
The Wiccans Cauldron

@wiccanscauldron / wiccanscauldron.tumblr.com

Wiccan and Hellenic Polytheistic for 10 years. Feel free to ask questions and chat! Pendulum and rune reading available! No “does ___like me”

Hi friends. This is our new comics TEST. This one means a lot to us and we really hope you like it.

We put out a digital comic book today containing our stories TEST, ARK, and MIDNIGHT RADIO. It’s hi res, DRM free and pay what you want. You can download it at: Gum.co/theworld

If you would like to support us creating more stories like these, please consider buying a copy. If you can’t, no worries. Please download and enjoy the book!

Written by Ehud Lavski. Art by Yael Nathan. Contact: elavski@gmail.com

That was…..wow


Well. I need a full length novelization of this.

Just… wow


i’m speechless, this was great


List of Greek Gods & Goddesses


  • Zeus - King of the gods and mortals, king of the heavens who ruled over the clouds, winds, rain, thunder and lightning. God of law, order, justice, and divine witness to oaths. The eagle is his sacred animal.
  • Hera - Queen of the gods and mortals, protector of women, marriage, maternity, family, the sky and the stars of heaven. The peacock and cow are her sacred animals.
  • Poseidon - God of the calm and stormy seas, water, earthquakes, and horses.
  • Demeter - Goddess of growing and blooming plant life. Rules over agriculture, the harvest,the seasons, motherly relationships & the eleusinian mysteries. Pigs and snakes are her sacred animals.
  • Hades - God of the dead, ruler of the underworld and riches. His sacred animal is Cerberus, the three headed hound of the underworld.
  • Hestia - Goddess of the hearth fire, the home and domesticity. It is said she was the first to build a house.
  • Athena - Goddess of wisdom, war, generalship, battle strategy, invention, crafts, craftsmen, science, inspiration, reason and patron of Athens. Her sacred animal is the owl.
  • Hephaestus- God of fire, the forge, craftsmen, engineers, blacksmiths, metal, volcanoes, he fashioned the thunderbolts for Zeus.
  • Aphrodite - Goddess of love, sex, beauty, lust, desire, fertility, pleasure and sexuality. Her sacred animals are doves and swans.
  • Hermes - God of commerce, trade, profit, merchants, roads, travelers, athletes, dexterity, thieves, guardian of flocks, messenger of the gods. His sacred animals are the tortoise and hawk.
  • Ares - God of war, violence and bloodshed. His sacred animals are the boar and woodpecker,
  • Apollo - God of light, truth, music, poetry, healing, plague, prophecy, oracles, order and the protector of herds. His sacred animals are wolves, dolphins, ravens, crows and snakes. Twin brother of Artemis.
  • Artemis - Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, childbirth, protector of young, blooming nature, animals and maidens. Her sacred animals are deer, bears and hounds. Twin sister of Apollo.
  • Dionysus - God of wine, wine making, the grape harvest, viniculture, vegetation, ecstasy, ritual madness and theater. His sacred animals are leopards, panthers and tigers.
  • Aether - God of the upper air or sky.
  • Anchiale - Goddess who perhaps represented the warmth of fire.
  • Anytus - One of the younger Titans or Curetes. Anytus was an attendant of the goddess Demeter who fostered her Arcadian daughter Despoine.
  • Asteria -Goddess who presided over the night, stars and nocturnal prophecy. She was the mother of the goddess Hecate.After the fall of the Titans Asteria was pursued by Zeus and but leapt into the sea to escape him where she was transformed into the island of Delos. 
  • Astraeus - God of the stars, the winds, and the art of astrology. He was the father of the four directional winds and the five wandering stars (the Planets).
  • Atlas - God of astronomy and the revolution of the heavenly constellations. He was arrested by Zeus and condemned to bear the heavens upon his shoulders. Homer suggests he was later released from this torment and appointed guardian of the pillars of heaven.
  • Aura - Goddess of the breezes.
  • Clymene - Goddess of fame and renown. She was the wife of Iapetos and mother of Prometheus.
  • Coeus - God who presided over the axis of heaven in the north around which the constellations revolve. At the end of the Titan-War, he was confined by Zeus in the Tartarean pit. Coeus was sometimes described as leader of the Gigantes, who rebelled against Zeus. 
  • Crius - God of the heavenly constellations and the measure of the year. Associated with the constellation Aries. He was later cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus. Crius was sometimes named as a leader of the Gigantes who rebelled against the rule of Zeus.  
