
don't you wish you were here?


hoot, any pronouns, adult aged.
In a joyful flourish, Runaan’s hands moved as if by their own prerogative; tangling in his hair as he stroked the strands of his ponytail happily. He leaned into Ethari, feeling each inch of him against himself. He twirled and caressed his hair, feeling his euphoria encompass him like magic.

ID written out under the cut.

I haven't done one of these in a good few months, so it was super exciting to get back into this! Especially for a new fandom! This fic was both a delight to cover and an absolute pain to figure out how to cover it. Canva remains, as always, ever so helpful (/s). But I am so happy I threw hands and created this because it turned out so lovely. I think this is the prettiest cover I've done so far!

This fic is everything, and I absolutely adore both it and autistic Runaan. I hope you like this, my friend 💖💖


Wow thank you so much! This is beautiful!!!


watching The Dragon Prince is a problem because every time people express discontent with another cartoon show it's almost always something TDP did really fucking well so i just default to like.

you want multiple fleshed out villains / antagonists with backstories and well developed motivations who are also wrong and not let off the hook for their actions? say hello to viren, aaravos, claudia, karim, and more.

you want varied queer rep and multiple trans/nb characters? meet an assassin and a blacksmith and a god and a sign language interpreter and a boy who loves plants and his unhinged girlfriend and married queens and rival enemies to lovers wlw who are now planning their wedding.

you want complex family dynamics regarding culture, legacy, power, and abuse? meet the mage fam, the sunfire royal family, the two main princes, adopted children with four parents, step and half siblings and blended families, etc, all explored in their heart and messiness.

you want varied and in depth character for disabled characters and characters of colour? you have a helpful blind pirate and a bitter blind dragon and a sweet amputee wolf and a deaf lesbian general who's also asian. 2/3 main characters are biracial. every couple is interracial. elves and humans alike have a variety of races and we see all of them on display.

you want to explore cycles of violence and healing and grief and war and found family? you want interesting and varied magic systems? you want ethical dilemmas and grey morality and characters being forced to make bad choices for good reasons? well done redemption arcs that still feel fresh, discussions of culture and religion and the death penalty? friends and family becoming enemies and enemies becoming friends and family?

watch The Dragon Prince.


this is so mean but sometimes i see published writing and suddenly no longer feel insecure about my own writing ability. like well okay that got published so im guessing i dont have much to worry about

I have a friend who is an editor, and gets submissions of mostly poetry and short stories.

I have had a glimpse into her slush pile, and let me tell you, the contents were unbelievable and immediately disabused me of the notion that reading through submissions is in any way glamorous. People have the nerve to submit unhinged paranoid ramblings, fetish porn, and a seemingly endless supply of poems about masturbation.

I no longer feel like my fiction is somehow an imposition on the people who read it. It may be forgettable, but at least it isn't typeset to look like sperm.

Do not be afraid to submit your work. Your competition is not only worse than you think, it's worse than you ever imagined.


Do these three things to get to the top of the slush pile:

  1. The place has a style sheet. Use it. They say they want your MS in 16.5 point Papyrus italic with 0.8 inch margins all around, guess what you're doing before you send it off? Save As, reformat, send it. In the absence of a specific guide: Courier 12 pt (Times New Roman if you must), double spaced, align left, tab 0.5 at each new paragraph.
  2. Check the word count. Don't submit novellas to 2500 word short story venues. BTW, you format the MS in that old style above because the question isn't literal words. Courier 12pt double spaced gives you 250 words per page for typesetting purposes. 2500 words is 10 ms pages, 5000 is 20 pages, etc.
  3. Don't send your romance to Analog or your war story to Harlequin. If it's a cross-genre story, be sure there's enough of what the publication is focused on to interest them, but breaking through is hard if that's not something they usually do.

That's basically what every single editors' panel at every con I've ever been to has boiled down to. And invariably, someone tries to get up and argue with them, not realizing it's not a discussion.

Bonus tip: Don't be in any way cute in your cover letter. Just the facts/Luke Skywalker's message to Jabba the Hut in ROTJ.

Enclosed/attached is my story <Title> for your publication <Magazine>. It is x (rounded to the nearest 500) words. I can be reached at <email> (that you check regularly and isn't likely to dump things into spam) and <phone>.
(If submitting a hard copy: The manuscript is disposable. A SASE is enclosed for your response./A SASE is included for return of the manuscript and your response.)
Thank you for your consideration.

If submitting a novella length piece or greater, a brief and complete summary is appropriate.

In the midst of an interstellar revolt against an evil galactic Empire, vital weapon plans fall into the hands of a farm boy on the edges of the galaxy. With the help of an aging warrior from the Old Republic, and a smuggler with a dark past and his imposing alien copilot, the four set out to deliver them to the rebel forces but are instead flung into a rescue mission to save the beautiful princess who stole the plans as worlds are destroyed by the might of the Empire's weapon, the Death Star.
Captured by the Death Star on route to deliver the plans, they manage to escape the base with the princess, the old warrior sacrificing himself to make this possible. As the Death Star approaches the rebel base, they use the captured plans to stage a desperate final stand. In a fierce space battle of single-pilot ships over the surface of the moon-sized weapon, the farm boy manages to make the critical shot with an unexpected assist from the smuggler, destroying it.

Never under any circumstance put a cliffhanger into a query letter summary. There is no faster way to get the entire MS binned than doing that.

Happy writing.

PS "Top of the slush pile" means into the top 25% of manuscripts received. Three quarters of the submissions don't take the trouble to do even those three basic steps.

Now, that still means 25/100 submissions or 250/1000 submissions, but it still improves your odds and forms the basis for starting a relationship with the publisher for the next piece you send them.

