
Sacred Self


Be Yourself, everything that makes you happy, spiritual, excited & beautiful. Thats what being your sacred self is to me. ;) Just an FYI this is a NSFW blog because some of my content is not pg. Also most of my content is just me exploring things im interested in and therefore reblogged or posted from places around the internet. If I repost something of yours and you want it taken down just message me. Enjoy.

Seizure First Aid. 

Learn it. Share it. Know it. Use it. 

100% correct medical information on tumblr for once; also consider calling 911 if you don’t know how often the person has seizures and ESPECIALLY if the seizure has lasted 5 minutes or more (which is why the watch is critical)

I have epilepsy so making sure the word is out on how to help people who do have seizures means a lot to me.


Oh my god, accurate epilepsy information. I am so happy, you have no idea.

One of my best friends has epilepsy, as of right now it averages to her having over 1 seizure EVERY DAY. I’ve had to help her with seizures at home, in public, while she’s awake, and in her sleep. She has had concussions, scars, 3rd degree burns, and skin grafts due to her epilepsy. She has literally had them in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. This information is LIFE SAVING.

“If you let people into your life a little bit, they can be pretty damn amazing.”

— Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian


The Hulk ain’t never lied.

I can’t even express how much respect I have for Mark Ruffalo.  The dude’s on the US terrorism watchlist for fuck’s sake.

Wow, standing up for the health and well-being of the people gets you branded a terrorist in this country.

mark ruffalo is also a big environmental activist. he came to our school my freshmen year to talk against fracking in our community, seeing as that is a HUGE topic for the binghamton area.

i have a lot of respect for mark ruffalo. he doesn’t do those ~gimmicky~ activist pushes. this is something he does when he’s not acting. this is something he would do even if he weren’t an actor.

“We are the same as plants, as trees, as other people, as the rain that falls. We consist of that which is around us, we are the same as everything. If we destroy something around us, we destroy ourselves. If we cheat another, we cheat ourselves.”

— Buddha

“I’m so eager to see you again, but I wouldn’t ask to see you. Not because I’m proud. In fact, in front of you, I cede all my pride. Yet only if you asked to see me, our meeting would be meaningful to me.”

— Simone de Beauvoir, A Transatlantic Love Affair: Letters to Nelson Algren


5 Things to Give Up to Live the Life You Want

Imagine sitting on your deathbed. Would you be content dying, looking back at how your life turned out? It’s a scary thought—being left with the cold impression of distance between where you are now and where you may never end up if your time dries up to its very last second. So, how can you prevent yourself from being filled with regrets and empty dreams? Psych2Go shares with you 5 things to give up to live the life you want and 5 things to nurture:

1. Give up on instant gratification and the short-term mindset.

There’s a difference between setting short-term goals that help you achieve long-term goals later down the road and setting short-term goals that only give you temporary results. For instance, rather than working on eating healthier and exercising more to achieve the ideal body you want for the summer, why not work on sustaining those healthy habits for life? Perhaps it’s less daunting to make success temporary, so you don’t have to worry about …


20 Self Love Affirmations

1. “I am beautiful.”

2. “I love and approve of myself.”

3. “I choose to think thoughts that enhance my life greatly.”

4. “I am worthy.”

5. “I accept myself exactly as I am.”

6. “Forgiveness is the door out of my past.”

7. “When I forgive myself, it is easier for me to forgive others.”

8. “I accept that I cannot change anyone but myself.”

9. “My life is constantly improving.”

10. “I understand that in order to grow, change is needed.”

11. “I flow easily with life.”

12. “I am worthy of forgiveness.”

13. “All experiences are opportunities to grow.”

14. “I welcome positive change with ease.”

15. “I am deeply grateful for all of the wonderful people and things in my life.”

16. “I radiate good health.”

17. “I only give my body goodness.”

18. “I trust my intuition.”

19. “I lovingly think in a positive way.”

20. “I am at peace with myself.”

Reblog and share this with your friends if you find it helpful. Spread the LOVE! 

Follow @psych2go for more


#when is chris evans not steve rogers though


I have


no idea


what you’re


talking about


i do believe this is my fifth time reblogging this

apart form sebastian though he goes from this to this


seb’s the weird cousin

This is amazing oml

Seb’s the fanboy they grew to connect with the audience


@snowyseba This explains everything!

I’ve only seen this post in screenshots on pinterest. I love it.

I think you missed the other fanboy…

Love this

Everybody says Seb isn’t like Bucky… but he IS. He’s Bucky without a mask on. Bucky’s always wearing some sort of mask. Even around Steve. Seb is what Bucky would be like if he’d had the chance to just ~be~.


Um we’re forgetting someone…


Not to forget our “Wizard”:


I’ve found it. I’ve found the perfect post.

it’s on my dash jdnckdmd

these dorks lmaoo

I love everyone omg they’re all so amazing???


Don’t forget

Chris looks so hot in that first gif set


Omg I found THE original post! Holy shit I’ve only ever seen screenshots of this!

This post pops up on my dash every few months and I will never not reblog it.


This is too good to not reblog

Everybody see this, this is the quality trash I came to Tumblr in the first place.

“I was in my late twenties, so I had a business, but nobody knew who I was at the time. I was headed to the Virgin Islands and I had a very pretty girl waiting for me, so I was, umm, determined to get there on time. At the airport, my final flight to the Virgin Islands was canceled because of maintenance or something. It was the last flight out that night. I thought this was ridiculous, so I went and chartered a private airplane to take me to the Virgin Islands, which I did not have the money to do. Then, I picked up a small blackboard, wrote “Virgin Airlines. $29.” on it, and went over to the group of people who had been on the flight that was canceled. I sold tickets for the rest of the seats on the plane, used their money to pay for the chartered plane, and we all went to the Virgin Islands that night”

Richard Branson | @louderminds

Source: louderminds
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