


She|Her • 21 • Brazilian

Help together ~LN4

Parrings~Lando Norris x teammate!reader

Summary~ being the new rookie at McLaren and only being 19 you caused your anxiety to go through the roof and Lando helps you cause he went through the same thing.

Warnings~ mention of mental health, anxiety, panic attacks!!!!!!!!!

A/N~ from this TikTok:( also Lando and you have a 4-5 year age gap your 19 turning 20, also pretend Oscar like doesn’t exist for this fic lol😭



Burst like a glass balloon (Sis!Reader x Bridgerton brothers)

Summary: Reader is the youngest of Bridgerton's. Your governess has a very abusive way towards you, gaslighting you into remaining quiet. One day your three brothers find out asking you why you didn't tell them, thinking they wouldn't believe you and you secretly deserved it.

“Again!” – your governess snapped, letting her wooden pointing stick slam against your desk. It started you, making you sniff loudly. – “And don’t make me see any tears!” – she made clear bending down inspecting your cheeks. You quickly wiped them dry. You moved your book closer to you, starting repeating the list of flowers by their Latin names. – “Abelia…Abutilon… Acacia…” – you said between sniffs as not a moment ago you had busted out in tears.

“Pronunciation miss Bridgerton!” – the governess made clear. She said it during your speech, making you stutter out the word. Her wooden stick coming down hard again. – “A lady does not stutter miss Bridgerton. Should I fetch you the bottle for only baby’s babble as much as you do!” – Her words carving deep into your heart. – “Perhaps I should start the basics with you all over again? How to walk, talk, sit, and eat properly for a lady. Is that what you require miss Bridgerton? Teaching for the simple minded?” – she asked with mockery.


Mess Is Mine

Someone requested Sebastian Stan as a father figure after him finding something out about your family. I twisted it a little to make it different from the Chris request I did recently, so I hope that’s okay! 


           “Hey, Y/n?” You took the walkie talkie from where it laid beside your thigh upon hearing Sebastian’s assistant’s voice. You were the lowest of the low on set – the assistant’s assistant. And you thought it would just be getting coffee, but it had turned into an actual friendship. People even joked that you were Sebastian’s kid, even though you weren’t related. When you were on call, though, you were the runner.

           “Yup?” You asked in return, sitting up from where you were doing school work on your laptop.

           “Can you run to wardrobe and grab an extra jacket? Seb ripped it again. I think we can still shoot, but just to be safe we want an extra..”

           “On it,” you responded, standing up and starting the walk across the lot. You tucked the walkie talkie back into your pocket, grabbing your phone as a notification popped up.

           2 dead in crash on I-285; delays expected until night.

           You thought nothing of it – you just scrolled up to get rid of the notification and continued walking over to wardrobe. By the time you were walking back with Sebastian’s black jacket on your arm, the costume dust getting all over your own jacket, you were getting a call from your older sister. Part of you wondered why she even bothered calling – it wasn’t like you were close. She was 33 and couldn’t care less about what you were doing. You were seventeen, almost eighteen, so by the time you had fully formed memories she was gone. She probably didn’t even know you were doing an internship.

           “Hello?” You asked as you raised the phone to your ear. You used your other hand to grab your ID badge, knowing they’d want it to get you back onto set. You heard your sister talking to someone else for a second, and rolled your eyes.

           “Hey, Y/n,” she said quietly. You stopped walking. Something was wrong. You didn’t know her that well, but you knew her well enough to know that she had the exact same voice your mom did when something went wrong.

           “Can this wait? I’m at work, I’m heading onto the stage in a second and I don’t know if they’re shooting.” You weren’t lying – they put everyone on the oldest stage, and the red light barely even worked so you could potentially get yelled at for walking on set while you were on the phone.

           “No,” she responded with a sigh. “It can’t. You, um, you might want to sit down for this.” You were getting annoyed – why was she being so dramatic? But at the same time, your heart was starting to race and you couldn’t help but feel a sneaking suspicion that she wasn’t being dramatic at all.

