
I don't know what I'm doing with my life

@avalon-of-babylon / avalon-of-babylon.tumblr.com

Any/All - Call me Avalon or Ava - Writer | Moderator | Little Shit - ADHD | Dyslexic | Autistic | Dumbass - Chronic big sad and anxiety haver - DOB: 1998, April 13th

I'm trying to go to sleep but my brain keeps playing "where are you Christmas" from the live action grinch movie on pan flues


That sounds tame from the stomach acid dreams i get sometimes

I have a recurring dream where I'm stuck in some backrooms esq never ending wear house/industrial district, being followed by a creepy clown that moves like a weeping angle but never gets closer than like 350ft from me.

By far, the weirdest part, however, is that the dream only ever ends with me finally finding a bridge out of town that crosses a ravine right before the clown finally catches up with me just as the soviet Russian army (with tanks) arrives at the other side of the bridge, aparently also looking for my dumbass of all people. And instead of dealing with any of that, I decided fuck it and yeet myself over the side of the bridge into the chasm below.

The sad thing about my dreams is that i cant remember them

Maybe that's for the best another time I drempt the streamer Shark was a literal hedgehog in a world of sentient lemons


pov: you give him a valentine

Hope yall are having a great St Valentine's day! 💖


I'm trying to go to sleep but my brain keeps playing "where are you Christmas" from the live action grinch movie on pan flues


That sounds tame from the stomach acid dreams i get sometimes

I have a recurring dream where I'm stuck in some backrooms esq never ending wear house/industrial district, being followed by a creepy clown that moves like a weeping angle but never gets closer than like 350ft from me.

By far, the weirdest part, however, is that the dream only ever ends with me finally finding a bridge out of town that crosses a ravine right before the clown finally catches up with me just as the soviet Russian army (with tanks) arrives at the other side of the bridge, aparently also looking for my dumbass of all people. And instead of dealing with any of that, I decided fuck it and yeet myself over the side of the bridge into the chasm below.


after finding out a lot of friends haven't seen movies I consider formative to childhood (I grew up in South America, so they definitely had international reach!) I'm curious to know just how many haven't seen some of these... uh, let's call them children's classics.

Due to the list of potentials being massive, I'll restrict this to the 1980s, and not include Disney animated movies i can't promise there won't be further polls

(feel free to sound off in tags the ones you haven't seen, if it's more than one!)

All of these are good but if you haven't watched Secret of NIMH please look into it it's such a good film and I think it's the best animation America in the 80s produced bar none.

Also my very first baby crush in the world was on Justin and that probably says things about me XD

I've never seen The Neverending Story all the way through, I just can't get into it and why sit through a movie you're not vibbing with when you can spend that hour and half doing something you do enjoy- like building an underground illegal weed farm in No Man's Sky


This is a distance of roughly 625 miles and we are going to assume that the speed does not include the time penalty of Spain having a different Rail Gauge than France.

At 890 miles of rail you can get New York to Chicago which would be the ideal first route, but what can you get with 625 miles that makes more since than Columbus?

Well at that distance you can get Raleigh-DC-Philadelphia-NYC- Boston

With intermediate stops in Richmond, Baltimore, New Haven, and Providence

That is a route that is not only good, but has potential to be one of the most used rail lines in the world if it were at high speeds and a cheap price


How about putting some more rails, especially high speed, out here in the midwest, so those of us stuck out here can travel without hours in a car or spending hundreds on a plane ticket?

I guess another route of equivalent length would be St.Paul-Madison-Milwaukee-Chicago- -Indianapolis-louisville


I remember when Obama put aside the money for a rapid light rail system from Chicago to Minneapolis. And the loathsome then Governor of Wisconsin gave the money back, and blocked the project.

Dick who never ever discusses his own problems with anyone: We are a family!!! We should communicate our issues and feelings!!!
Jason who regularly airs out the family's dirty laundry over various rooftops, warehouses and other parts of Gotham: I'd rather die again!!!
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