  • Cronus - The King of the Titans, originally an agricultural god and a god of time. He led his brothers in the ambush and castration of their father Uranus, but was himself deposed and cast to tartarus from his own son Zeus. In one story he fled to Latium ( Rome ) and was worshiped as the god Saturn.
  • Curetes - A group of shield clashing Titan gods who came to the aid of Rhea to act as guardians of her son Zeus.
  • Dione - Prophetic goddess who presided over the Oracle at Dodona alongside Zeus.
  • Eos - The Goddess of the dawn. She was the mother of the wandering stars (that is, the planets) and the four directional winds by the Titan Astraeus.
  • Epimetheus - The Titan god of afterthought. He was appointed with the task of creating the beasts of the earth.
  • Eurybia- Goddess of the power of the sea.
  • Eurynome - Goddess of earth’s flowery meadows. She was the mother of the three lovely Graces by Zeus.
  • Hecate / Hekate - Goddess of the new moon, crossroads ( figuratively & literally ), protector of the home, childbirth, magic, spirits and potions. She supported Zeus in the Titan war and so retained all of her privileges. She was given dominion over all three realms: The Heavens, The Earth and Seas. Her sacred animals are dogs serpents, frogs, horses and black cats.
  • Helios - God of the sun. He rides across the sky in a chariot drawn by four fiery, winged steeds. He was an ally of Zeus in the Titan-War. The brother of Selene.
  • Hemera - Goddess of daylight.
  • Hyperion - Old god of light, and of the cycles of time measured by the lights of heaven – the sun, the moon and the dawn. Hyperion was one of the four brother Titans who held Uranus fast while Cronus castrated him with the sickle. At the end of the Titan War he was cast into the pit of Tartarus by Zeus.
  • Iapetos - God of mortality and the allotment of the mortal life-span. he was cast into the Tartarean pit by Zeus at the end of the Titan War.
  • Lelantos - The Titan god of the breezes of the air.
  • Leto - Goddess of motherhood, light, and womanly demure. She was the mother of the twin gods Apollo and Artemis by Zeus.
  • Melisseus- God of honey. He was one of the protectors of the infant Zeus. His daughters were the god’s nurses.
  • Menoitios - The God of violent anger and rash action as his name would suggest. Zeus blasted him into Erebus with a thunderbolt, where he became a bondsman of King Hades.
  • Metis - Goddess of good counsel.
  • Mnemosyne- Goddess of memory, words and language. She was the mother of the nine Muses by Zeus.
  • Nyx - Goddess of night.
  • Okeanos - God of the oceans.
  • Pallas - The Titan god of warcraft and the military campaign season. Some say Athena defeated him in battle and crafted her aegis-cape from his goatish skin.
  • Perses - God of destruction.
  • Phoebe - Goddess of intellect and prophetic goddess of the great Oracle of Delphi. She was the grandmother of the god Apollo and may have given him his prophetic gifts.
  • Phorcys - The old man of the sea.
  • Prometheus - God of forethought and the creator and benefactor of man.
  • Rhea - The Queen of the Titans and goddess of female fertility and the mountain wilds. She saved her son Zeus from his father Cronus by substituting the child for a stone wrapped in swaddling cloth. Her sacred animal is the lion.
  • Selene - Goddess of the moon. She rides across the sky in a silver chariot drawn by two white horses. Sister of Helios.
  • Styx - Goddess of oaths of allegiance and of the deadly, netherworld River Styx.
  • Tethys - Goddess of the sources of fresh-water. She was known as the great nurse of life and spawned the Rivers, Clouds and Springs.
  • Theia - Goddess of sight and the shining light of heaven (“aither”). She was the mother of Sun, Moon and Dawn.
  • Themis - Goddess of the natural order, divine law and tradition. By Zeus she was the mother of the Fates and of the Seasons, and had a seat by his side on Olympus as advisor.
  • Achelous - Oldest of the river gods.Son  of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Acheron - A river god. Son of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Adrestia - Goddess of the revolt and equilibrium between good and evil.
  • Aeolus - God of the four winds.
  • Afer - the south-west wind.
  • Agathodaemon - A spirit of vineyards and fields, providing luck, happiness and health.
  • Aidos - Goddess of modesty, shame, reverence and respect. A companion of Nemesis.
  • Alethia - Goddess of truth.
  • Alpheius - River god of Elis. He pursued the numpty Arethusa until she was changed into a spring by Artemis.
  • Amphitrite - Goddess of the sea. Wife of Poseidon.
  • Anteros  - god of passion, mutual love and tenderness. Son of Aphrodite and Ares.
  • Arte - Goddess of virtue.
  • Aristaeus - Protector of beekeepers.
  • Asclepius - God of healing and medicine. Son of Apollo. He was struck down and killed by Zeus for bringing the dead back to life. He became the constellation Ophiuchus.
  • Asopus - A river god.
