
Meh Im Here

@sheepkingk / sheepkingk.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

why do black people use you in the wrong context? such is "you ugly" instead of "you're ugly" I know u guys can differentiate, it's a nuisance

It’s called copula deletion, or zero copula. Many languages and dialects, including Ancient Greek and Russian, delete the copula (the verb to be) when the context is obvious.

So an utterance like “you a bitch” in AAVE is not an example of a misused you, but an example of a sentence that deletes the copular verb (are), which is a perfectly valid thing to do in that dialect, just as deleting an /r/ after a vowel is a perfectly valid thing to do in an upper-class British dialect.

What’s more, it’s been shown that copula deletion occurs in AAVE exactly in those contexts where copula contraction occurs in so-called “Standard American English.” That is, the basic sentence “You are great” can become “You’re great” in SAE and “You great” in AAVE, but “I know who you are” cannot become “I know who you’re” in SAE, and according to reports, neither can you get “I know who you” in AAVE.

In other words, AAVE is a set of grammatical rules just as complex and systematic as SAE, and the widespread belief that it is not is nothing more than yet another manifestation of deeply internalized racism.


This is the most intellectual drag I’ve ever read.

Reblog every time

Anonymous asked:

Do you still do writing tips?? Cause I need tips on writing a child (12/13) who’s been trained to be living weapon their whole life??


this is a massive post I’m sorry

Writing a Child Who was Raised to be a Weapon

tw just for abuse, eating disorders, and the like mentioned below


Advice for Creating a Magic System

As a fantasy author, I thought I'd share my 5 tips for creating a captivating magic system.

1. Are you writing low fantasy or high fantasy?

  • Firstly, it's good to know from the get-go whether you're creating a magic system for a low fantasy or high fantasy story.
  • Low fantasy doesn't necessarily mean there are less fantastical elements or that the story has to take place in a version of the real world. Low fantasy simply indicates that the fantasy elements/magic is not commonplace in that world. Magic and other fantasy elements exist, but only a privy few know about it.
  • Examples of low fantasy stories include Harry Potter by She Who Shall Not be Named, the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and my book To Wear A Crown.
  • High fantasy, on the other hand, indicates that the fantastical elements and magic are known about and commonplace in that world. The people of the world know that magic exists, that there are fantastical beings, other races etc.
  • Examples of high fantasy stories include Eragon by Christopher Paolini, Crescent City by Sarah J Maas, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien, and Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard.

2. Hard magic systems vs soft magic systems

  • The next thing that's vital to decide is whether you're creating a hard or soft magic system.
  • A hard magic system has built-in limitations. There are certain things that magic can do and that's it. Examples of stories with hard magic systems include Avatar: The Last Airbender and Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo.
  • A soft magic system doesn't have inherent limitations in relation to what it can achieve. Examples of soft magic systems include Eragon, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings.

3. What can magic do?

  • Now that you know whether you're writing low or high fantasy, and whether you're working with a hard or soft magic system, it's time to create some magic!
  • This is the part where I can't give you too much guidance, because it's all about your creativity.
  • What do you want magic to look like in your story? What do you want magic to be able to achieve? How big of a role do you want magic to play in the story and your characters' lives?
  • Do you want different classes of magic wielders, each with mastery over their own element? Do you want magic to be a flexible tool that can be used to achieve almost anything? Do you want your magic to be limited to telepathic actions or creating portals? Do you want different people to have power over different aspects of nature or different magical disciplines?
  • Can wielders use magic without any tools, or do they need spells, runes or rituals?
  • The possibilities are endless, but it's important to establish exactly what magic is capable of in your world.

4. How does it work and where does it come from?

  • Now we know what the magic can do. Next up is why it can do those things. Where does the power of the magic come from and how do wielders command it?
  • Does the power/force of magic come from within the wielder? Does it draw from inner life force and energy? Does it draw on energy from another realm or dimension? Does it pull from the surrounding natural elements? Does the power come from a deity or from demonic forces?
  • Identify the source/origin of the magic.
  • From there, elaborate on how it works. How does a wielder access the source of the magic? Is it through strength of will, incantations, selling their soul etc.?
  • For example, let's say that the power of your world's magic comes from the cosmic energy of another dimension. In order for wielders to access that energy, they draw specific sigils on their skin and these sigils act as portals to that world. Once the sigil is complete, the cosmic power flows into the wielder and they can now command it.

5. The limitations

  • Very importantly, you have to be clear on the limitations of your magic system. Fantasy magic systems often fall flat because they don't have clear confines.
  • If you're writing a hard magic system, this step is a bit easier, since there are inherent restrictions on what magic can do. With soft magic systems, you have to decide just how much magic is capable of.
  • But whether you're writing a hard or soft magic system, you need to consider the cost of using magic.
  • Does the use of magic drain the wielder's energy? Does each instance of using magic darken the wielder's soul or deteriorate their body further? Does using magic damage the natural world around the wielder or drain others of their life force?
  • Magic without a cost, limitations or consequences just isn't as captivating.

