
Once a legend always a legend


Becc ▪ 25 ▪ she/they ▪ 🇲🇽 ▪ @_binaryerror_ on twitter ▪ Mostly Kacy analysis and some other gay stuff✨

It's not a goodbye, it's a thank you 💕

I started watching Legends while season 6 was airing (almost a year ago) a friend told me about it (because I wanted a show with queer representation) and she swore to me that watching it from the first season would be worth it, she told me that watching everyone's development and especially Sara's was necessary and she was right

I came to the show for Avalance and I stayed because I felt loved, I felt part of this family, I felt seen and important, legends taught me in 7 seasons that you can always find that group of people who like you don't fit in and you can find a family where you least expect it, I learned to love each of the characters in their own way, some of them little by little and some of them the second I saw them for the first time (Ava Sharpe, I'm talking about you) I learned to see myself a little bit in each character, I learned to understand them and at the same time I understood that I am worthy and important, this show taught me to love myself more, to respect myself more and to know that no matter how weird I am, there is always someone weirder than me that will find me worthy to love, this show helped me heal in one of the saddest moments I have had in the last years, it helped me to see myself again and love myself for who I am, each and every one of them are my safe place and they will always be, Legends of Tomorrow literally saved my life 💕

There are no words to describe what this family of misfits means to me and how much it hurts me to have to say goodbye (for now,I will never lose hope) in such an abrupt way without any kind of notice and without having time to say goodbye, I really hope that somehow we will have the opportunity to say goodbye properly, I hope I can see all of them one last time knowing that everything is fine and everything will be fine, because in the end, when did a legend ever go quietly?

Once a legend, always a legend 💖

I'm still going to be here, making gifs occasionally and sharing my excitement every time I rewatch the show from the beginning, I'm not going anywhere, at least for a long time anyway



I thought a lot about how many gifs to make of this scene, how I should do it and what details I was going to have to leave out, and then I thought…why not upload the video and just talk about it, so here we are

"One day, this…unbelievably beautiful woman walks into the bar and orders dinner. And as she sat there waiting for her food, I decided to talk to her. And she was smart and charming."

A little over a year ago we found out what it was like the first time Lucy and Kate met, we learned that it was a "one night stand" or rather a whole weekend, since that day I've been waiting to see it, and at last it's here.

I love the way Lucy was the one who spoke first but it was Kate who invited her to sit closer, I love that they remember every detail of what happened even when within the timeline of the show it happened over three years ago.

I love that they are silly enough to actually recreate every little thing about that first meeting, I love that Kate says Lucy eating her fries is "too intimate" as if they didn't spend the weekend together right after they met and the look on Lucy's face as she eats the fry anyway.

I love that they love each other and the way they look at each other every moment, I love the flirting and how they can't help but smile as they remember that night and every night they've had since.

I can't say enough about how much I love that scene and how much I love them, this scene represents everything that has happened since the first episode of the series, how they have grown since 1.01 and how the "I love you's" have become more and more natural since 1. 22, of how the glances are no longer sneaky and the silly smiles are noticed by everyone, this scene represents much more than the "no anniversary", it represents the destiny that put them in that bar that first night and brought them back together again and again until they stayed together!

It represents all the growth they have had individually and as a couple, everything that has brought them to this moment, to that bar once again, to everything they have lived and everything they have to live, it represents their relationship, and I couldn't love it more.

Surely I will have much more to say in the future about this scene, because every time I see it I notice new details, but for now this is enough, you know I'm always available to talk about them and I'm happy to do it, I hope you liked this analysis, share it and leave me some comments. See you next week 💗

3/3 episode 20


Much was said about the parallels of 1.20 with 2.20, but let's better talk about how Kate shows anger and we know it is because Lucy got hurt and not for any other reason, the case worries her, yes, but Lucy her priority, it is Lucy who could have gotten badly hurt or worse, in 1.20 Lucy yells at Kate and masks it with her jeopardizing the case, when we all knew that her annoyance was because Kate could have died in that situation.

And let's talk about "not mad, just frustrated" because it's clear she's angry and feels like yelling at her, but we also know her concern for Lucy's safety is more

"I don't care about the anniversary thing."

I'd like to know if Lucy really thought that's what Kate was worried about or was just trying to deflect attention from what just happened 🤔. Because even to Jane, who was probably watching them from her office, it's obvious that what Kate is worried about is that Lucy was acting trusting Joe fully aware that things could go wrong

The fact that she defends her point in front of Kate so decisively, the way she knows Joe was manipulated and doesn't back down even when it seems like she should, that speaks to how Lucy knows what she is doing is the right thing to do. By meeting Joe she realized that her suspicions of him being the victim were real, he was manipulated and her instincts were screaming at her to get justice for him.

