
i have a cursing problem



Diavolo and barb are too pretty for words 💕💕



[Story i wrote on ao3.]
He met him again.
In a different place. Lucifer recognize him still. Even though he may look and age different, but lucifer knew it was him.
To his way of speaking, to his hair, shape of face, his voice— it was him.
It was mammon, who left them years ago. It was the same mammon he loved and hurt. The mammon he misses to death. Mammon, his first brother, the first one to trust and love lucifer.
There was no doubt...

"Fresh vegetables! Young man, would you like to buy? It's cheaper and the vegetables are freshly picked!"

"Hey, would it be better if i buy a big loaf of bread or...."

"Look mom! That looks delicious, can we buy please?"

Lucifer's brows knitted together, annoyed by the noise. It really is loud here in the human world.

Lucifer checked his watch, he still have 2 hours here in the human world before going back to the devildom. He sighed, wanting to go home already. If it weren't for diavolo forcing him to 'relax' for 4 days here in the human world, he wouldn't be here. That prince was so concerned of lucifer all the time ever since that happened.

He don't get it why diavolo's best choice was the human realm. And to make things worse, the house lucifer is currently staying at is close to a village. Yes, maybe it is convenient for him that he is near the village. But, what lucifer hates the most is, it is noisy every morning. Like right now. Diavolo's plan for him to 'relax' is a fail. Because yeah, he sleeps early because he has no work to do. But his sleep is still not complete because he gets waken up by loud engines, voices- Dear diavolo lucifer just dislike it here.

The people are kind, which he was glad. But overall, he dislike this place.

"Young child, would you like to take a look at these accessories this old woman is selling?." Lucifer paused. He turned around, about to decline and say he is quite busy but stopped. He looked down at the accessories, almost all of them are colored gold. "These aren't really pure gold. Only a small amount is in there." The woman added.

Lucifer picked a small ring from the accessories, staring at it intensely.

"Ah, that ring." The old woman giggled. "A man gave that to me years ago, he said i would make a good fortune out of it since it's made of pure gold." She laughed, remembering the memory. "Although i didn't believe it was with pure gold, I accepted it because it is an act of kindness."

"Do you find it interesting?"

Lucifer slightly smiled at the woman. A half-hearted smile.

"How much is this?" He asked, getting his wallet.

"Ah, it cost 100 coins but since you're the only one who took an interest of it, i can give it to you for 60." The woman smiled at him, a gesture which lucifer returned. He placed the money in the womans hand and said a simple thank you before going on his way.

"Ah, young man, this is 500 coins! It is too muc..." The woman trailed off, looking around to see that the man he was talking to dissapeared.


Lucifer walked to the village, his pace slow.

He lifted the ring, holding it with his two fingers. He observed it once again. It was no doubt that this ring belongs to his brother. After all, how can lucifer not recognize it when he was the one who gave it to him in the first place?

He never thought he would find something so precious in the human world...

Lucifer brought the ring to his lips, and closed his eyes.

"A ring? Why a ring? Come on big bro, can't i take cash instead? Its much more convenient for me instead of a ring ya know." Mammon whined, not accepting the ring lucifer was giving him.

"Do you really not want it? If so, it's better to throw it away then." Lucifer frowned, upset of his younger brothers reply.

"Wha?! Im' just jokin'! Give me the ring, I'll just keep it." Mammon hurriedly snatched the ring out of Lucifer's hand and put it in his pockets. "Ya can't take this away from me now, bye lucifer!"

It was a memory years ago yet he could still remember it clearly. Ever since that happened, lucifer had tried to recall every memories with mammon. He tried to recall all the good memories, and not the bad ones. Not the ones where all he does is punish mammon.


He wonders,

Did mammon, even for a moment...recalled those happy memories with him? Can mammon still remember those days, when his family is loving, caring- and not the ones where he felt like he would die in their hands?

Did he reminisce good memories before he—

Lucifer opened his eyes in a flash, breathing heavily. He had been thinking so deeply, and he almost recalled that memory he was trying to get rid off.



The sole reason of diavolo sending him to the human world, is to forget that happened. To let his mind be free from those memories, which may ruin his mental health.

Lucifer held the ring close to his chest, before putting it inside his pocket.

He sighed, bringing himself together. He shouldn't waste his time like this.

