


Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.
Writer and professional fangirl.
Birthday: January 30th
Pansexual 💖💛💙 She/Her

Is there a word that’s a mix between angry and sad


malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated



there are two types of people

i’ve only seen this legendary post in screenshots

It’s always so cool when you find these legendary posts and the OPs are not deactivated. It’s like, the gods still walk among us.


god it's so funny cause the last time they were in front of camp together annabeth was shoving percy into a lake and then the next time camp sees them she's running and embraces him for a long ass time like. guys. this is why everyone shipped you


Now that the pjo show has been OFFICALLY RENEWED FOR A SECOND SEASON here are some things i absolutely need

-The photo of annabeth needs to be a physical photo, i dont want percy to just like stare at a picture of her in his iphone or something. NO. It has to bephysical, printed, or a polariod photo. You could argue that it makes more sense nowadays for the photo to be digital, BUT THATS WHY IT REALLY NEEDS TO BE PHYSICAL, TO SHOW HOW MUCH PERCY WANTED TO ASURE HIMSELF THAT SHE WAS REAL, SO BEING PHYSICAL HE CAN LITERALLY FEEL HER PRESENCE.

- 40/50 minutes episodes, its a must, it will help with the passing and the flow of the story.

-at least one flashback of thalia, luke and annabeth, NOT ONLY WHEN THEY JUST ARRIVED AT CAMP, i want to feel the angst through my screen.


-Grover in a wedding dress, but a true and through wedding dress, im talking veil, im talking volume, compromise with the cause.

-This one is just me, but i want to see silena and beckendorf, my precious angels.

-The kiss on the check, be after the chariot race, dont do the chariot race, fucking change the whole ambience i dont care, but the kiss has to happen. I wouldnt be mad if they did it while annabeth and percy were alone, at night while watching the stars i think it would feel more intimate, and i think it goes with how the relationship has been developing in the show.

-Grovers empathy link with percy, go fucking wild with it.


I think thats all


Walker? Sir? Mr. Actor?

Jokes aside. That look? That anger? Percy finally having enough and being pissed off with a God who doesn’t care about his children, insulted his friends, ruined their quest and wants to start an unnecessary war where he has nothing to lose? But most importantly… Percy literally QUAKING with unchecked rage for a God who came in the way of him saving his mom?


hades 🤝 hephaestus

unproblematic kings who are legitimately chill dudes, are often used as scapegoats, and are sick of their siblings shit


Raise your hand if Percy saying "I'm Ok" over and over again as he reassures Annabeth while he's slowly suffocating to death wrecked you because


That had be bawling😭 Not only seeing Annabeth cry (that started the tears), but to watch as Percy put on a brave face and reassured her that he was okay. Then how, after the shield falls, she not only ignores it she tries to figure out how to undone the “impossible chair”

THEN; how she defends him. How she’s like, Zeus, Ares, and my mother are like that, but he’s not. 😭





Percy thinks Annabeth wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice him 😭😭😭 he gave her riptide 😭😭😭 guys im crying. You don't understand. AHHHHHHHH. He says she's better then him and they know it. She's panicking and he's telling her it's ok guys 😭😭😭 she's trying to dismantle Hephaestus's machine 😭😭😭 Annabeth said Percy is better then them and she's gonna stop being like them and be more like him 😭😭😭 AHHHHHHHHH


so grover tricking the literal god of war into an impromptu therapy session to get information wasn’t exactly on my Percy Jackson show bingo card but I’m certainly not complaining


“Gabe isn’t abusive in the show” ARE WE WATCHING THE SAME SHOW???

Gabe is literally introduced by yelling at someone who, when Percy apologizes for Gabe’s behavior, says “I’m walking out, you’re walking in. I should be apologizing to you.” And then Percy reluctantly and slowly walks inside. And Gabe immediately starts in on him (calling him “Genius” in a mocking tone) as Percy repeatedly expresses that he just wants to talk to his mom ( and Gabe’s subsequent “Is that all you have to say to me?”) The fact that he answered Sally’s phone and acted like he had every right to do so?? The way he shows begrudging respect when thinks Percy was violent towards another kid at school?? The “you would think that because you’re a child, you don’t understand things…” The way he gets annoyed that Percy wants to know where his mother is. The “what are we doing Percy? every time! wow…wow!” in such a condescending tone??? Percy’s immediate alarm when Sally calls Gabe’s name. Gabe immediately yelling at Sally, not knowing anything about Percy’s life (he didn’t even know his school’s name despite literally just talking to them), the way he makes Sally negotiate to use the car (“Why am I okay with this?” “Make sure they put the hot peppers on my sandwich please!”) the way he acts like his tone of voice shouldn’t matter to Sally because he said “please” the aggressive behavior even after he concedes to letting them use the car (getting in Percy’s face, pointing his finger at him, etc.), like???

