
Avengers Assemble

@thebookofavenging / thebookofavenging.tumblr.com

Marvel. Tony stark defense squad. Writer. RDJ Fan. BookOfAvenging on Ao3

“I feel like he walks in a room and he just glows. He owns the oxygen. I feel so much safer when he’s around. It’s like when you’re a kid – if Dad’s with you nothing bad can happen. Not to make Downey seem like my father, but there’s something about him that makes you feel very protected.“

“There have been plenty of times where my little noisy brain can start getting loud. He’s really good at helping me recalibrate and get back down to earth. He’s a very soothing source for me.”

“There’s genuine care. He can speak to you and make you feel like you’re the only person in the room and that you have his undivided attention. He’s clearly been through a lot in his life, so nothing feels saccharine or unctuous.”


but he’s a hero, you know. the strong kind, the hold-up-the-sky kind, the too-good-for-this-world kind. he’s a hero, and he doesn’t deserve this. 

heroes are only heroes until it takes its toll // p.s.


I wrote this one a long time ago but now it is even more heartbreaking !!!

He always knew that the gift he had could turn against him.

 Always knew that while being spider-man was a privilege, it could easily become a terrible one.

But he never thought that he will have to bear this,

 He never thought he would have to hear Tony’s heart stop.

 He never thought that he will have to hold his mentor’s hand at a time like this.

 “Mr.stark, please don’t leave me, please just hold on!” He mumbled in Tony’s ear with tears streaking down his face.

He knew his tears were mixing in his mentor’s hair, but he had a deep feeling he would never get lectured for it. Oh how he wishes he would get lectured for it.

He can hear Tony’s heart beats get weaker, he can hear his mentor’s little huffs of breath. He knows it is too late to do anything. He is going to have to watch Mr.stark leave too.

Peter holds his mentor’s hand like he is never going to let go. Tony is sprawled on the floor, his head on Peter’s lab. His eyes are closed, his face is no longer contorted in pain, he is no longer conscious, but Peter can still hear the last signs of life in his Tony.

He brings Tony closer to his chest, and he can’t stop himself from rocking back and forth while burying his face in Tony’s hair.

“It is going to be okay, you are going to be okay.” He keeps mumbling, not sure whether to himself or to Tony.

 “Please Tony, don’t die on me.” He says just as he hears Tony’s heart give out.

They will find them long after that. Tony sprawled on the floor, Peter’s head on his chest. Peter shaking with tears on his face, waiting just to hear one more heart beat.

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You will never know dear
How much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away
I dreamt I held you in my arms
When I awoke dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried

But do you realise how adorable tony is in the avengers movie

Like coulson brings him the info on everything and everyone and he just sits there and read it all night.

Like when you think he is not hearing any of the conversation between pepper and coulson but then offers to fly coulson to his love interest. Like he cares so freaking much it hurts.

Like the way he assumes everybody notices the man playing galaga but it is actually only him.

The way he becomes an expert on things overnight.

The way he treats bruce banner like a human being and not a monster.

The way he puts himself at risk first to fix that engine and then the bigger one which to carry a nuke to space.

The way he calls pepper before everything fades.

The way he doesn’t care at all about his own life if it means saving others.

The way he mourns coulson all the way even though they are not that close.

The way he gives everybody nicknames, even the “supposedly” evil loki.

The way he says “call it, cap” when following is not really his style.

Like tony stark is an actual gem that should be protected at all costs and is literally not protected at all!!!

I miss him so much 😭

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