Lucifer continued walking, his eyes looking at the road instead of his front. He kept walking, trying not to bump into humans on his way.

He is supposed to meet diavolo and barbatos at the forest near the village. He don't want to do anything anymore anyways. So he will just wait there alone for the two demons to come and open the portal so he could go home.

He needs to rest at their house now. All he wants is to clear his mind in his room. Doing whatever there is to do just to forget about it even for an hour.

He can't stay here at the human world any longer.

All he wants is to—

"Mister, ya dropped somethin'."

A warm, gentle tug on Lucifer's clothes and he froze. He felt the world stop as he trembled in a way he couldn't describe.

"Mister? Ya dropped a ring on yer way."

Lucifer slowly looked down, and he could feel his heart shatter into pieces when he saw the appearance of the child.

White hair, big brown round eyes that always held curiousity.

He may look different, but lucifer knew it was him.

He was small, and if lucifer were to guess his age, he was around 3. The child looked at the ring and stared at it intensely. "Woah, gold!" He cheered with enthusiasm.


Even after the child started talking, lucifer stood there frozen still. He was trembling slightly at the sight infront of him. He couldn't believe it...He simply couldn't...

"The name is similar to mine!"

"Mister, can i take it instead?" The child looked at him with big, pleading eyes and lucifer couldn't even describe the pain in his already shattered heart when the child asked him that. All he could do to answer was nod.

The child beamed with joy, but before he could even say thank you, someone called his name.

"Mon! What did i tell you about running away?!" A taller and a more matured boy came, hugging the child's small body gently. He brushed the hair in the child's eyes.

"Luis! Luis! This mister gave me a ring!" The boy named luis looked at lucifer, he was a bit intimidated by how tall he is and how red his eyes were. The taller one lifted the white haired child, and bowed to lucifer. "Im sorry my little brother must have bothered you, do you want the ring back, sir?"

Lucifer opened his mouth, and closed it again. Clenching his hand, lucifer turned his back at the two boys, leaving the question unanswered. He walked fast, ignoring the calls of the two children.

It seems like he don't need to be worried anymore...

Lucifer entered the forest in a hurry, going to the deepest as the voices inside his head grew louder and louder.

He stopped and stood Infront of the biggest tree in the forest. He lifted his head, lucifer was a mess.

Shortly after he arrived, a circle of light appeared before him, mixed with purple and black. There stepped out the two demons he was waiting for. Lucifer only looked down, not wanting to see diavolo nor barbatos gaze. He was afraid, that they would see his teary eyes.

Lucifer walked towards the portal, he was glad that the two demons seems to understand that he doesn't want to talk for now.

Drops of water fell before the light engulf them.

He is going home, to where his family are. To where his loved ones are. To his family that he built,

and destroyed.


It seems like i do not need to worry anymore. I can see that you're safe.

I'm sorry, mammon. Only now i understand your feelings. I'm sorry if i have been so ignorant.

Heaven have given you another chance in life. It hurts me to know that you are no longer by my side, but i know you will only be hurt if you stay with me and the others.

Be happy, my younger brother.

Be happy and do anything you want in your new life.

You shouldn't see this sinful brother of yours that brought you the most pain.

Live to the fullest, and may we never meet again.


Asmo is all dolled up for this event ✨




Here’s Prince leviathan in all his glory ⚔️


Night bringer will unravel the past of these demons


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! 💕🍫💘


Who’s chocolate are you taking from these scrunkly demons? 💘🍫


The cat butlers are back~ 🐈‍⬛☕️


Mammon AU

It's been a long time since I wrote another Mammon AU. This idea just came at me while I watched a video on Youtube.

Body switched AU

With demon!Mammon switched souls with human!Mammon from another timeline.

About the human world:

There is an age gap between the brothers.

Lucifer 22

Mammon 20

Leviathan 17

Satan 14

Asmodeus 13

Beelzebub 9

Belphegor 9

In this world, they are a close knit family. Sure they have their own problems and arguments with each other, but they are open with each other.

Like how Lucifer doesn't hide what he's thinking or feeling from Mammon, Mammon to Luci and Levi, Levi to Luci and Mammon, Satan to Mammon and Asmo.

Even though they don't open up to everyone, they still have someone they don't need to hide from.

So, yeah, they live a more harmonious life. They know each other better.

Lucifer is more kind and smiles more freely.

Mammon is both the dotting mom and strict dad in their family.

