



Y/n, holding up a rat: I impulsively bought a pet rat, what should I name them?

Rebekah: what the hell?

Klaus: William Shakespeare

Kol, smirking: We talked about this when you feel like doing something stupid, do nik.


the habits of a broken heart.

☾ genre : soulmates au, unrequited love, art student!JK, english student!Y/N, angst, fluff, subtle enemies to lovers

☾ pairing : jeon jungkook x reader

☾ summary : jungkook and you are soulmates. so says the matching crescent moons on both your wrists. however, things are never as easy as they seem, and you are quick to learn that falling in love with someone who does not believe in love is a one-way ticket to heartbreak. 


“You still are, you know. Worth it.” You release a shaky breath. “But I was stupid to think that I am too.”

☾ word count: 26.3k (my biggest one yet!)

☾ author’s note: this took forever oh my gosh! i really hope you like it! it’s my first time writing such a big single piece, and trying a different style. thank you so much for your support, always! please let me know what you think ♡


Heartstring Melodies – Part 1

Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader

Genre: Soulmate AU, College AU, fuckboy!Yoongi

Summary: Min Yoongi, the fuckboy of the whole college and the guy all girls fall for, should be your soulmate? You don’t believe that, you don’t want to believe that. Therefore, you and your best friend make a pact: She pretends to be you and gets together with Yoongi. Nothing can go wrong with that, right?

Warnings: Light swearing

Word Count: 3.8K

Chapter One: «The course of true love never did run smooth.» – w.s.

Lost in thought, you pushed the strap of your backpack, which had slipped down, back onto your shoulder. You searched for the familiar bunch of black hair, but it wasn’t easy among the many groups of people standing in front of the library. A waving arm ended your search and with a little smile you headed in the direction of your best friend. No sooner had you reached her than you were pulled into a tight embrace. Your laughter was muffled by the body in front of you as you returned the hug.

“We last saw each other two days ago, Liv,” you laughed as she released her grip around your body and smiled at you. 

She shrugged as you walked towards the entrance of the building. “I hardly have anyone else but you,” she said softly and you could only hear her because it was so quiet in the library. “Besides, I’ve missed you.”

“We really should have studied the same subject,” you muttered. 

The three years of university would probably be a lot more fun and more exciting if the two of you sat next to each other in the lecture hall. But you knew that your passions and interests were in different areas. Liv would probably go insane if she had to listen to daily seminars about the salinity of the sea or hear the word ‛photosynthesis’ one more time. On the other hand, you would probably lose it if you had to hear the names Nietzsche, Sartre or Aristotle more than once a week.

You were aware that you shouldn’t make compromises when it came to your future. And it wasn’t as if you never saw Liv; on the contrary, you saw each other practically every day at lunchtime or after your lectures.

“Are you going to the lab later?” Liv asked as you sat down at an empty table.

You let yourself sink onto the chair, exhausted from the long day, and took your papers out of your backpack. “I don’t think so,” you replied and brushed a few strands of hair aside that had fallen into your face when you shook your head.

“Jin will be disappointed,” Liv teased but you ignored her ambiguous undertone. 

Anonymous asked:

What does the arab in your carrd mean? Is it like afab and amab?

.. i’m palestinian


same energy


there’s more




here’s another one




how does this get even worse

I think about once in a while...

We have another one...

Noooo NOOOOOO BECAUSE I ONCE HAD SOMEONE TELL ME I SHOULDN'T WRITE "ملك" IN MY TWITTER NAME BC ITS CULTURAL APPROPRIATION..... I told them DUDE have you read my bio?!?! I'm from EGYPT MF😭 OR HOW ABOUT WHEN SOMEONE TOLD ME NOT TO 'PRETEND' I'M EGYPTIAN BC MY SKIN IS LIGHT??? Oh PLEASE don't get me started on the people who still truly believe Egypt is all a desert?!!!! And how we still ride camels???? BRUH DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THESE SHITS ARE NOT TO MENTION THERE'S A THING CALLED ✨✨✨VEHICLES✨✨✨ PLS.....

I'm probably spamming, but to further prove my point, here are a few pics I snapped in downtown Cairo (where I live). This is only a SLIVER of what could be found in Egypt, including all the gorgeous coasts

Sometimes I feel the slightest bit of pity when the world bullies the US Americans but then they pull shit like this and then I can’t help but want to physically smack some intelligence into them. You know those teen movies and tv shows that Hollywood makes that have this big, dumb, asshole jock as the antagonist. That’s US Americans. US Americans are the big, dumb asshole jocks of the world


When someone says something stupid, my immediate thought is “ah yes, the American thinking they know everything” AND MOST OF THE FUCKING TIME, IT FUCKING IS AN AMERICAN. The world is a lot bigger than Americans think it is lmfao


Also, speaking as a white US american myself: In America, least in some places, they kinda require you to take a foreign language to graduate high school. And since Spanish is rapidly becoming more and more prevalent as a language in the US thanks to immigration from Latin American countries, speaking it is becoming more and more useful EVEN IF YOU DON'T COME FROM AN HISPANIC BACKGROUND. Hell, we even have kids shows like Dora and Sesame Street teaching Spanish. (And Sign Language, too! Sesame Street and Blues Clues often use sign language!) Jobs will often want to hire you more and perhaps even pay more if you can speak Spanish! There are ALOT of reasons for people, Hispanic origin or no, to speak/learn Spanish.

Besides. Far as I know, there's nothing "cultural appropriation" about learning another language. Period. If anything, you're actually communicating with them like a respectful human being rather than the classic American Tourist stereotype of yelling at them and slowly enunciating like they're a deaf idiot.

👏 👏 👏 attagirl, Mar! ❤

As an American, I concur. Americans are racist, insensitive, and fucking stupid. I'm sorry to all of you for the bullshit you've had to endure.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I love your blog and was wondering if you know any good enemies to lovers or arranged marriage fics? I don't care what pairing Thanks❤😘❤

Ok but this is literally one of my favourite tropes and as such I have made this list extra long. Hopefully this list isn’t too overwhelming for you guys. Enjoy!

Arranged Marriage:

Cerulean Blue by vanillapeachesandcream (Junghope,  48k, rated E)

A Gilded World by smiles (Yoonjin, 169k, rated E)

so far away (don’t fall away) by sugacravings (Yoonseok, 21k, not rated)

The Sun in Your Smile by pixelmins (Yoonseok, 11k, rated G)

Headlines by istherecolour (Yoonmin, 6k, rated G)

Second Chance by wildflow3r (Taegi, 2k, rated T)

Tell Me (How to Love) by Alyss_inwonderland (Taekook, 26k, rated T)

if i wanted to (i do) by kaythebest (Vmin, 41k, rated T)

A Coveted Love by hipsterminseok (Vhope, 55k, rated T)

Heart of War by paperhearts (Namjin, 93k, rated M)

Enemies to Lovers:

The Things Worth Going To War For by softlyblue (Yoonseok, 137k, rated E)

we write sins (not tragedies) by tteokie (Yoonseok, 8k, rated E)

Numinous by Abaddonia (Yoonmin, 22k, rated T)

Wet Depths by WorldwideWriter (Jikook, 10k, rated T)

what am i to you by sugadoh (Namgi, 3k, rated T)

Unwanted Butterflies by Lookingathimhurts (Taekook, 101k, rated E)

Cage Match by SlimeQueen (Taekook, 20k, rated E)

Honeymoon Paradise by jinfanfics (Taejin, 12k, rated M)

~ Admin LE

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