell them about Hawkmoth because that's what you get when you send someone across the world against their will.
  • (and because of plot convenience shhh)
  • Anyways, Damian goes to school as instantly adds Lila onto his mental list of people he needs to get rid of.
  • I mean, seriously, he's only been is the room for what, 15 seconds and he's already getting a migraine?
  • Great. Juusssttt great.
  • He sits in the back of the class with what seems to be the only person with brain cells in this room.
  • The dark haired girl just looks over and sees the disgust at Lila written all over his face and gives him a silent empathetic nod.
  • 'This is unfortunately normal here.' she tries to convey through the small action.
  • He just nods back to show his understanding before turning around to observe the others.
  • In a few minutes Ms. Bustier walks in the room and asks him to introduce himself to the class.
  • It looks like the teacher never told the class that they were getting a new student because they all have to do double takes when they realize that there's a new face in the room.
  • He gives them the bare basics, telling them that his name is Damian Grayson, he's from America, and that he doesn't want any of them to talk to him before sitting down.
  • Clearly the teacher wanted him to say more or scold him for being so rude but a glare shut her up.
  • Later during a break period Lila tries to flirt with him and brags all about how she's met so many different celebrities and her achievements.
  • He tells her off and tries to move away but her nails are digging into his arms as she tries to convince him that he should stay away from Marinette.
  • Before he can maim her, the dark haired girl comes out from behind him and starts spraying Lila down like an unruly cat with some sort of strong smelling liquid from a spray bottle.
  • Lila screeches and stomps away.
  • When he turns to his hero the girl explains.
  • "It's a mixture of shredded lemon, expired maple syrup, vinegar, and pomegranate juice. I call it People Repellant but Thot Begone works too. Oh, and I'm Marinette by the way."
  • He eyes her hand before shaking it.
  • "Damian, though I assume you already know that. Can I get some of that by the way? I know a couple insufferable annoyances that would benefit from a spray down.
  • Marinette just blinks for a second before she bursts out laughing and that was the start of a great friendship.
  • Together they:
  • Make fun of Lila in the back of class.
  • Help eachother with homework (they only cheat off eachother when they REALLY need help)
  • Prank Lila in odd ways (Hey, just because she found hundreds of furbies hidden around her house that turn on one by one in the middle of the night effectively scaring the crap out of her when she's trying to sleep doesn't mean that it's their fault. She had it coming.)
  • Break a couple laws (shhhhhhh. Those toy stores don't need those furbies anyways).
  • Dare eachother over stupid things (they still insist that the cereal incident was caused by the other).
  • And overall become closer as friends.
  • They bring out the overdramatic chaotic gremlin child in eachother.
  • One time when Damian goes over to Marinette's place to work on a project he finds her singing a Disney song to herself on her balcony.
  • This isn't the first time they've caught eachother singing.
  • One time Marinette caught Damian in the art room at school humming one of the many annoyingly cheesy and catchy songs that Dick likes to listen to.
  • Despite him explaining the embarrassing situation to her she still teased him for weeks after.
  • He'll never get to live it down.
  • Damian shakes his head to get rid of the flashback when a devious smirk spreads across his face as a revenge plan comes to mind.
  • After carefully placing his stuff on the floor he sneakily makes his way across the space until he's right behind her.
  • That's when he joins in.
  • Screaming at the top of his lungs at first, effectively giving her a mini heart attack before eventually quieting down to a normal singing volume.
  • She glares at him, annoyed by his loud and obnoxious entrance before she starts singing again.
  • They eventually end up full Disney movie dramatically performing around her balcony with dance moves and over dramatic acting.
  • Is it bad that actual birds and other animals are appearing and joining in?
  • Damian totally kept one of the pigeons.
  • He named it Dolores.
  • (He later trained Dolores to attack Rossi on sight.)
  • When they're finished they end up on the floor out of breath.
  • They stay like that for a few minutes before Damian sits up.
  • "That. That was fun. I don't think I've actually ever sang before."
  • Marinette jolts up in suprise and turns to face him.
  • "Really? I never would've guessed. You have a really nice singing voice."
  • He would deny till his dying breath that he blushed when she said that but he covers it up with a smirk.
  • "Well I guess that's just because yours is so terrible in comparison."
  • He squawks when she jabs a finger in his side.
  • "Pshh. As if. Besides, my singing skills can't be worse then your gaming skills." She challenges with a cheeky smile.
  • "ExCuSe mE?!"
  • And that's how they spend the rest of the day playing video games, leaving the unfinished project to be completed on a later day.
  • Good thing it isn't due until 2 weeks time.
  • After a couple of hours playing video games, creating many possible Lila murder plans, eating pastries, and joking around, it's time for him to leave.
  • As Damian left for his place he got a feeling that something big was gonna happen.
  • Marinette also got the feeling but they both ignored it.
  • Little did they know, someone just happened to walk by and starstruck by the amazing singing they recorded the performance before posting it on the internet.
  • Imagine the duo's suprise when they wake up the next day to find themselves trending on the internet.
  • Luckily the video quality was pretty trash so their faces weren't identifiable but the audio was loud and clear.
  • The world was talking about the cute couple singing to their hearts desire on a balcony. If that's not cliche and adorable then the world doesn't know what is.
  • The assumption about their relationship status left them looking like tomatos but that didn't stop them from wonder why they didn't notice a creep recording them.
  • Damn Disney songs and their unnatural ability to distract people.
  • Of course Lila took advantage of the rising popularity of the video and talked about how she taught the two people in the video how to sing and gave them tips.
  • The two just walked past the idiot squad and sat down in their seats, making a mental note to come up with a prank later, when the akuma alarms came on.
  • They fall into their normal routine of Marinette running out to find a place to transform as Damian covers for her.
  • Oops did I forget to mention that Damian found out her identity because she crashed through his window in the middle of the night still transformed and asked him what's the answer to question 24 in their science homework because she just defeated an akuma by herself and was running on 20 minutes of sleep?
  • My bad.
  • Anyways it turns out today was the day Marinette had officially had enough of Chat's bullcrap.
  • It was gonna be a normal akuma situation.
  • Ladybug trying to fight the poor butterfly victim while chat noir either doesn't show up, tries to do everything on his own to impress her and ruins the whole plan, or just watches and complains about how she needs to get over her denial and date him BUT
  • This time he decided to actively try to push her in the akuma's way therefore putting her in SO MUCH MORE DANGER than she was already in.
  • Now she had to dodge out of the akuma's way AND CHAT'S!
  • WhAt ThE fUdGe?!?!
  • You think possibly killing Ladybug and trying to force her to beg for you to save her is gonna make her like you?!?
  • Just how hard did you hit your head when Gabriel dropped you on the floor when you were 2?
