
Galactic Stories

@chaosandprotectors / chaosandprotectors.tumblr.com

Indie semi-selective multimuse blog. Various fandoms - Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, Tomb Raider and more!

Viktor honestly didn't know what Allison wanted, didn't want to think about it. She made it clear time and time again recently, that if something hurt him, either incidentally or on purpose, that would always be her first option, and the part of him that hated himself couldn't blame her for it either.

It was true that neither of them knew what the outcome of this plan would be. A fight against an unknown enemy, powerful and fast enough to cause serious harm to Diego. It wasn't a proposition that he was really looking forward to, but it was the first time in what felt like forever, that he could fight alongside his siblings, instead of against them.

Though, Viktor wasn't confident that Allison herself would sign onto the plan if he did. "I think...Allison would do anything to get Clare back, including agreeing to anything Dad suggests." He wasn't really their dad in this universe, but there was too much similarity to deny the title. But what did he want?

Harlan was gone, Sissy dead waiting for him to come back and he had betrayed her. Was it selfish of him to hope that there would be another world where he could go back to her? That she would forgive him for leaving? The heartbreak threatened to rip him up inside anew and he glanced at the bottle Five was holding but still made no move for it.

For the first time, he had to move beyond seeing his family as the enemy, as people who have hurt him, and step up to the plate. To stand beside them, even if not all of them wanted him there. That's what family meant. He puts a hand on Five's shoulder and squeezes reassuringly. "I don't know about the others, Five, but I'll be there with you."


allison would do anything for her family. it's just a shame it's the one that doesn't involve her actual siblings but her daughter. five understands it. wants his sister to be happy. but the price of everyone for a single person is a math he cannot compute.

he takes another drink before passing the bottle to viktor. he hasn't failed to notice the looks. they both could do with it. they're both the monsters in the story their family tells. viktor is the bomb and five the fuse.

the touch draws his attention immediately. be it years of touch starvation or the only touch being an attack but he can never fully accept a touch without making sure of intentions. viktor's seem pure. "as i will for you, viktor. we need to stick together."

Viktor looks embarrassed when Five passes him the bottle, his brother sharing something with him hadn't happened in decades, and he's briefly flummoxed but accepts it with a smile. He remembers briefly what Five told him once about not throwing away anything for a single person; in that sense maybe Allison and himself aren't so different. He takes a drink, breathing out after swallowing at the strength of the alcohol.

Knowing they should probably head out to talk to one of their brothers, but he hadn't seen Klaus around, and the thought of talking Luther into this turned his stomach into a knot. Viktor knew that if they were to band together as a team, he would have to, but he wasn't keen on being the one to do it. Would it be better if it was both him and Five?

He takes another sip from the bottle, before graciously handing it back to Five. Part of him just wants to stay in this moment, it was a rarity with their family, especially with Five. His brother has been gone so long, and he can hardly remember the boy he used to be.

"Are you hungry, Five?" Viktor suddenly asked him, partially out of concern for his well being, and knowing that they both needed to before drinking too much.

If they were going to keep drinking, might as well eat. Doubly so if they were going to make a plan to talk to their irascible siblings.


* interview the writer

send a number. a mix of serious and fun.
  1. what color do you associate with your muse?
  2. is there a song that reminds you of your muse?
  3. how do you get yourself out of a writing funk?
  4. do you have any advice for other writers?
  5. would you hug your muse?
  6. how are you and your muse alike?
  7. how are you and your muse different?
  8. do you follow canon, or dump it in the trash?
  9. best scene featuring your muse? (chapter, film, episode)
  10. talk about your writing
  11. fluff or angst?
  12. favorite book?
  13. how are you?
  14. ghosts or monsters?
  15. what does your name mean?
  16. ice cream, candy, pie or cookies?
  17. what motivates you?
  18. are you a jedi master? 
  19. describe love
  20. favorite cryptid(s)?
  21. do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
  22. mcdonald’s or burger king?
  23. anything spooky happen this week?
  24. share a funny story 
  25. are you religious?
  26. what are you doing right now?
  27. describe yourself in two words
  28. metal, folk, pop or ambient?
  29. list your top two movies
  30. most used emoji?
  31. favorite comic book character?

munday asks!!!