Just because he isn’t depicted as smacking the shit out of them doesn’t mean he isn’t abusive. He is constantly yelling, even when it’s not necessary, and is overall condescending and rude towards both Percy and Sally. He has a positive reaction towards the idea of Percy being violent, which means that he probably has no problems getting violent himself, even if it isn’t show on screen. The fact that he is constantly trying to redirect Percy and Sally’s decision to make himself the center of it (he is trying to goad Percy into an argument when he gets kicked out of school and overall keeps trying to redirect the conversation back to himself, he acts like he is allowed to breach Sally and Percy’s privacy but then makes Sally get his permission to drive somewhere, and even then she has to give him something in return). Like he is very clearly controlling and emotionally/financially abusive (he acts like Sally’s things are his despite not having a job and likely blowing through their money). It also seems like he tries to diminish Percy’s self esteem, possibly to keep him and Sally under his thumb (it’s a common tactic used by abusers to make the victims feel like the need to depend on the abuser). Overall, just because he might not be physically abusing them, doesn’t mean he isn’t abusing them and doesn’t mean his actions aren’t harmful. Furthermore, just because he isn’t violent on screen doesn’t mean he isn’t violent.


Op killed this, explained perfectly. I just also wanna add, not all, but I know some (experience) abusive relationships, with parents or significant others or even friends, aren’t always negative. They’re good days, just as they’re bad days (the physical violence and name calling, etc.)

I think or the way I depicted the scene with Gabe, was that it was a better day, than usual. The good days range, because it can be just like how Sally acted with Gabe, or it could be them being overly nice to you. Honestly, I think they depicted it perfectly, as readers we know Gabe is awful and what he’s done and his future.

However, it also shows non-readers, even readers, and children that abuse isn’t always physical, it isn’t always the stereotypical behavior that’s depicted in media. It shows and brings awareness to all forms of abuse, to all forms of mistreatment.

You are so correct! As someone who has been abused I can 100% say that there are good days and bad days! There are days when you wake up gently, and there are days when you wake up to yelling. There are days when you can joke around, and days when everything sets your abuser off. There are days when they apologize, and days when they demand an apology. There are days when you feel like running away and days when you feel guilty over those thoughts, days when you feel guilty for snapping back at them, for setting your own boundaries. Many abusers are great at manipulating, which is part of what makes it so hard to leave.

Unfortunately there’s been a major decrease in media literacy especially when it comes to topics like abuse. You’ll see people say things like “they’re just in a toxic relationship” or “they bring out the worst in each other” when it’s just an accurate depiction of an abusive relationship. The uptake of the word “gaslighting” and similar ideas has also made it harder for people who haven’t experienced abuse to accurately understand abuse because the language is now associated with something else! I’ve seen people say that “gaslighting” is just another word for manipulation or some other inaccurate definition when it has a more specific and historical context. I think that it happens a lot in psychology too, somewhat because other media incorrectly uses certain terms, and the public doesn’t further research into it. Honestly one of my biggest pet peeves is media illiteracy, sorry for going on such a long rant about it!

Don’t apologize! I love hearing other’s opinions and seeing how they think. (I didn’t know how to just comment on this so I’m reblogging sorry)

Also, I completely agree with you. It absolutely sucks how the media displays it but also how people react to it and don’t research or try to understand.

Also, much love🩵 I hope you are healing and in a wonderful place, and perhaps if not I hope and know you’ll get there! Have a wonderful, night or day.


“Gabe isn’t abusive in the show” ARE WE WATCHING THE SAME SHOW???

