
Oofer Gang


Community Label: Mature
Anonymous asked:

Barbara isn’t one to hold grudges so when she and Dick began dating again, they decided to be poly and after Starfire, she invited Helena into their bed. Their friendship grew stronger because of it. They also invited Dinah because the sexual tension was too obvious.

Community Label: Mature

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Community Label: Mature
Anonymous asked:

Diana Celebrated her birthday by having a foursome with Steve, Bruce, And Selina.

Community Label: Mature

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Community Label: Mature

While in bed with Selina, Bruce will occasionally repeat his infamous “Quiet or Pappa spank” line. Selina doesn’t like to admit it, but she likes it.

Community Label: Mature

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Community Label: Mature
Anonymous asked:

Barbara isn’t one to hold grudges so when she and Dick began dating again, they decided to be poly and after Starfire, she invited Helena into their bed. Their friendship grew stronger because of it. They also invited Dinah because the sexual tension was too obvious.

Community Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.

Community Label: Mature

While in bed with Selina, Bruce will occasionally repeat his infamous “Quiet or Pappa spank” line. Selina doesn’t like to admit it, but she likes it.

Community Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.

Community Label: Mature
Anonymous asked:

Diana Celebrated her birthday by having a foursome with Steve, Bruce, And Selina.

Community Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.


I wrote a book! Very excited to announce that my first book, Sex Lives of Superheroes, will be coming out next year, published by the good people at Smart Pop Books!

It’s a series of comedic (yet scientific) essays that explore how super powers would affect the sex lives of the heroes that have them. And boy do things get weird. I can’t wait to share some strange science and big laughs with you all in 2024!

Community Label: Mature
Anonymous asked:

At one point in their lives, Power Girl and Zatanna searched the net for all the porn made about them that fall under the "extreme content" category and had Z cast spells and summon shit to recreate the ones they though were the most illogical

To their horror and annoyance, they found out they really like extreme breast fetishes

Community Label: Mature

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