
Oh Shit~ Sweet Flip~


He/Him 15; Personal- @im-a-shit-post

Dr James Barry, the first doctor to perform a successful C section wherein both mother and child survived, was a huge champion of handwashing at a time when most doctors didn’t wash their hands. For this reason, many of the chilldbirths he delivered resulted in healthier babies and mothers. He was also a gay trans man, who specifically wrote that upon his death he wished for his body to be taken in its nightshirt, wrapped in his sheets as a shroud, and placed into the coffin so that nobody would see his body. His wishes were not respected, and as a result he was outed at his death.

i’ve also been informed he had a poodle. He named his poodle Psyche. I’d just like to congratulate him on being an excellent human being, who not only pioneered modern medicine but also had good taste in dogs. that is all.

types of responses to this post

  1. i thought this was fake but it’s not
  2. here’s the sawbones episode about him
  3. cis people

He was also reportedly quite the ladies’ man, and he’d apparently carried a child to term and gave birth.


he’s one of my favorite historical figures and ive read a lot on him including the biography Scanty Particulars by Rachel Holmes. a lot of the details of his life are difficult to figure out, partly cause he was very private and partly cause he had so many rumors surrounding him. here are some of my fave facts about him:

-he was very concerned with protecting poor people, women and people of color, aka all the people most of upper class british society at the time cared the least about. he worked to reform prisons and hospitals in south africa at risk to his own career, and also improved the conditions under which poor enlisted british soldiers and their families lived

-he was kind of a known hothead. he was rumored to have fought at least one duel (probably not true though). florence nightingale hated him even though they had similar ideas about medicine because they had such a clash of personalities in the brief time they worked together

-he was a vegetarian and took a goat with him on sea voyages so he could always have fresh milk

-even though he had an abrasive personality and made a lot of enemies, his patients, especially the women, really loved him because they felt like he knew what he was doing and actually cared about their health

-he died poor because the british army ripped him off >:/

edit i almost forgot the best thing. he didn’t just have one poodle named psyche. he had a bunch. when one died he would get a new poodle and name that one psyche too

“i thought your poodle died?”

“psyche!” [poodle comes trotting in]

this is the best response


Photo of Dr. James Barry in the late 1840s:

You can read more about Dr. Barry here.



I’ve never seen a meme with such a clear expiration date as “let’s raid Area 51 on September 20th” because some loon is gonna do it and they’re either gonna get shot or disappeared and ain’t nobody gonna be joking about it any more

us on september 20th when someone photographs and liveblogs their journey into area 51 and they suddenly stop posting


what is a transmed?

being a transmed means:

  • we believe you need gender dysphoria to be trans
  • we want being transgender to remain medicalised (hence transmedicalism) so that HRT and surgery will be covered by insurance

being a transmed does NOT mean:

  • that we hate tucutes
  • that we think you have to hate yourself to be trans
  • that we think your dysphoria has to be crippling
  • that we are against non-binary people
  • that we believe you cant explore your identity
  • that we believe you cant be gnc
  • that we think you have to medically transition
  • that we think you have to pass
  • that we think you have to bind, tuck, pack, etc.
  • that we are gatekeepers
  • that we are transphobic
  • that we are inherently bad
  • literally anything other than i believe you need dysphoria to be trans

im adding to the list as i see tucutes spread more lies about what transmeds believe. while indivual opinions may differ, the label “transmed” means one thing and one thing only: you need dysphoria to be trans. dont spread lies or ill throw my laptop into the raging fires of hell :(


literally any pet name with "boy" at the end is absolutely fantastic. getting verbal affection AND gender affirmation?????? hell fuckin yeah brother sign me up !!


One of my favorite tropes is post apocalyptic towns being named after dilapidated signs with missing letters, like Novac (no vacancy) and Eaden (dead end). There’s something inexplicable about it


Y’all know that photo set of Justin calling Ellen where he’s like “hi my name is-“ (panicked glance at the camera) “-Zach-“

Someone draw that but it’s Duck coming up with his name


In the wake of Pride Month, Travis McElroy has confirmed it. The Bisexuals™ all have magic powers. Spread the truth, folks!


this gif but dani and aubrey are kissing and jake is the one jumping (hopefully the gif works)


It’s New Jersey’s hit podcast, My Boyfriend My Boyfriend And Me 

Based on this hilarious bit from the MBMBAM TV show, which was just perfect because I love the idea of Michael, Jeremy and Rich doing a podcast together



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