  • After the akuma was eventually defeated Ladybug told Chat to meet her on an abandoned rooftop that night because they needed to talk.
  • Chat being the oblivious person that he is (I swear I don't actually hate chat noir, this is for the plot I'm sorry) thought that it was for a love confession and became overly smug before leaving.
  • Making sure that he isn't following her, Marinette meets up with Damian at his place (school's over because of the attack) and asks him to help.
  • Later that day when the two miraculous holders meet up Ladybug distracts the Catboy by flirting with him while Damian uses his ninja skills for something other than sneaking up on her and giving Marinette mini heart attacks.
  • From behind he quickly hits a pressure point causing the other boy to fall unconscious.
  • Using her ALMIGHTY GUARDIAN OF THE MIRACULOUS powers, Ladybug takes Adrien's ring away and places a spell on him that makes it so he will never be able to use another miraculous ever again.
  • After they take Adrien home Marinette gives Damian the ring and Night Prowler is born.
  • He promises to do everything in his power to make sure that Selina and his family doesn't find out for the sake of his pride.
  • We'll see how that goes.
  • Night Prowler first officially appeared during an akuma named 'Break Dancer'.
  • Ironically, she was a ballerina that had to drop out of the finals in a competition because she broke her right leg the day before the show.
  • She could turn civilians into back up dancers and forced them to perform against their will.
  • They also worked as minions who would attack the duo for her while she stayed a safe distance away.
  • It was pretty obvious that the akumatized item was the music box held inside the bag that Break Dancer had slung around her shoulders but the real question was how could they get to it without becoming attacked by the backup dancer or becoming one of them.
  • Luckily (eheheh), a car with an open window playing music just happened to pass by before driving off.
  • Before it drove off, the music coming from the car was loud enough to play over the music box which caused some of the minions to become free again and run off.
  • Ladybug called her lucky charm and a Bobby pin landed in her hand.
  • As she looked around she noticed a store a couple blocks away that had a couple radios.
  • Unfortunately, the store was locked and closed.
  • Fortunately, she knew how to pick locks and a Bobby pin did come from her lucky charm soooo......
  • Who is she to deny literal gods.
  • They break into the store and grab a radio, and a speaker and rush over to where the akuma was causing chaos.
  • They turn on the radio, connect the speaker and turn the volume on as loud as it can go before flipping through the stations for a good song.
  • If they're gonna fight with music in the background they're gonna be picky about it and wont settle for anything other than epic.
  • While fighting they eventually get swept up in the music and end up singing along.
  • It's nothing less than full on majestic.
  • When the fight is over and the akuma is purified they find out that someone recorded it and posted it on the internet as well.
  • Now everyone knows that the beloved hero of Paris and her new partner were the two people singing on that balcony.
  • Ummmmm.....
  • Good thing that the video quality was trash right?
  • If it weren't for that their identities would've been busted the moment they started singing in hero form.
  • Luckily there aren't many people other than Damian that know what Marinette's singing voice sounds like so they're okay.
  • Well.... They WERE okay,
  • Until a certain rockstar and his agent came across the two videos and put two and two together.
  • So now King Sting (bee!jagged) and Peridot (turtle!penny) have joined the team.
  • Poor Penny, now she has to deal with two gremlin children and a some sort of bizarre man-child.
  • The next akuma confused the group quite a bit.
  • He didn't really do anything but sit on a rooftop waiting for the miracle team to show up.
  • They were all suspicious of him at first but when they did reveal themselves to him he explained his situation.
  • He was akumatized because his favorite rock band broke up but he didn't really want to take their miraculouses away.
  • He just asked if they could perform another song for him and he would give his akumatized item to them.
  • They all sorta looked at eachother and collectively went 'screw it why not' and sang another song.
  • If they were great before, they are absolutely AMAZING now.
  • Well that's what happens when you add a famous rockstar to a team of singing superheros I guess.
  • The akuma was blown away and true to his word handed over the rolled up picture in his pocket and was purified despite of Hawkmoth's nagging.
  • Haha screw you Hawky.
  • This time the ordeal was recorded by a news station and the 'hand over the akuma in exchange for a song' thing became a trend.
  • There were still normal akuma's that didn't follow follow it but those were far flung between.
  • It seems like Hawkmoth was getting annoyed by this so there started being less akuma attacks over the months.
  • Because of this some people were actively trying to get upset to attract one of the purple butterflies.
  • They traded one good thing for another I guess.
  • To stop that from happening the group started performing in public as superheros during concerts and festivals.
  • Because of this they became quite well known outside of Paris as well.
  • Is it ironic that more people know them as a band rather than a superhero team now?
  • When Marinette learned that they could change what their superhero costumes looked like if they put enough will into it she squealed.
  • Marinette designs superhero performance costumes for them whenever they have a festival to play at.
  • Whenever asked about their outfits they always reply with MDC.
  • Marinette's business gets really popular after that.
  • And since no one knows who MDC really is, she doesn't have to worry about the whole "Oh no me and my family are gonna be in danger!" thing
  • It's a win win!
  • Overtime they basically become a second (or third for some people) family to eachother.
  • Damian becomes more 'kid like' and open to others,
  • Marinette becomes more confident and overall happier,
  • Jagged gets to hang out with his awesome niece and her 'maybe more than just a friend',
  • And Penny gets a new outlet for stress and has so many more crazy stories to tell people.
  • One day while she's in the living room on the sofa watching 'The AristoCats' Damian just barges into the room and dramatically flops over onto of her.
  • He just lays there with his head in her lap and the rest of his body sprawled on the couch.
  • After everything that has happened this is normal for them now.
  • Without asking any questions or talking at all they just watch the movie together with the occasional remark or quip between them.
  • Around half way through the movie Jagged kicks down the door, effectively scaring the crap out of the two teens, while Penny follows behind him with an apologetic look on her face.
  • At first Jagged was yelling about something having to do with'Fang' and 'Dragon' and 'Miraculous' but after taking in the domestic atmosphere of the room he just sits down on the floor and joins in on watching the movie.
  • Penny, shaking her head in both amusement and exasperation, sits down on another chair and does the same.
  • While combing through Damian's hair with her fingers Marinette looks around the room.
  • 'My life can't get any more complicated, can it?'
  • Oh boy, she just jinxed it.
This is just an idea I've had bouncing around in my head for awhile and I couldn't resist the urge to write it out. I AM planning on making a part 2 so if you like this keep an eye out for that. I'm by no means a fast writer though so it will take a while. But then again not many people will probably read this soo.... Yeah.

