king maker.- semi hiatus!

@axphodel-blog /


Hey Guys! So, I wanted to put an announcement out there - before I forgot, again, rip, I have the memory of a goldfish - that this blog is not dead! Quite the opposite, actually!

I have been working on a revamp of both the character, blog, and icons for the past few weeks, and I plan to relaunch this blog - both so I can access it via my hubblog to make things easier, and because I have learned a lot on here, and realized just how.. messy, everything here is, lmao. I hope that by a relaunch, I can kickstart her muse again, and make things easier on myself by not having 5 different blogs I log into, and instead just have them all be sideblogs! I am bringing over all threads, verses, relationships, etc, so it’s taking awhile but… it will hopefully be done soon! It will be under the same URL as this one -  when it’s done, this blog will be archived!

Thank you for the wait, it’s been…a rough time irl, but hopefully things get better!

Thank you all so much, I hope you have a wonderful day! 


Hey Guys! So, I wanted to put an announcement out there - before I forgot, again, rip, I have the memory of a goldfish - that this blog is not dead! Quite the opposite, actually!

I have been working on a revamp of both the character, blog, and icons for the past few weeks, and I plan to relaunch this blog - both so I can access it via my hubblog to make things easier, and because I have learned a lot on here, and realized just how.. messy, everything here is, lmao. I hope that by a relaunch, I can kickstart her muse again, and make things easier on myself by not having 5 different blogs I log into, and instead just have them all be sideblogs! I am bringing over all threads, verses, relationships, etc, so it’s taking awhile but... it will hopefully be done soon! It will be under the same URL as this one -  when it’s done, this blog will be archived!

Thank you for the wait, it’s been...a rough time irl, but hopefully things get better!

Thank you all so much, I hope you have a wonderful day! 


Minor announcement 2.0 to the third power cause goddang do I do nothing but make a “I’m back” post and then vanish for 50 years - 

So, obviously, real life keeps kicking my ass and making me unable to get online often. Recently there was a restriction placed on my computer that it can only access the internet on certain days and at certain times of the day, couple that with work and school, and I’ve got only a small amount of time per week to get on. I’m gonna try, actually try - to get stuff done whenever I have free time, but replies and asks will be priority, so I ask that if you wish to talk to me ooc, please let me add you on discord - or even twitter, if you only have that - because I am terrible at IM’s on tumblr since I only have it on desktop these days :’ ) I promise I’m not ignoring you, I just don’t have access to tumblr half the time, and I only have my phone to talk with people. Someday, I will get my own wifi hotspot...

This blog, along with my others, will be on semi-hiatus, at least till my schedule ( and the internet ban ) is less hectic. I’m still getting used to writing the meme(tm) again, so I apologize if it seems sporadic and strange @ my writing, it’s just taking a moment to get accustomed to it again ;v;b

Thank you all for reading this and being so patient with me. I’ve felt bad for being so inactive and leaving people hanging...I hope I can make it up to y’all. You rock, I hope you have a wonderful day and night! ;v;b ♡


Her eyes stared directly at the horizon where the sun dipped low for the night. However, her gaze was distant, staring at something far beyond the setting sun and golden clouds. "Ah, Merlin? May I ask you a question?" She didn't continue for a few moments. Her shoulders tensed due to the uncomfortable air. "...Do you know if there's a type of magic... Ah, no, magecraft would be the correct term, wouldn't it? But... Do you know if there's a type that has anything to do with scars?"

author: lostcap  /  poems used: x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x . x  * do not remove this credit , thank you.

