


♡|creature from middle earth|♡ I write and draw. Richard Armitage is perfection. Skyrim♡

i dunt want to explode.

I dun wanna explode either my dude

i’m okay either way but some of y’all probs want good stuff to happen

Normally I wouldn’t reblog this but the frog made me smile.

I don’t want to risk!!!!!!!!

no risking, this is my week of work xDD gotta get them vacations one way or another

I need a miracle, please and thank you!

Well I need a miracle


🚨 The internet needs you 🚨

You’re up again, Tumblr. 

Back in 2015 you demanded that the FCC adopt strict net neutrality rules and establish a free and open internet. And you won

That should’ve been the end of it. But apparently not.

The new head of the FCC wants to undo the net neutrality protections you fought so hard for.

His proposed changes open the door to your web traffic being slowed down, or even blocked altogether. You could be forced to pay extra to use your favorite apps. You could even be prevented from getting news from the sources you trust.

Title II protects consumers and democracy by ensuring all voices can be heard.

You know the drill. Here’s what to do:

The FCC is taking comments from the public, and dearfcc.org is making it as simple as possible for you to make your voice heard.

Go there now 👉 dearfcc.org ✌️

You’ll just need to provide a name, an address, and then say a little bit about why rolling back Title II protections is a bad idea. If you’re not quite sure what to write, here’s something to get you started:

I’m writing to urge you to keep our Open Internet rules based on Title II in place. Without them, we could lose the internet as we know it.
The proposed changes to FCC rules would allow fast lanes for sites that pay, and force everyone else into slow lanes. We’ve already seen access to streaming services like Netflix, popular games like League of Legends, and communication platforms like FaceTime slowed down, or even blocked. Conditions like this hurt businesses large and small, and penalize the users who patronize them. 
The changes also open the door to unfair taxes on internet users, and could also make it harder for blogs, nonprofits, artists, and others who can’t pay up to have their voices heard.
Please leave the existing net neutrality rules based on Title II in place.
Thank you!

If you need more ammo, feel free to quote these experts from our net neutrality Issue Time. TechCrunch and Battle for the Net also have some good starters.

Everyone is counting on everyone else here. Do your part and tell the FCC to keep a free and open internet under Title II. 



alright I’ve been hesitant to reblog a net neutrality post to my snake blog but fuck, even staff is on this boat, I hope it comes across as important





36 years ago today Sirius Black was send to Azkaban for murders he didnt commit.

36 years ago Remus Lupin went to bed happy and satisfied cause he knew whatever happens, his friends will be there, he woke up to the news three of them were dead and one was the reason why.

36 years ago Petunia and Vernon Dursley went to bed and woke up to find Harry Potter on their doorstep.

36 years ago Minerva Mcgonagall waited the entire day at the steps of a house on Privet Drive just to confirm that Lily and James Potter, two of the most kind hearted people she knew, were really dead.

36 years ago the entire Wizarding world celebrated today.

36 years ago a hero was born.



This is to prove to SOME people that we girls can love it too and it is not just designed for boys!!


Hey Trans Kids!

It is totally okay to slip up and misgender yourself sometimes. It doesn’t make you any less trans. You were raised to think you were (male, female) and that you would never be anything other than that. Don’t beat yourself up over it if you misgender yourself!!


THIS IS SO IMPORTANT HOLY FUCK. Especially since people will try to convince you that slipping like that means you’re “not really” what you say you are.


Also, please don’t feel embarrassed if you still have your old name/body/presentation in your dreams. It means nothing, they’re just dreams and everyone knows dreams can be silly buggers! :3

also you will react to hearing your old name for a long time. which doesn’t excuse others from calling you by it; supporting trans people means helping us get used to being properly named and gendered. (trust me: we aren’t. we can all use the practice.)

Honestly, this is one of the most important things for trans kids to hear, PLEASE reblog it. Holy shit. I can’t even tell you the number of horrible self-hating thoughts that will float into your mind if you’re transitioning but slip up on YOURSELF, and its absolutely reasonable when you’ve been taught to associate yourself with a gender and name you’re uncomfortable with for years, decades even.


Reblog if you want a cute lil love letter from a fictional character or actor from your blog. I’ll write every one and put it in your ask box.



  • If you believe bisexual ladies who date men are valid
  • If you believe bisexual ladies who date ladies are valid
  • If you believe bisexual men who date ladies are valid
  • If you believe bisexual men who date men are valid
  • If you believe bisexuals are valid no matter who they decide to date!
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