
Acid Drinker


Call me Rat (they/them)

That cat is absolutely an orphan-generating coal baron. The mustache and top-hat are there in spirit, if not actually. Legally, that cat's name should be Reacher Gilt.

Apparently this comment got screenshotted, escaped containment, and made its way back to the owner of the cat who found me.

Hew name is Lucy, she is well-loved, and she just looks like that all the time:

feminism WIN: the orphan-generating coal baron cat is a GIRL


pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc

against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"


I just think it’s romantic to be possessive over someone’s death. No one gets to kill you but me. I want to hold you as you die. Your last breath should mingle with mine. I want your blood on my hands because I’m the one that spilled it.


mammon x mc concept-

MC speaks a whole lot of human world languages. Mammon does not. They’re constantly calling him words he doesn’t understand, but when he asks them what they’re saying, they mischievously refuse to tell him. So he assumes they’re probably insults.

Then one day Mammon gets his hands on a potion that allows him to understand all languages, only to realize that they’ve been calling him the Sweetest, Cheesiest terms of endearment ever.

“my soul”

“my favorite”

“my treasure”

“light of my eyes”

“little sun”



I think he would combust.


Here to interrupt your regular Christmas programming: in the last 24 hours, Israel has committed 25 massacres, killing 250 Palestinians in their homes and bringing the total of Palestinians directly killed by Israel in Gaza to 20,674.


man i need a better packing harness im always going to the bathroom and my penis is fucking horizonal and sideways like hope no one saw my awkward and freakish bulge just then

hey man. yeah um this is awkward. yeah i just pulled you aside to say. i-uh.. dude your penis has been twisted into a strange origami shape never seen before. it’s like a mobius loop, it’s defying the laws of what human flesh can and cannot do . u should see a doctor dude


Leslie Feinberg on trans exclusion in feminist spaces.

“We’re in danger of losing what the entire second wave of feminism, what the entire second wave of women’s liberation was built on, and that was ‘Biology is not destiny’. ‘One is not born a woman,’ Simone de Beauvoir said, ‘one becomes one’. Now there’s some place where transsexual women and other women intersect. Biological determinism has been used for centuries as a weapon against women, in order to justify a second-class and oppressed status. How on Earth, then, are you going to pick up the weapon of biological determinism and use it to liberate yourself? It’s a reactionary tool.”

From TransSisters: The Journal of Transsexual Feminism, issue 7, volume 1. 1995.

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