❛ what a modern fucking tragedy you turned out to be. ❜ ❛ what do you think the stars wish for then? ❜ ❛ maybe i could have loved you in any life but ours. ❜ ❛ i used to ache for a hurricane, an earthquake. ❜ ❛ i found a catalyst for disaster in you. ❜ ❛ is this what happens when the poem ends? ❜ ❛ i found religion in betrayal. ❜ ❛ things like us only exist in dreams. ❜ ❛ you can’t give your storms to someone else. ❜ ❛ nothing lasts forever, not even the rain. ❜ ❛ it’s okay to fear. ❜ ❛ don’t claw out your own throat while waiting for someone else to scream. ❜ ❛ you are memories and moments. ❜ ❛ in some other universe you’re asleep. ❜ ❛ everyone leaves. let them. ❜ ❛ you are not a ghost.  ❜ ❛ you can’t haunt those that forget you. ❜ ❛ everything ends and it’s okay. ❜ ❛ my heart kept beating, out of sync with yours. ❜ ❛ maybe i get to have a reason for the ache you left in my chest. ❜ ❛ you exist still. ❜ ❛ we can’t remember how to be alive. ❜ ❛ the heavens burn for you and i. ❜ ❛ every star is another story, every night a different sky. ❜ ❛ we end to begin again. ❜ ❛ beyond every somewhere, we exist. ❜ ❛ the gods lie as often as men. ❜ ❛ i sit not upon a throne of bone. ❜ ❛ my kingdom wasn’t chosen. ❜ ❛ the dead of mine do not speak. ❜ ❛ history will write that you were the bravest of them all. ❜ ❛ all stars must burn. ❜ ❛ the greatest things must end. ❜ ❛ hell is just another place i guess i’ll go to keep you warm. ❜ ❛ if the monster always dies at the end of the book, why am i still alive? ❜ ❛ gods don’t care about what might have been. ❜ ❛ men shall fall and gods be forgotten. ❜ ❛ you will be remembered eternally. ❜


First off, I would like to give all of y’all a giant THANK YOU for sticking around despite my inactivity, it means the world! I hope all of y’all have had days as sweet and wonderful as you!  ♥

Second, I idea what I owe people OTL. Tumblr’s activity feed isn’t the best, and it’s been awhile since I was able to get on thanks to various circumstances, so if I owe anything, please let me know and I will get to it asap! 

I noticed that some new people followed me, and thank you so much! I look forward to interacting with y’all, and seeing you on my dash!

I’m gonna go through some stuff, trying sorting around things to find what I owe, reblog some ask memes, and try to get back into the groove of stuff. Thank y’all for reading this, and I hope you have a good day/night!!  ☆


Long story short - internet got turned off, dunno when it’ll be back on, but I’m going to try tethering my phone to my laptop to see if I can connect through there. I’ll be on mobile, my IM’s are always open, and if you want to talk to me on discord just let me know! Sorry for all the delays, this was really unexpected and I don’t know when it will be resolved. I hope you all have a good week!! ❤❤❤❤


Long story short - internet got turned off, dunno when it'll be back on, but I'm going to try tethering my phone to my laptop to see if I can connect through there. I'll be on mobile, my IM's are always open, and if you want to talk to me on discord just let me know! Sorry for all the delays, this was really unexpected and I don't know when it will be resolved. I hope you all have a good week!! ❤❤❤❤

Anonymous asked:

What you wish from Grail?


Merlin lacks a wish for the grail, as one could say she is “at peace,” with everything. Though she has her regrets, she is not arrogant enough to believe herself strong enough to be the one person to save Camelot  and right all the wrongs of her past - not a dig at Arturia there, because I honestly love her wish and adore her character, but it doesn’t fit Merlin. 

Not only that, but Merlin has come to terms with her past, and accepted her sins. Though they are a heavy cross to bear, she accepts the weight, and it’s a huge part of her development as both a person and a character for her to come to terms with how awful she at one point treated people and viewed humanity, while also treating both the knights and Arthur as tools to achieve the goal she desired. Thinking herself at one point to be on level with the gods, being imprisoned in that tower was probably the best thing to ever happen to her, as it gave her time to think back and realize “wow, I was a dick.” Sure, she got a bit suicidal and depressed along the way, but that was part of the process - for a being who had never felt human emotions and lacked morals prior, to look at Merlin as they are now, is proof that they have developed a ton. To her, going back and correcting the wrongs of the past is like kicking those who helped her change, and her time in her prison, in the face. 

To help understand it I guess, lets talk a bit about her history - Merlin’s imprisonment was for the crimes she had committed against humanity, ( though in the legends, this is often replaced with Viviane finding out Merlin was half demon/their origins, and she is disgusted, killing and or imprisoning them for it ) and in Viviane’s eyes, a just punishment they died for. Despite them both being otherworldly beings and having similar problems with understanding mortals, Viviane handled it a heckton better - being exposed to raising Lancelot, Bors, and Lyonell helped them develop and learn to accept humans as equals, whereas Merlin did not raise Arthur, but rather gave him away and then trained him when he was of age to begin fighting. There was no mother-son relationship there, where Viviane had it with their children. 

