
I have severe jojo brainrot help



i ended up liking how gendered french is solely because i can say that i want people to use he/him pronouns for me the same way they use it for angels, blood and blunts

i asked a trans friend to give me her fem version of this and she said that people should use she/her with her the same way they use it for the sea, flesh and stuffed toys

I don’t speak French but I speak Spanish and I’m nonbinary so the whole gendered language thing is… difficult. I couldn’t get this post out of my head and so I wrote a poem. It's a first draft but i just had to get it out there

It’s called “Masculino como el amor, femenino como la espada

Si tienes que usar el masculino conmigo, usa el masculino cómo lo usas para el azúcar para el lobo el amor y el mar. Pero si tienes que usar el femenino, úsalo cómo lo usas para la tierra para la anaconda la guerra y la mar. Llámame masculino cómo el día cómo el melocotón el pecho y la cometa. O, llámame femenino cómo la noche cómo la piedra la leche y la mano. Masculino cómo el viento, femenino cómo la tormenta. El hueso, la sangre. El mito, la magia. El sol, la luna. Si tienes que usar el masculino conmigo, o si tienes que usar el femenino, llámame femenino con la boca y la lengua o llámame masculino con los dientes y los pulmones. O si puedes llámame por mi nombre. Llámame yo.

Translation: Masculine like love, feminine like the sword

If you have to use the masculine for me, use the masculine like you use it for sugar for the wolf love and the sea. But if you have to use the feminine, use it like you use it for earth for the anaconda war and the sea. Call me masculine like the day like the peach the chest and the comet. Or, call me feminine like the night like the stone the milk and the hand. Masculine like the wind, feminine like the storm. The bone, the blood. The myth, the magic. The sun, the moon. If you have to use the masculine for me, or if you have to use the feminine, call me feminine with your mouth and your tongue or call me masculine with your teeth and your lungs. Or if you can call me by my name. Call me myself.

no one speak to me this poem cut me open


knew this woman who used to be a gay man and when he was a gay man he liked ‘ironically’ referring to himself as she/her and so when he came out as a woman he decided the next logical step was to also switch his pronouns to he/him.


The year is 2031. Riverdale is finally over. The new edgy reboot of a wholesome cartoon series is Charles, a gritty retelling of Charlie Brown. Charlie is played by a now-27-year-old Finn Wolfhard. Linus’ “blankie” is where he stashes his drugs. Sally has dissociative identity disorder and the writers’ only research was watching Split ten times while high. Lucy’s father is in the mafia. Snoopy dies in episode one. The showrunners only made one good decision, and it’s that Schroeder is gay now.

Coming soon to the CW.


HOW did you get almost every plot point of Dog Sees God down to a point?? Is that the joke here?

I want you to know that I quite literally did not know about that play until people in the notes told me about it months ago. I made up the funniest “grimdark” twists I could think of and ended up predicting an existing piece of media with horrifying accuracy. I hate it here too


oh apparently OP on that funny gun post meant it negatively and they're pissed people draw guns badly or just don't care enough for them so

if you draw guns like this i'm kissing you in the mouth personally. i am giving y'all a free pass to draw them as simple or as badly as you'd like.

also please make your guns weirder whenever someone complains about them, just make them out of meat. make them have 3 triggers. make them stupid and glowy and give them a heart shaped barrel. make your critics grovel in pain as you create horrors beyond their comprehension. let gods tremble as you corrupt the divine art of creation for your nefarious whims. its funny


Literally how I draw them from memory LOL

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