  • Asterion - A river god. Judged the contest between Hera and Poseidon for the patronage of Argos.
  • Astraea - Goddess of justice.
  • Ate - Goddess of evil, mischief and moral blindness.
  • Boreas - God of the north wind.
  • Caerus - God of opportunities and favorable moments.
  • Calliope - Muse of epic poetry, telling of heroes and their deeds; was often portrayed with Homer.
  • Cephisus- A river god.Father of Narcissus.
  • Cer - Goddess of violent death.
  • Charis - Goddess of delight.
  • Chloris - Goddess of flowers.
  • Clio - Muse of History.
  • Corus - God of the north-western wind.
  • Crimisus - A river god. Son of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Cybele - Anatonian mother goddess who was closely associated with Rhea and Gaia.
  • Deimos- God of terror. Son of Ares and Aphrodite.
  • Dike - Goddess of justice and the spirit of moral order and fair judgement
  • Doris - A sea goddess. Daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Dysnomia - The spirit of lawlessness.
  • Dysis - Goddess of the sunset
  • Eirene - Goddess of peace.
  • Elpis- Personification of hope.
  • Enyo- Goddess of war.
  • Eosphorus - God of the morning star.
  • Erato - Muse of love lyrics and bridal songs.
  • Eris - Goddess of discord and strife.
  • Eros -  Winged god of love. Son of Ares and Aphrodite. His gold tipped arrows caused god and mortal alike to fall in love.
  • Eunomia - Goddess of lawfulness and good order.
  • Euphrosyne - Goddess of joy and festivities.
  • Eurus - God of the south-east wind.
  • Euterpe - Muse of lyric poetry.
  • Gaea - Personified goddess of the Earth. Mother of the titans and wife of Uranus.
  • Granicus- A river god. Granicus was a river of Ida near Troy.
  • Harmonia -  Goddess of harmony and concord. Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.
  • Hebe - Goddess of youth.
  • Hermaphroditus - Deity of hermaphrodites, unions, androgyny, marriage, sexuality and fertility.
  • Hesperia - Goddess of dusk.
  • Hesperus - God of the evening star.
  • Himerus- God of desire. An attendant of Eros.
  • Horae - Goddesses who personified the passages of time.
  • Horcus - The personification of the curse that would befall upon any person that broke an oath they had taken.
  • Hygieia- Goddess of health.
  • Hymen - A god of marriage and the wedding feast.
  • Hypnos - God of sleep. Father of Morpheus and the dreams.
  • Iaso- Goddess of healing.
  • Limos- Goddess of starvation and famine.
  • Iris - Goddess of rainbows and messenger of Hera.
  • Kakia - Goddess of vice.
  • Ktesios- Spirit who guarded storerooms.
  • Melicertes- God of ports and harbours.
  • Melpomene- Muse of tragedy.
  • Morpheus - god of dreams.
  • Nemesis- Goddess of revenge and retribution.
  • Nike - Goddess of victory. A constant companion of Athena.
  • Nile - was the River-God of Aigyptos (Egypt) in North Africa.
  • Notus - God of the south wind.
  • Pan - God of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, beekeepers, goats, of mountain wilds, and is often associated with sexuality.
  • Peitho- Goddess of persuasion
  • Persephone - Queen of the underworld. Wife of Hades and daughter of Demeter.She was seen as the personification of spring.
  • Phantasos- God of surreal dreams.
  • Pheme- Goddess of rumour and report.
  • Phobetor - God of nightmares.
  • Phobos - God of fear and terror.
  • Phosphorus - God of the morning star.
  • Phyllis - God of escape.
  • Plutus - God of riches and wealth. Son of Demeter. Blinded by Zeus so he might favour both righteous and irreverent people indiscriminately.
  • Ponos - God of hard labor and toil.
  • Praxidice- Goddess of enterprises, evil deeds and their punishment.
  • Priapus - God of fertility, vegetables, nature, livestock, fruit, beekeeping, sex, genitals, masculinity and gardens.
  • Proteus - The old man of the sea. An ancient sea god, he had the power to change his shape and the gift of prophecy.
  • Psyche - Goddess of the soul.
  • Satyrs- Half-human woodland spirits, with the legs and feet of goats. Followers of Pan and Dionysus. They had hairy bodies with short horns on their foreheads. Older Satyrs were called Sileni.
  • Telesphorus- God of convalescence.
  • Terpsichore - Muse of the dance.
  • Thalia - Muse of comedy.
  • Thanatos- Personification of death.
  • Triptolemus - One of the original priests of Demeter, one of the first men to learn the secret rites and mysteries of Eleusinian Mysteries. When he died he was defied as the god who presided over the sowing of grain-seed and the milling of wheat.
  • Triton - The messenger of the sea. Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite.
  • Tyche - Goddess of fortune and luck.
  • Urania - Muse of astronomy.
  • Uranus - The first sky god. Husband of Gaea and father of the titans.
  • Zephyrus- God of the west wind.