Levi is more confident and open with his problems to his older brothers.

Satan tries to act mature yet still childish when with his older brother.

Asmo is more attentive and the most sensitive to what others are feeling.

Beel is the most physically affectionate among the brothers.

Belphie is an energetic kid, only second to Beel.

Demon!Mammon immediately knows he is not in the same reality when he is woken up by mini Belphie who literally jumps on his stomach, followed by mini Beel who jumps up and down on his bed.

He freaks out but tries to hide it. How can he show it when he watches his youngest brothers become so energetic and full of smiles after waking up.

And then Mammon found himself in the most bizarre moment in his life. He is dumbfounded when he meets the others, especially Lucifer.

Human!Lucifer almost immediately knows that this Mammon is not their Mammon. But he doesn't confront him immediately, he observes.

He knows that his other younger brothers also found something strange with Mammon but doesn't know what.

He sees how Mammon, sometimes, flinches when they approach him or initiate psychal contacts. He is not stupid to think that if there is an alternative universe of them, that doesn't mean they will have the same relationship.

But it still hurts human!Lucifer's heart to think that there is a version of his brothers who hesitate to receive their, his love. A version of him who hurt his brothers to the point of them flinching from him.

But no matter how human!Lucifer also sees this Mammon as his other brother, he is still worried about his Mammon and what happened to him.

So he confronts Mammon at night when everyone is already asleep. Mammon then admits who he is. It worries human!Lucifer about his brother but demon!Mammon assures him that he is safe, he's been in contact with him.

The next day, Mammon chose to tell the truth to the rest of the brothers. Of course, some of them need time to accept it. Especially human!Satan who is really close to his second older brother.

But they come around to accept the demon!Mammon as another brother. They are also able to know about their brother from him.

The switch happened for 7 weeks.

What happens to human!Mammon? (Let me hurt you a little bit)

None of the brothers even aware of the switched. Sure they are sceptical with Mammon's changes but they don't think much about it. They like this Mammon better than the usual him anyway.

Human!Mammon sure comes to care about his alternate brothers, but can't bring himself to love them like how demon him come to love his brothers.

He just found that the demon brothers' attitudes are unpleasant. So that's why he tries to spend as little time with them as possible.

When the switch ends, the demon brothers go back to their life.

Mammon's heart hurt, but he got his salvations. His alternate brothers, and his alternate self, who are still willing and happy to have him as their brother. He is still in contact with them, he even often visits their dimension to spend time with them.


Come and celebrate with these lovely phantoms 💕🤲


Feral Baby

aka a few misc Baby Satan headcanons because he is my fav and you can't stop me.

By baby I also mean like from the ages of 1-8 roughly human wise it's all misc but I'm sure you can figure it out. These all follow the very cursed and very fun idea that Satan started out as a small little baby and not just man suddenly appears in lego city. Both are good and very cursed however I find this fun to think about.

  • Love the idea of Diavolo being an absolute menace dork and trying to get Baby Satan to call Lucifer dad. The results of these attempts vary anywhere in-between the feral baby getting confused and crying to Diavolo rolling around on the ground in pain after getting kicked in the shin by said feral baby. Either way all results were bad unsuccessful much to Diavolo's disappointment and Lucifer had to beg him to stop insist strongly that he no longer pursue this upon finding out about his schemes "fun".
  • The only thing Baby Satan wouldn't chew on were his books. Got really upset if he accidentally spilled juice on one them. Everything within grabbing vicinity would be thrown.
  • Part of the problem with trying to wrangle the child was that he was still a demon lord. By the time he was like the human equivalent of 4 he'd start to randomly gain more strength in a similar fashion to growth spurts. One day Lucifer asked Belphie and Beel to put Baby Satan down for a nap as he was in the middle of something right now and couldn't at the moment. About 15 minutes later while Lucifer was trying to work he could only watch in fear shock as suddenly an identifiable blur Belphegore was violently thrown down the hallway past him. ohgodohpleaseohno.jpeg. Luckily he wasn't actually that strong yet he had just caught Belphegore by surprise so it wouldn't become an issue so technically he was still that strong but he just wont think about that right now.
  • Later when Satan was a bit older Belphegore would just return the favour albeit in a more joking fashion usually. "What we're just playfighting!" Gave Lucifer many a headache. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTS9QSQjCZ0
  • Many a hands are not for hitting lesson were attempted to which The Feral OneTM would always just respond with something to the tune of "Then why can I do it so well?" *cue smug grin.*
  • Mammon attempted to teach Baby Satan how to steal stuff for him which did somewhat work. Many a passerby lost their watches and/or rings or wallets when Lucifer took him out. Aka during walks with Cerberus, grocery shopping, to the castle, playground, etc. However, this also lead to a new habit of reverse pickpocketing. By which I mean he'd start sneaking items he didn't want anymore for whatever reason into other people's pockets. Trash, food he found gross, random stuff he picked up from somewhere or neat stuff he found outside, things he stole from the brothers but didn't want found on him, etc. it'd end up on you somehow. Especially if you were Mammon, he could not escape the garbage gremlin from filling his pockets with terror.
  • It also wasn't great that the baby was now sneakier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szhrn-nQe5E
  • Showing up to Lucifer's bedroom at 2 am like:

