
Sunshine And Gumtrees

@acefryingpan / acefryingpan.tumblr.com

Li, she/her/they/them, ‘02 liner, AUSTRALIA, a proud STAY, multi kpop stan I swear, anime nerd, I really like Pokémon and Genshin

Anti wolf heck collar

“The purpose of the collar is to protect the dog wearing it when it has to fight the wolves. The collar base protects the dog’s throat and carotid arteries, while the spikes are intended to deter bites to the neck or even injure wolves trying to do so.”

“And what do you get from serving humans that you do not get from running free?” sneered the wolf.

“Free food, unconditional love and tactical upgrades,” replied the herding dog.

I see your anti-wolf dogs and raise you Spanish War Dogs.


I see your Spanish war dogs and raise you the Tibetan Mastiff, which was actually bred to fight tigers and has fur so thick that it doesn’t need armor

They’re also what I like to describe as ‘fuck you’ big

you want a fuck you dog ok i see your tibetan mastiffs, and raise you the caucasian shepherd dog 


they were bred to hunt bears, and they are fuck you dogs.

All I see are Good Pupps. 


Good sweet puppos


this is very random but I feel like nobody ever talks about them so happy pride month to all the bisexual men out there i hope you have a good month


Did you do karate when you were a kid?


I actually did!! It was great, I learned moves no kid should know and despite the fact that my karate teacher told us it was only for self defense I didn’t listen. One day in school, we were playing baseball for PE, and there was this kid who had the same name as me, but was slightly more well-liked by the other kids, I guess that was enough of a reason to do what I did next. So when we were waiting in line to play, I asked him to hold his hand out, I then grabbed it and contorted it in such a way that you can quickly and painfully pin someone to the ground in under 10 seconds. Anyways he squirmed around on the ground for a bit. I don’t know why I did this in retrospect, bitch shouldn’t have had my name I guess.


Stick out your hand

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