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80s child | she, her, hers | Came here for Good Omens, stayed for the people-watching. And the brioche.

The High Priestess.

Agnes Nutter

Part II of my Good Omens inspired Tarot deck.

I was having a lot of trouble with this one so I decided not to go with the scene from the original Rider-Waite because it didn’t really suit Agnes, but I’m happy with how it looks!!

The Empress is next and oh god am i excited to show that to you all.

Your love has been brightening my days, thank you all <3

you only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves

- mary oliver, wild geese

i've been so wonderfully inspired and warmed and healed by all the recent positivity here on tumblr toward soft bodies and rolling curves and glorious stretchmarks and squishy tummies that i wanted to try my hand at drawing the lovely Ms. Fell as a soft, rosy pin-up 🩷🪽

perhaps she's taking some boudoir photos for a demon she knows... maybe she just wants to indulge herself a little. either way - what bliss!

tagging @ineffable-rohese as their post the other day really kicked my inspiration into overdrive, so thank you tons for sharing your lovely words 💕 also tagging @ineffabildaddy and @foolishlovers as always for being my sweet angels


in another timeline wes anderson is a middle school theater teacher bankrupting his art department with the most over-budget production of suessical the musical jr. that suburban houston will ever see


“Must have reliable transportation” = “this is how we legally discriminate against poor people who take the bus”

As someone who has held several management positions with hiring responsibility, this is true. The boss at my last job informed me before I conducted my very first I interview,

“You can’t outright ask someone if they have a car or have kids. That’s technically illegal. But you need to know because sometimes they can be deal breakers. You can just say ‘Do you have reliable transportation?’ and ‘Do you have any current circumstances that could impede you from being successful at work?’

To which the last one most people fumble and would say, “Well I have kids, so sometimes they could get sick. But that’s not often.” But then your potential employer could mark it down on your interview notes nonetheless.

I thought that maybe it was just my own employer. But now I noticed that I am asked both of these almost every time I interview for a job.

Language is very sneaky. Be careful how you answer. Corporations can be snakes.

In my businesses class my professor told us that the bus counts as reliable transportation. You do not legally have to say “I take the bus” just say “yes I do have reliable transportation” and leave it at that. Do not over share. DO NOT OVER SHARE. The second question just say no. If your kids are sick call out as if you are sick. I don’t have kids but I myself can get sick and that doesn’t hinder my ability to succeed so kids getting sick shouldn’t hinder you. When I call out I give as little info as possible. No one needs to know why you call out. They can’t ask about your “illness” because it violates HIPAA if they do. So as long as you don’t offer more info than you need to you should be okay.


For phones, there is now a joystick version, and soon an APK

There is an APK now!

You can download it here: 

If you download the application, your phone will ask you for confirmation. Don't panic, it's normal, it's because I don't use Google Play. The application is 100% safe.

This is a version for android. It fixes some visibility bugs and I added a French translation for those who want.

Update: thanks to the wonderful @kuramoriz, there is now a Russian translation. The game can be played in English, French and Russian.

An update of the texts, too small for a phone, was also made to facilitate playability


Now the game has a Russian translation! 🔥

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