
Welcome To My Own Personal Hell

@atomic-archaeologist / atomic-archaeologist.tumblr.com

Please enjoy your stay

when i was a kid i used to respond to the "glass half full/half empty" question by asking how the liquid in the glass got there in the first place. nobody ever gave me a chance to explain my reasoning so i'm doing it now

if you have a glass and it has some liquid in it, up to the halfway line, whether it is empty or full depends on what happened before the question was asked. if you started with a full glass and poured half out until only half remained, the glass is half empty, because if you continued pouring it would be fully empty. however, if you started with an empty glass and poured liquid from another container into the glass up to the halfway line, the glass is half full because if you continued pouring it would be all the way full. logical, no?

i was 13 years old when somebody finally told me it was supposed to be some kind of optimism/pessimism thing. i always thought it was a riddle that nobody let me solve

Okay but that actually goes really well with the metaphor. How did you get to where you are right now? Have things gotten better or worse? Does it seem like the trend is continuing?

Nobody's really an optimist or pessimist all the time, your outlook depends on the situation and how you arrived there.


The creator of these images is Matt Bernstein, one of my favorite educators online -- he makes incredibly clear, forceful collections of information like this one. He's queer, has fantastic nails, and has done a lot of education recently from his perspective as a Jewish person on why supporting Palestine is so important. Here's a link to this post, which he created for World AIDS Day on 12/1/23.


when I was in high school my dad was speeding like crazy because I was running late to my job at the cemetery. and the cop who pulled him over gave him three whole tickets because who the hell goes 95 in a 25??? but then, when my dad went to court the cop didnโ€™t show, and so the judge looked over at the charges and just couldnโ€™t believe it. he thought the cop mustโ€™ve been so racist that he made it up because who the hell goes 95 in a 25? so my dad got all 3 tickets dismissed bc of racism. that he didnโ€™t even experience because he was in fact going 95 in a 25.

to clarify. my dad used to be a cab driver in ny and he also grew up in india so he just drives like a dickhead.

Anonymous asked:

are certain lubes better suited for vaginal or anal sex? or are they all the same?

hi anon,

water-based, oil-based, and silicone-based lube are all suitable for either vaginal or anal sex. many people prefer silicone-based lubricants for anal sex because it's so long-lasting and durable, which is helpful when you're working with an orifice that won't naturally lubricate itself. oil-based lubricants are also a no-go with latex condoms, which is relevant for both vaginal and anal sex. beyond that it's all a matter of personal preference!


thank you dildo-smith Matt for chiming in, and while we're at it let's actually just go through the whole tl;dr pros/cons of the different families of lube!


  • pros: easy to wash off/clean up, safe for use with any toy material.
  • cons: dries up quick and needs to be replenished often during sex.


  • pros: long last. extremely long lasting.
  • cons: can be a pain in the ass to clean up, and not good for silicone toys as noted above.


  • pros: long-lasting, and often the best choice for folks with allergies/sensitive skin triggered by other lubricants.
  • cons: Do Not use with latex condoms.

I really appreciate when people share info even when it's not relevant to them personally! you never know who might be following you who will really benefit from seeing it :)


I know her tumblr would be fire

One of my sister's friends posted something about her attic being creepy and it ended up getting 50k notes as everyone argued about why it was creepy, whether it was real, and if it was actually just perfectly reasonable.

Candace would have dozens of posts like that with her describing some crazy shenanigans of her brothers and a couple weirdly out of focus pics attached.

They'd blow up initially with people scoffing about how dumb it is but then someone pipes up with "oh yeah the rocket race around the world was crazy when they came through our town". And suddenly other people are adding their own photos or reblogs.

Sadly when Candice thinks she has proof and shows her mom, Tumblr's search function tells her they can't find any records of her own post.

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