PPS This is obviously about prose. Poetry certainly has its own submission rules, and I know none of them. If you're writing poetry, find out what they are.


@silverhand's reply is right on.


Let's not get carried away with the "lol virgin website" thing, not only because it's mean spirited, but because if you're on here at all you're probably ill adjusted in some way. "Unlike the rest of you I have sex" okay but what does your kitchen sink look like right now?


7sametopics Challenge, Day 2: The Dragon Prince Aaravos, master of all Primal Sources.


whenever you see a post on this website don't forget to ask yourself: why is op the worst human being that has ever walked upon the earth, how does this post target me specifically, and what are the hateful implications hidden between the lines ???


not to be crude but the people who think Laios is one of those fandom characters that doesnt know what sex is are completely missing like. his whole deal. you think the dude who obsessively studies monster anatomy and behaviors doesn't know what sex is? you think he hasn't memorized the mating rituals of every single goddamn beast under the sun? you think he doesn't have an encyclopedic knowledge on how to fuck? thats his goddamn special interest brother. he knows sex better than anyone on the goddamn planet.


sorry if i am piggybacking on your post punkitt and making it too serious but i keep finding this to crop up as a trend where people in a fandom take a character and go "this character is so naive (and neurodivergent) that they can't know what sex is!" and like. does this feel really infantalizing to anyone else? especially when the character is just an adult man. he's 26 in a race that has an average lifespan of 60. he was almost married. he knows how living armor fucks. I don't want to name examples or put anyone's headcanons down but this has been weighing on me how fandom spaces treat autistic characters as sexless. it also plays into a lot of the harmful ideas that causes autistic people not having all the reproductive rights and access they should to act like they are unaware of the world. I don't want to say this in a way that people can't have ace headcanons but I want people to think what they are saying when they add these ideas onto characters with mental or physical disabilities and check they aren't saying anything that comes off as insensitive (even if they don't mean to do so).

no actually go off yeah. its weird as hell when people act like adult characters with neurodivergent tendencies are babies that need to be coddled for some reason. its like a complete misread of a character and a bizarre way of looking at other people.


Also, ace people know about sex. They just don't have much interest in participating in it themselves. When I identified as ace (and I very much was; but sexuality is fluid!) I worked for a BDSM erotica publisher. I knew more about sex than most allosexuals (to the point that when I finally decided this WAS something I wanted in my life, I turned out to be pretty good at it, for a first timer! Turns out it's mostly about listening to your partner and clearly communicating your needs!)

The idea that Laios is asexual and that Laios knows more about sex and sexuality than anyone else *aren't incompatible*. If anything, my own lack of interest in practice meant that I could be pretty coldly objective about editing erotic fiction when other folks got distracted by the sexy!

I can see Laios as the sort of person who would talk about monster penises and vulvas (and cloacas and ovipositors and--) for hours, while people around him get increasingly distracted (or turned on).

Like "did you know fish-men have a pair of organs called claspers, which match with a pair of channels on fish-women, so they can latch together in water and not get separated? Also they're prehensile. Sometimes fish-men use them as a third pair of hands, just holding onto objects... Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to have sex with a fish-man. Would our biology just make it awkward, or would the dexterity in their claspers make it uniquely pleasurable. I wonder what fish-man semen tastes like..."

^ I actually said something similar about a piece of erotica about a were-shark when I worked for said publisher, because the lead editor wanted to know why the were-shark had two cocks, and I'm like "oh it's biologically accurate"

And yes, ace people can and do think about stuff like "I wonder how that would feel :/a" without actually experiencing sexual attraction. I know that's a difficult concept for allos to grasp.

TL;DR -- I personally think Laios says and knows the most blatantly kinky, weird, and horny shit known to man, while being pretty uninterested in having sex with people. Not disgusted by it or ignorant of it, just. Kinda boring, yeah? Why would he want to do that when there's monsters?


So I'm rereading Patience and Ripples and I noticed something...

The photo of Aaravos in the rain clearly shows him crying.

You can see the streak of water start right about where his eye is, right down his cheek. This had me thinking, isn't this moment quiet similar to this one...?

And in this, Aaravos is looking at a reflecting of himself. Not only do we see a mirror/reflection motif (in both the shows and the stories), it also sheds some light on our Startouch Elf's situation...

  1. He references a fallen star in Ripples. Pretty sure that he and it are one in the same.
  2. He also keeps references how the other Startouch Elves are arrogant, too caught up in themselves and their own greatness to notice how small actions (ie, humans - particularly, how the wise human touches the water and literally causes it to ripple or 'distort their reflection') can have huge consequences.
  3. Aaravos does not like his Startouch Brethren. He does not speak highly of them in either stories.
  4. On the contrary, while he acknowledges that humans have weaknesses (and talks down upon them tbh), he also credits them for teaching him two valuable lessons - patience and consequences (ie, 'ripples').
  5. I would say the first image - the one of Aaravos crying in the rain - is a teaser and a throwback to whatever conversation he is having with The Merciful One - who, as I have already posted, is probably not that merciful. And you know the creators have all this planned out already and love to drop little hints without us even knowing what's happening.

This is all really fascinating food for thought as we head into S6. I already mentioned that Aaravos is going to be regarded in a sympathetic light. My bets are that he was cast away by his own people (perhaps over someone he loved, as he references love in the S6 teaser - yes plz) and has something to prove to the other Startouch Elves who outcasted him - be it revenge or something similar, who knows.

Damn. I do love this show.


some of you just cannot accept that “i just don’t like it” is a complete reason to not engage with media or a facet of media


When you would just like to sit in the grass and watch the breezes carry the dandelion seeds away.

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