Her crimes were the blatant mistreatment of humans, and for her arrogance and pride. She viewed herself as god, and due to this, it led to the downfall of a kingdom, and many deaths. Yes, Camelot was a group effort, and yes, Merlin does sort of realize this - however, no one can deny she played a huge role, and Merlin’s big thing in the nasuverse is they are an inhuman immortal mage who struggled to view humans as individuals, rather than actual people. Like someone appreciating a painting, they cared more about the bigger picture then that of how the people were impacted. Death was never something they cared about, as sacrificing mortals here and there in order to save the world was worth it - however, no matter how “noble” one may think it is ( esp with that wording, Merlin was an asshole and flat out ignored people when they were dying and asking for their help ) it doesn’t change the fact that they did kill people, did cause suffering in a good amount of the population, and ruined lives. 

You can easily just say “Oh, it’s because of their origins!!” which, yes, did play a part in it: Merlin is the child of a mortal woman and a demon, and in some legends, the big S man himself, and this caused a lot of problems. After Blaise, her one parental figure was killed ( we don’t know why, they just disappeared from the myths, Blaise bb come back I miss you :’ ( ) Merlin was left an orphan, and raised themselves in the woods. With no one to teach them right from wrong, or really…anyone, in all honesty, around to even socialize with, this resulted in a lot of problems, becoming both emotionally stunted and unaware of what’s right and what’s wrong, so Merlin having issues with treating others as equals and seeing people as individuals vs toys she could move around the chess board to achieve her end game goal isn’t shocking, but rather disheartening :/ Expected, but still sad nonetheless. 

Her punishment was to be trapped in a tower in Avalon for eternity, being unable to leave and unable to die. She was already immortal, but being trapped in a utopia that literally no one could reach…yeah, she was doomed to be alive till the world itself ended. With no one else around and nothing to do, she basically sat and reflected on what happened for a thousand plus years, and came to terms with her history, and her treatment of everyone. She does have a big fear of people finding out and abandoning her - but I feel like that needs to happen to give her the final leap in her growth, you know? It’s the only thing she’s really running from now, being found out and losing someone because of it, or being judged. After going through that, I feel like her development arc will be complete, and she can finally start the healing process and become a new, healthier person.

It’s also important to keep in mind that Merlin isn’t a servant, as in the nasuverse, Merlin never died. Gilgamesh was able to summon them in Babylonia because it was a time before they were born, thus enabling them to treat Merlin as a heroic spirit, because they weren’t alive in that time period. As of Chaldea, Merlin isn’t a servant, but rather someone who is pretending to be, and is able to be there due to a Beast class skill they have ( which, I’m very eyeballs @, give me beast merlin pls ), independent manifestation. Due to the “world is ending pls help” situation in Chaldea, Merlin is able to bypass the laws of Avalon, as them leaving is for the sake of saving the world, and not just them skipping around in fields of flowers for the hell of it. 

So uh, yeah - TL;DR, Merlin has no wish, is at peace with everything, and even if she was to win the grail for her master, she isn’t a servant, and would give it to her master. 


This is a starter call for Camelot verse threads! 

This means that every starter I make will take place during the events of Camelot, and Merlin’s views, personality, etc will all be set during that time. If you do not have a muse that is from this era, but still want to interact, you can give this a like  and or reblog and I’ll jump into your IM to discuss a scenario with you! <: 

Anonymous asked:

A mysterious bouquet was left on Merlin's doorstep, the tag reading 'Pour mon ange' in neat cursive. Acacia blossoms, yellow tulips, and ambrosia flowers made up the majority of the arrangement, though a lone purple hyacinth lay nestled in the center. It seems the sender of such a gift will forever be a mystery.

Floral expressions - selectively accepting. 
Acacia Blossom – Concealed Love
Tulip Yellow – There’s Sunshine in Your Smile
Ambrosia – Your Love is Reciprocated
Hyacinth Purple – I Am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow

Even if the sender had desired to remain unknown, their identity was obvious - for no other would seek her forgiveness, other than the being who had sought to punish the magician for their crimes. 

