
Ramblings of an Unsorted Nature

@deniedmysign / deniedmysign.tumblr.com

80's Kid, Old Fandom /Gay Transman /Blogs what I want (but you can ask for tags) /You're safe from ship hate with me. I don't police ships, and I don't ascribe to purity culture /Anon hate is cowardice and I will call that shit out. Norse Heathen, not a fucking Nazi and Norse Heathenry isn't for Nazis.

A lot of archers struggle to know when to stop, so here’s a Scientific(tm) answer to the question!

(this went waaay further than I anticipated!)

Support my nonesense: Patreon - Linktree


my mutual charlottan was deleted by staff. i have followed her for over 10 years watching her unique work in music charting and she has been nothing but kind and an absolute delight. completely unbelievable. queerest place on the internet unless you’re a trans woman. @humans @support charlottan is a staple of my dashboard and her blog should be returned to her.


I think my favorite culture shook conversation between myself and Joy happened when the first time she (British) was visited me (USA) for longer then a month.

Joy calling me at work in a panic: "WHY ARE THE BOMB SIRENS GOING OFF."

Me: "Oh yeah it's Wednesday."

Joy: "..."

Me: "..."


For those unaware, the first Wednesday of the month is when they test the tornado sirens.

The sirens sound very much like WW2 air raid sirens.

It was an Experience to say the least 😂

Just a normal recess for elementary school me


There’s so many options for an adult scooby doo show though

  1. More deeply criticizing rich people who often end up being the monsters
  2. Same tone and goofiness as the kids’ shows but in adult situations like murders or strip clubs
  3. Gang is college age and trying to still solve mysteries while growing up and living young adult lives
  4. The gang embraces it’s Summer of ‘69 roots and is a period piece that shows how a hippie, a nerd, a rich girl, and some random white dude would be so close in divisive times. While fighting ghosts.
  5. A Clue-like parody of the mystery genre
  6. An openly ACAB show
  7. An adaptation of the zombie comic
  8. Mockumentary series where the gang has a ghost hunting yt channel
  9. A generally more serious tone but still has jokes and a talking dog
  10. Exactly the same as one of the kids’ shows but Shaggy smokes weed on screen and Scooby swears

The Fat Protestor

by @sparklejams and @jordallenhall

For everyone showing up to protest the US government funding of a genocide -- be loud, be safe. Your body is a force. If you are able, use it.

Police identify people by body type/clothing. Be aware (as if you could possibly forget) that you don't have the privilege of blending into the crowd.

Be aware that fatmisic police protocol and infrastructure can endanger your life during arrest.

Let this inform the risk that you take.

If you get arrested: raise hell about being cuffed with your hands in front of your body.

Mid-fat, super-fat, and infinifat people are especially at risk of positional asphyxia when cuffed with their arms behind them. Be especially vocal about any stress position where your knees are raised (sitting on a low police van bench, for instance).

Police typically don't listen to folks when concern is expressed over being cuffed in the back -- be loud. Verse yourself and your community in de-arresting practice. These risks are not commonly known, though are present not only for fat people, but also those with asthma and other breathing difficulties.

Make sure the people you are with are informed of these risks before protesting.

Direct action is sweaty. Prepare against crease rashes (yep - it's a normal self care maintenance thing if you have skin rolls/folds. It's normal. It's common. It's nothing to be ashamed about.) by drying with paper towels, using antiperspirant or cornstarch under your breasts/belly. When you get home, shower and treat with a wound cleanser (shoutout bactine spray) or a tea tree oil balm or soap as needed.

Our fat bodies are magnificent contributions at protests. Our fat bodies take more effort to move - think of all the wonderful ways we can use this to our advantage at a protest or direct action. We can block pathways and hold precious land with our fat bodies. We can shield and protect precious people with our fat bodies.


• Change of socks. If you get caught in the rain or doused with water, or even if you sweat through your socks - walking around in wet socks will cause bad blistering.

• Light first aid/bandaids

• Water, snacks, meds

• A physical copy of your emergency contact in case of arrest

Try to go with other fat people. Comrades in normative bodies may not always consider your body and what is safe for you - so make sure you loudly advocate for yourself and your needs within whatever group you are with.

Stay cool. Take breaks. Sit or stop when you need to. Try to be hyper-mindful of getting overheated.

In case of hospitalization:

• Make a packet containing all medical info, advance directives, and emergency contacts. Put it in a clear sleeve with a humanizing photo of you with loved ones at the front.

• Learn more about how to make a Connection Kit and humanize yourself to healthcare workers in the Know Your Rights Guide on nobodyisdisposable.org

Remember that there is so much to do beyond the front lines.

• Provide jail support (wait to greet released protesters with water, snacks, hugs, and rides home).

• Provide your home as a central prep and recovery space before/after.

• Stay near the action and offer your car as a mobile phone charging station.

• Provide childcare.

• Drop off supplies.

Honor your body as a resource for civil disobedience. Center your needs.


"I miss when movies weren't political-"

ALIEN is about a megacorporation coercing some salvagers into transporting a dangerous creature without telling them what it is, all because the creature could be a great bioweapon for them. When a survivor of this failed transport mission wants reparations, they screw her over to avoid a scandal.