This is not my picture- but husband just called, made me put it on video phone, and walked up and down the block to show me this amazing library and I really want to go to Kansas City now.

I never thought I would need to go to Kansas City but here we are

Um…I live here, I like books (I probably have a stack of 20 to read don’t judge…) and have never heard of this library but you best believe imma be in that bitch sometime. BET!

I’m bout to head out there and see what this is all about. ETA 16 minutes. I deadass threw on some clothes and was just like fuck it let’s go. Gotta hurry, it closes at 5!

I deadass walked around the wrong building but, we out here!

I worked up damn sweat walking out here but fuck it!

Here’s the front door…

This is right when you walk inside. Some punk ass dude said he was going to photo bomb me. I invited him to take a picture, but he was like nah bruh.

A little lounge area, a cafe, elevators and stairs for those who want them! Its legit!

Taking a stroll on the second floor now! We have some artwork, some videos!

They have a place for kids and teens too on the second floor! It’s dope! They do say though that as an adult I couldn’t use the bathroom. They don’t want those problems! Kids was in there playing some Area 51 game? They got a spot for toddlers to chill! They got that little area like you see at the doctors office where kids can go and kill time. But kids play on iPhones and shit now tho but it’s still dope!

3rd floor now. This place is friendly for those who are homeless. They got WiFi in here! Individual tables with outlets to charge your shit! Very very quiet in here since it is a library…duh K! Caught a young dude in here going over his football highlight tape. 18 years old, doesn’t know where he’s going to school, says he plays linebacker and running back. He was blasting on his highlight tape. He said his favorite player was Marshawn Lynch, just like mine!!! Also got a lil spot to watch tv! Onto the 4th and last floor…

Restroom is also on the 3rd floor too! Heads up!

4th and final floor now. It’s more secluded than the other three floors but they got books for years in this bitch! They got little study areas for people who want to chill and be by themselves. Whatever you want! Fiction, non fiction and everything in between!

Back on the first floor! If you go straight ahead from the entrance you’ll enter this other lil study hall area. They got more places to chill! They got iPads and computers and shit you can use! This is a dope ass public library. If you in the KC area and wanna check out a book…bring yo ass over here! They gotchu! If yo ass need to study for a test…come park yo dumbass over here and study!

I hope you all enjoyed the tour! Thanks to @jewleshasbadideas and @downtostars (I hope that’s the right name…) for bringing this to my attention! I’m hungry and I’m starting to smell a lil musty, working up a sweat doing all this walking… With this last pic…I’m out!

Check out this library! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✌🏾😊✊🏾

Read books dammit!

I’ve been there for a conference! It’s a great place. It’s spacious and accommodating. Good coffee too.