  1. at what age did you start RPing?
  2. do you RP anywhere else, other than tumblr?
  3. on what platform did you start RPing?
  4. what made you choose this muse?
  5. is there any other muse in this fandom you RP?
  6. is there any other muse in this fandom you’d like to RP?
  7. is there a muse you played on more platforms or in different moments of your life? 
  8. did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
  9. did you have muse you tried to play, but ended up dropping for various reasons? (the rpc wasn’t active, you lost interest, etc)
  10. would you be interested into playing a crossover? if yes, do you have any limits?
  11. would you be interested into playing with doubles? 
  12. what do you think about AUs?
  13. what do you think about OCs?
  14. what do you think about roleplaying with personals?
  15. what do you think about roleplaying with anons?
  16. what’s the best way to approach you to start playing together?
  17. what was your first muse?
  18. did you ever play a muse for more than a year?
  19. do you have ship bias?
  20. what’s a ship you don’t want to roleplay at all with this muse? (except Bad Illegal And Gross Stuff, of course)
  21. what do you think of your muse’s popular fandom ship?
  22. what do you think of your muse’s canon ship, if they have one?
  23. would you play a OC x canon ship?
  24. would you play a crossover ship?
  25. do you play smut? do you play it only with characters you’re shipping with, or are you open for “one night stands”?
  26. are you multiship?
  27. are you interested into poly relationships for your muse?
  28. is your muse canon divergent in any way?
  29. what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon?
  30. what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
  31. do you regularly play crack?
  32. do you regularly do dash commentaries?
  33. what are your thoughts on dash commentary?
  34. what are your thoughts on reblog karma?
  35. if you aren’t a native english speaker, do you play in your first language too?
  36. do you feel similar to your muse in any way?
  37. do you feel different to your muse in any way?
  38. what’s the best inspiration for your muse?
  39. what’s a song that reminds you of your muse?
  40. [ OBLIGATORY FREE SPACE!!! Ask anything you’d like! ]

“There’s only one solution to this: Organized Crime.” (for Viktor, if you're still accepting)


Viktor looked up at Klaus with an expression of pure surprise, his book splayed open on his lap from where he had just put it down. It was clear that Klaus was one of their seven siblings that was always down to commit some kind of mischeif, but Viktor had never been invited before. Hell, he didn't even think that Klaus would have thought of doing crime with him.

"This...being, what exactly?" He laughs softly, trying to play off nerves. Maybe in the current time, they could use their powers to escape, but Viktor wasn't exactly experienced with any kind of crime, less so the kind he imagined Klaus was used to.

"Does two people count as 'organized'?"


Okay, maybe that was the wrong thing to say, Viktor thought as he winced slightly. So much for trying to avoid therapizing, he knew how much Five chafed at the idea of people condescending to him, and Viktor disliked it too. He gazes at the bottle and wouldn't deny wanting some too, but asking for it felt presumptuous so he buried that desire. If Five wanted to share, he would.

At the mention of Allison rumouring them all, he gulped instinctively, unable to forget what she did to him. The rumouring, Harlan's disappearance and her being responsible for it just to "take him down a peg". Viktor closed his eyes tightly and looked down, not wanting Five to see him cry. Five wasn't responsible for what happened between him and Allison, and he didn't want to focus on it.

"I don't think we should have Allison use her powers for us to do this." Viktor hated how his voice wavered slightly. "I don't like Dad's plan either." I don't like that we might not have another option.

He took a breath, trying to steady himself again, trying to find something that would avoid Five snapping at him again. He didn't want to leave Five to wallow. "I don't think you want to...take the choice away from the rest of us, do you?"

Don't be like Dad, Five, is what he really wanted to say.


he doesn't mean to be barbed wire made flesh. his idea of being kind was never nurtured by their father and his life hasn't fostered it either. the only softness coming from his love for his family and the wise old age hidden behind his youthful figure. he knew he'd crossed a line mentioning allison when the pain of losing harlan would still wear on his brother.