           “I’m sitting,” you lied. The only place to sit was a curb.

           “Mom and dad got in a car wreck earlier,” she said. “And neither of them made it.” Your heart stopped. You felt like you were on the receiving end of a sucker punch. “They called me because they couldn’t find you at school, and since you’re not eighteen yet…”

           “No,” you responded. “No. This isn’t happening.”

           “I’m sorry, honey,” she sighed. “I really am. I’ll be there later tonight so we can talk things out, okay? The police are at my house still.”

           “Okay.” Your voice was hollow and scratchy as you hung up, putting your phone back in your pocket. You wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, but nothing came. It didn’t hit you. But you could feel the blood drain from your face as you went on. There was nothing you could do. Absolutely nothing. So you just kept on. It didn’t make sense to leave, but it didn’t make sense to stay. So you just went on, handing your ID to the security guard, and walked over to where the director was calling for a cut. Sebastian’s assistant was nowhere to be found, but you held up the jacket and it caught his eye. Something else caught his eye, too, as he walked over.

           “Hey, what’s wrong? You look shaken up,” he asked as he looked you up and down. “You look like you saw the ghost over on stage 5.” You shook your head, offering him the jacket.

           “No,” you lied, “I’m fine.” You weren’t. You weren’t fine. You wanted to go home and have your parents be there, have your dog be there, have everything go back to normal. But it was impossible and you knew that. It wouldn’t hit until you were at home. Right now you were just too numb to tell anyone anything.

           “Are you sure?” You nodded, but it wasn’t convincing. “You literally look like you’re about to pass out.”

           “I’m fine.”

           “No, you’re not.” You weren’t in the mood to argue, and after he took the jacket you crossed your arms against your chest, looking down at the concrete floor. Tears finally started coming to your eyes, but you shook it off.

           “Just a rough day. That’s all.”

           “Rough day, my ass. Go home. We’re almost done for the day anyway. Just go home and pet your dog or something, okay?” You nodded. You weren’t in the mood to argue. You weren’t in the mood to do anything. Sebastian pulled you into one of his famous bear hugs, and you knew that later you’d get a text from him to check in. He was too nice. Maybe you would tell him then. But right now, it didn’t even make sense to you.

           You sniffled and calmly walked to the walkie-talkie charging station, putting yours back. Then you walked out to the parking lot and got into your car. It was only when you started the car that you realize 285 was your way home. If you drove that way, you would see…

           You took the long way home that day, and waiting for you was your sister’s car in the driveway.


           Just checking in. Is everything okay? You stared at Sebastian’s text as you emerged from your shower, the shower your sister had forced you to take when she realized you were going to have a breakdown in the middle of the living room. It was overwhelming. The news sucked, sure, but it threw everything into limbo. And by the time the crash had cleared, their names had been released, and you’d turned off everyone on your notifications list except for your emergency contacts. Those happened to be a few people at Marvel, your parents, and your best friend who’d texted you a storm too.

           You didn’t want to speak to him, for the first time in forever. You didn’t want to talk to anyone. You didn’t even want to talk to your sister or her husband, who, as nice as he was, had no idea what was going on. You just wanted things to go back to normal.

           “I made some mac and cheese,” your sister said as she walked up the stairs to see you standing in your robe. “Thought you should probably eat something.”

           “Thanks,” you replied with a sniffle.

           “And I was thinking that maybe it would be a good idea if I came to stay for a while. Just until your internship’s done.” You sighed. You didn’t want to talk about it. You didn’t want to talk about anything. Your head was pounding. Your heart hadn’t stopped pounding.

           “I think I just want to go to bed.” You knew you’d hurt worse if you refused the food, but you didn’t care. You wanted out. You needed out.