Buzzfeed Unsolved Part 3

Here's my contribution for Spooky season. This will be mainly class salt but there will be a little bit off the maribat team we love and their usual antics
  • Lila couldn't believe it
  • The whole point of pushing Marinette out of class life was to isolate her enough so that Lila would be the new class favorite but not enough that she'll leave
  • Who was suppose to to provide the class with free sweets and plan all the class outings and events
  • But here Lila was listening to Ms. Bustier as she made the announcement
  • Ms. Bustier: please take your seats class. We're going to hold elections for Class Representative
  • Alya: Shouldn't we wait for Marinette, Ms. Bustier? I mean she's the only one running right?
  • The rest of the class made sounds of agreement and nodded their heads
  • Lila tried not to roll her eyes
  • Ms. Bustier: Marinette will actually no longer be joining our class
  • Class: WHAT?!
  • Ms. Bustier: Marinette has been given a great opportunity to go to Gotham Academy one of the top rated schools in the world
  • Lila seeing a opportunity to spin this in her favor decided to speak up
  • Lila: So Marinette decided to abandoned us, even though she knew we counted on her. I mean who's going to help with costumes, or babysitting, or give us bake goods?
  • Alya: That's a good point!
  • Nino: This is going to mean we're going to have to cut down on our dates
  • Mylene: Oh no! The next school play is going to be a disaster without Marinette's costumes!
  • Adrien: How could Marinette just abandon us like this! It's not like her!
  • Ms. Bustier: Okay class calm down. We don't want any akumas now. Let's focus on the election for the next class representative. Are there any volunteers?
  • Unsurprisingly Chloe's hand shot up
  • Ms. Bustier: okay we have Chloe, anybody else?
  • Alya: how about you Lila? You'd make a great representative
  • Lila: Oh no I'm far to busy with all my volunteering and obligations, but you should definitely do it Alya. You were Marinette's deputy after all
  • Alya raising her hand: You're right? I mean how hard could it be?
  • Alya learned exactly how hard it is when she won the election and was told all her new duties
  • Alya: Are you serious? Marinette never brought any of these up to me
  • Ms. Bustier: She didn't want to cut too much into your time
  • It took awhile but Alya finally got the hang of things
  • Though none of the class events were as extravagant as when Marinette was in charge
  • She made Nino her deputy hoping it would give them more time together
  • And it did but it also meant that a lot of her paperwork was late meaning the class couldn't do as much stuff
  • But did the class blame Alya for this?
  • No
  • They blamed Marinette
  • Because somehow it was her fault that Alya were too wrapped up in her boyfriend to actually do her job
  • A couple of months later Lila and Alya watched the Ghoul Gang's (a/n: That's Marinette, Damian, and Jason's group name) first video that somehow had 10k views and already had 25k subscribers
  • Alya: How is she so popular?
  • Lila: How does she have so many views?
  • Alya: How does she have more hits then the Ladyblog?!?
  • They started scrolling through the short list of other videos that was posted
  • Adrien: Oh are you watching Marinette's videos?
  • Alya: You knew about this?
  • Adrien: Yeah it's not really my taste but I want to support our friend dont you guys?
  • Lila making her eyes tear up: Why would we want to support somebody who abandoned us
  • Alya wrapping her arms around Lila: Yeah Adrien she makes a good point. Marinette didn't even say goodbye!
  • Adrien trying to placate the two: Maybe she didn't have a chance
  • Lila: Oh please if she really wanted to she would had MADE time to say goodbye, right Alya?
  • Alya: Yeah!
  • The two girls showed the rest of the class the videos
  • And they had to admit they liked them
  • They were fun to watch and it was nice to see the old Marinette again
  • Lila could see this and it made her seeth
  • She had to turn this to her benefit
  • And she knew just how to do it
  • Lila: I can't believe you guys would support Marinette! It's obvious that she's just bragging and showing off her new life!
  • Chloe: I can't believe I'm saying this but Lila's right! It's obvious that Dupen-Cheng is just rubbing her new life in our faces! It's utterly ridiculous!
  • Alya hated that she agreed with Chloe but she also spoke of her agreement
  • Some of the other classmates agreed with them, but others like the member of Kitty Section and Nathaniel just thought that Lila and Alya were still a little hurt that Marinette left and Chloe was just jealous
  • They decided they would still watch the show just not talk about it with the rest of the class
  • A year later and Lila couldn't stand how popular Marinette's little YouTube channel was
  • She also couldn't stand that she had a richer boyfriend then her own, Adrien
  • So with the help of Alya, Nino, and of course her boyfriend Adrien they decided to do their own show
