
the man, the meme, the kinkshamer supreme


420 praise it

btw for those wondering: i *am* planning on becoming active again soon, donโ€™t worry. thanks for your patience besties


in the live action stone ocean adaptation annasui will be portrayed by fucken. whatโ€™s his name. timothy chameleon. you know the bitch


On the one hand i like having this dandy little circle of jojo accomplices i can talk to and have normal conversations about the series with but on the other hand I'm constantly reminded that if i set one tentative little gamer footstep outside that circle i will be promptly exposed to THE dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life this place is a freakshow i hate it here

Anonymous asked:

Dio voice Reaching heaven through violence with this cringe 15 year old priest I adopted and my cringe hetero partner Dewey

does that make me puccis dad? sorry i would never have a catholic son xx


ok. catholophobia


Punk hair Man? I don't remember shit from Jojolion


neither does gappy lmao

but yea thereโ€™s a gappy flashback way early on where he recalls a dude with pink hair and afaik itโ€™s literally never come up again

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