Yes the study too Lucifer has that sleep is for the weak mindset sigma grindset girlbossia, we all know he's a workaholic... Oh no that phrase gave me a cursed though: Tired/done with life Lucifer as a wine mom, no the world isn't ready yet, no, oh no. Insert they hated Jesus because he told them the truth meme here as ironic as that is. I think that maybe I should end this now before it gets worse lmao.


The artist from the obey me comic makes these boys drop dead gorgeous


unfortunately i couldn’t post it yesterday because of personal reasons (that got luckily resolved) but here it is now🤗❤️ i hope you guys like it



Tw: Gore, blood, character death
A/n: Hello everyone! It's been a few months since I last posted, yeah? I'm sorry for that, I totally forgot I have Tumblr. This is a random idea I had. No backstory. I couldnt post it on ao3 because it is short.
I don't know when I'll post asmodeus chapter but I'll try. I hope you'll like this one shot!
Ps: To the anonymous person that sent a request, yes, I can make it. I'll try to post it:)))


The sounds of dropping water from the ceiling echoed in the small, quiet cell. 


Heavy breathing could be heard, as the chains shackle and rub against each other, making an annoying noise.


Dull eyes gazed into the floor, staring at the blood trickling down from his thighs. 


He was nearing his end. 

It was finally the moment he had been waiting for. 

The avatar of greed, Mammon. Was inside this disgusting cell, his wrists and feet chained. Fresh scars visible in his body, as he hung his head low. 


The sound of footsteps caught mammon's attention. He tried to move his pupils to atleast look at the door, but failed to do so. 

Hah...Why would he even look at it? It's not like he can see anything. It was a covered cell. Protected by magic.

"Mammon...?" A familiar voice called, one that made mammon's heart clench.

It was the voice he had missed so much...

But also the voice he had hated the moment he was sent here.

"Are...are you alright?"

Mammon would laugh if only he could at that question. Him? Alright? They were the one who sent him here. They very well know what kind of prison they sent their brother to. They knew punishment here.

"Are you sleeping?"

Im dying

He wants to say that. He badly wants to say that. But how could he do it? When his tongue is cut off?

When his only working sense is his hearing and vision?

"I'm sorry." Lucifer trailed off, his voice sounded hurt. "I'm sorry I know you're in pain." 

I am.

If only you know how much pain I'm feeling.

Mammon could only answer in his thoughts.

"But I have no choice." Mammon wants to laugh because of that. No choice? No choice but to send his brother here? His brother, who only acted on his sin? "In two more months, you're able to get out of here." 

Im dead by that time.

"I promise, that I'll be good to you." He sounds so positive, huh? So positive to believe that mammon will get out of here.

Mammon badly wants to punch lucifer. To tell him how big of a jerk he was, and how mammon hates him more than anything right now. 


Lucifers voice was getting fainter and fainter...

Mammon was drifting away, slowly.

Mammon's role was finally over.

His brothers, had gotten stronger now. So strong that they don't need him anymore. So strong that it was easy for them to just throw him away. 

To throw the one who took care of them and raised them. 

It was so easy for them.

Yet it was hard for mammon to do the same.

Mammon let out a faint breath, his vision was getting all blurry. 

"I'll go then, my baby brother."

Please don't

Don't do it

Dont do it


"I don't wish to die alone..."


Simeon truly is the most delicate flower in the celestial realm 💐🌹

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