  • That was SLIGHTLY similar (read: rip off) of the Ghoul Gang's own show
  • They had Lila and Adrien as the host
  • Because of course they had to be the host, they were models and had more experience on camera
  • Nino did all the camera work
  • And Alya did research and worked sound
  • A lot of people called them out for being an obvious ripoff of the Ghoul Group's show from their name to their editing
  • But what people found worst that they were a bad ripoff
  • Lila and Adrien didn't have the same chemistry as Marinette and Jason
  • Adrien just agreed with whatever Lila said
  • There was no fun banter
  • And because neither of them believed in ghost there were no funny freakouts
  • Their show was mostly watched just for ripping on
  • Which both Alya and Lila hated
  • How could Marinette be so popular!
  • Lila just had to find some way to prove that her show is superior to Marinette's
  • And she learned the purest opportunity when she saw Marinette and the rest of the Ghoul Gang filming on some random street
  • Marinette: now we're back the next day at Rue Des Chantres after our terrifying investigation last night
  • Jason: What are you talking about it Thumbelina? It wasn't scary here last night. We even ran into the local heroes.
  • Damian: Which we'll be showing in a special bonus video at the end of our Paris series.
  • Marinette: Thanks Damian. And it was to scary. Remember what we heard on the spirit box, Green Giant?
  • Jason: Beep dop ga Apple tatter cre mauf
  • Marinette: No the other thing
  • Jason: Do you think we could make apple taters? Could that be a thing?
  • Damian: Focus Todd
  • Marinette: Anyway thanks for watching and join us next time to see us explore the famous catacombs under Paris. And for now weither the Rue Des Chantres is haunted will remain...
  • Marinette/Jason: Unsolved
  • Damian: And cut! Great job guys!
  • Marinette going over to hug Damian: Thanks honey. Great job filming as usual
  • Marinette gave Damian a peck on the lips
  • Jason: Seriously are Apple tatters possible? They sound good
  • Marinette: Maybe we can do some experimenting when we get back to the bakery.
  • Jason pumping his fist: Awesome!
  • Damian: We just have to finish on time to head to the catacombs. You wouldn't believe what I had to go through to get the catacombs to ourselves tonight
  • Jason laughing: Calm down demon spawn besides this will be a nice bonus video
  • The trio walked away and Lils felt a smirk grow on her face
  • If she and her lackies could best those losers to the catacombs they could have a episode before them and it would look like they ripped off her group instead of the other way around
  • Later that night the Ghoul Group showed up at the Catacombs fully expecting to be let in only to be stopped by secruity
  • Secruity: Sorry folks the catacombs are close tonight. Apparently their filming something tonight
  • Lila looking smug: Yes that will be us we're the Ghoul Group.
  • Secruity: I'm sorry but the filming permit is under the name Damian Wayne. Is that one of you?
  • Alya: No, but their must he some mistake. Lila said she called and we were clear to film here tonight
  • Secruity: Sorry but without a permit you can't film here. Please move along
  • Lila: How dare you?! Do you no who I am?
  • Marinette from behind the group: No, but I do
  • Alya, Lila, Adrien, and Nino turned around to see Marinette, Damian, and Jason standing behind them
  • Damian walked forward to show secruity his ID
  • Alya, Nino, and Adrien: MARINETTE!
  • Marinette: Why are you trying to steal our filming location?
  • Alya: Why did you abandon us?
  • Marinette: What are you talking about?
  • Alya: You abandoned us! You left without saying a word! Who did you expect to pick up the slack after you left?! Who did you expect to do costumes for the school play, or run fundraisers or babysit Chris or the twins?! You completely left us in the lurch
  • Marinette felt any guilt about leaving without telling anybody melt away
  • Marinette glaring: I thought that the people who I thought were my friends only saw me as an employee, and you just proved it
  • Ayla rolling her eyes: What are you talking about Marinette? You're being over dramatic as usual
  • Marinette: That is what I'm talking about! Think back to the final couple of months I was in Paris. The only time anybody in the class talked to me was to ask me to do something for them, not even asking if I have time to do it just demanding that I complete what ever they wanted me to do! And you know what leaving was the best decision I ever made!
  • Marinette didn't wait to hear what Alya had to say she joined Jason and Damian at the entrance and followed them inside never giving thought to the friends she left behind again
  • 3 months later the Ghoul Group broke up.
  • After Lila was shown to be working with Hawkmoth she was sent to juvenal hall
  • Lila, Nino, Adrien, and the rest of the class were left wondering how they could lose such a great friend because of a liar who tricked all of them

