
Midnight Shard


Experimenting, I wonder what will come out of this. Might as well keep at it. Also, this place is filled with NINJAGO SHAZ.

I loved how they had to learn how to control the mech instead of just instantly knowing how to drive it like a gary sue. 

pats chest * made my heart go boom.


Hey everyone! Check our new episode of NRT!

By the way, we've been running low on active voice actors recently. Feel free to check out our newer videos and the Discord server if you wanna get a feel for what we do and if you want to see if you'd like to do table reads of Ninjago episode scripts! (Our older videos feature us really just getting used to the whole thing so uhhh expect not-so-riveting performances XD) Feel free to message me too if you have any questions!

There are criteria to apply for VA but we accept any skill level of acting since this thing is just a hobby and the important thing is to have fun!

Thanks for reading!

Personally, I use this to train myself and get better with not just voice acting but just socializing with people in general, diving into something without overthinking about mistakes, and not dwelling so much on the imperfections afterward. And I keep learning more and more.



The Master of Fire: Kai 🔥

I haven't been posting new stuff in a while, so let me continue with this 😁🎶
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