


Don't know what I'm feeling but whoo boy I'm FEELING it!

Indian Black Narrowmouth Frog aka "Space Frog" (Melanobatrachus indicus), family Microhylidae, Munnar, Kerala, India

photograph by Hadlee Renjith 


Look, I think it is important that as many people as possible see these phenomenal photos of Melanobatrachus indicus, because they are damn rare, but truly spectacular.

If anyone wants to know my favourite frog, this is probably in the top five.


Ah, they're probably coming up next! I don't recognise the performance off the top of my head, but doing ballet is HELLISHLY INTENSE and doing it without your muscles througly warmed up is just asking for injured tendrons. In between scenes the dancers literally can't sit still for too long or their muscles will cool down, or worse, cramp up, and if they're not changing costumes they're usually stretching, vigorously massaging their legs and, like here, bouncing around to the tune.

So this is a perfectly natural ballerina behavior. They're just keeping warm and bonding. 👍


never got the whole "christ who strengthens me" thing. god mostly seems to send bullshit your way because he's a petty bitch who demands worship when he does fuckall to even prove he exists, much less help anybody out. in fact most conversation about him, both in church and out of church, was always about him trying and testing everyone in my life's faith. seems like a needy weirdo who sabotages the people he claims to love just to feel powerful and to put them in a bad place so they'll lean on him. even though he's causing the problem in the first place.


Corn dogs are named for their traditional meat, the unicorn. As unicorns are now extinct, they can only be referred to properly as ‘Corn Dogs and not “Unicorn Dogs” as they were prior to 2009.

This is actually a common misconception! While the Unicorn Dog did exist and was discontinued following the extinction of unicorns in 2009, the Corn Dog is not a rebranding of the Unicorn Dog! The Corn Dog was created in 2003 by James H. Corn, though it remained a relatively unpopular Ohio treat until 2010 when Mr. Corn took the opportunity left by the Unicorn Dog’s exit from the market to take over the niche.


I feel confident enough to post these now. A collection of all the existing posters after some edits from the other post that got 13k notes! These are full size/quality. Go nuts.

You may use them for wallpapers, tabletop campaigns, whatever. Consider tipping me (do people use kofi for that or tumblr's built in system? Let me know what you prefer) or buying a print or sticker here! If you do use them, let me know what for, or send pictures!

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