“can you imagine the faces their children could make” (X)

n-no~ /sobbing

In my headcanon the sheriff would love whatever Stiles would present him as a grandchild.

(original grandthing made by spaggel I just borrowed it)



I was crying about this at work today and Spag had to send me fucking this:

“yeah, can you imagine first seeing him?”

And so, Stiles and Derek are not ready for parenthood and are totally freaked out by their weird son:

Derek’s quiet for a long time, staring blankly, before he eventually offers, “This isn’t what I expected.“ Stiles frowns down at the baby in his arms. “I know, right? They won’t take it back; I already asked.” Derek leans over him, peering down at the weird little face. It’s unsettling how thick the baby’s eyebrows are. “Are babies born with teeth?“ “Not usually,” Stiles replies. “His grody little snaggletooth is creeping me out.“ “His everything is creeping me out,” Derek retorts, dropping into the chair at the side of the bed. “I’m pretty sure this is because you got possessed by that demon.“ “Aw, hell no,” Stiles argues. “That thing was in me for like five minutes, tops. This thing - “ he nods toward the baby in his arms ” - you don’t absorb this kind of evil in five minutes. This is like ten years possession minimum.“ "What are we going to name him?” “Beats me. Calling him after your dad seems kind of disrespectful to your dad, doesn’t it?” Derek sighed heavily. “He probably would have found this hilarious. I told you my family’s cursed.“ He squinted over at Stiles. “You sure it’s even a boy?” “Dude, I’m not sure it’s even human,” Stiles replies. “Seriously, how come shit like this always happens to us?“ "Because the universe knows we’ll grin and bear it,” Derek sighs again. “You sure we can’t send it back?“

"No,” Stiles grumbles discontentedly, and straightens as his father steps into the room. He cradles the baby protectively to his chest; even if the thing’s weird as hell, it’s still his. “Whoa, Dad, before you pull out your gun and shoot the baby, I can promise you, with about ninety-percent certainty, that I did not give birth to a cave beast, even though it may look that way. And maybe this is our fault because Derek’s so fricken possessive of his jizz and refused to use a surrogate so we had to resort to black magic and give me a magical womb - so actually this is Derek’s fault, really - this is your grandson. Probably. We’re not too clear on the gender right now.“

The sheriff sighs, as he so often does when confronted with his son’s verbal onslaught, and holds out his hands, a silent give me the child. Stiles puckers his mouth and hands over his son and watches the sheriff’s face cycle through several emotions, ending, bewilderingly, on happiness.