           “I’ll have some breakfast for you in the morning, then,” she said. She knew it wasn’t worth fighting over, so she didn’t. She just let you go back to your room. You turned off your phone before putting it on the charger, making sure nobody would wake you up. You weren’t ready for the outpouring of support from people you hadn’t spoken to in months. You weren’t ready to face the next day, either, or the next one. Part of you thought you should go ahead and have your resignation ready because your sister would probably want you to come live with her an hour away, or your school would want you to live on campus. Your life as you knew it was over, and part of you was mourning that more than you were your parents. But you knew that wasn’t true, either. This was just how you worked. You set your alarm, early enough to go to an office and tell someone you were leaving, and shut your eyes.

           The next morning you went straight to the producer, ready to hand in your ID badge. Maybe you were being irrational, but it felt like the best thing to do was end your internship early and take the rest of the semester to adjust. Adjust – meaning watch your entire life change without being able to stop it. But, to your surprise, the door was closed. Someone was meeting with him already. You took a seat outside the door, trying to pretend like you weren’t supposed to meet your sister in two hours. You used the time to scroll through messages, responding with hearts or thank-yous, as the depth of the situation settled in again, and barely even noticed when the door opened.

           “Y/n!” You looked up to see Sebastian, worry in his eyes, as he emerged from the office. “Thank God, when you didn’t respond last night…” The producer smiled at you, motioning for you to come in.

           “Seb?” You asked him, looking up at him. He could tell something was still wrong. “Can you come with me?”

           “Yeah,” he said softly. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he followed you into the office. The producer looked you up and down – you were wearing open toed shoes, the first sign that you weren’t planning on working. Sebastian didn’t seem to notice it.

           “Y/n,” the producer started with a sigh. “I heard about the accident last night.” You looked down. “Is that what this is about?”

           “Yeah,” you replied.

           “Accident? What accident?” Sebastian asked, looking over at you. “Are you okay?” You sighed.

           “My parents got in an accident yesterday,” you muttered. “And they didn’t make it out. I was planning to quit today because I probably won’t even finish out the semester, but…”

           “Don’t worry about that. We’ll honor your internship for next semester. Just take whatever time you need.” Time. Like that was going to fix everything. You stood up, and Sebastian just followed you.

           “What?” He spoke too loudly when you went into the hallway, only realizing if after. “Sorry. What? You’re quitting?”

           “I have to go live with my sister,” you said. “Who I barely even know. She lives an hour away, so I can’t finish the semester and I definitely can’t keep working. I didn’t respond to your message because I didn’t know how, because it’s not like I can just say…”

           “Come here.” Sebastian interrupted you and pulled you into a hug in the middle of the hallway. “Come back with me.” You sniffled and nodded, and after following Sebastian out the main door you walked to his trailer. He started scrambling around as you sat down, readying a cup of the peach tea he knew you liked.

           “You don’t have to…” You started. He wouldn’t hear of it, though, and got you the tea anyway. You had to admit that you felt better here. With him. Being around him was more comfort than being around your sister. Sebastian felt more like family than she did, and maybe it was because you’d spent so much time with him, but ever since you met he always joked that you could be his kid because you were so alike.

           “I’m not gonna tell you I’m sorry, because I’m sure you’ve heard that enough.” He gave you a little smile and sat down beside you on the bench seat, handing you the cup of tea. It definitely wasn’t the first time you’d come to his trailer to cry.

           “Yeah,” you sighed. “I don’t really believe it yet. I just… It doesn’t seem real. And I don’t think it will for awhile.”

           “It never does.”

           “I feel like I should be crying all over the place but I’m just not.”

           “Everyone reacts in different ways. But I don’t think you should just stop living your life.”

           “I don’t have a choice. I have to go live with my sister until I turn eighteen. Which is only a couple months, but…” Sebastian shook his head. You took a sip of tea, not even realizing how hot it was. It burned your throat, but it felt good.

           “What if you don’t have to?” He asked. “Hypothetically. What if you had a place to stay here to finish out the semester? And then next semester you could live on campus?” You looked over at him.

           “Sebastian, you don’t have to do that.”

           “I want to. I wanna help you through this. I wanna help take care of you. If that’s okay with you. And, besides. I have two extra bedrooms so you can pick which one you like better.”

