actual Trash™

@transezekieljones /


This isnt a hot take but feminism which centers around periods/vaginas/boobs as Things Which Unite All Women is an untrustworthy brand of feminism

slogans like “no pussy no power” “viva la vulva” “not an ovary-action” etc as stand-ins for “i support women” are more damaging than yall think bc centering ur feminism around things which only cis women experience a) alienates trans women who dont experience them, b) is harmful to ppl who DO experience them but arent women, & c) furthers the mentality that gender = genitals/trans women dont really have a place fighting for womens rights. none of that is as progressive as yall think holding up a sign with a vagina on it is, same goes 4 writing that shit on pads. not every woman has a vagina & not everyone with a vagina is a woman, and feminism which marginalizes entire subsets of us for the sake of a catchy slogan isnt good feminism


i finally updated my blog list on here to my current rp blogs if you’re interested in that.


i am currently rping smut in one tab & writing gay love poems in the other.


may the new decade brought in by 2020 only increase my lesbianism

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