can i dream for a few months more?


please listen to kill v main
by grimes thank you | icon is
currently: bae joo hyun

what is adolescence if not leaving and being left?

1. iain s. thomas | 2. alison zai @alisonzai | 3. @chloeinletters | 4. mikko harvey | 5. fleetwood mac | 6. the breakfast club (1985), john hughes | 7. lorde | 8. miranda july | 9. richard siken | 10. @mavra-matia | 11. homer | 12. amy hempel | 13. mitski | 14. katrin koenning | 15. freya ridings |


people who became reliant on al jazeera for news on the israeli genocide in gaza: pls know that AJ might not cover the american bombing of yemen in the same way due to politics, however, this doesnt mean that civilian areas in yemen arent being bombed at all (eg airports) so pls look at other sources for accurate reporting eg almayadeen english


when snow says "it's the things we love most that destroy us" we always assume it's about lucy gray but are we sure he's talking about lucy gray and not about his love for power and control that destroyed his relationship with lucy and with sejanus and later destroyed him as a human being

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