
I just... who took this picture??? I have so many questions. Was it an existing photo or did they take it for this purpose?

Did they go up to Garp like: "Hey we need a photo of your kid for the Reverie to talk about how dangerous he is."

Garp: "For sure. I got just the one."

Then he proceeds to do the most parent thing possible and picks the dorkiest one.

Or did they just run into him and he just politely stood there smiling for the photo like a celebrity being recognized for the first time???

"Yes, that is me. The Revolutionary. Death to celestial dragons ✌"


I have the same affection for Luffy as I do for a little cousin that really likes hot wheels. Like hell yeah little guy collect those toy cars. Destroy the government? Hell yeah little guy. He's real to me.


actually toxic masculinity was permanently defeated when aragorn cradled boromir’s face and said “be at peace son of gondor” and then tenderly kissed him on the forehead

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