           “This is such a mess, and you don’t…”

           “Yeah. But I want to, kid.” He wrapped an arm around your back and pulled you into a hug. “You’re my kid who isn’t really my kid, remember? Your mess is my mess”

           “I remember.” 

           A/N: This is literally such crap and a terrible ending but school has rly been kicking my ass and gave me such bad writer’s block, sorry to whoever requested but I really did try 😭💕


Work Risk

(A/N): This was requested by @maximeevansblog. I hope you like it!

Summary: After hurting herself on set, Sebastian makes it into his mission to take the best of care for his daughter

Warnings: Broken bone, mentions of medication, hospitals

Wordcount: 1.2k

✨Masterlist✨ _____________________________

“Darling, I’m sure you got that. You worked so hard for this and don’t forget the hours you spent with the choreographer learning and repeating the stunts. You got that”, Sebastian tries to reassure his daughter. Both of them sit in the makeup trailer on the Civil War set, where (Y/N) got her first major role in a movie. Acting in a Marvel movie alongside her father is like winning the lottery for the teenager.

“You do know all the things that can go wrong. Dad, there are so many-” “And they won’t happen. I promise you. There is nothing going to go wrong, you are prepared for this. Alright, Dragostea?” The father takes her hand. Still unsure but with a little bit more confidence (Y/N) nods and lets the makeup artist continue doing his work.


I’ll make it better

Here is my second Druig imagine from The Eternals, I hope you will all like this one. I’ve been blessed with the feedback and the response I got with my first imagine. I hope you all will like this one too.

Summary: (Y/n) and Druig have been through a lot over the thousands of years, but not long after they find out their expecting, Druig has to use his powers on (Y/n) to protect her.



Druig began to swirl the golden band around his finger as he cast his eyes over the villagers at work. He liked to watch them and check that they were all okay, Druig couldn’t stand arguments or spats or any fighting leading to wars, he was compulsive in trying to keep the Earth calm. It was no different when in his village, Druig wanted it to be peaceful, he saw no need for the humans to fight or play war when he could make it all stop in two seconds by looking into their minds.

His eyes began to glow the same colour as the ring on his finger as his mind scoured through the thoughts of his people. It always felt intriguing to him when he heard the many different voices in his head all colliding together rattling in his ears. The interesting ones caught his attention and the other voices made him feel involved.

But the voices came to a stop and his eyes returned to their normal chocolate colour when he felt arms suddenly tangling themselves around his torso and a head pressing into the back of his shoulder.

Druig couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips at the feeling of (Y/n) being so close to him, pressing her body up against his back like she was trying to mould them both together.

Anonymous asked:

honestly anything hurt/comfort with druig!! LOVE your work btw <3

𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐞, 𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝

Pairing: Druig x (gender neutral) Reader

Summary: you get hurt when the deviants attack but you try to hide it from everyone else, (un)fortunately for you Druig knows you too well and comes to your aid

Warnings: angst, hurt / comfort, mention of injuries, mention of character deaths, swearing, Eternals spoilers

A/N: next up on the sleepover fun, some Druig angst... To this anon, first of all thank you sm, I’m so glad you like my work🥺 secondly, hurt / comfort with Druig? That’s a big yes from me! The title is taken from the song Don’t Pretend by Khalid, the song has nothing to do with the story but I just wanted to inform you that’s what the title is quoting😅 Hope you like this!!🖤✨


What Do You Call Perfect? - LN

Request: Hellooo, i hope you are doing amazing, i love how you write so fucking much, you are extremely talented and I love you so so much ♡.

so can a make an anonymous request, it's totally OK if you don't like it or just simply don't want to write it... so the request is that reader is dating lando and she's been feeling kinda insecure lately bcos she's chubby, and some things happen that lando just makes her feel worse on accident, but he ends up finding out and make her feel like the most beautiful person in the world.

A very angsty hurt/ comfort request, and maybe it's me projecting, and like I said if you are not it to it it's totally fine if you don't write it, ok live you bye!!! ♡


First of all, thank you so much for the compliments. Will probably never get used to someone saying they love the fics that much. I hope I do this justice <3

The gif has no context to the fic, I just think he looks so pretty.