Reblog if you liked these tips. Comment with your own advice. Follow me for similar content.

Anonymous asked:

Hello :)

Hope you and yours are well this time of year.

My main character lives in a village with a high community spirit. There is no money; only help. Farmers trade their labour and efforts for something else. The elderly are taken care of by the stronger and younger etc.

Apart from food deliveries, what other ‘mundane’ every day tasks would need to happen to make such a society work? My main character is bored of life in this village but I’m struggling to come up with the sorts of things that would happen (possibly because our lives are so different now!).

Thank you x

Life in An Agrarian Society

It sounds like what you're trying to create is an agrarian society, or in other words, one that relies entirely on the land for their economy and survival. This is also a barter and trade society, meaning that goods and services are procured via trading one good or service for another rather than exchanging money.

How Are Basic Needs Met?

A human's most basic needs are: food and water, shelter, clothing, and medicine. So, the first thing you'll need to decide is how this village fulfills those needs, either individually or as a community.

Food and Water: Where does this community get their water? Does it come from a lake, river, spring, or well? Where do they get their food? Do they hunt and gather? Do they grow crops? Do they raise livestock? Do they trade goods and services for food from another village? Associated tasks:

-- gathering water from source -- building wells and ditches -- distributing water to crops and livestock -- tracking and hunting -- processing game -- fishing, gathering shellfish and processing them -- growing crops (tilling soil, planting seeds, harvesting, etc.) -- processing, preserving, storing harvested crops -- raising livestock (herding, grazing, feeding, processing) -- foraging for food, processing foraged foods -- trading goods and services for food from other villages

Shelter: What type of dwellings do the villagers use to keep them out of the elements? What structures do they use to house livestock and to store and process raw materials, food, and water? Associated tasks:

-- gathering raw materials for dwellings (stone, wood, mud, etc.) -- trading goods and services for materials/tools -- processing raw materials, obtaining or making tools -- building and maintaining dwellings and out buildings -- building and maintaining fences, livestock pens, etc.

Clothing: Where does the village get their clothing or material for clothing? Do they trade goods and services to obtain fabric or clothing from outside sources? Or do they produce their own raw materials needed to make yarn, thread, and fabric such as fleece from sheep for wool and yarn, and flax or cotton for linen? Associated tasks: -- harvesting/processing materials for making fabric -- process fibers and spin into thread or yarn (includes dyeing) -- weaving, knitting, or crocheting thread/yarn into fabric -- sewing clothing from the fabric -- trading goods and services for ready made fabric or clothing

Medicine: How do villagers receive healthcare when they are sick or injured? Is it provided at home? Is there a village healer or doctor? Does medical care come from outside the village? Who makes medicine, tinctures, and salves? Or are they obtained from outside the village via trade? Associated tasks:

-- taking care of sick or injured villagers -- delivering babies -- gathering medicinal plants and herbs -- making medicinal teas, tinctures, salves, and tonics -- trading goods and services for ready made medicines

Other Necessities

-- How is sewage and trash handled/disposed of? -- How is water, food, and clothing distributed to villagers/homes? -- Who maintains roads, common areas, and public structures? -- Who provides safety and security to villagers and properties? -- Who creates and enforces rules that keep everyone safe? -- Who mediates disputes between villagers? -- What transportation is used to get to other places? -- Who shoes the horses, builds the carts and wagons, gathers and smelts the metal needed to make horse shoes and wagon wheels, etc.?

That should give you a pretty good list to start out with. I hope that helps!


Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!


Day 10/11 - inumaki toge At this point I'm just rotating between my jjk favs. X'D


A gift for @berrodarmstrong! Had to make a new portrait to replace the old one from 2014. :) You have been a deeply appreciated and important friend to me throughout the years and I’m absolutely psyched you at last get to have your character look as you always wanted him to!


Hey guys cashapp is being hacked rn so if you’re have it PLEASE unlink your bank account and card info

MULTIPLE people have gotten money taken out of their accounts. And usually I would just take this as a little glitch or just to get internet reblogs or retweets but some of my friends and people I know personally have had money taken out

If you’re usually cashapp to hold your money / use as a savings account you need to STOP and cash out that money because it’s not SAFE.

Venmo PayPal cashapp are not safe places to hold money.

If you’re a sex worker CASH OUT ASAP. If your account gets hacked or suspended or frozen believe me. There is a high chance you will never see that money again


Did I meme right?




getting closer


Love the writers

Send love. I can’t afford serotonin.


Now that’s more like it!

when people reblog my writing, it makes me so soft and happy 🥺💕

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