


Sebastian - (he/they) - im just a fanboy on this app, move along - artist - albino - trans - YouTuber

Trans people might like to call themselves a boy instead of a man because:

  • Maybe…. they’re a boy…. Maybe you’re talking to a literal minor…..
  • I’ve seen cis men call themselves boys when they’re in their 50. it’s just a word, different people use it in different ways. It’s Not That Deep.
  • When you look 12 years old at best and waiters offer you the children’s menu at restaurants, it’s easier to explain that you’re a boy than to explain that you’re a man.
  • When you’ve missed out on your entire childhood because you didn’t know you were trans/weren’t out, it’s harder to let go of that and not have the chance to identify as a boy and instead go straight into identifying as a man.
  • Everyone has a bit of difficulty calling themselves a man or a woman when they turn into an adult, this isn’t just a trans specific thing

i need to see y'all reblogging this bc you need to realize that if you feel any aversion to this statements you've internalized gender essentialism and are a step away from terfism, biphobia and homophobia


What are some tricks for getting executive dysfunction to bugger off long enough to do the thing?


     Here are some ideas I’ve either found work for me or I’ve been told work for other people. Hopefully you’ll find some of them effective or, if not, maybe they’ll inspire you to come up with some brand new strategies of your own.

  1. Declare your intent aloud. Announce to yourself (and other people, if they’re around) that you’re going to do the thing you need to do. Eg: “I will clean the sink.” “I am going to have a shower.”
  2. Talk yourself through the task. Narrating the steps of my current task as I do them helps me to concentrate and follow through. Eg: “I am gathering the empty cups from the table and putting them in the sink.” Sometimes I can then even start narrating things I am not doing and I’ll automatically follow through because it’s become a habit in the moment. If a task involves reading, try reading it aloud.
  3. Steal the energy from elsewhere. Engage with something that makes you feel good first, then ride that high to do the thing that doesn’t. If the task involves doing something physical, put on some energetic music that makes you want to dance and then channel that dance energy into task energy.
  4. Hype yourself up. Channel your inner feel-good sports movie coach and start telling yourself how awesome you are, how you’re gonna kick this task’s butt and this task doesn’t stand a chance. Repeat random over-the-top motivational phrases until the motivation has no choice but to appear, like summoning an eldritch being by annoying them until they acknowledge you.
  5. Break the task into steps. Very often I’ll have trouble tackling tasks, even simple ones, just because I don’t know where to start and the whole thing feels bigger than it is. In this case I find it helps to determine the steps that a task involves and do them one at a time, treating each one as its own job. Eg: Instead of “I will write an essay” try “I will write an introductory paragraph” or even just “I will write an introductory sentence”.
  6. Write the steps down. Goodness knows I can’t follow verbal instructions for the life of me unless they’re given one step at a time. Rather than trying to keep the steps straight in your head, write them down and keep referring back to that list when you get sidetracked, lost, or stuck.
  7. Do the task out of order. If the task allows it, try doing whatever part is most appealing first to ease yourself into the workflow.
  8. Make the workload smaller. If jobs like doing dishes or laundry seem like too much work, consider if you can get rid of some of the clothes or dishes to cut down on how much work there is in the first place. If you’ve committed to too large a project, see if you can simplify it or distribute the work involved among a group.
  9. Narrow your focus. Rather than tackling an entire task at once, try breaking it into easier-to-manage chunks. If you need to do laundry or dishes, specify that you’re only going to wash shirts or plates. If reading an entire book is intimidating, assign yourself a certain number of pages at a time. If reading an entire page of text is intimidating, try covering the page with a loose piece of paper and slowly revealing lines as you read.
  10. Do it in five minute increments. Set a timer for five minutes and do the task for the duration. If you feel like you could do a little more, keep at it. If you’re still struggling, give yourself a break (you can also time your break if you find that helps) and try again later.
  11. Use a buddy. See if there’s someone who’s willing to have a call going or who will come sit by you or even just check in every once in a while to keep you accountable. ADHDers are notorious for lacking internal motivation, so employing someone else to externalize it can make a big difference.
  12. Be kind to yourself. Sometimes, no matter what you do, your brain just doesn’t want to cooperate. If you feel yourself getting frustrated, remember that it’s not your fault. Take a step back, have a snack or drink of water, give yourself some time to decompress, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Taking care of yourself will help you to actually be in good enough condition to do the job.

     I’ve also talked more in-depth about how I personally tackle doing tasks despite executive dysfunction here, and I have an ADHD Writing Advice post here that has some tips that may be applicable to tasks other than writing.

     To others who struggle with executive dysfunction, what are some strategies you’ve discovered work for you?


The amount of posts I’ve started typing and then deleted because I don’t want to get hate

This makes me sound like a shit person to clarify it’s about how I don’t like Nutella


okay upon seeing your first post I was going to encourage you to speak your mind but now I'm glad I didn't


It occurs to me that there are people who weren’t on this website in 2012 and therefore never saw the magical gif that you can actually hear:

It’s been over five years and that still impresses the hell out of me.

wdym you can hear it?

Basically, it’s a form of synesthesia, movement-hearing. In this case, you expect to hear a thud, so you do. It’s estimated that 20% of people experience this type of synesthesia, as opposed to 2-4% for other kinds.


wow been a while since I've had the pleasure of hearing that gif


other ppl i guess: *use ‘its magic’ as a way to not think about it anymore*

me, compelte idiot: *uses ‘its magic’ as an excuse ot come up with excessively convolued magic systems using stuff i barely understand* 


wizard: *uses ‘its magic’ to ‘cast spells’ and ‘potions’*

fuck you you cant cast a potion you idiot. amateur mistake

this fucking dipshit doesnt know how to cast a potion

Casting a potion, step one:


a fucking MOLOTOV


it could be worse. you could be 5′1″. 

it seems i’ve struck a nerve amongst the short people. time to take precautions *places this post on the highest shelf*


was just Remembering how you’d be out with a friend and you’d each order a different cocktail and you’d ask “what’d you get?” and they’d read the description off the menu and you’d be like “ooh that sounds good” and then they’d say “try it!” and then you’d have a lil sip of their drink and they’d have a lil sip of your drink and you’d decide which one was best and you wouldn’t give each other a life-threatening respiratory infection


i wish there wasn’t such a stigma around being proved wrong, bc it’s a part of life, no one can be right all the time. if we didn’t feel as much shame about it i think a lot of things would change a lot faster

we all need to practice saying “I hadn’t thought of it like that” “I hadn’t seen it that way before” “I must have misunderstood the first time I heard about it” “if I had known those facts I wouldn’t have thought like I did”


I know people who also need to learn how to not make the person in the wrong feel like absolute shit about being wrong.


the dichotomy of people thinking spencer reid/mgg are mind meltingly hot and also people insisting reid is this pure baby virgin never-had-a-relationship-and-can’t-hold-adult-relationships is super fucking weird i dont know why y’all do that

trick question: it’s the infantilization of autistic people :)))


Why is tumblr so weird?

And I am not talking about the content on this website… I am talking about the website itself, like from a technical standpoint…

for example: the Create Post window looks like this:

but when you zoom in 200% with your browser it suddenly changes to this?

and this window doesn’t just look different, it is miles ahead of the other one in every single way, for example this his the build in text editor:

yeah, you can change color and font without doing any HTML bullshit… 

And the wildest thing… you’re not limited to one kind of post with this create post window… 

You want to create a hybrid post that has pictures, text, a video and music? you can just do that no problem…


I didn’t know this so I am guessing quite a few of you probably don’t know about it either…

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