"i don't think the plan will do anything but get dad what he wants. allison too, if she's for it. there's an angle we don't see and i don't follow orders blindly any more."

hopefully, he'd not be forced to break his vow to forego killing to keep his free will. "if the rest of the family vote to follow the old man i won't stop you if that's what you're asking. you're all capable of making your own idiotic choices without my input."

Viktor honestly didn't know what Allison wanted, didn't want to think about it. She made it clear time and time again recently, that if something hurt him, either incidentally or on purpose, that would always be her first option, and the part of him that hated himself couldn't blame her for it either.

It was true that neither of them knew what the outcome of this plan would be. A fight against an unknown enemy, powerful and fast enough to cause serious harm to Diego. It wasn't a proposition that he was really looking forward to, but it was the first time in what felt like forever, that he could fight alongside his siblings, instead of against them.

Though, Viktor wasn't confident that Allison herself would sign onto the plan if he did. "I think...Allison would do anything to get Clare back, including agreeing to anything Dad suggests." He wasn't really their dad in this universe, but there was too much similarity to deny the title. But what did he want?

Harlan was gone, Sissy dead waiting for him to come back and he had betrayed her. Was it selfish of him to hope that there would be another world where he could go back to her? That she would forgive him for leaving? The heartbreak threatened to rip him up inside anew and he glanced at the bottle Five was holding but still made no move for it.

For the first time, he had to move beyond seeing his family as the enemy, as people who have hurt him, and step up to the plate. To stand beside them, even if not all of them wanted him there. That's what family meant. He puts a hand on Five's shoulder and squeezes reassuringly. "I don't know about the others, Five, but I'll be there with you."


sad headcanon q’s… 

  • 1. who does your muse hate?
  • 2. how does your muse handle grief?
  • 3. what is your muse’s biggest regret? 
  • 4. how many scars does your muse have?
  • 5. how long can your muse hold a grudge?
  • 6. how does your muse handle loneliness? 
  • 7. what is one of your muse’s greatest fears?
  • 8. what does your muse fear losing the most?
  • 9. does your muse think violence is ever warranted?
  • 10. what is the worst illness your muse has ever had?
  • 11. what would your muse consider their worst failing?
  • 12. does your muse tend to push themselves too hard?
  • 13. how does your muse outwardly express their anger? 
  • 14. what is the worst injury your muse has ever received? 
  • 15. what might others consider your muse’s worst failing to be?
  • 16. does your muse have a short fuse when it comes to temper?
  • 17. who does your muse wish they had said goodbye to, but didn’t?
  • 18. does your muse suffer from nightmares? how often? what about?
  • 19. out of everything your muse has lost/given up, which hurt the most?
  • 20. what is something your muse wants to tell others, but is too afraid to? 
  • 21. how hard is it for your muse to open up to others? what holds them back?
  • 22. looking back, what is one thing your muse wishes they had done differently? 
  • 23. does your muse tend to be hard on themselves when they do something wrong?
  • 24. does your muse lean more toward “forgive and forget” or “resent and remember?”
  • 25. does your muse recognize their faults, or do they have trouble with self-reflection?


bc my bestie and I sold our souls to him and satan.

