


She/her - 22


this is how you fucking DRIVE

Fernando, you fucking legend. In an Aston Martin agsinst a fucking Red Bull. Pulling a masterclass in defence, holding Checo off for 20+ laps. Taking back P3 by the skin of his teeth.

this, THIS is how you fucking drive. my god, Fernando. what a man.

Fernando Alonso, the man you are.

Bitches will never shut up about this, it’s me. I’m bitches.


i can't believe i still use tumblr in 2023 i feel like an old guy who stubbornly refuses to get a mobile cuz house phones work perfectly fine. and he's right


the look of pure rage on joel’s face when henry prevents him from going to help ellie as she is being attacked… pedro pascal you fucking asshole. the look on henry’s face as he realizes what he has done… the way he says “sam”… lamar johnson you fucking king. the little scream ellie does when henry shoots himself… bella ramsay you fucking angel. THAT scene was brutal.


I am floored I am flabbergasted I cannot believe it

In the game, Bill and Frank were almost nothing. Bill was a joke character, he shows up, he’s a doomsday prepper, he helps you fight zombies, gives you a truck battery, and you leave. Ellie steals some comics and a gay porno magazine from him, and he’s never seen again.

Frank WAS nothing. You never see him. You find his BODY, he got bit and hung himself, and he got bit trying to escape Bill because he hated him so much and the note says he’s happier dead than living another day with Bill 

And then the show. The show took that shallow, mean storyline, and made it beautiful. 

Now Bill and Frank are real characters. We know them. Really KNOW them. And they don’t hate each other. In fact they’re in love. They’re really IN LOVE. And yes they argue and disagree sometimes but they’re a real couple who really love each other while still being two people so sometimes they fight. That doesn’t change that they’re in love 

And they GET TO BE IN LOVE, the whole time, they’re doing things for each other. They’re living in their little gated paradise and it’s beautiful. They make it pretty. They grow food. They’re eating gourmet meals. They’re not just surviving. They’re thriving. They’re living

They took that mean spirited game story, and they made it the point, the heart, the example of what people are still fighting for. The proof that yes, even in the middle of the apocalypse, you can still live a good life. Not an easy life, you will still have bad days, you’ll have bad days with the ones you love, but you will still love them, and they will still love you. And then, with all these grizzly, horrific deaths we see two deaths that are peaceful. Painless. Two men who die old, satisfied, and in the arms of their purpose. 

Don’t you see? It’s about hope 

Bill and Frank are hope  


I always find it funny when those who support the Greens cling to Daemon’s (supposedly) evil acts and atrocities committed, to justify them overthrowing the king’s chosen heir, while also completely ignoring their own side.

Aegon is a proven rapist and frequent child abuser, who might even be a pedophile as well, depending on how you interpret the comment that he prefers the more “unsavory” brothels. He has bastards, whom he has fight in fighting pits. He is an absolute monster.

Helaena is an innocent victim. I’ll give you that. I feel bad for what is to come for her.

Aemond is a kinslaying psychopath. I don’t get those who seem to look forward to him and Alys. He killed her entire family and then took Alys, a prisoner of war, into his bed. Sounds like rape and a war crime to me. His actions cause so much pain. Burns the Riverlands, killing thousands, and his actions are the reason Jaehaerys is brutally massacred.

Daeron is an unknown entity, though he doesn’t seem evil, just a dutiful young man and another victim of his family’s misplaced ambition.

Alicent is a terrible person. She sneakily crept into the bed of her best friend’s father, not even six moons after his wife died in the birthing bed. I’d be surprised if the birthing blood had dried yet. She raised her sons to be hateful little monsters, and inspired their base and disgusting behavior. She was abusive and an all-round horrible mother. Every bad thing that will happen to her family is because of her. She hides behind her false piety, while she is out here allowing dudes to wank one out over her feet the day her husband died. Alicent is no victim, she hasn’t been one in a very long time. She could have had Larys seized, but she didn’t because she wants him working for her and not her father. Manipulative and disgusting.

Larys is a kinslayer of the worst kind. No problem with the foot fetishism, to everyone their own. Though I do find a dude called the Clubfoot having a thing for feet a little on the nose.

Criston Cole is truly an incel. He had one whiff of pussy and upon being rejected started spouting every incel/MRA talking-point out there. He is just a sad and pathetic person wearing a mask and clinging to his false Faith and his white cloak, pretending to be someone he is not.

Otto is a jealous little troll, who did everything in his power to destroy the House of the Dragon. I am a firm believer in the Oldtown Conspiracy, and that the Faith, the Citadel and House Hightower conspired to overthrow the Dragonlords and install Hightowers on the Iron Throne. He cares for nothing but himself. He is an almost one-dimensional villain.

That said, while the Greens are shit, they wouldn’t have been able to pull this off if not for two people: Jaehaerys and Viserys.

Jaehaerys was no conciliator, he was a capitulator. He kneeled to the Faith, was a shit father to his daughter, clearly a rampant misogynist, and allowed these “lesser” Andal lords a say in the governing and succession of the House of the Dragon. His entire shtick about Targaryen exceptionalism was thrown out the window the moment he didn’t want a woman on the throne. He is the root of all evil. Alysanne was a far better queen than he was a king.

Ah, Viserys the Peaceful. More like Viserys the Fool. The only reason he even sat the throne was because his brother assembled an army for him. Well, that and because his grandfather was clearly a deep-rooted women-hater. He was a moron. I saw someone describe him as using his kindness and peaceful nature to cloak what hides beneath: weakness. He was so easily manipulated and his actions led to the death of the dragons.

It is no coincidence it all went wrong for the Targaryens the moment the King wed an Andal. You can disagree with Daemon’s Valyrian supremacy all you’d like, but he was right. The moment they “bred” with lesser beings, it all went to shit. They should have kept it to the Velaryons, Celtigars, Baratheons or the bastard Valyrians from the Free Cities.

The Greens’ treason caused the death of the dragons and was the reason the Seven Kingdoms were unprepared for the Night King and his armies.


Don't explore the fact that Daemon lost both his mother and Laena to childbirth and Rhaenyra's premature labor probably triggered him. Don't explore the fact that his parents were very much in love, and his father became a shell of man after he lost the love of his life to childbirth, and Daemon suddenly has to contemplate living the same loss while raising seven children and defending his son's birthright, and he froze because fighting he can do, strategizing, planning attacks and defenses, that he can do. But raising seven children on his own while grieving the love of his life, that he can't even fathom. No, instead have him choke her out of nowhere, that makes sense.

Don't explore the fact that Aemma died in pursuit of a boy, and Rhaenyra's only daughter died before taking her first breath.

Don't show Rhaenyra's reaction to losing her boy, the one who was always attached at her hip, the one who hadn't even learned how to stop holding her hand yet, the one she sent to the closest ally so he wouldn't be gone too long, the one she had just promised she wouldn't abandon to his responsabilities without making sure he learned all he needed to, the one whose death literally started the war.

But a torn up paper from a book nearly two decades ago, from a woman who abused and humiliated her in front of her entire court, who chased her out of her own home, who usurped her throne and her birth right, who's currently conspiring against her, her children, and her husband, that was important to show.

Let’s talk about this yes

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