

@vcr-wolfe / vcr-wolfe.tumblr.com

vinny • they/them
do not use my art for AI, roleplay, or otherkin

which kinds of faces do you like for your sphinxes? straight up human or more fantastical humanoid? i like both tbh, they each have a place in my heart :3 🐆🐅🐈🐈‍⬛

Anonymous asked:

Hi there, your about page has a link to your twitter but the url is one of those "tumblr_temp_url" type things! Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't catch it. :) Have a nice day!

ohh shoot! ty for letting me kno, it should be updated now :3


little life update

there was a family death over the weekend, ive been with family this week. its ok, but i feel kind of sluggish and burnt out socially and im not like... super in the mood to be around

ty for reading

Anonymous asked:

Do you think clowns are good or evil naturally

like any wild animal theyre not inclined to any morality of good or evil, but because of human destruction of their natural habitats they can act in ways that are perceived as aggressive or bad

Anonymous asked:

I mean no disrespect at all from this ask, but otherkin really isn't a fad or relic.. there's many people, such as myself who are therian or otherkin and it's not because it was, or is, popular. I do completely understand not wanting people to use your art as a faceclaim without permission, though.

Just wanted to let you know that otherkins and therians and people who kin are still here and in my experience as an artist and fan of things, people are pretty good at giving credit to art as long as it's specified to do so.

oh no im aware. in the 10s it really was treated like a quick fad or fandom in an online consumer culture sense, and a lot of the disrespect artists were given during that time was due to the fad aspect

Anonymous asked:

What do you mean by don't use your art for otherkin?

idk if its as common these days but back in the 2010s it was pretty common for folks to use other peoples art and characters for their otherkin blogging n stuff without permission which i am personally not comfortable with

it might be a relict of its time now haha. idk if otherkin is as popular as it used to be

Anonymous asked:

Your art makes me feel less bad about some parts of my body

WEH i hope so.... idk i just think everybody should have the opportunity to see their body as not being ugly


i just wanted to say that... i've been following you for like a REALLY long time, like a decade and a half?? and, that your art has had really huge impact on me and i think about your creations all the time!! it's been really awesome and inspiring to see how you and your art has grown in skill and self-expression. The way you present identity has given me a lot to think about. Also, OUUUUGH your textures and colors and shapes make me RABID. so, yeah! thanks for being you, and sharing your stuff! i think you're rad!


ooough what the fuck... this is so sweet thank you ;__; im glad ppl still sitck around for the art even tho i cant make as much anymore

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