
And babe, it seems so long since you've been gone


Leo. grown.

Dating ain't easy you know! Sometimes a good book can help.

I love how in character they both are here 😂

And I OBVIOUSLY asked them for permission, showed the covers and asked if they're okay with the ops. And they were BOTH on board. And Jensen saw the book, laughed and was like "yeah, let's do it."

I had so much fun doing the covers so please enjoy 😂


I’m all scratched up and I can still taste spray paint in my mouth and my husband almost fell out of a tree BUT THE GHOST SCULPTURES ARE FINISHED!

They’re finally finished and I’m so happy with them!!

Some progress shots:


a tiny old woman came into the deli and ordered a “wonderful turkey sandwich” and when asked what she wanted on the sandwich other than turkey she said “all of your most wonderful toppings”


the ability to say "i dont have a tiktok" in social situations makes me feel so powerful. like the general reaction is "shock, confusion, then this weird 'thats probably a good thing' response" its so fun


dean and castiel freaky friday episode but instead of freaking out about it they just try to get through the day as each other and prank everyone but cas keeps getting hit on in dean and dean doesn't know how to control the grace so at the end of the day castiel slept with seven men and three women and dean fried sam into a crisp which jack accidentally ate



shrimps are cool but i am not a shrimp. when i shrimp over the table for too long, my back starts to hurt. i stand up on my human legs and stretch my human body every hour. sometimes i wish i was a shrimp.

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