
🎨 𝓟𝒆𝒆𝓽𝓪 ℳ𝒆𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓻𝓴 🎨

@burntbreadpeeta / burntbreadpeeta.tumblr.com

Indie Peeta Mellark Age: 18 Occupation: Artist/ Baker Semi-Selective



In short? I’m done with this blog. I’m not done with Peeta though, you can find him over on @gxldroyals for those who still wish to interact with him, but as for this blog? I’m done with it. Why you might ask? I’ve come to almost detest canon fandom things for the most part, I never felt welcomed or accepted by this fandom even while I’ve been here for 5+ years. I got tired of it, I got tired of the homophobia I received from many canon rp’ers in this fandom, I got tired of having a blog for a single muse as well as many people know I love my multi-muses. But I just can’t handle this blog, it was a great source of anxiety and often depression for me since I was always comparing myself to other blogs and I’d feel a flare of jealousy that felt out of character for myself. I’m taking steps to improve my mental health, after the horrid few months I’ve been having with it I think its an important thing to do and this includes leaving this blog in the dust. I’ll miss it for a time im sure, but it’s better for me to just do this while I feel I can. 

Find me on d/iscord if you wish to plot, talk etc (Hawthorne#4960). I hope everyone understands, sometimes you just grow out of things? And I think I’ve outgrown hunger games mostly as a whole, I barely even enjoy the series anymore, or at all really. But I still have a special place in my heart for RP’ing Peeta, so I will happily do it over on @gxldroyals .

Thank you to those who have stayed with me the entire time, thank you to those I’ve interacted with before. 




In short? I’m done with this blog. I’m not done with Peeta though, you can find him over on @gxldroyals for those who still wish to interact with him, but as for this blog? I’m done with it. Why you might ask? I’ve come to almost detest canon fandom things for the most part, I never felt welcomed or accepted by this fandom even while I’ve been here for 5+ years. I got tired of it, I got tired of the homophobia I received from many canon rp’ers in this fandom, I got tired of having a blog for a single muse as well as many people know I love my multi-muses. But I just can’t handle this blog, it was a great source of anxiety and often depression for me since I was always comparing myself to other blogs and I’d feel a flare of jealousy that felt out of character for myself. I’m taking steps to improve my mental health, after the horrid few months I’ve been having with it I think its an important thing to do and this includes leaving this blog in the dust. I’ll miss it for a time im sure, but it’s better for me to just do this while I feel I can. 

Find me on d/iscord if you wish to plot, talk etc (Hawthorne#4960). I hope everyone understands, sometimes you just grow out of things? And I think I’ve outgrown hunger games mostly as a whole, I barely even enjoy the series anymore, or at all really. But I still have a special place in my heart for RP’ing Peeta, so I will happily do it over on @gxldroyals .

Thank you to those who have stayed with me the entire time, thank you to those I’ve interacted with before. 




In short? I’m done with this blog. I’m not done with Peeta though, you can find him over on @gxldroyals for those who still wish to interact with him, but as for this blog? I’m done with it. Why you might ask? I’ve come to almost detest canon fandom things for the most part, I never felt welcomed or accepted by this fandom even while I’ve been here for 5+ years. I got tired of it, I got tired of the homophobia I received from many canon rp’ers in this fandom, I got tired of having a blog for a single muse as well as many people know I love my multi-muses. But I just can’t handle this blog, it was a great source of anxiety and often depression for me since I was always comparing myself to other blogs and I’d feel a flare of jealousy that felt out of character for myself. I’m taking steps to improve my mental health, after the horrid few months I’ve been having with it I think its an important thing to do and this includes leaving this blog in the dust. I’ll miss it for a time im sure, but it’s better for me to just do this while I feel I can. 

Find me on d/iscord if you wish to plot, talk etc (Hawthorne#4960). I hope everyone understands, sometimes you just grow out of things? And I think I’ve outgrown hunger games mostly as a whole, I barely even enjoy the series anymore, or at all really. But I still have a special place in my heart for RP’ing Peeta, so I will happily do it over on @gxldroyals .

