


AMAB genderfluid she/her Bisexual, leaning towards girls

People with siblings or know a pair of siblings I've got a question for you

the other day I had a conversation with a guy who said sibling friendships don't really count bc that's family and I'm just like, ??? yeah that's my family but I can also like my sister as a person and have a friendship with her. So I'm just curious to see what the general vibe here is.

btw the "it's complicated" option is for ppl who are either estranged siblings, parenting their siblings, or some other issue they've got going on not any weird freak shit(ifkyk)

Anyways choose your option and if want you can explain in the tags


I will be honest if someone posted "I'm a tutor and everyday I watch zoomers try to double tap on books to open them" thousands of you would reblog it and tag "😱 it's so scary that this is what all kids today are really like they're so helpless and stupid omg!!! those damn kids need to get off their phones!!!!"

things a concerning amount of people aged 25-40 on this site believe about today's children:

  • they don't know how to read and this makes them mean and dumb. also even though their meanness and dumbness are the result of poor education, they are still personal character flaws that deserve to be mocked.
  • they are responsible for wide scale censorship in schools and on social media. because, as we all know, children are famously politically powerful, never want to see horny or edgy content, and love it when books are banned in their school libraries.
  • they love to spread misinformation around so they can all armchair diagnose each other and act like they have learning disabilities in order to excuse their laziness about doing school work. obviously they are all liars and just need to just get their acts together and grow up instead of shirking responsibility for their actions like this.
  • they are uniquely cruel in comparison to past generations, and this is because of Phone. and also TikTok. no one has ever been cruel like this before.
  • they would all be much better off with their parents monitoring their internet usage. if they're closeted and their parents are homophobic then, well, sucks for them. kids being abused out of sight is better than them being annoying where I can see them.

Gentle note from a 33 year old just to hammer the point home: hey, this all sounds exactly like the bullshit they used to say about us as kids! Funny thing, that.


When we were the youth being targeted with these statements, we promised we'd remember how that felt when we were the people who could do it to the new generation - we can't forget that promise


"who is the main character in lord of the rings"

you could write a whole fucking dissertation on that and still not have a solid answer.

frodo's the protagonist, sure, but main character is a whole different beast. there's a very compelling argument to be made for aragorn, for instance, as well as for my boy samwise gamgee.


Let's ask the community!

Remember to reblog for a larger sample size.


whats the fucking point of having laws if people can keep making led headlights


I genuinely think the world would be a better place if all lights visible in public at night (including headlights, billboards, and street lights) were strictly regulated in terms of brightness and color temperature. Not just because roads would be safer if everyone weren't being blinded by an LED billboard shining as bright as the sun, but also because light pollution is a real fuckin problem we should be doing something about.

While we're at it the height of headlights on vehicles should be regulated so I don't have some asshole in a Chevy Compensator blazing their high beams into my rearview while tailgating me.


applied for 3 apartments last week, 2 i didnt get anything back and 1 just emailed me back to tell me my income isnt high enough

that's not how it works man i have to show them my tax info and shit

My understanding is that unlike in Canada (and probably the US), the ability to rent in Denmark requires more than just the credit score. Requiring some additional paperwork or whatever.

Well I'm not surprised at all. What else do you expect from basically a socialist welfare state?

  1. i'm not from denmark
  2. i'm not talking about the social system, this is the private market
  3. shut the fuck up
  4. fuck off

Sorry for the crappy quality, I made this in 12 seconds. A geography lesson for my fellow Americans.


They Would NOT Fucking Say That: Stormlight Edition

"He would not fucking say that" originally comes from a post about a Southpark character being happy to be asked for pronouns, or something like that. It's used as a response to OOC speech. So in this post, I am going to challenge myself to provide the MOST out-of-character thing that various Stormlight characters would say. 

So here are things that they would NOT fucking say!

1. Shallan

"Eww! Gross! A cremling!"

2. Lift

"There is no more important or unalienable right than that of private property."

3. Dalinar

"Uniform...code? Please! In Dalinar's army of funky hunks, nothing matters more than individuality and self-expression!"

4. Nale

"Mercy is more important than justice." "The law is really more a suggestion than a rule." "I believe in rehabilitation."

5. Leshwi

"Fighting fair or fighting dirty--that doesn't matter. Only victory matters." "Personally I think we Fused are all super well-adjusted."

6. Lezian

"I can let things go."

7. Adolin

"I think I have enough swords."

8. Navani

"I think science has gone far enough." "Mmm...that person has too many red flags, so I won't date them."

9. Szeth

"You know what sounds good? Brunch."

10. Kaladin

"Lying! It's quick, easy, and free." "Amaram was right." "I'm all about one thing: takin' and breakin' hearts."

I legit cackled at the second Navani one 🤣.


Fuck this person and fuck you for spreading this. Oh no democracy is doomed because Biden didn't fix every single problem with the country in 4 years. Fuck that.

Yeah, what's happening sucks ass, yeah, there's still huge glaring problems. But the choice is between someone who's slowly fixing problems and someone who wants to make them worse.

The Biden administration has refunded student loans, ended non-compete agreements, sued real estate corporations for price fixing, backed Unions across the country with a Department of Labor that's actually pro-Labor, collected back taxes from delinquent b millionaires.

Yeah, his position on Israel is garbage, yeah he hasn't done enough to dismantle the police state, but these are preexisting problems that he hasn't fixed, not problems he's caused. America has a fuck ton of problems, but we can either support the candidate who is fixing some of them or give up and let a totalitarian monster make them all worse.

Fuckin vote. Stop spreading messages of despair.

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