"I'm scared that he might do something that he can't come back from."

And she says that because she's sure he's not guilty, that what he did was to protect himself, oh I'm loving watching Lucy become the agent she's becoming 🤗

And suddenly it seems that neither of them are upset, or frustrated or have anything else to say, I love the way Jane was probably waiting for the right moment to come in, I imagine her quietly waiting for either of them to raise their voices a little more to interrupt and stop an argument

One detail I can't get past is the way Lucy turns to look at Kate before leaving the room, she knows Kate doesn't want her to go, she knows she distrusts Joe and is upset and worried about her, but she also knows she needs to do the right thing by protecting Joe and saving him from being blamed or doing something he won't be able to come back from, and Kate's expression is...gold

"Take Whistler with you."

Because she has nothing to do with the case, but Jane simply doesn't want her in the office anymore 👀😂.

I KNOW there was an argument in the parking lot when getting in the car over who was going to drive, because Kate didn't want to let Lucy do it, but Lucy just had to do things her way, regardless, we love seeing them out in the field together 🤭

I can't be the only one who yelled at the screen when Lucy made sure Kate didn't see her before she entered the boat, because she knew she shouldn't do it by herself but she also knew she had to do it alone

"I turn my head for a minute!"

And that was exactly the reason why she shouldn't go in alone, because it was sure there would be danger, it was more than obvious that something like that would happen, and I want to think that Lucy knew Kate would be there in time, but something in the " thanks" she says, tells me that she was actually surprised and grateful that Kate had been quick enough

I'm repeating myself too much, but I just can't express how much I loved watching her handle the case and deal with Joe the way she did, she was respectful and honest with him, everything she did was to prove that he had been manipulated and that he was the victim of the situation simply because she knew he was, she knew that defending him was the right thing to do, it speaks to her as a person, her heart and her as an agent and her instinct that we have watched grow throughout these two seasons, I'm so proud of my little Lucy 💖

"You doing all right?"

Notice the way Kate looks at Lucy when she asks if she's okay, she knows that what Lucy is trying to do is deflect attention, but she knows her too well

"Maybe you even saved his life, I'm proud of you."

I'm going to take this two ways, because I want you to notice the way Lucy shakes her head when Kate tells her she's proud. First Kate says this in a way of agreeing with her and apologizing for not trusting Lucy's instinct, for reprimanding her for what she did that even though it was wrong, Lucy did it because she knew it had to be done and second, because she knows that Lucy needs someone to tell her, she needs someone to reassure her that she did everything she could, the comment she makes asking why she feels so bad if it was the right thing to do, she needs to know, for others to know, even reassure herself, that she did everything in her power to save the innocent person's life.

And how she finally breathes and lets herself be comforted, we know it's hard for Lucy to accept when something hurts her, luckily Kate knows her well enough to not need words, just hugging her, letting her know it's okay, that she's going to be okay.

2/3 episode 20


Episode 20 season 2 ✨

Once again I come offering a stupidly long analysis, so buckle up and read carefully, because you already know I tend to recall what I mentioned before, lets get started 😌

First, and because I simply can't stay without mentioning it, I also want a drawer like that, in my office we have one but we all know that there are snacks in there, it's no secret haha. Now, the fact that the stuff in the drawer doesn't fall out when she flips it over!!! it's not even a real drawer 😅

I love the way Kate looks at her, like knowing that she's right on cue, catching her doing what Lucy knows she shouldn't be doing, kind of like when my boss sees me hiding fries in the mornings 🤭

Now, I don't know if it's just me reading too deep into it, but I'm always going to see bringing someone food or cooking for them as a demonstration of love, maybe it's just because of my culture and how families show affection by preparing your favorite dish, I've always taken it that way from Kate, it's one of the ways she has of showing Lucy that she loves her and cares about her, always making sure she's hydrated, eating enough and not forgetting to drink her green juice 👀

Because Kate isn't stupid, it's not like she doesn't notice Lucy's face when she brings her healthy food, it's just that she keeps doing it because she knows it's good for her even if Lucy refuses to accept it 🤭

But back to the episode and how Kate had other reasons for her visit, I keep wondering how she must have felt when she found the cupcake in the fridge on a random day that has nothing to do with any anniversary, plus:

"The cupcake you left in our fridge."

I want you to notice how it says "our" and not just "the fridge", because it's theirs, because they live together and share everything 🥰

"It said 'Happy Anniversary' on it." "Yes, it did."