Y/n has dealt with the fact that she's chubby. But life is hard when it comes to life as Lando's girlfriend or as an F1 WAG.

hugs! - ln4

| summary- when the solution to a bad day is always hugs

| word count- 767

| notes- yayay i'm back


although you weren't a formula one racer, driving at hundreds of miles an hour every other weekend, sometimes, your own job got a bit tough.

sometimes it was just trying to get everything done before a deadline, other times it was your boss asking you to work 'just a few' more hours for the next couple weeks, but sometimes it was simply the incompetence of other people that drove you up the wall.

no one would consider you a horrible person, it was normal to get annoyed at people, especially those who just can't seem to be able to do anything right (or well). however, you felt incapable of telling them to get their act together, with the fear that it would all backfire on you.

so you just had to bottle up your feelings and pretend that them spending 2 hours to write a fairly minor email draft was perfectly okay.

what made matters worse was that every evening during your this specific tough week, you would arrive back to an empty house.

you knew that it wasn't lando's fault that he wasn't here all the time. hell, you knew that that would be the case before you even started dating him. but sometimes, after a bad day at the office, coming back to no one makes you feel even worse.

you and lando had been together for a little over a year, but unfortunately, he had never been around to see your state in those particularly bad weeks at work. you were sure that he would help, whenever you are down normally he would pull you into his arms and let you choose what you guys were watching that night.

but of course, this time, lando wasn't here, he wasn't due back for another couple days, so instead you warmed up some pot noodle and cocooned yourself in a pile of blankets while you watched some trashy reality tv.

the next day, you struggled to get yourself up, you definitely were not prepared for another day of work. but you dragged yourself up, got ready, and began your commute.

work was just as bad as you thought it would be. again, it seemed like no one was able to get any work done, which ended with your whole team being shouted at by your boss.

then, after that, to make matters worse, one of your (incompetent) co-workers spilt his coffee all over you, then walked away with just a mutter of what could be an apology.

finally, after what seemed like eons of just trying to get some work done, the clock struck 6 and you were able to return to the sanctuary of your house. you were over work, over your co-workers, and just wanted to curl up on your sofa.

however, when you got in, your house felt different, it felt like home. the calming lights were turned on, some random music playing in the background, and the smell of some sort of cooking was dancing around.

'hi baby, i missed you!'

and with that you broke down. you flung yourself into lando's embrace, melting into his arms and just started to sob.

sobbing because of your stupid boss, sobbing because of your incompetent co-workers, and sobbing because your favourite person was finally finally home.

though he had no idea what brought on the tears, lando just pulled you in closer and held you tighter, whispering sweet nothings into your ears,

'it'll be okay baby, you wanna talk about it?'

you could only shake your head in response and cry more, your emotions were too all over the place to have a proper conversation, all you needed was to be in your boyfriend's arms.

'no? you just need a hug baby?'

you weren't sure if he'd be able to tell, but you nodded into his arms as he scooped you up and started walking over to the living room. gently, he sat down on the sofa, holding you close in his lap.

'bad day?' he questioned, and you responded with a noise that could have been yes if it wasn't disrupted by another choked sob.

's'okay love, i'm here now, i got you now. m'sorry i was away, should've been here for you'

's'not your fault, s'my work. hate it,' you replied in a meek voice, looking up at your boyfriend whose face was filled with concern.

'oh baby, okay, let's just cuddle alright?' that was more than alright with you. you would stay in lando's arms for the rest of your life if it was possible.

'love you baby'

'love you too'


| final notes- guess who's back. back again

Anonymous asked:

Hiiii, could you do something with lando wanting to be protective of reader like her being afraid of something happening and him hugging her tightly to make sure she is safe w him 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶

I need this man so bad and this just fueled that

Safe With Me, Love (LN4)

Summary: When a man at a club makes Y/n uncomfortable, touching her, grabbing her, Lando’s the first to stop it.
Warnings: attempted sexual assault, lando almost getting into a fight, verbal abuse, language, lando gets super angry, but major fluff at the end and all is well
Note: i am in no way trying to glorify sexual assault with this at all. What happens to a multitude of women around the world and incredibly disgusting, my heart goes out to all the victims of any kind of sexual assault.

