
Hanssi, at your service

@rockerhanssi / rockerhanssi.tumblr.com

Girl from Finland who likes Marvel, the Hobbit(/LOTR), Assassin's Creed, Rock and Metal music(The 69 Eyes, Nightwish, Sonata Artica, Sabaton, etc.) and other things. I also photograph as a hobby... so yeah

What I would give to eat lunch with my friends in school and peel the sticker off my fruit and put it on their clothes and say "you cost 60 cents" or "you're a pear." I miss that.

This almost has 100 notes, are you guys okay?


we miss putting stickers on your friends too


just saw someone post “it’s common knowledge ur not supposed to spam reblog from someone ur not mutuals with” …..?????????? am i confused??? IS that common knowledge???? i try not to spam if i can help it but i actually personally love seeing spam notifs lmao??? unless i dont know what spam reblog means

Reblog if you like it when people “spam reblog” from you or whenever that means at any time


Having ADHD is like just now I went to look up salmon recipes but suddenly I’m building a shelf

The transition also came from a purely logical train of thought but that doesn’t mean it was correct

I actually walked away from washing dishes because my train of thought went “I’m tired of cleaning dishes and I have to go to work soon and then I will have to come home and make dinner and I will be MORE tired” and then I thought “wait I can save myself being tired making dinner LATER if I simply put dinner in the slow cooker to cook NOW” and we have leftover salmon that will go bad if I don’t use it soon so I started googling salmon slow cooker recipes but halfway through I thought about how getting the slow cooker out is a hassle because there is never enough counter space and then I REMEMBERED I bought a shelf to put counter things to have more counter space but I’d left the box in the car so I went out and got the box and completely assembled a shelf but I still haven’t started dinner OR finished the dishes.

Hey OP, you are late for work now


This is it.

This is exactly what an ADHD train of thought can look like. And I'd bet money that this happened in the span of about 10 seconds.


Literally don’t understand how people my age have done things already I swear I just woke up a year ago



tumblr is apparently rolling out a beta for a new post editor that essentially makes it so there are no longer post “types” (text post, audio post, photo post, etc.), and instead all types of content are better integrated into a single post. pretty neat, right?

…until you read the fine print.

The maximum number of total content blocks allowed in a single post is 250.

i emailed support and asked whether each paragraph counts as a content block. i received this reply:

SO. each paragraph counts as a content block, and i’m only allowed 250 content blocks in one post. the solution provided was to reformat my fics by using shift+enter after every paragraph instead of simply enter. which is already unnecessarily annoying in of itself, but then you come to the second hurdle: 

The maximum character length of a single text block is 4096 characters.

so–what?? besides spending my time writing thousands upon thousands of words, i’m expected to copy-paste it and then reformat everything, counting every single one of those words to make sure they fit within the restrictions? or i’m supposed to chop my fics up into multiple parts, even when i don’t want to? how exactly are writers supposed to write on this platform?? as you all know, my style tends to run pretty dialogue-heavy, so i start new paragraphs (and, thus, content blocks!!!) pretty damn often. i did a quick check, and let it snow, at almost 19k, is 550 paragraphs. with this new system, i would be forced to upload it in three (3!!!!!) posts! even my shortest chapter of ego, at 8.8k, is 350 paragraphs, and i’d have to split it in two.

this is honestly a formatting nightmare as a writer, and this is a decision that is liable to drive content creators away from the site and change fandom culture as a whole. 

please. if you enjoy reading content on this site and want to continue enjoying content on this site, please don’t let tumblr make things harder for writers! since the tumblr team is supposedly eager to hear what everyone thinks, it would really help if you could message support and share your concern about the issue–maybe we can stop this disaster before it starts.

fuck no. please share this.


“2018 was a great move to kick off most of the artists, but we still have writers. How do we fix that?” - tumblr, apparently


Hey if you’re mad about this, don’t tag the staff account, that’s literally the most pointless thing you could do, they don’t monitor it. Submit feedback here.


25-35 is such a weird fucking age because you’re 100% a bread-and-butter Standard Edition Millennial but the cool teens are like “ok boomer” because you have a Real Job but the actual Boomers at your job are like “I’m not going to listen to a literal fucking child” as they download 16 self-replicating viruses and meanwhile the Gen Xers are telling you to refinance a mortgage for a house you don’t have and you’re sitting there at the Adults Table with the pretty tasty casserole you cooked because you’ve finally figured out how to do that now but everyone is eating the Boomer’s store-bought macaroni instead and admittedly they do sort of taste similar so it probably wasn’t worth all the trouble of cooking from scratch and you’re trying to comfort the freshly-graduated sobbing 22-year-old next to you because she just woke up here and doesn’t know where she is but you have like maybe 5k dollars in a savings account labelled RETIREMENT that grows approx. twelve cents a year and you keep eating dry macaroni while smiling incomprehensibly and periodically blacking out like ??????????

Omg someone FINALLY put it into WORDS


none of u bitches know what mistletoe looks like


THIS is mistletoe. fun fact, it’s a parasite plant!

holly tree / mistletoe on a host

mistletoes grow in those orb-like shapes on host trees, and, to add another fun fact: mistletoes sound a lot like their name evolved from their german counterpart, Mistel, which itself was derived from Mist - which means shit or dung.


kiss me under the shitfoot plant

They were also used in at least two noted murders in mythology, so there’s that.

….ok i knew Loki used mistletoe as a murder weapon (it’s toxic, although rarely lethal), but who else?


More old people enjoying themselves!!!  😱

Oh the horror. Everyone knows that after 30, all fun is excised from your life by the Adult Transmogrification, but these people somehow  escaped! Feel free to be inspired 😁

Also, to all young ageist little shits on Tumblr: fuck you 🖕


schools reopened in greece today and among other incidents a mother yanked the mask off her son’s face and told him to never wear a mask, a father head-banged a teacher for saying that his kids will have to wear masks at school, sending the teacher to the hospital, someone tried to sue a school for not letting their kids enter without a mask, parents are protesting in the streets against the use of masks at schools and i heard a woman say that masks are suffocating the children and that they’re bad for their development. not to be radical but since covid refusers want to die so bad just go ahead…


Direct. Action.


Indonesia gets it


Yes, we need sex education, but you know what else we need?

Body education. 

We need to learn what’s normal for our own bodies, we need to learn how they’re supposed to function so we know when they go wrong. How do you tell what a lump looks like in breast cancer? What does skin cancer look like? What do bruises mean and when does skin get infected? Did you know that your areola (the bit around the nipple) can grow and shrink in the heat? Or that they can be different sizes? What does it mean if your pupils are different sizes? Periods have pain but how much? When?  What’s the recovery position?

Basically, when they say you know your body, not everyone actually does. And not knowing how other bodies work means that if something’s up with yours it may not be caught until it’s too late. 

(This is from someone who’s spent their adolescence and early adulthood going, “Wait, your body doesn’t do that?”) 

Body education. 

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