Lucy is so proud of herself for the cupcake and Kate just can't finish understanding

"Happy anniversary my love."

It's just that 🥺 for those eyes I'll take the anniversary any day she wants and commands, it doesn't matter

"It's not our anniversary at all…" "I know" "You do?"

My poor blondie was really trying with everything in her to understand what Lucy was talking about, Kate always tries to do everything according to the rules and her girlfriend on a random day congratulates her on her anniversary knowing it's not, poor Kate was really confused 🥴

And with the "I love you and us" we forgot the confusion and just let ourselves be loved….I mean Kate did 🤭

I will never be happier than when I hear them tell each other that they love each other, knowing that they've gotten to the point where they can just say it with no fear, knowing that their love is reciprocated and they both love each other so much, even with their stuff about not believing on dates

And can we talk for a moment about what it must have been like for Kate to have to open presents on the 23rd and not Christmas? I'd like to know what excuse Lucy used so she wouldn't have to tell her the truth about her superstitions 😂

I couldn't leave this shot out 🥺

Heart eyes 🥰

And we get into the plot of the episode, I love the way Kate sat waiting for Lucy to finish the call, but the moment she heard Lucy mention a murder, she reacts and leans over to give her a nod asking what's going on, always attentive, always willing to help and above all to look out for Lucy's safety

Once again making sure Lucy has everything she needs, she stayed with her, made her coffee, took it to her desk and is trying to comfort her after Lucy is feeling she reached a dead end.

Always looking to support where she can, this is a quality we know about Kate, but watching her work with Lucy, it's just better than all the previous times 🤷🏻‍♀️

And just…

Look at Kate's face of satisfaction and pride after the high five with Lucy and their pun, they are two dummies who share two brain cells and I love them 🥺

I want to take a moment to appreciate Lucy's reaction and change of attitude when she finds out that Joe had a brain injury, the moment she knew that he could be the victim of the whole situation she decided to do things herself and go out and find him, knowing that he could hurt someone else or hurt himself without being aware of this, this is something I loved within the episode (and leaving Kacy aside for a moment) because in my opinion this is the way Jane would act, and in this case we saw Lucy do it. Seeking to find out the whole truth before blaming someone who might be innocent.

That's why she takes the call and tries to convince Jane that she's not in danger, that Joe won't try to hurt her, because she immediately knows how to recognize that he's not a threat, at least not one where he does things viciously or with genuine intent to harm her. All of this and what I tell you I find similar to the way Jane works, speaks to how much Lucy has grown, from episode 13 we see her working alone and not being satisfied until she knows the guilty person is really the guilty one, with each case Lucy becomes more aware, faster, a better agent in general and is just great to watch.

Back to Kacy

Can you imagine that your intention for the night was just to keep your girlfriend company on her night shift so she wouldn't be alone and to make sure she had some dinner and now you are on the phone hearing that she is alone in a closed space with an armed man? that is just what happened to Kate

Aside from the fact that I love seeing her worry and the way Jane knows how to control the situation, I imagine how frustrating it must have been for her to know that Lucy just walked out of the office and now something could happen to her simply because she didn't let anyone else go with her.

1/3 episode 20

I love you, and us, and I wanted to celebrate our awesomeness as a couple. NCIS: HAWAI'I | 2x20: NIGHTWATCH TWO
Anonymous asked:

Personally I didn’t think Kate had actually bought a surfboard for Lucy; I interpreted the scene as she saw that Lucy wasn’t paying attention and was just testing to see just how much Lucy wasn’t paying attention

I did thought about that, but I rather think that she really bought a surfboard for Lucy, it seems cuter, plus it leads to believe that Lucy has really been joining her and going in the water with her 😬🤷🏻‍♀️


Okay, I love Chase, I love that she doesn't let herself be intimidated and is herself at all times no matter what, she is firm to who she is and what she believes in, so I know in my heart that she knew it was Kate who was with Lucy, not only because Kate is probably not there very often and it's a new vibe in her space, but because of the pure and warm energy that Kate has

Because Lucy asks if she felt her strength or stern authority, and Chase's answer is that she actually felt sincerity, and if Chase is as good as I know she is, it speaks to how Kate always acts following her heart, doing what she knows is the right thing 🥺

Lucy is one of the most genuine characters I know, she is distracted, when she concentrates she can't talk/listen to another subject, she has phobias, she is stubborn and afraid to show her feelings but at the same time she has the heart of a child and is very sentimental, so seeing this kind of scenes where she is real, not wanting to see her friend get a wound stitched up, showing displeasure in her own way, makes me very happy, especially the way Kate reacts to this, she is just so happy to see how silly her girlfriend is

And the best scene in the whole series finally came, I find it very funny how Kate was so sure she had let that go and as soon as Lucy mentions it she immediately panics.