"He’s beautiful," his father croons, and Stiles looks over, bewildered, at Derek, who mouths He’s not lying. He looks just as perplexed as Stiles. 

"Just wait until Melissa sees him,” the sheriff says cheerfully, pulling his phone out of his pocket and snapping a picture.

“Yeah,” Stiles agrees slowly. He’s already regretting having shown his father how to use the camera on his phone. “Just wait.“

Newly Grandpa’d Stilinski show’s pictures of his most PRECIOUS OF ALL GRANDCHILDREN to who he’s interrogating so that if they look at the face of SUCH AN ANGEL they’ll confess and lead a good life.  


Sorry, Spag, if the first one was stupid, then this one’s just idiotic. I’m going to bed. This is your fault.

They name it Herald. It was supposed to be Harold, after Derek’s grandfather, who Derek says was a weird old man and Stiles says that’s fitting, then, but Stiles was asleep when it came time to fill out the birth certificate and Derek couldn’t remember how to spell Harold, so he sounded it out. 

So their kid’s name is Herald, but mostly they call him It. They don’t tell him it’s because they didn’t even know if he was human when he was born because he may be a little weirdo, but he’s their little weirdo, and they don’t want to stunt his mental health. Stiles almost tells him it’s because they loved The Addams Family, but then he thinks about how Cousin It was a weird thing covered in hair and maybe that’s not a great comparison. 

It creeps them out. He is unnaturally silent, always with this bucktoothed little smile on his face that makes Stiles sure that he and Derek are going to be killed in their sleep. Stiles distinctly remembers playing hide and seek with him when he was young, Stiles and Derek crammed together in a cupboard and Derek mumbled, “I can’t hear his fucking heart,” and then It’s creepy little eye was pressed up to the crack in the door like the killer in a slasher fic and Stiles screamed like a little girl. 

Still, they’re sad when he grows up and heads off to college. He’s still creepy; he’s got bad skin and his heavy eyebrows almost touch in the middle, but they kiss him on the forehead and say “We’ll miss you!“ which is probably true. And when he drives off into the battered Jeep, Stiles says to Derek, “I think we just unleashed a hellion unto the world,” and Derek says, “Too late now.“ And Stiles does miss him, up until a few days later when he goes to clean It’s room and finds a box of desiccated frog corpses under his bed. 

They don’t hear from It that often, which isn’t unusual, nor unexpected. One time they lost him for a few days and Stiles found him sitting in the attic, perfectly still. He said he’d been counting heartbeats and neither of them really wanted to ask whose. Still, they miss him. Probably.

One morning Stiles goes downstairs and there’s a stranger standing in the living room. It’s near Christmas and he has a vague idea that It should be coming home soon, but he is not prepared for the sight of a handsome young man standing next to the Christmas tree. Stiles screams. 

"That’s It,” Derek says from behind him. 

“Oh my god,” Stiles says. “Where’d our ugly little boy go?“ He’d told It once not to worry about his looks, that everyone starts out awkward. Look at your dad, Stiles said, pointing Derek. He had to grow into those stupid buck teeth and big ears, and It had turned his eyes on Derek and didn’t blink for five minutes. Stiles hadn’t really believed that It would ever, uh, grow into himself, but it appears he was wrong, because his weird kid has turned into a GQ model. “Just like his dad,” Stiles says out loud, and Derek pushes him down the stairs. 





This is just as good as the first time. And check out the comments for some additions by now sterek critical haha!


Empire (Sequel to the Ace of Spades)- ML Prompts and One Shots 5

Since The Ace of Spades did so well, I decided to do a sequel to it. I can’t believe how many comments and views it go and I’m so glad people liked it as the idea had been haunting me for a while. Anyway, I wasn’t going to do a sequel originally but here we are. I hope it’s as good as the original. I think so but I’m also bias as I am the writer. Anyway, enjoy :D Also Filou means trickster in French and I thought it was perfect for Felix

Link to The Ace of Spades: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/625845772763758592/the-ace-of-spades-ml-prompts-and-one-shots-3 (read first if you haven’t read it yet)


With Lila gone, life should be peaceful for the Ace and his Royal Flush but when Gabriel Agreste threatens the peace, Luka takes upon himself to bring the fashion king down


“Sir?” Nathalie asked as she came into Gabriel’s study. He was frowning as he watched some annoying wannabe reporters expose Lila Rossi live on air. He never saw this happening but she was no longer beneficial to his goals both as a fashion designer and Hawkmoth. He turned off the channel and walked away from it. “Are you not going to send out an akuma?”

