
Blueberry Mom


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Anonymous asked:

Okay I gotta know, what was your plan after kicking Ansem in the back of the head?

kick him more! elderly dont have rights.



give me one (1) good reason

Without them you wouldn’t be here, kiddo. Xehanort or not.


While it’s true you don’t owe the elderly respect just by being elderly, most of them are good people who have earned themselves that respect.

Respect the people who respect you, whatever the age. If there’s elderly people who respect and treat you well, you should do the same. It’s basic human decency.

Anonymous asked:

Okay I gotta know, what was your plan after kicking Ansem in the back of the head?

kick him more! elderly dont have rights.



give me one (1) good reason

Without them you wouldn’t be here, kiddo. Xehanort or not.


While it’s true you don’t owe the elderly respect just by being elderly, most of them are good people who have earned themselves that respect.

Respect the people who respect you, whatever the age. If there’s elderly people who respect and treat you well, you should do the same. It’s basic human decency.

But can we all agree that Xehanort has no rights

That's why I said, respect the ones who respect you.

Anonymous asked:

Okay I gotta know, what was your plan after kicking Ansem in the back of the head?

kick him more! elderly dont have rights.



give me one (1) good reason

Without them you wouldn’t be here, kiddo. Xehanort or not.


While it's true you don't owe the elderly respect just by being elderly, most of them are good people who have earned themselves that respect.

Respect the people who respect you, whatever the age. If there's elderly people who respect and treat you well, you should do the same. It's basic human decency.


Luxu, on the top bunk: "MoM! There's a monster under my bed! It's the most hideous creature I've ever seen!"

Gula on the bottom bunk: "Why do you hate me?"

Luxu, comforter wrapped around his shoulders dragging behind him as he enters the Master's bedroom: "MoM? I had a Nightmare."

Master, half asleep: "eat it."

Gula was the worst about staying in his bed.

"I need a drink."

"it's in your room."

"I need to go potty."

"you just did five minutes ago."

"um, I had a bad dream?"

"Gula you haven't even gone to sleep yet."


Ira needs a nightlight, and hates being teased over it. So they snicker behind his back.

Aced likes his room pitch black, and so hangs blankets all around his bed to block out the light. Luxu, Gula, and Ava refer to it as his "den"

Invi's room is spotless at all times, while Ava is the messiest of them all.

"Ava, what is this?"

"oh that's my dirty laundry pile."

"but your hamper is right there."

"I know." 😊

Luxu can literally sleep anywhere. Like really. Also he can do it on command.

MoM: "Hey guys watch this. Luxu go to sleep."

Luxu promptly closes his eyes and goes to sleep, half eaten sandwich now his pillow.

MoM: "Ava what is this?"

"I like cabbages."

"Yes, but what is it."

"Cabbage soup?"

Ava finishes boiling the cabbage water, takes the pot outside and pours it out onto the lawn. "There," she sighs in contentment, folding her hands in front of her, "I've fed the snails! Because," glancing at the bemused Master, "snails like cabbages, so I cooked them some!"

"Poor things, boiled to death in their own soup." The Master says, leaving Ava to stare in silent horror at her handiwork. Gula found her later sobbing in the laundry bin.

Master giving Invi a magic lesson. "Good, good, now you just need a target to shoot those fireballs at." Invi smiles brightly at the praise as the Master raises his hands to his mouth. "LUXU!!" Upon arrival the boy is informed it's time for him to practice his dodging. Invi's smile dissapears.

MoM helping Aced with his spelling. Gula streaks past laughing like a maniac. MoM: "hold on I'll be right back"

MoM, after catching up: "Gula, what are you so happy about?

Gula, entirely sober now: "what are you talking about?"

MoM: *sweats*

Whenever the Master leaves for the day he assigns Aced as babysitter. None of them know why because Invi always ends up taking charge when Gula is swinging from the chandelier and Ira's the only one not screaming.

MoM hands Luxu and Gula a couple knives and tells them to go outside and play nice. They decide to practice catching them and the other can practice throwing them. MoM says this is an excellent opportunity for Ava to practice her Cure since she's been having trouble casting it.

"Hu!" Gula says, "Who knew you could make a living poking frogs!"

Ira: "It's called SCIENCE."

