
Life, the Universe, and everything... and prune juice


Greetings Terrans or as you may call yourselves, humans,you have stumbled forth onto property. Your alien culture is quite new and strange to me but I doth enjoy it much. As you most likely have assumed, I am not considered a true warrior amongst my people and quite a pathetic, laughable oddity. However, perhaps I can find a companion in you. It is now a time for glorious friendship and sharing of art and interests for tomorrow we may all die an honorable and desirable death. Perhaps I fear this more than I should but in the depths of my heart I yearn to yearn. Even if you say I walketh in the way of the coward which I indeed do. If you do not feel at home in my humble court, my house, you may continue to wander forth through the realm known as tumblr. Uh hey, animal-loving, coffeeholic, awkward, anxious, trek-obsesser here who obsesses over fictional characters to the point of shipping herself with them. *Dodges weirded out stares.* I am an INFJ, Taurus, Ravenclaw with a secondary house of Hufflepuff. I also love How To Train Your Dragon, Pixar, Star Wars (especially Han Solo), Castle, Harry Potter, the X-files, Steven Universe, Futurama, books by Douglas Adams, and several other fandoms. I also have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at a young age. While I have had many struggles over my life, there are many strengths that come with it. It bothers me how many misconceptions there are about Autism and I have many intelligent friends who happen to be on the spectrum. Adulting has been challenging but I have been doing my best. I also have generalized anxiety disorder. I suspect I may have Avoidant personality disorder or APD too but I was never diagnosed. This is just a place to post vent-art, fan art, sketches, doodles, other art, opinions, ramblings, fandom-related stuff, and other random crud. I do art as a hobby. I warn you that I may get busy with life, school, and other stuff so if I am not as active at times please don't hold that against me. ^^;

Ravenclaw Headcanon

Some ravenclaws really struggle with not being traditionally smart. They envy their classmates that get better grades. They battle with self worth and the feeling of not being good enough. They try their best, but sometimes they aren’t the strongest readers/writers and sometimes they can’t handle basic algorithms. Although they may not see themselves as the best in class, these are the students that really care to improve themselves, not just for a grade, but to actually learn new things.

I accept this headcanon. Ravenclaws don’t necessarily need to be book smart or traditionally smart. Being curious, out-of-box, creative, and unique are all Ravenclaw qualities. I am fairly academic myself but I don’t fit all of the requirements of a stereotypical Ravenclaw. There are many different types of individuals who can fit into each house. 

  • ravenclaws who skip their first period because they stayed up all night reading. 
  • ravenclaws who don’t pay attention in class because they’re doodling. 
  • ravenclaws who wind up in detention because they don’t do their homework because it didn’t interest them
  • first year ravenclaws who feel like they got sorted wrong because they don’t fit in with the stereotypes of their house

ravenclaws who devour their favorite books in a matter of hours but have average or below grades in school

ravenclaws whose passions lie in music, visual art, or dance.

ravenclaws having emotional breakdowns because their grades are less than perfect despite their best efforts, and their parents and professors have come to expect straight Os.

ravenclaws who stand outside the entrance frustrated because they couldn’t figure out the password and all they wanted was a late night trip to the astronomy tower

ravenclaws who are too shy to ask anyone for help in the common room but are recognized and helped by their mates

ravenclaws who own more paint brushes than books or scribble notes for Transfiguration on the back of sheet music



Ravenclaws who just finished their project that’s due in four hours and are too tired, GODDAMMIT to try and figure out the door’s stupid riddle, so keep saying inane shit until they realize that if they are spending more energy being pissed at the door than it would have taken to actually try and solve the riddle.


Peanut! I call him Peanut, too. The thing is, I think it was me that invented it. But he would never admit that! We just get on really well and we are really good friends. It’s so great to experience this whole thing together. - Daisy Ridley.

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