Thank you to those who have stayed with me the entire time, thank you to those I’ve interacted with before. 




In short? I’m done with this blog. I’m not done with Peeta though, you can find him over on @gxldroyals for those who still wish to interact with him, but as for this blog? I’m done with it. Why you might ask? I’ve come to almost detest canon fandom things for the most part, I never felt welcomed or accepted by this fandom even while I’ve been here for 5+ years. I got tired of it, I got tired of the homophobia I received from many canon rp’ers in this fandom, I got tired of having a blog for a single muse as well as many people know I love my multi-muses. But I just can’t handle this blog, it was a great source of anxiety and often depression for me since I was always comparing myself to other blogs and I’d feel a flare of jealousy that felt out of character for myself. I’m taking steps to improve my mental health, after the horrid few months I’ve been having with it I think its an important thing to do and this includes leaving this blog in the dust. I’ll miss it for a time im sure, but it’s better for me to just do this while I feel I can. 

Find me on d/iscord if you wish to plot, talk etc (Hawthorne#4960). I hope everyone understands, sometimes you just grow out of things? And I think I’ve outgrown hunger games mostly as a whole, I barely even enjoy the series anymore, or at all really. But I still have a special place in my heart for RP’ing Peeta, so I will happily do it over on @gxldroyals .

Thank you to those who have stayed with me the entire time, thank you to those I’ve interacted with before. 




In short? I’m done with this blog. I’m not done with Peeta though, you can find him over on @gxldroyals for those who still wish to interact with him, but as for this blog? I’m done with it. Why you might ask? I’ve come to almost detest canon fandom things for the most part, I never felt welcomed or accepted by this fandom even while I’ve been here for 5+ years. I got tired of it, I got tired of the homophobia I received from many canon rp’ers in this fandom, I got tired of having a blog for a single muse as well as many people know I love my multi-muses. But I just can’t handle this blog, it was a great source of anxiety and often depression for me since I was always comparing myself to other blogs and I’d feel a flare of jealousy that felt out of character for myself. I’m taking steps to improve my mental health, after the horrid few months I’ve been having with it I think its an important thing to do and this includes leaving this blog in the dust. I’ll miss it for a time im sure, but it’s better for me to just do this while I feel I can. 

Find me on d/iscord if you wish to plot, talk etc (Hawthorne#4960). I hope everyone understands, sometimes you just grow out of things? And I think I’ve outgrown hunger games mostly as a whole, I barely even enjoy the series anymore, or at all really. But I still have a special place in my heart for RP’ing Peeta, so I will happily do it over on @gxldroyals .

Thank you to those who have stayed with me the entire time, thank you to those I’ve interacted with before. 




In short? I’m done with this blog. I’m not done with Peeta though, you can find him over on @gxldroyals for those who still wish to interact with him, but as for this blog? I’m done with it. Why you might ask? I’ve come to almost detest canon fandom things for the most part, I never felt welcomed or accepted by this fandom even while I’ve been here for 5+ years. I got tired of it, I got tired of the homophobia I received from many canon rp’ers in this fandom, I got tired of having a blog for a single muse as well as many people know I love my multi-muses. But I just can’t handle this blog, it was a great source of anxiety and often depression for me since I was always comparing myself to other blogs and I’d feel a flare of jealousy that felt out of character for myself. I’m taking steps to improve my mental health, after the horrid few months I’ve been having with it I think its an important thing to do and this includes leaving this blog in the dust. I’ll miss it for a time im sure, but it’s better for me to just do this while I feel I can. 

Find me on d/iscord if you wish to plot, talk etc (Hawthorne#4960). I hope everyone understands, sometimes you just grow out of things? And I think I’ve outgrown hunger games mostly as a whole, I barely even enjoy the series anymore, or at all really. But I still have a special place in my heart for RP’ing Peeta, so I will happily do it over on @gxldroyals .

