


I'm a twin and multifangirl


Everyone hates me now. For various reasons, none of which I know. I'm kind of bummed out. And really tired.


New Year, same old Family

In Australia, it has literally been 2017 for a whole 5 minutes and my sister is already mad at me. I don't even know what I did wrong. Anyway, Happy New Year!! And I hope all your endeavours succeed. And that your family is happy!!

me during rogue one: the force is with me im one with the force the force is with me im one with the force the force is with me im one with the force the force is with me im one with the force the force is with me im one with the force the force is with me im one with the force the force is with me im one with the
also me: god i want to fuck cassian andor

New Year

I live in Australia and it is still only 10pm but there are so many posts saying 2016 was crap so let's hope for a better one next year, and I'm just like, who are you kidding. We have no hope for next year. 😬😁 Happy New Year!!


I don't know whether you know this but on New Year's Eve in Australia, the atmosphere is always so muggy because every household is burning their sausages at once.


Maryse Lightwood

I feel like Maryse wasn't really as hateful as she is now. I feel like the mistake she and her husband made when they were younger has really led to a lot of anxiety as she has grown older, and I think that when she started her family, that just added a little more and she resolved to never let her children make the same mistakes she did. That is why she is so disapproving of Isabelle's Relationships with Downworlders and Alec's Relationship with Magnus. She is actually supportive of Alec's relationship with Magnus but she is afraid the clave won't be. Also, as to some of her other opinions, it is really hard to grow up learning a certain thing and as the times change having to change those opinions or be judged. So I understand where she is coming from. However, I do feel that she should try harder than she is to make a relationship with her children and understand their feelings, also she should spend more time with Max as he is still growing and needs love. (Spoiler!!) Especially considering what happens in a later book.


I just had a thought

What if Newt from the Maze Runner wasn’t named after Isaac Newton, inventor, but Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and where to find them and greatest hufflepuff of all time.


Me: 'Should I shave my legs' Other me: 'Your legs are short anyway, no ones gonna notice


My invisibility

I have just been sitting here for like an hour and my parents haven't even noticed, they keep talking about me


I know I'm just new to Tumblr but I think it is great and i would like to share something Today, I got hit by a car, I'm fine and I'm not hurt but it was the scariest moment of my life, my friends helped me, the driver helped me and my mum and dad helped me but my mum said something, "You could have killed yourself" and I am always the one at home, with nothing to do. I'm helping my family a lot but they don't notice me. And I'm not ready to die.


We have a group assignment for PD/H/PE and my twin sister is in a group with the 'cool girls' and they are expecting her to draw a bunch of pictures for the video and she spent hours on them and now they are saying they don't like it so she asked them whether she needed to change it and they aren't answering her.

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