There’s a loud boom from the speakers as Lando and Y/n sidle up next to each other in the dimly lit booth Max had secured for the night. Shot glasses and other drinks are scattered across the surface of the table, the majority of the liquid having been consumed by their friends who had tagged along. Max F and Pietra dance together on the floor while Oscar and Max V are left to grimace at the touchy exchanges between the couple left in their seats.

A dangerous hand high up on Y/n’s thigh has Max V gagging into Oscar’s shoulder, “When do you guys stop?”

Lando’s hazy eyes give him a quick glance before retreating back to his beautiful Y/n, “I don’t stop. She tries to make me, but let’s be honest, I never will.”

Oscar rolls his eyes and Max V throws back the rest of his drink. The two men get up and flee the area in a panic when Lando starts kissing her neck softly, knowing the boy is quite affectionate when he drinks. Y/n is a bit farther than her boyfriend on the drunk spectrum, making her more prone to accepting his PDA-filled advances. She snickers into his ear when his tongue lightly traces her skin and her hands dance in his hair when he whispers how much he loves her.

Y/n and Lando could not be more clingy when they’ve consumed alcohol. Everybody knows this. From the fans and media to their families, the couple has had multiple drunken exchanges where they were more than comfortable sharing how much their physical connection was just as strong as their emotional one.


pitch perfect

Request: could you write a jj maybank and sister reader where her depression and anxiety has like gotten worse recently?? Love your writings!!!

Summary: JJ helps his sister when she isn't doing well.

Warnings: depression, anxiety

a/n: back from the dead! idk for how long lmao

(gif not mine)

JJ gets back to the chateau after getting some stuff from his house. He throws the two bags onto the couch, getting a beer out of the fridge.

"Hey." John B walks out of his room.

"Hey." JJ nods, taking a sip of his beer.


Oscar Piastri x reader

Summary: You’re definitely not an insomniac. But Oscar keeps finding you awake at all hours, and he’s starting to get worried. Or: I wrote this while actually being unable to sleep, passed out for 3 hours, woke up and finished it. So… here you go, I guess?
Warnings: insomnia, anxiety/mild paranoia?, alcohol, limited knowledge of the actual structure of the MTC and the corporate structure of McLaren in general, a poorly researched night in Tokyo

The MTC lobby is empty, besides you. The lights are half turned off, motion sensors that have gone hours without detecting anything. You’ve stuck to your table in the corner. It’s quiet, just how you like it.

You look up from your notebook after who knows how long, blinking your weary eyes. Outside, the floodlights reflect off the inky black lake. There’s a car, pulling up in the drop off area outside the front doors. It’s Oscar, you think, his car one of a few that are easily recognizable. Sure enough, it’s confirmed when he climbs out of the driver’s side door. He leaves it running as he makes his way up to the door.

Oscar scans his pass and the doors wing open, followed by all of the lights in the lobby flickering on. You squint, fighting the urge to shield your eyes from the harsh lighting. Oscar is rushing through the lobby, a man on a mission, but he skids to a stop about halfway across the shiny tiled floor.

Anonymous asked:

hello, firstly i would like to say ur writing is phenomenal!! secondly i wanted to request something like the reader having some insecurities or just social media making her feel unworthy of lando thank u 🫶🏼

Ive been hanging onto this request for a while bc i love these scenarios bc they hit so close to home and I always need to be in the right mindset for them and now i am!