ROBOCOP is about another mega-corporation experimenting with a cop's body and declaring him their property, trying to reduce him to an obedient killing machine who can maintain the status quo for them.

JURASSIC PARK is about a rich billionaire going all out to make a dinosaur-themed amusement park, not caring about the real-world implications of resurrecting giant lizards. He also underpays ONE guy to maintain the entire park's security systems so predictably, that one guy betrays him at a crucial moment.

The best movies weave their politics with plot & character, so you can enjoy them as entertainment but can also notice the themes. Movies without themes wind up being all spectacle and no substance, just noise and color like Michael Bay's Transformers franchise. Yeah, they make money, but they'll be forgotten in 2 generations.


it's one large Abu Ghraib machine with shopping malls and luxury apartments attached to it and Zionists seem to think I should care that the apartments are nice & their cousin's son owns a popup at the mall. but I do not care how beautiful the apartments are and I do not care that the mall is fun and that their cousin isn't very racist. the part I care about is the part where Israel is a nation-sized Guantanamo Bay factory & enabling the continued existence of an apartheid ethnostate is a crime against humanity


A mob of Zionists corner and beat Palestinian journalist Saif Al Qawasmi in the Arab quarter of Jerusalem (June 5, 2024). These pictures are worth a million words on their own, but do consider that this was in East Jerusalem, where the same Zionist mob chanted "death to Arabs" as they paraded through the area on the same day. Saif was also arrested by the Israeli police soon after he was assaulted, his equipment confiscated. Is the state protecting and coddling its unhinged far right citizen mobs? Of course, after all they share the same genocidal values.


Do the bat's know about the All-Blades? Cuz if not, Jason has an opportunity to do the funniest thing


The way this implies Dick Grayson is evil,

From my understanding, Jason can summon the All-Blades at any time but they can appear outside of his control “in the face of true evil”.

I interpret that to mean the one he’s fighting can not have a single shred of Good in them. Which in my opinion, would make this funnier, if he just never Tells anyone he can summon them at will.

Just reread the comic after seeing this, it seems like he is sensing the Evil if the untitled and is choosing to use the blades as his weapon because they are what would work (he doesn't have copper bullets).

Apart from "fueling the blades with his own blood" and the fact that they are the All Blades it doesn't seem like it's an only in the face of true evil thing.

Are they just copper sword that can be summoned and require sacrifice?

I like that depending on the comic the all blades are on fire so Jason is literally holding a flaming sword:

Like bro… how’s your hand?

Also just the fact that out of all the bats it’s JASON that has magic swords to fight evil.

I find that objectively so funny like imagine you’re fighting the red hood. He runs out of bullets and you’re so excited, you got him! The fuckers going down!! He’s outnumbered by like 15 to 1 and he’s out of bullets.

And then he just summons fucking flaming swords

I’d give up. I’d take one look at the flaming swords and surrender. Not paid enough to deal with this shit

Anonymous asked:

Ok now do the batkids sneaking back IN after sneaking out

Cass: *crawls through the vents*
Dick: *scales the wall and silently parkours through every room*
Jason: *commits arson as a diversion*
Steph: *disguises herself as furniture*
Damian: *mails himself in a package for same-day delivery*
Tim: *stages his own kidnapping and subsequent escape*
Duke: *walks in through the front door while Bruce is distracted by everyone else*

I still can't stop thinking about cryptid Dovahkiin. Like there's just something about them distinctively inhuman that they can't shake. The way they travel effortlessly through the country. The way they somehow know where their enemies are at all times in combat. The way they can navigate to anywhere in Skyrim with nothing more than a vague description. The way they always know everyone's name, without speaking to them. The way they always know where their objective is, unfailingly. The way they are a blank slate, hardly emoting, often locked behind armor or a mask. The way they react faster than anyone would consider possible to changing situations, almost like they've done it all before. The way they are able to melt into the shadows when they hide. The way they are able to navigate the landscape with unfaltering ease, climbing sheer cliffaces and walking along mountain ranges. The way they APPEAR so human, but are just... not.


May I present to you…



This is why we MUST stan. 🫡


Mother Fucker Unlimited


It’s Meep! Meep is a bit of a celebrity in the axolotl world. She is believed to have a form of dwarfism and is not significantly overweight, although she looks it especially in this photo.

The owner is a well-known and experienced handler who has four other axolotls that are way more… axolotl shaped lol. But she is healthy, not being overfed or suffering due to poor husbandry.

Actually Cute!



FYI if your employer does this, if they have done it for a long time especially, you and your coworkers could be owed huge amounts of unpaid wages and it would be an easy suit if there is a paper trail like this and your employer is placing strict requirements on your behavior while not at work. Employment lawyers generally work on contingency. Just food for thought.

A national park I worked at had all the permanent rangers (I was seasonal) basically on stand by for call outs 24-7 or they were penalized on their reviews.

They got tired of it, sued, won, and the nps had to pay back YEARS of back wages for stand by time. Now they are all scheduled and if* you get called out its time and a half.

ONLY because some rangers stood up.

If your employer does this: document document document, then find an attorney

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