


m o v e d // probably keeping this acc for a bit

cryptid mood of the day: looking up at Denny’s and seeing a french fry taped on the ceiling


class lecture:

1 + 1 = 2


Your friend Sandy has five apples, you took one. How many does she have left?


You in the kitchen eating wine and your gf went upstairs to purchase a pair of dimes then you see a cucumber-shaped fish in the patio running to the store to purchase 57 commodities. What is the volume of the water bottle in mm³? 



this is my entry for a Splatoon 2 comp over on Nintendo UK, super fun to draw i don’t think i’ve done such a huge image in a long time! 

I think my favourite part is the jelly boy on the flag line, that or the hidden switch logo :3c


You would not believe your seat

Boot too big for gotdamn feet 

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