
Đàm (Epis)

@epiphyllum1902 / epiphyllum1902.tumblr.com

Nice to meet you all

MaruMA Novels - Afterword volume 2

Volume 2 - This Time it’s the Ultimate Ma!Weapon! Afterword

Hello everyone, we got new contente in english from one of our awesome translators. This is not a story but it’s still really nice to be able to read T-sensei comments! 

I hope you all enjoy it too.


Friendly reminder, Live Chat

Hello all, we have a live chat this Saturday for the MA-Event

Anyone who’s interested in chatting with other fans please save the date. We often do some games if the participants like the idea, but these chats are mostly to meet and freely talk about the series. We also talked about watching together the 3rd musical again.

The chat will be held at 10am Argentina time, please check in google your timezone difference. Asia is around 12hs ahead.


OH MY! I didn’t see this! Such a beautiful Royal Couple illustration! (if you can, pls tag “kyou kara maou” for maruma illustrations! Thanks!)


You can repost

Hey, I noticed some manga chapters are not out there in online pages, but we do have them HERE

Also, we have a lot of Drama CDs (audios HERE, translations HERE). Just take them and upload it to youtube or something.

You’re free to post stuff anywhere, we even encourage it. We want the material to be available.


Piano Cover of Arigatou, which is the ending song to season 2 of Kyou Kara Maou! Such a good song and show! ❤

My fav ❤️ and the most touching emotional also... I cried once


Did a little cover of Gunter’s theme! It’s a WIP as the strings are a bit too loud and for some reason I felt compelled to throw in a snip of Wolfram’s theme at the end… I’m wondering if I should make a medley or something….

Omg so so beautiful


Let’s watch maomyu 3 together

Hello all,

For everyone who would like to see maomyuu 3 subtitled and enjoy one of the live chat meetings, we’ll be doing this on Saturday 9, this next weekend! The video will be available in youtube just like the other two musicals, but it’ll be posted on that day for the event.

Please save the date~

Hell yeah!!!! I live for this moment <3


Piano cover of Youki from the Kyou Kara Maou OST! I always think of the scene where Wolfram first wears those really cute pink pjs haha!

Thank you <3


Piano Cover of Arigatou, which is the ending song to season 2 of Kyou Kara Maou! Such a good song and show! ❤


English version of Kyou Kara Maou

Here, let me translate Kyou Kara Maou to English since apparently it’s so difficult to understand:

A guy travels to another world gets engaged to a former princess. The moment he sees her, he’s completely taken by her appearance. When they have to fight he tries to make her panties drop to win the match. He spends his inner monologues continuously talking about her eyes and beautiful skin and features. How she’s an angel. A wet angel when she jumps into water. He calls her cute. He loves how straightforward she is, how she always tells him the truth. He holds her hand while trapped in a cramped area. He tells her: Wait, wait! You don’t wanna have sex with a sweaty guy and gets in the shower, when she throws herself at him. THEY START SLEEPING TOGETHER. No explanation , just boom, princess decides to sleep with the guy. You start reading about it 3 months after the guy decides to not lock his door and let the princess sleep with him every night. Guy adopts a child, child calls princess mommy. Child is not allowed to sleep with her parents. Princess saves guy’s ass continuously. Guy curves all other girls (and guys, but who cares about that, right?). He takes princess out on adventures, where they always sleep together. Other people also comment, oh I see you sleep together on trips, too? Princess almost dies, causing guy to react in a way he never has before, even though many characters have ‘died’ around him before. The trauma hunts guy forever. When he accidentally hurts her, he feels like literal shit. And crawls around princess trying to cure her, asking her if she hates him. Princess replies of course not, I came to the ends of the world for you. Guys friend dies, he gets into a fight with best friend and is exhausted, finally begging to get in bed with princess, saying to her: I’m so glad I have you. I don’t have the strength to pretend anymore. Cut to black. Guy and princess fight like a married couple. Guy asks princess if she wants a divorce. Guy tells princess he’ll give her anything she wants. Guy, writes 26 things he likes the most about princess in front of her while she does the same. Guy asks princess if she’d cry if he wasn’t there.

Now let me ask you…. do you still need the guy to confess his love for the girl? Do you wonder if the guy likes the princess? 

Okay, well in the Japanese version the princess is a prince.

If I hadnt read the tittle… I wouldn’t know…


The first Maomyu is out too!

This is ~Mageki - Birth of the Maou~,  the complete, uncut/unedited, version from the DVD release.

This is the second release for the youtube channel, hooray! Eventually I’ll post the third one as well, but that’ll take time. I’ll continue with the upload of every song per separate of the two musicals that are posted right now, and we’ll see how this progress to start posting the drama cds as well.


Para los fans en español, les confirmo que se van a agregar subtitulos en este idioma también, pero estoy enfocada en terminar la novela 8 primero.


Conrart: Did you have another fight with Anissina?

Gwendal: ……

The only times Gwen asks his brother to drink with him is when he has a fight with Anissina.

Ahhh, that sounds super cute! Brother support ♥

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