Kate's face of disappointment and surprise when Kai said "CPA" with full confidence in his response 😅

This one just because I love watching them mess around with each other, and Kate and Lucy standing next to each other is always cute ❤

How cute she looks so nervous to say it in front of everyone and goes over to tell Lucy first, as if to make sure it wasn't anything ridiculous and that she was going to be able to say it in front of the others, plus Lucy's totally excited response wanting her to already tell them 🥺🥰

"Miss America!"

Everyone's reaction and Jane saying Kate would have made a great Miss America just so Kate could feel more comfortable after noticing her nervous, and the way she can joke once Jane makes the comment, they are a family and every time they are welcoming her in a better way and making her feel part of them, I love them 💗

And of course you didn't think I was going to leave out the best thing about the episode, knowing that they are there for each other, knowing that they can joke and play with each other, it's really what's worth it, it's not just a job, it's family ✨

I'm so happy we finally had new episodes and got to see all our Ohana together, I missed Lucy so much and seeing her with the boys and Kate, I don't know what I'll do when the season ends :(

That's all for today, remember that my question box is always open and my private chat always available, thanks for reading me and don't forget to leave a comment in the tags, I love you 💖

2/2 episodio 19


Episode 19 season 2


It's been a long wait, but we finally have Kacy back, so let's get started.

"That's my girlfriend."

We're starting off strong, I'm always going to love watching them be cute and cheesy at work, I love the way they act like two teenagers when they say something cute to each other 🤭

And I love the way Lucy knew Kate wasn't talking about it being her who had applied for the NASA program and immediately looks at her wondering if it wasn't either of them, then who

And can we talk for a moment about the fact that Kate BOUGHT A BOARD FOR LUCY TO SURF TOGETHER?

This means that Lucy has been going with her and is slowly getting more and more comfortable in the water, so much so that Kate considers that she is ready for the waves 🥺

And I love that Kate said it at a time when she knew Lucy was distracted, it seemed like she'd been wanting to say it for days and at that moment she saw the opportunity and took it 🤭

"I thought my pronunciation was right." "I have no way to know."

Which means she was just messing with her or making sure that she was paying attention 😅

One of my favorite things is how Kate has been getting comfortable in the NCIS office, in season 1 she did it only when no one else was there and she was waiting exclusively for Lucy, but this season we've seen her feel more free even if Lucy isn't there. The way she casually just sat next to Lucy at her desk made me think of that

"Save the dirty talk for home, would you?"

I read on twitter that most likely Lucy looked away after that comment because she knew if she saw Kate for one more second she wasn't going to be able to control herself and was going to need to kiss her and I totally agree

My blondie felt scared as soon as she heard Lucy ask the question of what her dream was as a little girl 😭

She couldn't even convince herself that being an agent was her dream as a little girl, no one dreams that!

My poor baby really didn't want to talk about it 🥺 I think maybe she considered it a shameful thing for being too "shallow" but I know she would have been the best in beauty pageants 🥰

This one because I just couldn't leave out Lucy not being able to take her eyes off Kate 👀🤭

1/2 Episode 19


HI! 😁

Kacy's analysis of episode 19 is ready and will be posted tomorrow (Monday) at 11 a.m. central time but I wanted to talk about something that's been going on in my question box.

There is one (or several) accounts that have been sending me some messages complaining that my reviews are only about Kacy and not about all the characters in the show, this along with some comments demeriting my work doing the reviews and saying that I shouldn't watch the show if I only care about them and some other comments that are not worth repeating.

And just to clarify, I do these recaps in my free time, because I love the show as a whole and each of its characters, I focus more on Kacy because I started watching the show because it had a sapphic couple. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the other characters or that I don't value the work of the actors in interpreting their stories.

And to keep this short, it's MY BLOG and I post on it what I want, if you want to read a full episode analysis that talks about all the characters equally, then write it yourself and then read it.

I have always tried to be nice, but I do this because I like to do it and I love to share my opinion and read yours, but I will not tolerate that you come anonymously to criticize my work or who I choose to focus my attention on.

If you have any opinions about my analysis or any questions or just want someone to talk to about what's going on in the show, I'm always available, either in my question box or in my private chat, but don't come to attack me or what I do, because I'm not going to take the time to do another one of these posts, you're just not worth my time.

That's all, I will see you tomorrow in my analysis and I hope you like it very much, thank you for the support, patience and for sharing my posts and your opinions with me, I love you all 💖

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