Love You the Way I Do (LN4)

Summary: When Y/n starts to pull back, Lando knows exactly what to do.
Warnings: insecurities, talks of not being good enough, language
Note: the reason ive been so mia on here is because ive just been in such a bad slump and not feeling good about myself or feeling good enough in general and im starting to get out of it with a lot of time focusing on myself but i really miss it on here so im using this as a way to kind of help me cope a bit with what ive been going through recently

Y/n was never good with her emotions. Discussing them and trying to work on them, she could never reach a certain level of comfortability with the people in her life that allowed her to be that vulnerable with them. Her parents, friends, and other family members had to pry words out of her when it was clear she was struggling and no amount of therapy sessions had cured the vicious cycle. However, Lando’s peaceful presence in her life had shifted the way she operated, allowed her to open up more easily with the way he would hold her until she was ready.

He was patient, almost strategic, when it came to getting through to her. Past moments of darkness where she would try to shut him out, try to be alone in the agony, were lessons in which ways worked best to get her to realize that he was there for her, waiting with open arms and constantly ready to listen.

Easing her mind, that was Lando’s job and he was damn good at it.

He could always tell when there was a war going on beneath the walls of her head. When she would go quiet or laugh just a bit less, he caught on fast. Just like now, as he sat on the couch in their shared apartment and watched her talk to her sister on the phone in the kitchen, Lando clocked the way she wasn’t as smiley, as excited to talk to one of her favorite people in the world.


you'll be alright - mason mount blurb

a/n : this is a blurb dedicated to my lovely friend @ithinkimokeei so she can feel a little better

words : 400 genre : a lil bit sad and lots of fluff at the end


today was undeniably challenging. nothing seemed to fall into place, everything remained frustratingly out of your reach. the cake you attempted to bake burnt, calls from your ex were getting more and more frequent. even the comfort of your own bed failed to bring you peace. the dirty white ceiling stared back at you as you decided to just lay in bed, and stay like that for the rest of the day.

you didn't know what the hell had gotten into you, or what had broken the spark that once dictated your every action. motivation seemed elusive, you felt daunt to move forward.

your eyes slowly closed, trying to catch a break. falling asleep for a couple hours was always the best solution you had to escape your problems for a while. at least that's what you thought.


as your eyes slowly opened you felt a hand stroking your cheek, pulling you out from the haze of your fuzzy mind. mason was right there in front of you, his training bag ditched to the side of the room. he had came back from training earlier than usual, and climbed onto the bed when he saw you lying on it. he got slightly worried as he noticed your pale face.

"hey love."

he didn't dare to ask you how you were, he could guess from a single glance. you weren't well. he was afraid to make you feel worse by asking you. instead, he just sunk in your arms, burying his face in your neck while planting kisses there. he held you close, close enough for you to be enveloped in this little bubble, shielded from the outside world. you didn't feel scared anymore, you didn't feel like you were about to mess everything up, again. you only felt his body close to yours, and in this moment it was the only thing that mattered.

he smooched your nose and looked at you with such tenderness. it was the first thing you fell in love with, mason's eyes. he delicately cupped your face, afraid to startle you.

"movie night?"

these words brought a smile to your face, he knew. your face expressed gratitude, you didn't say thanks, but he knew you enjoyed his presence right now. you just nodded, before he planted a kiss on your lips, sucking in deeper in the sheets.

it felt nice right now.


everything | l.n

summary: he’s your best friend and you’re in love with him, but he’s not in love with you. or so you think, anyway.

warnings: fluff, a hint of angst, reader not knowing how love feels, kinda a situationship scenario but idk, also kind of hot trash?? - inspired by ceilings by lizzy mcalpine


he was finally home. after months of busy schedules and being away from home, he was back. and the first thing he did? he texted you. he texted you and asked if you were busy, like he always did every time he was back in london.

you had told him no, your plans had fallen through last minute and to be honest, you missed him. you missed his laugh, the way he hugged you, the jokes the two of you shared. he was your person and you were his, it was as simple as that.


A Prom Mess

Warnings: Shootings, blood, injuries, scared high schoolers

Summary: Prom didn't go according to plan.

A/N: This has been collecting too much dust in my drafts and so I thoughts I'd spoil you all. It's my birthday today so take this as my treat for you all. <3

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