

@a-weird-pokemon-family / a-weird-pokemon-family.tumblr.com

Rainbow the Pincurchin, Aishi the shiny Magearna, Holly Day the Mimikyu, Graf the Grafaiai, Celia the Cetitan, Lydia the Smoliv, and Sparkle the shiny Obstagoon

Hi! (Interaction List)

My name is Rainbow, but you can call me Cactus, Pincurchin, Asriel, or Hop!

DNI If......

- Pr*shippers

- R*cists


- Zoos/P*dos

- Homoph*bes

- Ableists


- K!nks

Thin Ice if.....

- Asriel Dreemurr/Hop doubles (Makes me a bit uncomfy......... I get a bit freaked out about the idea of another me)

Please interact if........

- SFW agere

- Pokemon fans

- Neurodivergents


- Non-Binary folks


- Pincurchin fans! (He’s not an irl of mine, I’m just a pokeblog)

- SFW Furries

- Self Shippers

- Animal Crossing fans

- ChalkZone fans

- Encanto fans

- Undertale fans

Hope this helps!


So, the "Convoy" people in Canada have been emboldened by the events in the US and are now targeting numerous all-ages drag events across the country to disrupt and intimidate LGBTQ+ people, their friends, and their families. There are currently at least four events that are being targeted. The fascists are also organizing a walk-out at a high school (details below) for students who want to protest against "woke ideology" and the presence of trans students.

There are calls to action in Hamilton on Nov. 24th, tomorrow:

This Friday, Nov. 25th, in Renfrew, at St. Joseph's High School, people need counter-protesters to shield students from the far-right coming to intimidate trans students:

Sarnia on Nov. 26th:

Napanee on Dec. 10th:

Hamilton on Dec 11th:

You can watch a video from Crystal here: https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUIF-8ru_3


Calls to action are popping up in several places across Canada in the coming days and weeks as the far-right, with groups such the nazi “White Lives Matter” org and “Freedom Convoy” groups are set to disrupt, intimidate, and potentially assault LGBTQ+ communities AND KIDS across the country. This is all happening after the events in Colorado, and Oakville Trafalgar HS in Ontario, which has received several bomb threats now due to LibsOfTiktok targeting teacher Kayla Lemieux.

I just reblogged this, but you know what, I need to comment. This is cometely vile and I certainly hope that Ontario police will do something about it. Plesse, please reblog the hell out of this to show our support for LGBTQ+ and Trans rights in Ontario and in Canada. Lets show these assholes that we will NOT stand for hate. If you live in any of these areas, please consider attending to show your support for our community.

Police have been told. Drag performers are scared and have told authorities, but they hear nothing back from the cops. We are on our own with this. Hence calls to action so LGBTQ+ ppl and cishet allies can show up to stand against the fascists, since law enforcement is not gonna do anything.


When you see it, REBLOG IT.

Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
If you ever want to talk: My Tumblr ask is always open.

Hi, so this might be random but I haven't seen anything about it on here and I know this is a website full of depressed people who probably use dry shampoo.


"Among 148 batches from 34 different brands of dry shampoo products, 70% of samples tested showed "quantifiable" levels of benzene."

These products and more are being recalled for containing cancer causing chemicals. And because of the nature of dry shampoo is to spray it in your bathroom, directly onto your head, it can linger in the air and expose you to the chemicals for longer periods of time.

"The detection of high levels of benzene in dry shampoos should be cause for significant concern since these products are likely used indoors, where benzene may linger and be inhaled for prolonged periods of time."

THIS IS A LINK to one article full of information, but you should probably do your own research on the subject to figure out if you currently have or have used one of these products and what to do about it moving forward.

I forgot to date this but this is from early November 2022. The article is from the 3rd. And PLEASE remember that the included photos were lifted directly from the article and I don't think they actually include every recalled product. If you use or have used dry shampoo then make sure you do your own research! This post was simply to put the word out there.

ID. photos of rows of several different brands of dry shampoo. End ID.


I need you guys to listen so bad, but I’m at least glad people on Twitter are starting to talk about this. The government of Canada is expanding Medically Assisted Death to cull the poor and disabled, and now suicidal and mentally ill (these are usually interchangeable of course here). It is EUGENICS and every single disabled rights organization is against it.

Disability payments are $1,200 a month. The average one bedroom apartment rent in the Greater Toronto Area (greatest pop. area by far here) is $2,000 a month. People with mental illnesses are on months long waitlists to get even a single publicly funded session. Weeks to get privately funded care which costs at least $200 a session. There is no housing here for disabled people. We are in one of the worst housing crises in the world right now.

Doctors are now offering MAiD unprompted to young suicidal people. This woman is 21, a health practitioner literally suggested she kill herself.

This is one of the worst Disability Rights Violations we’ve ever seen in Canada. The government is killing us because it is cheaper than funding healthcare, cheaper than giving people housing and food and basic human rights.


If you think that masc/amab/male aligned people shouldn't be allowed in the selfship community or don't have a place here, get the fuck off my blog. Selfshipping is literally for everyone and anyone, not just feminine folks.

Ever since I posted this I lost 10 followers so I wanted to say that I'm perfectly okay with this and I will say it again

If you think that masc/amab/male aligned people shouldn't be in this community then fuck off. Selfshipping is for everyone, and I mean everyone.

Daily reminder I'm transmasc so you're unwelcome on my blog if you believe I shouldn't be in the community ❤️

Everyone is welcome to selfship regardless of gender expression go away if you think otherwise. Yes even the trans and NB people who are gender-nonconforming. Men with pussies, women with penises, if you're okay with your body but you go against your AGAB, and you selfship? You're unstoppable and I am kissing you on the mouth (/p)

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