Thank you to those who have stayed with me the entire time, thank you to those I’ve interacted with before. 


{ @umbraevenatores liked for something.}


                “This was a good idea.” His tone is gentle, his back to the soft sand with the sun shining above them. He felt relaxed, they were here alone, nothing to worry about, it was as if all his troubles had just left him the second he stepped out here. His toes spread between the sand, a feeling he wasn’t entirely sure if he had felt before, but he liked it. It was almost like a beautiful painting, only he was here. The sea gently slapping upon the shore was better than any song he could think of, he felt at peace. 

  “How did you find this place?” 


give me fucking royal!aus

🍊 muse a is betrothed to muse b’s sibling bUT GUESS WHAT MUSE A IS A GAY AND FALLS FOR MUSE B 🍊 servant and royal falling in love???? muse a is next in line for the throne but muse b their best friend and personal servant has been with them since childhood and they share everything together anD MAYBE MUSE A IS HARBORING A CRUSH FOR THEIR SERVANT AND SO IS MUSE B 🍊 bickering ass royals who are forced to get married because their countries are about to go to war and so their parents are like FUCK OK WE DONT WANT WAR MARRY and muses are constantly bickering bUT OK MAYBE THIS OTHER ROYAL IS FUCKIN HOT cue angsty hot makeout sessions 🍊 lANGUAGE BARRIER MUSES muse a is betrothed to muse b but muse a is pissed about this and refuses to learn muse b’s language and so awkward interactions and broken languages but the effort muse b puts into learning muse a’s language makes muse a maybe sort of like muse b 🍊 ROYAL MUSE A HAS NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE CASTLE BUT MANAGES TO SNEAK OUT AND MEETS MUSE B WHOSE A SHOP VENDOR AND FALLS IN FUCKING LOVE AND THEY HAVE A GRAND OL DAY BUT THEN MUSE A DISAPPEARS BC RESPONSIBILITIES AND MUSE B IS LIKE FUCK THEY WERE CUTE AND THEN THE NEXT DAY THEY SEE THEM WAVING TO THE PEOPLE AND MUSE B IS LIKE WHAT THE HELL I JUST KISSED THE ROYAL OF MY COUNTRY I 🍊 muse a is known as the playboy royal and bangs everyone thats willing and then muse b comes along and is muse a’s tutor in like fencing or something and muse a is like IM GONNA GET IN UR PANTS and muse b is like what the fuck no focus on your fucking sword

also just nice ass fucking dresses and shit i’m such a hoe for royal aus like pLEASE GIVE ME ALL THE ROYAL AUS

Suled saw the meaning behind Peeta’s actions. No real knight would drop both shield and sword when asked about his intentions like this. Though he wondered why the parents lied to him about this. That was for another time though. “Then this is the completely wrong training for you isnt it?” Suled walked over and placed a heavy hand on Peeta’s shoulder. “There is no shame in being a Healer and knowing that realm of magic. Even I have some knowledge in it. So pick those up and we’ll put them away, hmm?” Suled would like to keep Peeta still and see what potential he had. “As for your family…what they don’t know won’t hurt them.”

    Peeta didn’t say it, but there was a silent agreement from him. This wasn’t the right training for him, it wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life, but it was a grand opportunity that he was supposed to enjoy and embrace. But he’s thankful for Suled’s understanding, he was sure most Knight’s would just kick Peeta aside and scold him for wasting their time, he picks up the sword and shield, placing them aside and returning to the man. “I shall prove to them that I can help those in need, not with a blade, but with healing. To ensure their lives and keep them alive.” 

I’m always driven to content that is original, interesting, and that has three-dimensional characters that are honest. I think this captures that, as well as the perfect timing of the world of TV has blown up into every direction. You can do so many cool things now, on a very big scale.

You have been bitten by the random encouragement bug, because the person who sent this thinks you are a beautiful person and a fabulous role-player! Pass it on to ten beautiful, fabulous people YOU know and let them know how wonderful they are! ♥


  {This is a month late but thank you so much!!}

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