dove nasce il sole

@missthursday /

sanna, 19, enfp. classics/latin philology student. i like itv's endeavour a lot

Is your teen texting about murder in Oxford?

LOL = Lots of Lewis

BRB = Better Ring Bright

SMH = Strange’s Matey Here

HAM = Hungover as Morse -OR- Hathaway’s at Morgue (depending on context)

TMI = Too Much Iliad

OMW = Oh My Wagner

BBL = Big Books, Literally

WTF = Will Tell Frazil

JK = James Knows

BTW = But Trewlove Witnessed

LMFAO = Lewis & Morse Flitting About Oxford

ROTFL = Roaming Oxford to Find Lewis

TFW = Tender Fred & Win

IDC = I’m Dodging Cloisters

STFU = Start That Fugue Up

NGL = No, Get Laura

i still laugh at “start that fugue up”


Start that fugue up is my new call to arms. 


Venice sunrise in blue mood by JrnSeidenschnur: Blue mood in Venice. Early morning view from Ponte dell Academia.


@kingsmanassemble tagged me to post a selfie, so here's me being happy because we had sunflowers at home, and me contemplating every decision i've ever made

i think most of my mutuals have probably done this already, but if you haven't, consider yourself tagged 🌻💛

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