“Lila is no longer of any use to me,” He reported, wondering how she got herself exposed. She was an excellent liar and a master manipulator so how did it happen? He needed to find out. “But I do believe a visit to the school will be necessary,”

After that’s where it all started, wasn’t it? Those wannabe reporters were from her school. Nathalie nodded and walked out to get the car ready as he frowned. He picked up his phone and called his lawyer, informing him to terminate Lila’s contract with him before he reached out to his media team. Since she had been outed as a Hawkmoth supporter and a bully, he would have to do damage controller. He ordered his media team to release a statement, claiming that he had no idea she was in cahoots with Hawkmoth and that she was a bully and a cheat. He also stated that they should add that he never actually called Lila his ‘muse’ and that she was the cause of Adrien’s sudden quit. With her gone, he was certain Adrien would come back. With that settled, he turned on his heel and headed outside, joining Nathalie in the car. They drove to the school and headed inside. To their surprise, all of the students were in the courtyard, either stood by the edges of the playground or stood by the railing. There was also a table in the middle of the courtyard with seven golden chairs around it. Sat in the seven chairs were seven students. Gabriel frowned a little as he recognized almost all of them. Two of the boys had been his akumas before and of course, he knew Kagami and Chloe. He also recognized the last girl as his most recent akuma target, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Adrien was sat among them but he didn’t recognize the last boy. A few students were walking up to them.

“It’s so good to see you again, Ace,” One of them smiled.

“Yeah, you totally showed that Lie-la who’s boss!” Another child said, nodding. “What are you going to do with Mr Damocles though?”

“I have plans for him and Miss Bustier,” The boy whom he didn’t know stated as he placed his hands together before standing up. “Show is over, people. Return to your lessons,”

With that, all of the students began to leave, making Gabriel raise an eyebrow in fascination. Just who was this boy? And why was everyone listening to him? He turned to Nathalie, who looked just as confused.

“I want you to keep an eye on that boy,” He ordered before turning on his heel and leaving. Nathalie nodded as she followed him.


Don’t Mess With My Daughter- ML Prompt 2

The Second in my prompts. I just  want to state that this isn’t related to the first Prompt 1. Both are one shots and most of the story with the title ML Prompt will not be related unless it states otherwise. Anyway, I will happily tag anything who wants to read them as a few people asked me to tag them in my next work, which is this. @ravennm84​ I hope you enjoy it :D also warning. This be salty but a happy ending… for Marinette anyway…

Don’t Mess With My Daughter

Sabine frowned as Marinette came into the bakery with her shoulders slouched. She walked over and gave a gentle kiss on her cheek as she greeted her before heading back into the apartment. Sabine sighed softly as she frowned. Marinette was usually so full of energy and creativity but recently, she seemed drained for lack of better term. She had dark circles around her eyes and her skin seemed to lack it’s glow. She was getting worst at getting up to get ready for the day to the point where it seemed like that she was trying to avoid going to school. Sabine was confused as to why. Chloe had calmed down on her bullying and was getting better and Marinette had friends such as Alya and the girls. not to mention her crush was attending the school. Sabine smiled and thanked the customer before continuing with her work. Tom shoot her a kind smile as they worked before it began to quiet down and her mind fluttered back to Marinette. She believed her and Tom were good parents and that Marinette could come to them if she needed their help. Her mind flashed back to the day Marinette got expelled. She frowned as she thought about it. It was a few weeks before then that Marinette started to act stranger then usual but that day seemed to the catalyst of a sort. Marinette hasn’t been the same since. Sabine sighed gently and began to close up the shop. Once that was done, her and Tom headed up to the apartment and into the living room. To her surprise, they found Marinette curled up on the sofa asleep. Her phone was laid next to her. Sabine smiled softly and moved the blanket over her before picking up her phone. She went to place it on the coffee table but a message came through, showing the phone was unlocked. Sabine frowned as she saw the message.

FoxyWifi: Maybe the reason why you’re ignoring me is because you did it. I hope so, bitch

Sabine frowned deeply at the message. She knew FoxyWifi was Alya’s chat name but why was she calling Marinette bitch and what did she mean by did it. She frowned and pressed the icon, revealing the chat between Alya and Marinette. She scrolled up to the chat and began to read the messages.

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