The Seasons / Hours / Nymphs / Charities / Morai :


  • Eiar (Spring)
  • Theros (Summer)
  • Phthinoporon (Autumn)
  • Cheimon (Winter)


  • Auge, first light (initially not part of the set),
  • Anatolê or Anatolia, sunrise,
  • Mousikê or Musica, the morning hour of music and study,
  • Gymnastikê, Gymnastica or Gymnasia, the morning hour of education, training, gymnastics/exercise,
  • Nymphê or Nympha, the morning hour of ablutions (bathing, washing),
  • Mesembria, noon,
  • Sponde, libations poured after lunch,
  • Elete, prayer, the first of the afternoon work hours,
  • Aktê, Acte or Cypris, eating and pleasure, the second of the afternoon work hours,
  • Hesperis, end of the afternoon work hours, start of evening,
  • Dysis, sunset,
  • Arktos or Arctus, night sky, constellation (initially not part of the set).


- Minor female deities who represented different elements of nature:

  • Oceanids (nymphs of the ocean),
  • Nereids (sea- nymphs),
  • Dryads and Hamad Dryads ( nymphs of ash trees)
  • Oreads (Mountain Nymphs),
  • Epipotamides (river nymphs),
  • Naiads (nymphs of brooks, lakes and springs),
  • Crenids (nymphs of springs),
  • Limnades (nymphs of lakes, marshes and swamps),
  • Nyseides ( bacchant nymphs),
  • Potameides ( nymphs of fountains, lakes rivers, and springs),
  • Limoniades ( nymphs of meadows of flowers) ,
  • Napaeae ( nymphs of glens).


- The three goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility.

  • Aglaea- Splendor
  • Euphrosyne- Mirth
  • Thalia - Good Cheer


-The three goddess who controlled the thread of life of every mortal from birth to death.

  • Clotho spun the “thread” of human fate.
  • Lachesis dispensed it.
  • Atropos cut the thread (thus determining the individual’s moment of death).

 - - - > For a list of the Roman Gods Click Here

SOURCES: theoi.com / wikipedia.com / “Who’s Who of Greek and Roman Mythology” by David Kravitz


She’s gonna do some

Witchcraft 🔮💙❄️

I'm feeling doodly today, apparently. Such a cute cat 😍

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