Aced: "Why are you crouching behind the couch?"

Gula, abruptly rising to his feet: "I'm innocent!!"

Gula: "Luxu why are you hanging upside down from the ceiling?'

Luxu shrugging: "Beats me."

Aced: "what was that word again?"

Ava, mouth parting in distress: "I don't know! I must have forgotten too!"

Gula: "do you even know what he's talking about?"

Gula: "Hey Luxu I stayed up 15 minutes past my bedtime last night."

Luxu: "woah. You are so edgy. How'd you get past the Master?"

Gula smirks: "I didn't. I stayed up in my bed."

Luxu is impressed.

Gula, being dragged by the back of his shirt by Invi past the Master's chair.

Gula: "help me."

MoM: "hey, I'm staying out of this."

Little baby Ava: "Master, Master! I cut my hair all by myself! Do you like it?"

MoM: "Well it certainly is interesting."

Ira, floundering in deep water. "Master help me! I can't swim!!"

Master walking away, "Man, now would be a good time to learn!"

He was later found sniffing in a chair by the fireplace, wrapping in a blanket, little Ava gently petting his shoulder chanting: "poor, poor, Iwa"

Gula: "wait, if I fall off the roof I'll die?"

MoM: "you wanna test that theory?"

Gula: "okay,"

Ira has claimed an entire tower of the castle, and daily pleads with Gula to just leave him alone and stop doing gymnastics in the rafters.

"There is an entire castle out there. Do you have to do this in here???"

"Yes. Because you asked me not to."

Gula: "mmmmmm the sweet taste of victory."

Luxu: "I don't taste anything."

Gula scornfully: "That's because it's my victory, not yours."

MoM: "Aced. How many times have I told you not to do specifically that."

Aced: "uh....."

MoM: "Oh, yes. I hadn't gotten around to that yet."


My poor fiance wants very much to like cats but he has, in his words “meaty hands” and an awareness of his large size. He’s VERY convinced that cats can be easily broken and therefore is scared to hold them. 

We’ve been exploring possible adoption routes for weeks and he has held one (1) cat the whole time and only because I plopped it in his lap while he was sitting. 

It’s not his fault, his whole family was allergic to cats and he never interacted with them while he was growing up. He’s equally scared of babies (who are, in his defense, actually much more breakable than cats). He’s even expressed fear of interacting with petite women/girls. His sister is 18 y/o, 4′10 and very slim and he does not like hugging her tightly because he’s just convinced he will snap all her bones.



I think I found Terra

…I mean it’s probably true but why

Are you really asking me that

mm it appears I did

Because you're absolutely the same they describe in that text.


My poor fiance wants very much to like cats but he has, in his words “meaty hands” and an awareness of his large size. He’s VERY convinced that cats can be easily broken and therefore is scared to hold them. 

We’ve been exploring possible adoption routes for weeks and he has held one (1) cat the whole time and only because I plopped it in his lap while he was sitting. 

It’s not his fault, his whole family was allergic to cats and he never interacted with them while he was growing up. He’s equally scared of babies (who are, in his defense, actually much more breakable than cats). He’s even expressed fear of interacting with petite women/girls. His sister is 18 y/o, 4′10 and very slim and he does not like hugging her tightly because he’s just convinced he will snap all her bones.



I think I found Terra

…I mean it’s probably true but why

Are you really asking me that

Anonymous asked:

*gently caresses hair* Damn Demyx, that must've taken a lot of hair gel. Ever thought of getting a different hairstyle other than a mohawk?

What the- why are you caressing-


*starts purring*

Well I mean...I gotta stand out amongst all these spikey haired weirdos somehow....


Are you saying something against my children, Demyx? *Mom of spiked hair sons*

......whaaaaaat?! Me?! N-No....

Are you sure? :)

Alright *Squinty*

Anonymous asked:

*gently caresses hair* Damn Demyx, that must've taken a lot of hair gel. Ever thought of getting a different hairstyle other than a mohawk?

What the- why are you caressing-


*starts purring*

Well I mean...I gotta stand out amongst all these spikey haired weirdos somehow....


Are you saying something against my children, Demyx? *Mom of spiked hair sons*

......whaaaaaat?! Me?! N-No....

Are you sure? :)

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