

@alf-si / alf-si.tumblr.com

Welcome. This blog contains photos, pictures, screenshots and СС for ts4. My English is bad, but if you have any questions I will try to answer them. - Добро пожаловать. В этом блоге размещены фотографии, картинки, скриншоты и мои работы для sims 4.
Anonymous asked:

Привет ты говоришь по русски?

Если да, то такой вопрос: недавно хотела выкачать твои замены на деревья, но не обнаружила рабочих ссылок почти нигде :( где их можно найти? Есть ли они у тебя на патреоне?

Hi, I ask you if you know rus. So if not this is the same what I said on rus. I want to download your trees replacement recently but mostly all of the links don’t work. Where I can download them? Are they in your patreon page ?

Привет, по этому тегу, я сегодня ссылки обновила

Anonymous asked:

I can't seem to get onto you pateron. I'm trying to update my hq mod.

You needn’t patreon for that, check here

Anonymous asked:

Your patreon seems to be down, how can we download your replacement cc of windenburg ?

I will publish here anything I will find

Anonymous asked:

Hello, do you know what happened to your Patreon? I tried to download some of your eyebrows but it takes me to your patreon page that seems to be blank.

Hi, it was closed because I'm tired from ts4 and can't publish CC at regular intervals. I will publish here anything I will find

Anonymous asked:

Can you please help me with installing clouds default replacement v2?

Which help do you need?

Anonymous asked:

Hi! will you ever re-upload your old jewlery collections? or make more jewlery? <3 again LOVE your CC been using it since 2015!

Hi, thank you <3 I will publish here anything I will find


HQ textures for objects

2048x2048 & 4096x4096 textures as default:

When you change it in GraphicsRules.sgr to 2048:

When you change it in GraphicsRules.sgr to 4096:


Find GraphicsRules.sgr:

<path to game folder>\Game\Bin\GraphicsRules.sgr (64-bit game version)

(for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 4\Game\Bin \GraphicsRules.sgr).

Make a backup.

Open original file with Notepad.

Find option TextureSizeThreshold (1, 2). It will be under Low preset (3), ignore it.

Scroll to High preset (4).  Change TextureSizeThreshold (5) to 2048 or 4096 (6) (it depends which max texture size you are using).

Save the file.

Anonymous asked:

I really like your work. WCIF your cloud/sky/light/atmosphere replacement.

Thank you :)

You can use ts4 default replacement tag (tumblr or patreon)

Anonymous asked:

I recently saw an ask that its possible to do 6k textures! I think that would be amazing for the community. Even 8k! Imagine how realistic the possiblities would be! I know I can’t be the only one hoping you will try it pleaseeeeee!!! That would break the internet.

Sorry, but even 1 HQ mod is too many for me now :)

Anonymous asked:


Was thinking... Since update we cannot make skin colors HQ compatible, but is it possible to make their default replacements in HQ?

Now we can


HQ textures for basegame patch 1.69.59

Good evening :) HQ mod is updated for patch 1.69.59 (basegame only). EP/GP/SP will be added later. 

Added new lrle files so you can use hue/saturation/bright sliders (standard basegame things). Big thanks to CmarNYC, tau534 for lrle converter, andrew for S4S :)

Remove these old files (in BaseGameTexturesForHQ):

  • SkinTmYamAmEm_lrle.package;
  • SkinTfYafAfEf_lrle.package;
  • SkinPu_lrle.package;
  • SkinOther_lrle.package;
  • SkinBuCu_lrle.package;
  • 01_lrle.package;
  • 02_lrle.package;
  • 03_lrle.package;
  • 04_lrle.package;
  • EyeColor_d_lrle.package.

Download new files (in BaseGameTexturesForHQ):

  • 05_lrle.package;
  • SkinTones_lrle.package;
  • EyeColor_d_lrle.package (don't use it if you have default replacement eyes);
  • SkinTmYamAmEm_lrle.package;
  • SkinTfYafAfEf_lrle.package;
  • SkinPu_lrle.package;
  • SkinOther_lrle.package;
  • SkinBuCu_lrle.package.
Anonymous asked:

Hey Alf-si, I wanted to ask if it is possible to make the sims 4 use 6k texture size for more clarity? Is it even possible to increase the quality further than the current HQ mod texture sizes? If it’s possible, is this something you could do or make a tutorial of? ❤️

Hi, I didn’t try but why not. You just need to convert every texture to new size xD when I did it, I used s4s, s4pe and slightly modified s4pe helpers. As I know HQ Texture Converter by CmarNYC has source code, maybe it will help

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