At one point, Merlin had been bitter - was a thousand nights spent repenting not enough to satisfy the ruler of the lake? Must she spend eternity watching the world grow old, to witness the downfall of the kingdom and king she had created over and over again? Perhaps, back then, she would never have forgiven them, despite having willingly walked into the spell. But now...

                             “ There is nothing left to forgive, Viviane. “ 


        “ Do not loathe yourself for the past. I do not regret the time we spent together, even if it ended in tragedy. As you once said... aimer ç'est ce qu'il y a d'plus beau. Thank you for the time we had, I shall always treasure it in my memories. “ 


❛ i’m sending pictures of the most amazing trees. ❜

Sincerely me prompts - accepting

Trees? That was certainly an interesting present to receive. Where the others charitable mood had sprung from she did not know, though she supposed it was better than nothing - and to turn down a gift, no matter how odd it may be, was never something she did. A present was a present after all, even if it was something like burnt potatoes from a certain knight, or pictures of trees from her fellow servant. 

          “ I see. I give you my thanks for these... exquisite gifts, dearest saber. If you would like, I could send you some flowers in return. An even trade, I think.  “ 


         “ Perhaps sometime I can also tell you of my time as a tree. While my beauty did not match any of these you have provided, I do believe you may enjoy the tale. “ 


❀ Floral Expressions ❀

Send my muse some flowers to convey your muse’s feelings towards them!

Acacia Blossom– Concealed Love Alstroemeria– Friendship Ambrosia– Your Love is Reciprocated Amaryllis– Splendid Beauty Anemone– Forsaken, Fading Hope Azalea– Take Care of Yourself for Me Bird of Paradise– Joyfulness Begonia– Beware Bells of Ireland– Good Luck Bouquet of Withered Flowers– Rejected Love Camellia General– Admiration Camellia Pink– Longing for You Camellia White– You’re Adorable Candy Tuft– Indifference Carnation Pink– I’ll Never Forget You Carnation Red– My Heart Aches for You Carnation Yellow– Disdain, Rejection or Dissapointment Chrysanthemum General– You’re a Wonderful Friend Chrysanthemum White– Loyal Love Chrysanthemum Yellow– Slighted Love Cyclamen– Resignation, Good-bye Daffodil– Rebirth, New Beginnings Daisy– Innocence, Purity Dandelion– Faithfulness Dead Leaves– Sadness Fern Maidenhair– Secret Bond of Love Forget-Me-Not– Memories, Remember Me Always Gardenia– Secret Love Geranium– Stupidity, Folly Gladiolus– Strength of Character, Honor Gloxinia– Love at First Sight Grass– Submission Hyacinth Purple– I Am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow Hyacinth Yellow– Jealousy Iris Yellow– Passion Iris Blue– Faith, Hope Jonquil– Love Me, Desire for Affection Returned Lilly Calla– Beauty Lilly Orange– Hatred Lilly-Of-The-Valley– Sweetness, Return to Happiness, You’ve Made My Life Complete Marigold– Cruelty Mistletoe– Kiss Me, Affection Morning Glory Red– Attachment Nightshade (Deadly) Belladonna– Silence, Falsehood,  Orange Mock– Deciet Orchid– Exotic Beauty, Proud and Glorious Femininity Peony– Bashfulness, Compassion, Shame Petunia– Resentment, Anger Pine– Pity Primrose– I Can’t Live Without You Rose Dark Crimson– Mourning Rose Dark Pink– Thankfulness Rose Orange– Fascination Rose Red– Love, Respect Rose Yellow– Joy, Friendship Spider Flower– Elope With Me Sunflower– Pure Thoughts, Adoration, Warmth Sweet-Pea– Departure, Good-bye, Thank You for A Lovely Time Tulip Red– Declaration of Love Tulip Variegated– Beautiful Eyes Tulip Yellow– There’s Sunshine in Your Smile Violet Blue– Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I’ll Always Be True Violet White– Let’s Take a Chance on Happiness Viscaria– Will You Dance With Me?

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