  • “Why do you think we’re out here? I’m not wearing any pants.”
  •  “God left us in a hot car to die and I think we deserve it.”  
  • “What?! What are you suggesting here that we do, this is really macabre.”
  • “I’m gonna bring the dinosaurs back and I’m gonna make them gay.”
  • “Social Media was a mistake made by the mistake of humanity.”
  • “There’s only one solution to this: Organized Crime.”
  • “Is this like a malicious compliance thing?”
  • “Well, now you get fired and I get a giftcard – yeihh!”
  • “I’d say apply cold water to the burned area, but there’s no cold water that could cure this.”
  • “Well, nothing brings people together like a common enemy, am I right?”
  • “How much of this stuff can we sneak in before they catch us?”
  • “I’m so disappointed, this day sucks.”
  • “You really know how to… uh, savor your emotions for the ‘important’ things in life.”
  • “No, thanks. Just sex, drugs and rock’n roll for me.”
  •  “You stole my pokemon-card when I was twelve, get fucked!”  
  • “This isn’t facepalming. This is me ripping my entire face off.”
  • “How can any human have so little compassion and kindness?”
  • “Why is this a debate?! You can solve this with two sticks!”
  • “This is very disturbing but also very creative. Jesus.”
  • “That just sounds like prostitution with extra steps.”
  • “Who in their right mind would do this?”
  • “Oh yeah! I can feel the hellfire coming all along!”
  • “Why must you ruin everything I hold dear in life?”
  •  “The only people who’d call you a good catch are probably the cops.”
  • “So you’re not only proving that you’re creepy, you’re also proving that you’re a complete idiot.”
  • “What kind of shrooms where you smoking when you made this?”
  • “Just because your body can physically survive something doesn’t mean that your… uh, whole being is ready for it.”
  • This is where this was going?!”
  • “There we go. You really nailed this one.”
  • “Come on. You’re not an edgy anime-character. STOP.”
  • “I will rake you like I rake my yard!”
  • “You know when the sky opens up and it’s raining blood? This is like that. But worse.”
  • “I don’t think you know what it means to be the good guy.”
  • “Oh my god! That was like 4 plot twists and I had at least 3 heartattacks!”  
  • “I know every cloud has a silver lining and all - but I’m not sure it applies to a nuclear mushroom cloud.”
  • “We need to move back into the woods and eat pinecones, I swear to God.”
  • “You have no idea how impressed I am by your big, throbbing brain.”  
  • “You know… when you have these biblical moments to play out before your eyes, they don’t really pop the same way as they do in the old scriptures.”
  • “I mean, everyone can mourn in their own way but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHY?!”
  • “If my wedding doesn’t have ostriches I’m gonna sue someone.”
  • “I’d say go to hell, but that is too good for you.”
  • “I drink alcohol to make you bareable. It’s not that I am too awkward without alcohol, I just need to numb the mental pain.”  
  • “I’m not a religious person by any means, but sometimes I wish god was real so some people can burn in hell.”
  • “Seems kinda cool on the surface, but we don’t wanna open this pandora’s box, do we?” 

The relief was clear on Viktor's face when Five allowed him to stay, and he moved to sit next to him on the couch. He understood some of the pressure that Five was under, and though he did learn some skills in therapy - therapy from another time, when so much of himself was still closeted. Would those skills even work now, when so much had changed? What he had remembered was that, he couldn't force those lessons on someone else, no matter how much he felt another needed it.

"What's wrong with a social visit?" Viktor asked in his characteristic softness. "I don't think I'm the one to try and give you therapy, but if you want to talk, I won't judge what you're going through."

The threats of murder, he recalls all too well. The mere mention of threats reminded him of what happened when he first realized his powers, lashed out at Allison, and Luther's response. Luther's actions were more an active attempt on his life than a threat, and the memory threatens to cloud his thinking before he pushes it out of his mind for now.

"Call it making up for lost time. If not now, we might not have another chance."


what he was going through? he didn't entirely understand the insinuation. what he is going through is the third end of the world in three weeks. the third fracture of a family he had lost so long ago and the pieces that remained are not at all like the memories that survived the apocalypse. add onto that seeing them die twice and even watching his own life slip away and...he takes another long draw from the alcohol before he spirals on that.

was viktor okay? he didn't like how either side had played the harlan problem but it was over now. by his calculations they only had another twenty-four hours before nothing mattered at all.

"didn't you get the memo? we're all about to die. end of the world all over again. what we should be doing is preparing for allison to rumour us all to get us to sign onto dad's suicidal plan."

Okay, maybe that was the wrong thing to say, Viktor thought as he winced slightly. So much for trying to avoid therapizing, he knew how much Five chafed at the idea of people condescending to him, and Viktor disliked it too. He gazes at the bottle and wouldn't deny wanting some too, but asking for it felt presumptuous so he buried that desire. If Five wanted to share, he would.