Gabe is literally introduced by yelling at someone who, when Percy apologizes for Gabe’s behavior, says “I’m walking out, you’re walking in. I should be apologizing to you.” And then Percy reluctantly and slowly walks inside. And Gabe immediately starts in on him (calling him “Genius” in a mocking tone) as Percy repeatedly expresses that he just wants to talk to his mom ( and Gabe’s subsequent “Is that all you have to say to me?”) The fact that he answered Sally’s phone and acted like he had every right to do so?? The way he shows begrudging respect when thinks Percy was violent towards another kid at school?? The “you would think that because you’re a child, you don’t understand things…” The way he gets annoyed that Percy wants to know where his mother is. The “what are we doing Percy? every time! wow…wow!” in such a condescending tone??? Percy’s immediate alarm when Sally calls Gabe’s name. Gabe immediately yelling at Sally, not knowing anything about Percy’s life (he didn’t even know his school’s name despite literally just talking to them), the way he makes Sally negotiate to use the car (“Why am I okay with this?” “Make sure they put the hot peppers on my sandwich please!”) the way he acts like his tone of voice shouldn’t matter to Sally because he said “please” the aggressive behavior even after he concedes to letting them use the car (getting in Percy’s face, pointing his finger at him, etc.), like???

Just because he isn’t depicted as smacking the shit out of them doesn’t mean he isn’t abusive. He is constantly yelling, even when it’s not necessary, and is overall condescending and rude towards both Percy and Sally. He has a positive reaction towards the idea of Percy being violent, which means that he probably has no problems getting violent himself, even if it isn’t show on screen. The fact that he is constantly trying to redirect Percy and Sally’s decision to make himself the center of it (he is trying to goad Percy into an argument when he gets kicked out of school and overall keeps trying to redirect the conversation back to himself, he acts like he is allowed to breach Sally and Percy’s privacy but then makes Sally get his permission to drive somewhere, and even then she has to give him something in return). Like he is very clearly controlling and emotionally/financially abusive (he acts like Sally’s things are his despite not having a job and likely blowing through their money). It also seems like he tries to diminish Percy’s self esteem, possibly to keep him and Sally under his thumb (it’s a common tactic used by abusers to make the victims feel like the need to depend on the abuser). Overall, just because he might not be physically abusing them, doesn’t mean he isn’t abusing them and doesn’t mean his actions aren’t harmful. Furthermore, just because he isn’t violent on screen doesn’t mean he isn’t violent.


Op killed this, explained perfectly. I just also wanna add, not all, but I know some (experience) abusive relationships, with parents or significant others or even friends, aren’t always negative. They’re good days, just as they’re bad days (the physical violence and name calling, etc.)

I think or the way I depicted the scene with Gabe, was that it was a better day, than usual. The good days range, because it can be just like how Sally acted with Gabe, or it could be them being overly nice to you. Honestly, I think they depicted it perfectly, as readers we know Gabe is awful and what he’s done and his future.

However, it also shows non-readers, even readers, and children that abuse isn’t always physical, it isn’t always the stereotypical behavior that’s depicted in media. It shows and brings awareness to all forms of abuse, to all forms of mistreatment.


Percy, you know who you remind me of most? Thalia. You guys are so much alike, its scary. I mean, either you would have been best friends or you would've strangled each other. (insp)


I’m going a little wild over the fact that Percy started feeling the effects of the chimera’s poison two minutes before he collapsed. I thought this part of the episode was weird when I first saw it because the camera focuses on him when it seemingly should be focusing on Annabeth, but then, I realized Percy’s odd behavior while he’s in focus.

He also turns abruptly, and a little late, to Annabeth, as if he just remembered to listen to her, as if he’d been distracted by something.

Then, this boy starts cracking jokes to cheer her up instead of saying, “Hey, something’s wrong; I could literally be dying.” And you can see on his face a few seconds before he collapses that the poison’s starting to really get to him, and still, he doesn’t attempt to get her attention and ask for help.

Then, when they’re at the fountain, he tells her and Grover that he’s feeling better even though he obviously isn’t, because he’s hoping he’s physically strong enough to pretend. (He falls on his ass.)

100% Percy just didn’t want to worry them and thought there was no way to find a cure in time anyway. I’M SCREAMINGG

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