
welcome to anime hell; population: me

@ke-n-ma-a / ke-n-ma-a.tumblr.com

my name is Zackarie and I'm not spoiler-free

May I hit y'all with a hot take

Uncle iroh has Hawaiian shirt energy

Sokka also has the same energy but no sleeves

Thank you for your time


Reblogging this again because all throughout Avatar the Last Airbender, Zuko is frankly a decent firebender, at least from my perspective. We know he is far more advanced than the average firebender but not at the level as Azula or Iroh or even Jeong Jeong. He does show his skills against Admiral Zhao but overall, he is good but not amazing. 

When he goes against Azula, knowing that Sozin’s comet is intensifying their firebending, Zuko still stands a chance. He is not held back by anger. He does not have the shame of being shunned on him. He is fighting for justice. He is doing the right thing. And he goes off. 

Another instance is when he redirects his father’s lightning which he struggled to do. It seems Zuko’s internal conflicts were inhibiting his true skill and that says a lot of about how our psychological and emotional state can affect our performance.  


May I hit y'all with a hot take

Uncle iroh has Hawaiian shirt energy

Sokka also has the same energy but no sleeves

Thank you for your time


This is what anime sounds like to our parents



does sasuke even know hinata’s name

like not to be mean but you KNOW he graduated from the academy knowing like….four of his classmates’ names

naruto: me and hinata are getting married

sasuke, thinking he means neji: isn’t he dead


best earthbender in the world: toph uses earthbending to counter powerful magic used by a spirit from another dimension

I firmly believe this is the GREATEST and most extensive display of Earthbending we have ever witnessed.

Depending how you see this scene, Toph is either resisting the interdimensional pull of a vortex Wan Shi Tong opened to transport this MASSIVE building or she is SINGLE-HANDEDLY holding the entire thing up from one of its SMALLEST TURRETS

Can you even fathom?

Literally no greater amount of Earth has ever been manipulated so solidly by an Earthbender on screen. Toph is holding the ENTIRE EDIFICE SECURELY IN PLACE WHILE ONLY TOUCHING THE TINIEST TIP OF IT. WHAT A POWERHOUSE!!!!


and that was with her not knowing how to properly ground herself in sand


i am highly of the opinion that toph is such an amazing character and example of disabled characters being treated well by a narrative because if you watch the show, maybe you could think “wow, toph is blind and she can STILL do all of this”

but my take on it has always been “toph can do all of this BECAUSE of who she is. BECAUSE she is blind.” the show explains how toph “sees” using vibrations and i think removing the confusion of actual sight is what allows her to see and feel the earth to the extent that she could. she INVENTED metal bending by figuring out she could bend her way out of a metal container. she discovered the physical makeup of a material, and then successfully manipulated it, all with her unique earthbending abilities while being held captive.

toph “sees” more than anyone else around her and that is why she can do what she can do. and she’s also fucking hilarious. 

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