At the mention of Allison rumouring them all, he gulped instinctively, unable to forget what she did to him. The rumouring, Harlan's disappearance and her being responsible for it just to "take him down a peg". Viktor closed his eyes tightly and looked down, not wanting Five to see him cry. Five wasn't responsible for what happened between him and Allison, and he didn't want to focus on it.

"I don't think we should have Allison use her powers for us to do this." Viktor hated how his voice wavered slightly. "I don't like Dad's plan either." I don't like that we might not have another option.

He took a breath, trying to steady himself again, trying to find something that would avoid Five snapping at him again. He didn't want to leave Five to wallow. "I don't think you want to...take the choice away from the rest of us, do you?"

Don't be like Dad, Five, is what he really wanted to say.


Viktor had approached him near one of the couches in the Hotel Oblivion. There was too much going on in his head, with Allison, with Harlan. It was late in the evening, the dying rays of the sunset shining through the front doors of the hotel, contrasting with the electric light around the two of them. To say he was looking for someone to talk to wouldn't be entirely correct, he wasn't sure what he would have said.

When he sees Five on the couch, fiercely clutching a half-full bottle of alcohol, his gaze softens with concern. Decades of isolation from Reginald had given him the strong impression that he was ill-equipped to help anyone, but they had always been a bit closer than the others.

The harsh tone mixed with the icy glare from his younger - no, much older - brother made Viktor instinctively step back, but he didn't turn to leave. Instead he stays where he is, and tries again to step closer.

"Mind some company, Five?"


he isn't nearly inebriated enough to deal with the family drama that seems to follow them around. but despite everything he cannot turn away his brother. viktor at one point was the bomb. twice, in fact. through being ignored and broken. even if they hurt each other his brother is the one he trusts the most out of the whole family except maybe klaus.

"why not? it's not like we have long left." if he could spent his time at least somewhat getting along with his family he'd take it. after forty-five years...maybe he can accept this as the home he's fought tooth and nail to get back to.

"i'm assuming this isn't a social visit. with our family it's either a makeshift therapy session, a threat of murder or all of the above."

The relief was clear on Viktor's face when Five allowed him to stay, and he moved to sit next to him on the couch. He understood some of the pressure that Five was under, and though he did learn some skills in therapy - therapy from another time, when so much of himself was still closeted. Would those skills even work now, when so much had changed? What he had remembered was that, he couldn't force those lessons on someone else, no matter how much he felt another needed it.

"What's wrong with a social visit?" Viktor asked in his characteristic softness. "I don't think I'm the one to try and give you therapy, but if you want to talk, I won't judge what you're going through."

The threats of murder, he recalls all too well. The mere mention of threats reminded him of what happened when he first realized his powers, lashed out at Allison, and Luther's response. Luther's actions were more an active attempt on his life than a threat, and the memory threatens to cloud his thinking before he pushes it out of his mind for now.

"Call it making up for lost time. If not now, we might not have another chance."


The fact Reginald didn't have Allison rumour Viktor as 'You think you're normal' or 'You think you don't have powers' but instead went with 'You think you're ordinary' is so insidious.

Because it didn't just affect Viktor's belief around his powers, it affected his whole world view. You can't excel in anything if you think you are in no way special or distinct. He had the talent to be first chair (yes his power helped but his power couldn't make bad playing appear good, he still had to play well) but he didn't believe he did and so was stuck at third chair. Even in teaching he talks himself down when Harold compliments him, saying his next student could probably teach him (but if that were the case why would that student's parents not just get another violin tutor?). It's also part of why he falls under Harold's spell, because he's ordinary and along comes this guy who seems great and thinks he's special, something Viktor literally cannot believe he is because of the rumour, so how can he not be won over by that attention?

I also believe this was completely intentional, because believing he is in no way special, coupled with being numbed by his medication ensures he will be a docile child and easily manipulated. Seeing as Reginald didn't predict the siblings would leave as adults, he had intended to control Viktor his entire life.

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